
Objectivity Quotes

There are 2966 quotes

"Intellectual honesty is going in to evaluate something, isolating the issue, and just being really objective about what you see."
"The ultimate reality is not an object... According to Advaita Vedanta, all of these are objects, and what are they an object to? That is the reality."
"History is important; it's sacred in a way. It's something that doesn't care about your ideological ends."
"As a philosopher, I'm required to say what I think about something, not how I feel about it."
"Let's just keep it real, facts don't care how you feel."
"I think that my profession is more needed now than ever...to bring some measure of objectivity and reason and dialogue to the larger culture."
"The only things that should be believed are those supported with the best reasons and truth is objective, it's not subjective."
"Objective truth exists; objective right and wrong exists."
"If we as a species kind of have a consensus on what moral behavior is, then that becomes objective."
"Morality is objective in that there are non-subjective evaluations of consequences of actions with respect to a goal."
"Nobody can be right or wrong if there's no objective reality."
"You've got to pull yourself out of subjectivity and emotion and back into objectivity and using your intellect in a way that is responsible and effective."
"If you start with an objective standpoint and only follow the evidence where it leads, you don't get to a God."
"The whole point of the legal system and the justice system is that it's black and white on paper."
"I'm some of those people who think that when it comes to changes, the whole point about the scientist is there is a scientific process."
"Science is how we come to know things objectively. Science deals strictly with facts and logic."
"The amount of bias it should have should be as minimal and as logical as it can be."
"I think that if you're gonna peg morality to anything beyond what you feel like today, then you're going to have to at some point arrive at an objective sense of where that morality comes from."
"Science is a way of gathering objective data about the nature of the world."
"Physical science tries to give a completely objective description of reality... whereas consciousness is an essentially subjective phenomenon."
"Our unwavering commitment has been to serve all people of the world with equity, objectivity, and neutrality."
"Our understanding of what is moral and immoral is based on a foundation of well-being and evidence that can be objectively assessed with respect to that well-being."
"Science above all disciplines takes elaborate precautions to eliminate that bias and to end up with objective results which you will get anywhere in the world if you follow the procedures correctly."
"In the reality of my life, I'm just happy to say, 'Yeah, it's objectively true that murder is wrong' because it's based on the same kind of intuitions that allow us to escape ultimate skepticism in other contexts."
"Violence is not a subjective feeling; violence is an objective fact."
"Being factual is not liberal or conservative; it's being factual."
"There's no such thing as objectivity. Every article you read, every video you watch, every photo you see was produced by a human being who went out and gathered that information and then decided what facts to put down on paper."
"The ability to think clearly without conflicts of interest is a prerequisite to solving it."
"You got to go where the arguments and evidence available to you lead you, not try to lead them to where you are."
"Quality in art is not merely a matter of personal opinion, but to a high degree, objectively traceable."
"I think three things are especially important: Number one, that I am objective about the risks involved and communicate those risks clearly and accurately. Number two, that I am empathetic about the challenges involved in taking steps to change your body weight. And number three, that I offer as much practical advice as possible to help everyone take their health into their own hands so that they can move freely and live pain-free."
"Facts are stubborn things, and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
"I want to make sure that I'm bringing you value and an objective and well-researched point of view."
"There's a really important distinction between being objective and being neutral. Neutral is sort of a proactive decision that you are going to kind of play both sides and concoct or fabricate a position where it doesn't appear as though you are taking aside. Objectivity, I find to be much more interesting and more important. That's what I try to do."
"Truth matters. There's an objective standard of truth. We're in the image of God."
"We must have systematic tests for truths and those tests must be independent of the conclusion that we think maybe we're going to wind up with."
"Neither the law nor journalism are perfectly objective."
"Science is the only method that systematically controls for our biases and cognitive errors and allows us to obtain reliable information."
"The best form of objectivity lies in explicitly identifying preferences so that their influence can be recognized and countermanded."
"His objective opinion and his boldness to handle any situation are amazing."
"If something is demonstrably true, then the evidence is available to all of us and applies to both of us."
"Look at the data without any bias. That's all I ask."
"The best way to have a debate is to remove emotion and just try to look at the facts as objectively as you can."
"Perception is inference; it's not like there is a purely objective world that can somehow make its way through the senses and we can perceive that as the truth."
"You have to look at all the facts and all the circumstances."
"We were taught things like objectivity, the need to be truthful, and the need to separate fact from opinion."
"We support objective teaching of scientific theories such as life origins and climate change."
"To say we have objective moral duties is to say we have certain moral obligations regardless of whether we think we do."
"We therefore want our moral judgments to be authoritative, and many think only objectivity can achieve this authority."
"There is a tendency to seek an objective account of everything before admitting its reality."
"My recommendation would be to make that a sensor-centric operation in order to make it as objective as possible."
"Narcissists...there's no accountability. For me to answer this question honestly, I have to have the ability to be objective."
"Mathematics is a field where, no matter how big someone talks, there is a burden of proof that is universal."
"As always, please keep in mind that it's entirely possible to be critical of some aspects of a piece of media while still finding other parts valuable or enjoyable."
"We are each our own crucible, and we can do experiments on ourselves. If you're objective about it, you figure that out."
"We need to reclaim critical thinking and demand that journalism seeks to be truthful and objective."
"The complexity of the truth is inconvenient for both sides."
"Our job is to sit down with all types of people, and we're not supposed to render judgment; we're supposed to understand primarily."
"The whole point of science is to probe reality reducing our subjective interpretation by as much as is humanly possible, ideally to zero."
"Science is not concerned with narratives, ideologies, beliefs, dogma, or opinions. Science deals in empirical or measurable evidence and in hard facts."
"Truth doesn't give a [expletive] for anybody's opinions. Something is either true or it's not, independent of what any person thinks."
"Each person may have their own opinions about what is or isn't true, but truth doesn't give a [expletive] for anybody's opinions."
"I became a political atheist. I look at things the way they are, not the way I want them to be."
"His analysis of the negotiations is objectively indisputable."
"When there's a universal agreement, it's difficult to practically distinguish that from objectivity."
"Journalism is the pursuit of truth, not changing the facts to fit a narrative."
"You just go for the truth and let the data speak, and let the rest take care of itself."
"I'm going to do my best to present the facts to you with as little bias as possible."
"The truth is not left or right; it is the truth."
"Part of what it is to be a scientist is figuring out all the ways you could bias yourself and remove them as far as possible. Don't let it interfere with objective truths."
"In macro investing, there is no space for being attached to a certain narrative. You have to have a data-driven framework and approach."
"I'll try to be as unbiased as I can going into this, as always, and talk about the good and the bad that Next has done."
"It takes time, it takes separation from an event, and taking the emotion out of it to be able to look back at it objectively and to be able to fairly judge it."
"Just because somebody is criticizing something doesn't mean they're defending something else."
"Nuclear is objectively the safest form of energy."
"An objective or winning trader has a set of rules that they follow every time they place a trade. They have no emotions, are confident instead of confused, and are consistent while they trade."
"The whole goal of science is to achieve objective, verifiable facts about the world so that we can operate within those facts."
"Maturity is being able to hear something undesirable about your in-group and view it objectively instead of defensively."
"There's no such thing as your truth or my truth; there is only the truth."
"Science is what it is. It doesn't care about anyone's feelings."
"You have to read the true, objective sources if you want to know real history."
"There's no such thing as 'my truth.' There is just the truth."
"I'm not team Democrat; I'm not team Republican; I'm team facts and information."
"We have to speak the truth in grace, which means speaking the truth objectively."
"Just because something is beneficial doesn't make it objectively true."
"We stick to the data, not to my opinion. This is what the data suggests."
"Objective criticism is always useful in any activity."
"You cannot let your personal dislike of somebody taint your ability to understand what are otherwise rational, reasonable arguments."
"I'm going to give them credit where credit's due, but there's also stuff here that I think I need to be critical of."
"Data is data, facts are facts, and facts don't care about Morgan Stanley's opinions."
"Science is not in the eye of the beholder, beauty is. Science is not."
"This isn't my story, this isn't about my feelings, this is about the people here, this is about a tradition."
"When you give the patina of objectivity to a subjective decision to ban prominent people, what you are actively doing is deceiving the public."
"Approaching positions objectively trying to be objective in all of our decisions even when we're in losing positions having the wherewithal to try to look for the best move at all times."
"Facts are objective, but the way that you choose to present them is subjective."
"Pure objectivity is impossible; we all have biases."
"Shouldn't need to agree with a good piece of art to recognize it as good."
"Despite everything I know so far, and I agree with you, we're going to try to be unbiased, try to be optimistic, try to look at the pros and cons when we watch this, right?"
"The numbers don't lie, they are what they are, and if you try to disprove your hypothesis enough, you can actually get close to something very few people care about nowadays: an objective truth."
"Get rid of all of those biases to be on one camp or the other."
"Your job is to report what's happening, not portray what you wish was happening."
"Facts are values—they're not places. That slide up front was a lie. Everybody's sitting there saying, 'But don't facts change?' No, they don't, because facts incorporate time."
"Science isn't designed to determine values, it's trying to present an objective viewpoint."
"The only objective voice in a world of bias."
"A good scientist achieves the point of view of no-one in particular."
"If our news media abandons objectivity for this idea of mission driven storytelling and resistance, well then we no longer have objective reality."
"You don't have any credibility when you only want to look at one side of the coin."
"Constructive or objective criticism is not toxicity."
"May the best person win, but facts don't care about my feelings."
"There's no objective way to establish any morality from a scientific perspective."
"We will continue to let the facts lead us where we go, we will vet things out."
"It's our obligation to present the positives and the negatives."
"Science shouldn't be disregarded simply because you personally don't like the outcome."
"Follow the facts where they lead without bias."
"In a world filled with prejudice and cultural conditioning, it is extremely hard to find people that are willing to be objective for a moment and put aside their preconditioning."
"Facts are facts, opinions are opinions, truth is truth."
"You can still be liberal and have liberal opinions... but if we agree on what's true because we fact checked it."
"The reality is both sides have been pretty unhinged for quite a while."
"Clear distinction between opinion and hard news."
"Science reflects the nature of reality, so strive for objectivity and evidence."
"Journalism isn't about giving voice to the voiceless, it's about objectively covering facts." - Ben Shapiro
"There's no reason for them objectively worse and they're and they're performing better."
"I'm all about facts over feelings, and I mean it from the standpoint—I don't allow my feelings to dictate the facts."
"Facts don't care about your opinions, this is the data, this is the evidence that we're going to use."
"It's kind of probably means you're Landing somewhere in the middle and kind of um, you know hitting the sentiment I suppose that most of the community has or certainly providing a balanced Viewpoint."
"The science behind climate change is not a hoax. The science behind the virus is not partisan."
"We all know men lie, women lie, numbers don't."
"Scientific facts are dependent on politics, funnily enough they're not."
"We don't have any on-camera reporters or pundits telling you how to think or what to watch or why not to watch."
"Journalists are not there to pick sides. You're there to say what's happening."
"So some of this is fine if you are just an entertainer but if you start marketing your business on accuracy and data and objectivity like those of us who've occupied the space since the website days then we should all be held to the same standards."
"Let's not just keep shoving everything under the rug when someone comes out and says I object I say okay why."
"We have to fight in the name of truth and objectivity, defending individual rights and democracy."
"I think the best approach is to keep gathering facts and analyzing them objectively."
"Certain things are true and certain things are false."
"When dealing with morality, we are dealing with objective facts that are relative to subjects. They are not just opinion."
"I'm not going to lead the witness. I'm not going to tell you what to think."
"Speaking objectively, I think that's pretty fair."
"It is my duty to provide you with fair and objective coverage derived from many different perspectives."
"Just look at real people objectively and you could be like, 'Oh, there's like a wide variety of bodies.'"
"Truth is not based on consensus, it's based on objective reality."
"Reality is the thing that grants us objectivity."
"Critical thinking, what is this? I can sort of think objectively and not make decisions based off my emotions."
"Facts were facts. That's why we called them facts."
"There's nothing political about the scientific facts."
"We have to look to the evidence in these cases and follow the evidence because it doesn't lie and it doesn't have a narrative."
"Christianity doesn't work that way. It's not something that can just work for one person and not for someone else because the claims it makes about itself are objective claims."
"An important distinction between a fan and a fanboy is being able to admit when something isn't right."
"Impartiality and objectivity are virtually impossible for any human, but news reporting demands a certain degree of it."
"Let us be very objective in our comments rather than emotional."
"Truth itself is a completely neutral concept, there is nothing bad about seeing things as they are."
"I feel that it is very very very important to document these things from a place of rationality, not from a place of white guilt hysteria."
"Do not put a bias in your mind, right, for whatever reason that may be."
"The exact opposite of what we see in right-wing media... that search for objective truth."
"I've expressed very little opinions in the book. I do express opinions, but what I thought was very important was to have objective measurements."
"Your only side should be the pursuit of Truth."
"Truth is under assault... Merit is under assault... any kind of objectivity or reasoning is under assault."
"We try to cut through the smoke and give you the straight news, the facts."
"The truth is more important than whether it pleases me or not."
"Scientists should look for all the possible evidence without prejudice."
"I think it's important to have good and neutral analysis to discern truth from fiction, truth from propaganda."
"Facts in all of it will help even when we don't like what the facts say."
"Feelings don't matter because feelings with data. Your feelings about the vaccine don't matter, you should get it because the data says you should get it."
"What would it even be like if instead of approaching everything with a stubborn insistence of objectivity, we approached the world with a more quantum view of knowledge?"
"I've always had an obligation to objective truth."
"It's not overly preachy, not manipulative really."
"Reality is something objective and outside of your own brain."
"There's nothing intrinsic or imperative about the universe that would require that however once you get that then you can make objective assessments about it."
"Science at its core, at its aim, should be independent and objective."
"Context is so important in everything, okay? Don't make conclusions."
"For the most part, I appreciate the unbiasedness. I appreciate the, um, objectivity to it."
"Numbers don't lie politics poetry promises may live but numbers don't lie."
"Good governance is when you have the ability to objectively measure reality, have a KPI to Target, measure it, and everybody agrees that that measurement's accurate."
"The only metric is evidence, so what are you going with?"
"It's just as objective as what anyone else would mean when they say the word objective."
"We have to get into that. So the National Academy of Sciences has one job, one job, and that is to report on what is objectively true in the scientific fields."
"Yes, facts don't care about your feelings, but facts don't care about anything we do."
"This isn't even like subjectivity half the time, this is straight-up objectivity for most of these people."
"There is no good or bad, there's only perception."
"This is a time to not only be objective about the long term but also to understand that it's not your job to make others happy."
"It's important also to take a step back and say okay, you know how can we look at this objectively and how can we kind of make sense of it in the bigger picture."
"When you love something, you're able to criticize it."
"All I'm saying is that cops need to move out of a subjective standard and into an objective standard like all of us."
"There's actually a more objective standard that people adhere to even if they don't realize, that basically creates a hierarchy in terms of effectiveness."
"I think there is an objective truth to balancing work and life."
"Critique on art and music is not an attack on the person themselves, whether that was the original creator or those that enjoy said art."
"Myers-Briggs is not coming from a world view. It's not trying to tell you who god is, how you get to god, the true self, the false self. It's not doing that."
"I like to make sure that both sides feel heard and respected because then people are more likely to believe me when I say that I'm approaching the subject as objectively as I can."
"If you had that d-max kitted up with those accessories next to a stock standard hilux, which one would you choose? For me, right, I'm gonna take a little bit of bias out of it and look at this objectively. It would definitely be the d-max."
"History is the voice of some kind of objectivity beyond the peculiarities and idiosyncrasies of an individual person."
"When you have nothing to lose, you can look at things objectively."
"Never say this is bad or good, simply say this is and let the viewer figure out the rest."
"It's important to get the facts right, regardless of bias."
"You're an inanimate object, no one cares how you feel."
"It's never inside and we never ever look objectively."
"Be fair when you give commentary. Be fair when you give your opinion."
"Bitcoin isn't a person, it doesn't have feelings. It just continues to move forward."
"I'm gonna put some bonus footage at the end of this video."
"Being objective in your analysis is really difficult."
"The truth is the truth. It doesn't really matter."