
Worth Quotes

There are 3313 quotes

"Life is hard sometimes. You will struggle with depression, you will struggle with money, your friends will be imperfect support systems, but life is still worth it."
"You were strong enough to take that journey, and it was totally worth it."
"It's going to be hard work, but it's always worth it."
"Love is worth all of the pain that might happen. To feel love and to attain love, it's worth the possible rejections."
"Do not be deterred by the thorn amidst the roses. It's a reminder that, sure, there are bad things that could happen...but is it worth it? Absolutely."
"Do not be deterred by the thorn amidst the roses. The roses are still worth it."
"Kindness also recognizes the worth of a person."
"Your life is worth living; it's worth remembering."
"God never said it would be easy, but he did say it would be worth it."
"Life is not always good. Life is not always rosy. But life is worth living."
"To make something beautiful is to make it worthwhile and to participate in that transcendence."
"How do you know it's worth it? You don't. That's the whole point. You got to take a risk."
"Early sobriety sucks by the way. It's an up-and-down roller coaster of emotions. But that does not mean that it's not worth it."
"I need a life so rich that I can justify its suffering... Oh my God, that was so hard, it was worth it."
"You are worth waiting for. You're like this amazing person they don't want to let go of. They don't want to lose you."
"Even the weakest person has something valuable to offer; no one is worthless."
"God knew about the abortion, the divorce, the promiscuity, and He still said her worth is not up for debate."
"For all that trouble, of me packing and all that for a dollar fifty, it's just not worth it."
"We're all made in the image of God, and so we all have our inherent worth."
"This journey was never easy, but it was worth it."
"It is a little bit of a tough trek at some points, but I can tell you honestly that it's completely worth the journey if you're willing to take it."
"Even if your soul went nowhere after you died, to live in that state for five seconds would be worth your life."
"You are already perfect. You are already beautiful. You are already worth it."
"This is a restaurant worth paying big bucks for."
"Ultimately, I'd say no. Is it worth it? I'd say no."
"I am worthy, I am worth it, I can do this, I deserve success, wealth, love, abundance in all the highest forms."
"Friendship isn't always fun and it isn't always easy, but it's definitely something worth fighting for."
"Don't give up, it might take a long time but it's going to be very, very well worth it."
"Was it worth it spending all this money on all these college apps? 100,000% yes."
"That was totally worth the two and a half to three-hour drive here."
"But it's worth discussing and talking about."
"You're much more beautiful and worthy than you might think."
"Your net worth is determined by your network."
"I was pretty pumped to get that thing back. I'm sorry that it cost you some money to fix your gear shift but totally worth it from my perspective."
"Heavy is the head, is the crown worth it? Yeah, man, it is, it is."
"You already are purchased, you already are precious, and so because of that glorify God and live in Thanksgiving for what he's already done for you."
"We all deserve at least that, and you cannot possibly appreciate how much it makes a difference."
"Is it worth it? Well, I think for your first time playthrough, it's definitely worth it for the novelty."
"Was it worth the long wait and all the drama, people shooting up buses and all his shit? Was it really worth all of that? Probably not."
"Fear is a game that deserves your money and your time."
"Love is worth fighting for, something you've been struggling to perhaps get for a long time."
"The black woman is beautiful, worthy, and capable."
"You deserve what you've earned and you've earned a hell of a lot more than you're getting paid now."
"Now living in it a few months, was it worth doing this? Or should we have just kept the old one? Ah, no. That was, it was worth all the blood, sweat, and tears for sure."
"Everyone you love in your life is gonna hurt you. The key is finding out who's worth suffering for."
"This is a fight worth having no matter the cost."
"One day of happiness is worth more than 20 years of misery."
"You survived because of me. It wasn't worth it."
"First impression was whoa, this was totally worth it."
"The 500 Hogwarts Express collector's edition is totally worth it to me."
"We got a major find here. I think it's easily worth every penny."
"Liberal democracies have a culture that is worth fighting for and that is good."
"It's never really what you're worth, it's what you negotiate."
"Wake up, grow up, man up, girl up, it up, whatever you wanna call it, wake up!"
"It's worth fighting relentlessly, never giving up. It's worth it."
"Just because something is difficult to attain doesn't mean that it's valuable."
"However long it takes, it's always worth it."
"If you're not open to any kind of risk, why would you be worth the gain?"
"Every single one of you... takes inspiration from something I do, that's all worth it."
"Killzone 2 is a great package in a game well worth revisiting all these years later."
"Dignity comes from our worth and it comes from God ultimately if you believe in God."
"Wondering if all this fighting was worth it."
"The sacrifices you make today will be worth tomorrow."
"Your true soul mate is going to be someone who's going to choose you straight away and recognize your worth straight away."
"If it's funny, it's worthwhile doing it. If it's funny, it's a joke."
"They know you're worth waiting for, divine timing at work."
"You're reflecting on the relationship and deciding if it's worth it."
"They really want you to trust and see them as being worth waiting for."
"Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is definitely worth picking up."
"Surely we can't keep doing this. This connection is worth fighting for."
"If it doesn't cost much money, it's not worth much money."
"Open your heart because it's definitely going to be worth it."
"Even when people are attacking me right now, guess what? It's still worth it."
"There is so much beauty and so much attachment to this world... it's so worth living."
"As long as you know that something is worthwhile and you don't give up on that thing, it is worth it."
"Experiences you can spend your money on are always worth it."
"We both felt like what we had was very real and it was very, very much worth fighting for."
"Every member has value... everyone has an incredible inestimable worth in the sight of almighty God."
"But dude this moment right here, it's all worth it, absolutely it's literally all worth it."
"This is worth waiting for, this connection, this situation."
"It's a transformation that is totally worth it."
"The memories people have with these plushies are their true worth."
"Eventually, we'll have a new start but is it worth it?"
"If you're into cameras, the upgrade is definitely worth it. That 48-megapixel camera makes a huge difference."
"Information alone is worthless. Expert education, that's priceless."
"If women can't have kids does that mean she's less valuable? No, no."
"Relationships are challenging, hard to maintain, but worth it."
"Change your mind, you're much more beautiful and worthy than you think."
"A lot of the things that are worth it in life are going to be difficult."
"If you can receive and accept me at my worst, then you definitely deserve me at my best."
"I got bags, oh yeah, trust me, this is worth it for you guys."
"Love is always worth it, no matter how long it takes."
"To come out with something like this, totally worth it."
"Crab is good, it is admittedly a little time consuming, but it is worth it."
"Tarak just isn't worth your time and it feels as prehistoric and dated as the dinosaurs it features in its gameplay."
"I didn't say it would be easy, but it will be worth it."
"I think it's so tough but it's definitely worth it."
"It was absolutely worth it, definitely worth it."
"You truly are worth everything you receive. I'm so happy you exist."
"I would say the best piece of advice that I could give would be marriage is incredibly hard, marriage is incredibly rewarding, and totally worth it if you find the right person."
"Is it going to be worth the price? I think so."
"It's not cheap, but for someone like me, it's absolutely worth it."
"It's always worth the wait when it is of the Lord."
"All the discomfort, any pain, or any issues with recovery totally worth it."
"The worth of your soul is more than all the gold, the silver, the petroleum."
"Even today it's definitely worth having in your collection."
"You're worth the effort, if only they could put in the effort."
"Don't doubt the struggle if you know for a fact that someone or something is worth it."
"You've waited and you've waited, and it may have been painful, but it's really worth it."
"If they don't see your worth, let them see when you're long gone."
"Self-care is a lot of work, but it's worth it."
"Your life is worth more than all the money in the world."
"You are someone that deserves nothing but the best."
"If someone can get something positive out of our story then it was 100 worth doing."
"It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it."
"When you find like the one thing that works, it'll be totally worth it."
"We may be throwing away our student lives but I promise you it is well worth it."
"The right people around you will know your worth; you won't have to prove that to anybody."
"Just because it's going to be challenging doesn't mean it's not worth it."
"It's very simple but it's something that isn't easy but it's definitely worth it."
"You are truly loved, regardless of what these people have done to you or what they're doing."
"The unbelievable estimate of how much it was worth hung over his mind."
"Peace is always worth a conversation."
"I don't think your value is your net worth; I think your value is all the things that you can do for others."
"Do that if you want to, and everyone out there, please take care of yourself because you deserve it. You really, really do."
"This true gem energy is you, learning how to love yourself, how to value yourself, knowing your worth."
"It was worth it; I'd do it again in a heartbeat."
"I'm thinking it might just be worth it."
"You're never going to settle for less because you know your worth."
"It makes all of the struggle worth it when you see those experiences occur now with your child."
"Is not life more worth than meat, and the body than raiment?"
"But there are people out there who won't make you feel worthless. You just have to let yourself meet them."
"You deserve to feel all the confidence in the world, I promise you it is worth it."
"Now I'm starting to realize my self-worth and who I am."
"England never lost a king of so much worth."
"I'm not expecting an arm and a leg for this stuff because I know what it's worth."
"For regardless of how much it's worth, Takuya treats every mango with respect."
"Everybody got a price, how every dog got his day."
"Take your time; it can be worth it."
"Nothing of value comes without hardship."
"It's never easy, but it is worth it."
"There's something very powerful about the idea that there are some things in this world that are worth protecting and they're worth saving."
"If you want to know what it looks like, it's a messy history at times, but it's worth knowing."
"The beautiful site was definitely worth all the stress."
"You are worth this moment of acknowledgment and love because you have value, and nothing that I'm doing is more important than you."
"But you feel so much better on it, which does make it so, so worth it in the end."
"The people that do stuff, do stuff, and the people that sit on the sidelines and talk are worthless."
"Meeting you and one day with you is worth the 20 years in Hell."
"Self-love attracts another that knows his or her worth."
"I'm not attracting a [__] anymore, I'm attracting someone worth waiting for."
"Was this journey worth the result? Absolutely."
"Your future spouse is going to be worth the wait."
"It has been worth it. I think it's been an eye-opener for me."
"It was totally worth every moment of it."
"It's an additional extra that I think is really worth it."
"...it was so worth it and we knew."
"Never going to be worth less than that."
"Thank you so much for joining us in this, some have called it a worthless journey, to me it has been an absolute pleasure."
"At the end, everyone was happy, which made everything worth it."
"If I made one person happy, it's all been worth it."
"That is totally, totally worth the money."
"For $88,000, is it worth it? Absolutely."
"He was a man who was worth more than a hundred Vikings."
"It's gorgeous, that was worth it."
"If it's easy, it ain't worth doing. If it's worth doing, it's going to be a little hard."
"Your appearance does not dictate your worth. What is more important than how you look is how you behave, how you treat other people, and how you treat yourself."
"What makes the job worthwhile are the incredible discoveries that an archaeologist can make."
"You want those kind of people around here that have the mentality that things have value."
"I would absolutely drive one of these every day, I think that the features, the function, the feel behind the wheel totally worth it."
"The value is in the worth, not in the number."
"Five dollars is a very small price to pay for this priceless gem, this priceless revelation of your very salvage."
"He guesses the diamond on a dung hill is still a diamond."
"Sentimental value is a real value; it just doesn't have a dollar amount to it."
"Be so gifted that no amount of money becomes worth it to pay you."
"If you're worth anything, your companions would be following you entirely of their own free will."
"It's terrible for someone to judge a person's worth by their appearance."
"If I'm helpful to you, if I'm pleasing to you, if I'm a benefit to you, then I must be somebody of worth and value."
"...Erica however tells him that no matter what rank he places He Still Remains as valuable as ever."
"You are a magical being with a uniqueness and worth that comes from just being you."
"You are one of a kind and you deserve so much better than that."
"For what you gain in terms of power and brawn, I'd say it's worth it."
"You need to get so confident and so obsessed with yourself that you see all of the worth and the light and the value you bring."
"May God bring people who know your worth, bring people who know your value, and connect you to them by faith."
"It was worth every penny, whatever it was."
"You have intrinsic value and worth simply because you're created in the image of God."
"Worth every point, like the weight of this, the quality of it."
"Come and show me your worth or be struck down before my blade!"
"True love, healthy love is worth waiting for."
"It's totally worth it in that regard."
"I had to find validation elsewhere because I wasn't the girl getting flowers on Valentine's Day."
"It's money well spent with the increased range."
"Exploration is one of the measures of the worth of a society once its survival is assured."
"You can gain the whole world but what good is that if you lose your soul?"
"This was totally worth the money."
"Everything I've done is worth it as long as you're here, I don't need anything else."
"It was the most costly dinner I've ever had in my life but it was 100% worth it."
"I wake up in the morning and I ask myself, is life worth living, should I blast myself?"
"At the end of the day, he just wasn't worth it."
"...your life is worth more than money."
"It would be worth every second of it."