
Narrative Exploration Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Original films have the liberty to explore uncharted territories of narrative themes, character dynamics, and visual storytelling."
"There's 50,000 ways you can tell the story about a bunch of explorers that make it to Atlantis. What's the most compelling? What's the most emotional?"
"Nier: Automata is perhaps the best of the bunch; it's a meta-fictive, surprisingly uplifting nihilistic postmodern masterstroke."
"Through the story, you can replay it, and then you get to like a different story and different ending, and you feel like you're actually achieving something and shaping the story."
"Petscop 2: A corridor leads to an office, mysteries deepen with images and notes."
"Petscop 7: Insights on Marvin, censored content, and mysterious rooms."
"The fascinating world and its many conflicts and mysteries."
"The most interesting details of this leak aren't the plot details that were in Mass Effect 3; it's the content that was cut."
"Moby Dick stands as a testament to how the true meaning of the greatest works of fiction are not found in a rote recitation of their stories."
"Because since we know they are here now, it’s time to take a deep dive into what this means for the current arc and the future of Elbaf."
"I love the in-between parts of what it's like to live in the Star Wars galaxy."
"One Piece is a dreamlike story about dreams."
"It's a show that thrives on building relationships between the characters to better understand how they function as people."
"It's about both the journey you're trying to convey but also the player's own journey."
"Sometimes it's fun to look at things and try to piece together some kind of hidden narrative behind the curtain."
"With every failure, there’s a lesson to be learned, and that’s where we come in, to explore the fascinating stories behind the biggest world-shattering tragedies mankind has ever experienced… in the context of video games, of course."
"Optional stories will let you check in on what other characters are up to."
"Looking at different story arcs you'll notice that there are different themes explored all throughout the story at different intervals."
"Consider this myth confirmed: can you lead Aurelia through her own rift?"
"We are uncovering the biggest myth ever in the garden Batman chapter 3."
"And the history of the Seanchan is one that I want. It would be vile, I’m sure, and a very dark read, probably darker than anything else in the series. But it would be fascinating."
"The characters in this narrative navigated uncharted territories where love and politics collided."
"I think this leads to Bessie's secret laboratory... Is Bessie behind all of this?"
"Despite the fact that Animal Crossing has virtually no plot, there's a surprising amount of theories that surround the world and characters."
"So not a long time ago I talked about Life is Strange..."
"Who is the true Porter? Sigma or The Thinker?"
"The central theme of A Song of Ice and Fire is intergenerational conflict."
"The deeper we go, the darker and more messed up these stories are gonna get."
"Maybe you're the one who breaks it... maybe there's more to it."
"Things that had been bugging me since the very first game were finally explored here and that's great."
"Cultivate a mindset of detachment, trust the process."
"It'll be a little bit creepy, it'll be a little bit interesting, it'll be mysterious, and we can try to piece together the clues of the narrative together in real time."
"The crux of the game is constants and variables."
"Her true purpose was to get everyone in the fan base to be able to sink their teeth into the world of One Piece once again."
"There are still surprises in store for you yet."
"The real beauty of the game isn't seeing what random places you could put items in but it's more how much Story the game can portray just by unpacking someone else's belongings."
"Every single moving piece if we want to explore siblings we can do sisters or brothers."
"Each of which generates exponentially more questions, each of which generates exponentially more answers."
"It's this attitude, this approach, extra layers of storytelling that don't take up any extra space, that don't directly ask questions, just show us where the questions lie so we can have whatever discussions we want."
"Viewer, let's try to sort out what exactly happened in Half-Life 1. Full spoilers ahead and fair warning, I'll be touching on a couple of things that just straight up aren't represented in Black Mesa, the popular fan-made remake of Half-Life 1."
"Always to be willing to look again in case I'd missed something, always to go back and listen again for the hidden layers of the story."
"This kind of story that comes at the end of the news here on a lighter note... it's a feel-good story."
"Shrek 2 explored what really happens next after 'Happily Ever After.'"
"In a way, almost every underground space in film and tv yields something valuable. They yield the most valuable part of the story."
"Their videos are extensive dives into the media they talk about breaking down their narratives and themes within and usually finding their own reading to interpret."
"In Fallout 2, our quest for the GECK will lead us to Vault City, a gated authoritarian settlement..."
"Game Pass seems like the sort of thing that can really tap into that... it really can create this idea of a story arc."
"I looked at the Ben file earlier... this time, summoning my courage, I selected it."
"What if we created a story where we have a couple of like kids with superpowers just goofing off?"
"The goal is to have really powerful impactful choices that good amounts of our players feel are valid and want to explore."
"But what do you think? Should Marvel go into all the details about where the mutants have been all these years?"
"This was by far the most eloquent and detailed explanation of Star Wars as a whole."
"After all, that's what Fable is about: choice."
"Evermore travels deeper into the singer's fictitious narratives."
"This could have been a really interesting twist."
"I guess we'll have to play through the story ourselves to learn more."
"There's an abundance of great storylines they could go with after exploring all these options today."
"Steven wants the human part of himself even if it would slow him down."
"It's like a choose-your-own-adventure book where you're like, 'That looks normal, I'll read that.'"
"Perhaps Natasha comes back from the soul realm and has to deal with some intense PTSD issues."
"For the first time in a long time in a game, I really want to go back and see how it went the other way."
"The stories of this series explore issues and topics that are usually left undiscussed."
"It’s pretty cool to get these glimpses of the past with Rhaegar and Elia and Aerys."
"Single-player games have a ton of flexibility to try a lot of different things, both narratively and mechanically, that defy the shorthand of multi-player gaming."
"In Sombra's origin trailer, we got one step closer to discovering the truth behind what makes the world of Overwatch tick."
"Honestly, I've really enjoyed how Draco's story seems to have been unfolding."
"Thanks so much for watching Part One of 'What If Harry Was In Slytherin?'"
"With everything we've taken a look at today, there are so many unanswered questions about evil Morty and his plans."
"The history of Vanny and Glitch Trap unveiled through FNAF Special Delivery emails, hinting at a Jekyll and Hyde dynamic."
"What will your story be? Why do we seek them?"
"No other skybox ever has a storyline like that, you can call these storyline quests."
"It's exciting for the future of electric trucks."
"The Wii: where every game has a story waiting to be told."
"Batman is not Batman without Joker... that image is Batman coming to terms with that loss."
"It's fascinating to see Nintendo embracing a wide spectrum of humor and even delving into darker themes."
"Now that we're on to story, what do I think of it? Well, I like the extra background info."
"Persona 3: The Answer attempts to tell a story about grief."
"This is something new, this is different, this is a deviation from the way that I know the one piece story let's see how this goes let's see how it would work if it went this way."
"These books are like cozy armchair literature, offering bite sized brilliance, quick thoughts, and captivating narratives that can be like a gift in those stolen moments of tranquility."
"The Last of Us Part II: An exploration of grief, anger, and trauma."
"It follows a character who wakes up on a Pew in a church in the American South and they are of no discernable race, age, or gender."
"Breath of the Wild 2 is creating a split timeline now."
"This whole series addresses what if people have been asking about for years... what about when they go out and they just... they're saving the world but they're just doing it any which way they want to."
"It's time for a Kingdom Hearts re:coded retrospective. I will try my damnedest to derive meaning from this video game if it kills me."
"It feels like the game did an amazing job retelling the story... but gave us something new to explore as well."
"What if the Scarlet Crusade were able to repel the forces of the Lich King? What if they were able to reclaim the capital of Lordaeron from the Forsaken?"
"Unlocking the town's secrets and the origins of her adopted daughter along the way."
"Every starting location, you can sort of figure out what your story's supposed to be."
"Luke's story opens questions about the force."
"It is a love story between Vin Diesel and Paul Walker."
"The story itself... a human story and Ava's story... in a dual nature."
"I was honestly just fascinated by the story."
"I want to see the ramifications of what's happened in that universe in the intervening decades."
"They introduced Sideshow Cecil and we learned about the two brothers' rivalry..."
"This mystery and intrigue is what made the MCU the MCU and it's so awesome to see the What If series is really just leaning into that."
"Rose Tico... a character to me that I want to learn more about."
"Near Replicant shows the gamer multiple ways in which false assumptions can be made."
"Just wanted to write, unfettered by direction, by responsibility, by any particular chronology or plot."
"Terry's only lead is to talk to Tim Drake, the older man from earlier Robin decades later."
"I'm unraveling how they fell in love and what happened like why have they not spoken 15 years"
"The possibilities are literally endless because we're dealing with the entire Spider-Verse."
"Hina and the Gang have a lot to figure out about not only Licht but the entire world's past."
"Well what I would like to see there's a lot of things I would like to see you know um I kind of agree with um with Laser that you know a show with just filling in the gaps in terms of what has happened in the past will be really cool."
"Let's dive into a brand new world with a brand new hero."
"As far as Dead Space goes, I don't know a lot on the stories, but I do love the world because I did read one of the books that had a really interesting story."
"Near and Far is a storytelling game, but the game itself plays differently. Let me show you."
"There's a lot of interesting potential to see how events play out from her perspective during the events of Village."
"Time loop stories fulfill the dream of being able to live within a reality of our own choosing."
"Embrace the complexity of Dwarf Fortress. It's not about winning or losing; it's about the journey and the stories you create along the way."
"You know, I think Richtofen's journey through this world or worlds, times, ages, whatever you want to call it."
"Fading embers. I mean yeah this might actually be outside of the Goron in the suburbs or something that would be very interesting a very different take I'd be all about that."
"It's just an amazing film because what interests me about it is how it cuts to the quick about American character."
"As we peel back the layers of this chilling historical narrative, we are reminded that the hidden boundary between myth and reality can blur."
"Jedi Fallen Order has been described as Star Wars mixed with Uncharted."
"All tragedies are sad, but so much about this story deserves a deeper look."
"Three hopes is essentially an alternate timeline of Fire Emblem Three Houses, changing them and giving players a new perspective through which to understand the characters and story."
"Final Fantasy 7 challenged everything people thought they knew about gaming."
"There's no wrong, there's no right. It's a choose-your-own-adventure."
"Looking around and observing and taking in a story is gameplay. That can be the substance of an interactive narrative."
"It's not like a linear plot, you explore the Wasteland."
"He pondered the mysterious actions of the self-proclaimed goddess who had brought him to this world."
"The show's characters attempt to navigate all of the so-called truths they're being presented."
"We've arrived at a question: What has happened to Julian Assange? What is his story?"
"In the final shape, we're going to answer questions at the grandest scale, but it's also a very personal Journey."
"It's a really fascinating story with many interconnected narrative studs that remain to be explored."
"I enjoy over the course of a story discovering what it's really about."
"In exploring her narrative, this video probes into the shadows cast by stardom."