
Film Quotes

There are 14716 quotes

"Original films have the liberty to explore uncharted territories of narrative themes, character dynamics, and visual storytelling."
"The upcoming Deadpool and Wolverine film retroactively makes the 2016 Deadpool film part of a journey destined to become MCU Canon."
"Known as a meme within Latin America, this 2002 film is known for its low budget, dark humor."
"To me, the film is representative of the western world's privilege being attained through the slaughtering and the suffering of other people."
"I wanted to make a movie that would have people walk out of the theaters and say, 'My life will never be the same after what I just experienced there.'"
"I think the movie that would be the biggest hit if it opened today, unchanged, would be James Cameron's Aliens."
"As time goes by, it may be one of those movies that continues to be rediscovered, reassessed, and perhaps appreciated a bit more than it was when it came out in 2001."
"It's hard to dismiss the cultural impact the film has made on cinema today."
"The film explored passing and not being able to pass, loving and not being able to love, and above all else, surviving in a world that denied one's very existence."
"2015's Macbeth is without a doubt one of the most visually striking and impressive films ever made."
"There's still an underlying undertone of propaganda, but it's an escape."
"Rocky Horror Picture Show is an example where representation is important."
"Released in 1994, 'The Shawshank Redemption' is probably the greatest movie that no one ever saw when it initially came out."
"The Hunger Games film earned nearly 700 million dollars internationally, making it Lionsgate's most profitable film ever made."
"This lasting film opened to rave reviews, charmed by innovative cinematography, unusual structure, and an all-star cast."
"The regret is not because it's a bad film; in fact, the opposite. It's a very important film to have seen. But I regret it because every time I think of it, my heart breaks again."
"Acknowledging the text of the film is the first step towards criticizing and debating it."
"Kubrick made his breakthrough film 'Eyes Wide Shut' in 1999 to little fanfare."
"Jeff Bezos has so much money, he's trying to make films come true."
"The Day the Earth Stood Still was preserved by the National Film Registry for being culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."
"The reason we love Hitchcock is because he created suspense through edits."
"The whole thing with 'The Dark Knight Rises' is the movie where the romance kind of sneaks up on you."
"It plays wonderfully into the overall path of the film, evoking precisely the sorts of emotions which it sets out to do."
"Filmmakers managed to sneak in queerness despite the best efforts of the morally boring conservatives of the time."
"But I'm a Cheerleader follows the story of Megan Plumfield... 'But I'm a cheerleader' is used by Megan as a defense for her presumed heterosexuality."
"I was devastated by it. It's a really beautiful film and completely emotional."
"I remember reading that final scene and I was like, 'I have to do this film.'"
"I would love to have been in the Barbie film. It looks like they were having the absolute most amount of fun."
"Oppenheimer is one of my favorite films in the world. I saw it more than five times in the IMAX."
"Ubisoft has announced plans to turn several of their game franchises, including Splinter Cell, into feature-length films."
"After Sun is absolutely our favorite film of 2022."
"Film is a liberating thing. It can access our internal dormant spirit, awakening it, molding us."
"To talk about Lav Diaz is to talk about cinematic freedom."
"The first alien movie has a truly timeless quality to it."
"It's one of those movies so significant to pop culture that you know things about it even if you've never actually seen it."
"Creed once of reinvigorating my love of that franchise because all of a sudden this other movie so many years later out of the blue has really strong character development."
"The movie affected us... said so much about the black experience."
"This film is about the two-sidedness of being black... the paradoxes and conflicts and juxtapositions that are inherent to the black experience across the diaspora."
"We participate in the viewership experience it creates, and that experience is half made up of the film, but half made up of who we are."
"On May 16, 1986, the world saw the release of the movie Top Gun, which not only became a huge commercial hit but also raised the heroic image of American fighter pilots to exceptional heights."
"Fantasia is a musical anthology film that features magical scenes backed by classical music."
"Film is the distinctive, narrative form of the 20th century, the signature form of storytelling for the 20th century."
"If you're interested in the art of moving images, it's maybe the best time to be alive."
"A movie has the potential to start a movement. So let's make a movie."
"It feels like more than a movie. This is something more powerful."
"You're trying to stay in a very intimate point-of-view with each of the story threads but have them gradually over the course of the film build up a cumulative picture of a very, very large event."
"It’s wildly different, but I think this is a lot of why Everything Everywhere All At Once resonated with so many people, because its core moral was that even if nothing matters, we can still always choose to be kind."
"So what we’ve got here is probably the most graceful thematic adaptation from a classic to a comic book movie in existence."
"As a 16-year-old kid in 1999, if you asked me to pick one movie that defined my high school experience, my answer would probably be the Wachowskis' debut film, The Matrix. It was inventive and visually groundbreaking."
"I thought that Chris Pratt as Star-Lord was perfect."
"It's a lovely tribute to these two women and celebrates being alive in a brief, hilarious, and heartfelt way."
"It's much more a tribute to this marriage than it is an overwhelmingly depressing film about this disease."
"For a lot of folks in my generation, 'Love & Basketball' is one of the most beloved movies, especially romance films from that era."
"The cabinet of Dr. Caligari, with just one look at this film's striking visuals, it's obvious why it's considered a revolution for Art House horror movies."
"Repulsion is a truly unnerving psychological experience."
"The others is a simple, old-fashioned ghost story, and I love it."
"The Babadook is both a depressing and uplifting film, and it's frightening to boot."
"Hereditary is an utterly enthralling deconstruction of grief that just so happens to come with a few jump scares."
"The Silence of the Lambs is undoubtedly a masterpiece."
"The Shining is the ultimate psychological horror film and one of Kubrick's best."
"These relics bridge the gap between the stories we have witnessed on the Silver Screen and the harsh realities faced by real people."
"If you watch just one martial arts film from the last two decades, make it Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."
"It redefined found footage and I think that's really important and one of the reasons why it's so well loved in the genre."
"Guns Akimbo is an off-the-walls crazy, violent, ridiculous movie with an underlying message about the anonymity of online behavior, keyboard courage, and the dangers of lack of accountability when it comes to trolling and targeted harassment."
"John Carpenter's The Thing is one of my favorite movies of all time."
"Psychological horror movies are some of my favorites."
"When it comes to the very best at writing dialogue, nobody comes close to Quentin Tarantino."
"I went back in and watched a lot of these movies over the last few weeks to get prepared for this and I've noticed the level of music in some scenes nowadays seem to be lower than they were back 30 years ago."
"You can have a good film that honors characters, respects the source material, while also pleasing 'these normies.' It's not rocket science; it just so rarely gets done these days."
"It's a film that was remarkably ahead of its time, almost to its own detriment."
"That imaginary friend was later the inspiration for E.T."
"There are multiple interpretations of Mulholland Drive, and as Lynch has remained cryptic whenever pressed for answers, there can be no definitive guide when it comes to explaining all that Mulholland Drive means."
"Films are entertainment, but they also illustrate truth."
"Ready Player One book is better. The movie changed almost everything."
"Life itself, the Roger Ebert documentary... a massive influence on me."
"A landmark film with Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington."
"Whiplash from Damien Chazelle, JK Simmons is great in this film."
"Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks, one of the best comedies ever made."
"What we do in the shadows from Taika Waititi, hilarious vampire mockumentary comedy."
"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
"The truth of how film blends its reality and fantasy exists in how it uses its environmental sound to create a hidden abstraction."
"Kungu panda in 2008 was so successful in China that it caused a national debate on why the West has made a better film about Chinese culture than the Chinese themselves."
"I love the movies that linger with you, sometimes it's an emotion, sometimes it's an idea."
"I know." (In response to Leia's "I love you" in Star Wars)
"I can't think of out of all these 22 films of an MCU film that has such an emotional punch throughout this whole film."
"Let's make this film a historic event and the start the end of child trafficking."
"Psycho, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, holds up incredibly well for being made in 1960."
"Misery, starring Kathy Bates, is a film about a famous author who meets a fan. That is all I will say about it if you've not seen Misery."
"Carrie is a movie that's carried by the payoff. It has, I mean, it's got like the payoff scene on the poster here. Everyone knows how Carrie ends. It can only end one way, and when it hits, it hits hard."
"The count, in the castle itself, the title of the film as well as the name of the kingdom it takes place within, are taken straight out of the pages of Maurice Leblanc's very own 1925 novel."
"HBO Max has added yet another informative introduction to one of its titles. When Blazing Saddles hit the network's new platform, the Mel Brooks film kicks off not with its opening sequence, but rather an introduction by University of Chicago professor and TCM host Jacqueline Stewart."
"The film's real and much more enlightened perspective is represented by the two main characters. The race-centered comedy features racist language and attitudes throughout. Those attitudes are espoused by characters who are explicitly portrayed here as narrow-minded, ignorant bigots."
"Princess Mononoke is one of the most powerful, complex, and beautiful animated films ever made."
"Like the title of the Rage Against the Machine song that closes the film, the original is about waking up: -♪ Wake up! ♪"
"Film emulation can be very technical, but it's also very artistic... I don't want for any of you to place the importance of the technical accuracy above what I would consider the artistic expression."
"Perfect Blue...is an incredible psychological thriller that portrays the struggles idols go through as they try to move on from the industry."
"It's hard to believe that it was just four years ago, before The Force Awakens came out, that there was nothing but hope and excitement around this character."
"It's a film that exposes the elite for who they are and their insatiable need to have absolute control over everything."
"There would be a movie about this couple that got to the love stone ceremony and they shunned the new partners and they started the whole thing over again together."
"I'd love to be in a movie. I want to make a movie."
"Samuel L. Jackson said that he and Zeus are actually pretty similar."
"Greta Gerwig... she just knocked it out of the park."
"Our hero cop doesn't go on his journey because of anything relating to the dream technology, but because of something much more personal and emotional."
"Film is exactly the opposite. Visual storytelling is as utterly objective as novels are subjective."
"The movie Her seemed like absurd science fiction a decade ago."
"A different era of The Wizarding World in an allnew land that blends 1920s Wizarding Paris from Warner Brothers Pictures Fantastic Beasts films with the iconic British Ministry of magic from the Harry Potter series."
"Nick and Judy are wearing the opposite colors that they usually wear."
"This is probably one of my favorite scenes from the entire film."
"We have to find solutions, it's not enough to say oh there's a problem."
"Spider-Man definitely could have been... nominated for Best Picture."
"The film isn't really about the supernatural. It's about very human ideals and problems."
"I was very excited to hear that they were continuing with the movie."
"The Disney remake of Cinderella is the best example I have ever seen of doing love at first sight perfectly."
"Throw in the Queen of Genovia, Julie Andrews, as Princess Fiona's mother, and you get Shrek."
"But there is one castle more important to Braveheart than all others."
"Daisy Ridley steals the entire film, she is brilliant."
"I'd have to see it multiple more times, but by far this is my favorite Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back."
"The movie hits all the notes you would have wanted from a Simpsons Movie adaptation."
"The movie's expanded length and scale does lend more authenticity to [Homer's] character arc."
"This movie moved me more than any film I've ever seen."
"I just have a religious reverence for this movie."
"Nobody could have played this character better than the legend himself, Samuel L. Jackson."
"One of Megamind's strongest attributes is the shockingly mature story it decides to tell with its characters."
"It's a perfect blend between heartfelt and hilarious."
"Wow what an incredible funny emotional well-written masterpiece."
"Firefly is great because it was canceled. Serenity is great because it was a box office thud."
"Canada's submission for the Academy Award for best international feature film. That's huge."
"Suicide Squad is structurally unsound, a film held together by a broken skeleton."
"This is an ugly film in every sense of that word."
"Anakin Skywalker is the true hero of the movie."
"Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness sets up some really cool possibilities for the future."
"I've never liked the idea of taking rides and turning them into movies, but Pirates of the Caribbean is a perfect movie."
"Closing in at number two, once in a while a filmmaker takes the idea of a spy film flips it on its head and does something utterly unique."
"Loving Vincent was the world's first fully painted feature film, transforming 65 thousand frames into oil paintings."
"Marvel Studios just knows how to make a good prison."
"Black Panther is intrinsically such a collaboration."
"The Triumph of the Will... one of the most effective pieces of political propaganda ever made."
"It's like Christmas! Does Fred Durst know we wanted exactly this movie?"
"Just adapt them straight up, this felt like the most comic book movie of all time."
"If the film comes out and it is Regency, I might put it in Get the Job Done."
"Loved Arrival. The twist at the end was such a gut punch to me."
"A grand Hollywood war epic unlike any other."
"Star Wars changed the look of Cinema, and now all they do is copy other Cinema."
"This is an experience. It's not just a film."
"They Live wasn't fiction, it was a prophecy."
"Spider-Man belongs to Sony, they don't have to give Marvel anything, and they know that."
"Logan Lerman is an interesting name floated for the new Spider-Man."
"Aquaman needs to be a film that is really kind of a representation of how we would see him."
"Adam Driver absolutely carries this franchise on his broad shoulders."
"The MCU Avengers are some of the greatest examples of how to translate characters from the page to the screen."
"Could this Easter egg be a hint that we could see Craven incorporated into the MCU?"
"Elizabeth Moss really put in a great performance. She basically held this film together."
"An older generation Black Widow that's the only mother that Natasha ever really knew."
"A side character to Captain America that was then promoted to Captain America as the side character."
"One of the best scene stealers from the first Guardians of the Galaxy."
"I loved the nature of the relationship between all of them."
"Her first notable role, which would set her on the path to stardom, was in the beloved Christmas classic Miracle on 34th Street."
"He's without a doubt one of the coolest and most iconic movie characters of all time."
"Ed Wood is a terrific Showbiz comedy with tremendous Heart."
"Kevin Feige's magnum opus here. The MCU delivered one of the biggest and most comic bookie movies of all time."
"The conclusion to the 11-year Infinity Saga can truly be described as epic."
"This movie is everything that I want from a comic book movie and as a massive fan of the MCU, this is the payoff of all their hard work."
"Black Panther is the confirmation of a lot of that, it was a culmination and it definitely his a change."
"Hope is one of the main themes of Star Wars that George Lucas has taught me."
"The Prom is not a movie, The Prom is an experience."
"I really love it. It's got like this Tim Burton vibe."
"Godzilla's always been a smashing success at sorting out the good from the bad."
"I went into this movie expecting a lot of things that he sort of become known for."
"The Prince of Egypt really used the visuals to its advantage."
"Elizabeth Olsen was incredible in this, I really liked her a lot."
"It's a beautiful, beautiful movie and Tom Cruise is great in it."
"It captures the feeling of the book entirely. I would say there's no way that from now on anyone's gonna think of anything else as Dune other than this."
"I wanted people to think it's going to be a standard superhero movie and then they're confronted by all these ideas."
"The fans are always such a big part of these films."
"King Kong Escapes is a delightfully quirky gem of a movie, a distinctly Japanese take on the American monster."
"You can say whatever you want about 'Man of Steel,' but that's a great Superman, dude."
"I love this trailer. Get the gold statues ready."
"April is the new start of the summer movie season."
"It's a reinvention and James Gunn is going to absolutely knock it out of the park."
"Primo primo work, Spider-Man: Far From Home."
"That being said, the Joker reboot, even though I didn't love it, it's a much better version of the character."
"As far as reboots go, I think Aladdin is best."
"Best murder mystery: Knives Out, Murder Mystery."
"The key to a good trailer is do we want to see more of this."
"I would watch another Benoit Blanc murder mystery."
"Very different thing the fans really do feel to say yeah I saw a lot of responses and there's apparently a lot of people who consider it to be like their favorite movie ever."
"Nebula actually developed and did stuff this time around, which was nice."
"The Black Panther is a film about identity first and foremost, exclusively concerned with the modern black identity from the Diaspora in the US to connections in Africa."
"This wasn't just going to be a movie with a lot of black people in it. This was going to be a movie all about black people."
"Every film, no matter whether a comedy, action, or drama, is ultimately the responsibility of one person: the director."
"Everybody had at least one moment to truly shine and own the screen just for a moment."
"The free running sequence in Madagascar is the best action sequence in the entire James Bond series."
"The emoji movie exists to be an advertisement, that is all it exists for."
"The emoji movie is insulting because it is so insensitive that everything it says is either an intentional insult or an insult through incompetence."
"Schindler's List went down as one of the greatest films of the century."
"This just suddenly turned into a very scary horror movie."
"The movies on this list may not be your favorite but they've all had an impact on culture and filmmaking."
"Fight Club had an incredible impact on pop culture."
"These are movies that I really resonated with, I really love them."
"The fights in this movie are so good, 9 out of 10, go see it right now."