
Twitter Quotes

There are 294 quotes

"Acquiring Twitter and rebranding it to X is a classic Musk move: ambitious, unexpected, and a little bit out there."
"Twitter is more valuable than $54.20 per share; it's the political influence you wield when you silence those who disagree with you."
"So it might but I'm stuck in 2022 because I can't stop obsessing over the demented circus that has been the Elon Musk era of Twitter."
"Twitter is defined by what's happening right now."
"They always said Twitter's not real life, but it's got real-life implications."
"It's a victory, a tremendous victory that Elon Musk has purchased Twitter."
"This was never going to be a financially lucrative deal, at least not for the long run. Twitter was never making money."
"Twitter is a tremendously influential platform."
"Twitter now plays an outsized role in politics, culture, and even in democracy itself."
"Twitter is a private company, but they enjoy special liability protections under Section 230."
"Twitter only has as much value and power as we assign to it."
"Twitter is setting a lot of policy...it's almost like the forefront of thought."
"Famously, I read on Twitter that you turned three thousand dollars into 1.6 million in less than two years."
"If Elon Musk succeeds by keeping Twitter even just alive, in the next couple of months after gutting the workforce by over 75 percent, he's really shown a new standard for what an essential employee truly is."
"Twitter is a cesspool. I think everyone can agree upon that fact."
"There's a very powerful argument for regulation, which is why Twitter should either be nationalized or broken up or heavily regulated."
"Twitter should be able to ban whoever they want for whatever reason totally incongruently with them."
"The Twitter and social media presence helped the musical."
"The best way to interact with me or to follow me is on Twitter."
"The Twitter files tell an incredible story from inside one of the world's largest and most influential social media platforms."
"For Twitter to make such an enormously influential real world decision that has a huge impact potentially on the outcome of a U.S presidential election."
"I just came to believe that my engagement with Twitter was making me a worse person. It really is as simple as that."
"Twitter for me became like a malignant form of telepathy where I got to hear the most irrational, contemptuous, sneering thoughts of other people a dozen or more times a day."
"Twitter Executives did not ban Trump even though key staffers said that Trump had not incited violence."
"The Elon acquisition of Twitter kind of took everyone by surprise."
"I love Twitter because it allows you to engage with people you would never be able to engage with."
"Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter, says he may have to reconsider his investment if offer is not accepted."
"Twitter probably accelerates 'X' by three to five years." - Elon Musk
"Twitter is preparing their election strategy to manipulate information and control it. They say it's about stopping misinformation. I think it's about controlling the flow of it, what they deem to be right."
"Twitter's motivations are not monetary - Trump was making the platform bigger. Why boot him off?"
"The payment side of things will probably be more valuable than all the rest of Twitter combined."
"Only certain left wing talking points are allowed on Twitter."
"I'm hopeful that Elon Musk is going to bend Twitter's content moderation towards a greater embrace of free speech."
"It was still active when I was at Twitter. I hope it's been removed."
"Elon Musk called Twitter a 'fractal Rube Goldberg machine.'"
"Twitter Inc will ban political advertising on its platform next month."
"I think Twitter ghost writing is one of the best opportunities out there."
"If we get to the point that maybe our twitter production from automation maybe doubles about what is right now that would probably be enough."
"People come to Twitter to see what's happening in the world."
"Breaking: It appears that the new CEO of Twitter will be Linda Yaccarino, if Wall Street Journal reporting is correct."
"If you get retweeted by the president of the USA, then that is cool."
"The fact that that has been marginalized, I literally listed on Twitter spaces sometimes."
"The long-term potential for Twitter in my view is in order of magnitude greater than its current value."
"Follow me on Twitter but if you don't want it spoiled for you."
"I wish Elon well in trying to turn Twitter into a genuine neutral and Viewpoint balanced platform."
"Twitter, everyone goes to Twitter to see what's up."
"Late last night after winning his battle for Twitter, Elon Musk was in Boca Chica..."
"We are watching a hostile takeover of Twitter by the richest man in the world."
"Twitter is an incredible, incredible, incredible invention that you can use to make friends with people all around the world."
"Twitter is the platform for political activism and politicians."
"Twitter's tweets going from 280 characters to 4,000 characters, don't do it Elon."
"Elon will absolutely replace himself as Twitter CEO as soon as possible."
"Elon Musk sold 20 million shares of Tesla at a low price to raise four million dollars in order to renew Twitter for the sake of saving Twitter."
"The world's richest man Elon Musk is set to become the new owner of Twitter."
"The Liberation of Twitter is the most powerful and important work going on right now in the digital space."
"Twitter executives divided into content moderation and PR camps."
"I hope that's our aspiration with Twitter: to have a source of truth that you can count on."
"Twitter can get too serious... let's have a bit of fun."
"Welcome to Twitter, where they cancel you if you don't toe the line with all of their opinions and [expletive]."
"Ensure human rights are central to the management of Twitter under your leadership." - U.N High Commissioner for Human Rights
"Twitter wasn't good before... cutting almost half the staff makes everything even more challenging." - Rashad Robinson
"New Twitter policy is freedom of speech but not freedom of reach."
"On Twitter, you are speaking to people personally. Ask people questions that you feel like you'd want to answer if you saw the tweet. Be vulnerable."
"The continued implosion of Twitter in real time: horrifying, gripping, disturbing."
"No one at Twitter thought it was going to be this bad at first."
"The one thing I can maybe find that would be under the umbrella of what we would call Criminal is that there are now allegations that Jack Dorsey perjured himself."
"Twitter CEO Elon Musk said Tuesday that he has fired his Twitter Deputy general counsel Jim Baker in response to concerns about Baker's possible role in suppression of information."
"Elon Musk buying Twitter is a massive shift."
"The Twitter files reveal an incredibly elaborate formalized system."
"Elon Musk seems to be a guy who can take a joke, who likes a good joke, and is a fan of the Babylon Bee. So when Twitter cracked down on the Babylon B, Elon Musk took action, and now we are seeing the recoil, the horror from the establishment."
"Twitter has become kind of the de facto Town Square. It's just really important that people have the both the reality and the perception that they are able to speak freely within the bounds of the law."
"He's a tweeter's tweeter he's a volume Tweeter yeah yeah [ __ ]."
"Twitter is always the best way to actually get a response out of me."
"Twitter's 140 character limit was originally inspired by the length limit of SMS messages."
"Twitter needs to become by far the most accurate source of information about the world."
"Twitter basically banned Donald Trump's account 88 million followers proving you could be the most powerful person in the face of the planet and have a very very high follower account but twitter doesn't care."
"Elon's like biggest most impactful mistake or mistakes has been during his tenure definitely the Twitter blue thing in my view."
"No Facebook, no TikTok, Twitter is where it's at. Twitter is where it's always been at."
"Twitter might have been the best thing that happened to the internet."
"Donald John Trump is the one signing his tweets."
"It's official, Elon Musk has joined the board of Twitter. Just got real."
"I think a lot of us were a little surprised by Elon Musk and his investment in Twitter. That passive investment, 9.2 percent."
"At this point you should be default skeptical of any news story about Twitter."
"Absolutely, Twitter is also a competitor to Legacy Media for news, so they are fundamentally conflicted."
"Twitter has a really good record because Twitter was fighting really hard and has lost every time."
"Luckily he did away with all Spam well now no one will have the the external research to back up any claims about anything happening on Twitter."
"Big swift dramatic changes are coming to Twitter."
"Twitter, one of the funniest places on the internet."
"Twitter is just a toxic waste dump right now."
"There is room for that level of debate... especially with the change of ownership of Twitter."
"Twitter is the closest thing we have to a global Consciousness."
"Twitter has not complied with its contractual obligations."
"She has Twitter following and that's her power base."
"Twitter being bought by Elon Musk... that sent Bitcoin into a frenzy."
"Just imagine a world without Twitter."
"Twitter is the best and worst. It's like Florida."
"Weddings sure, they're lovely. You can celebrate your love and life or if you're a strange turf on Twitter, your hatred for Trans people."
"Lil Nas X came out publicly as gay via Twitter, revealing that he had come out to his family earlier that month."
"Philadelphia crime occurs so frequently and so drastically that there is a Twitter account, Philly Crime Update, to maintain a running database of Major Crimes throughout the city in real time."
"The only two things faster than Sonic are the internet and shitty takes on Twitter."
"They're gonna ban you for twitter if you keep mis uh tweeting out misleading statements that Kevin Durant is the best player NBA. They're gonna ban you."
"Twitter is being able to look at every toilet wall in the world and write something on it if you want I mean that's amazing and delete if you want you know it's just it's it's graffiti for for everyone"
"A Twitter star that catches big air."
"This is what Twitter was made for."
"Mention other people in your tweets to increase engagement. Add validity, catch the attention of the person mentioned."
"Use images and videos while tweeting for higher engagement. Videos get six times more retweets than tweets without videos."
"Twitter is going to start charging eight dollars a month for verification according to Elon somehow creating a paid tier and a free tier is going to bring about the end of Twitter's Lords and peasants system."
"if everybody gets verified that's two billion dollars in revenue for Twitter."
"Can you imagine being this hated for creating some piece of fiction that some people arbitrarily don't like? I'm telling you, these people ruin what Twitter is supposed to be, they ruin what discourse is supposed to be."
"I'm really going to try to get off Twitter this year. It's just not worth it."
"Don't let these frauds ruin your New Year's Eve. I'm going to drop a couple bombs on Twitter and then I'll switch off and enjoy my night."
"Wouldn't you agree with me that the First Amendment is broader than Twitter's terms of service? Absolutely, yes."
"This is the breaking news on Twitter crispy NASA space flight said can I ask if that means not during this current window right and Elon said it seems unlikely right now so a additional testing during this window seems unlikely according to Elon."
"Twitter's problem basically is that they want to sell advertising and advertisers do not want to advertise on platforms where there's controversy or hatred."
"In 2018, Twitter started seeing tweets, marked #DezNat, calling for the creation of a sovereign nation-state of Deseret, a Mormon-led theocracy with borders that encompassed, and went beyond, the modern state of Utah."
"Twitter is mostly depressing, so I was kind of like, 'Should I really like... I don't want to bookmark this, I just want to scroll past it.'"
"I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter."
"It is incredible, the way everybody has harnessed Twitter."
"Twitter is basically digital shouting. That's what it is."
"Twitter is a 19th-century word for an abscess on a horse's foot."
"The problem with Twitter is that the price of being a prick has fallen to zero. I'm not getting bothered by somebody that wants to talk smack about me for whatever on Twitter, and also there's probably some truth to whatever they're saying."
"Guys follow me on Twitter, we also called the bottom of the crypto game there on the weekend."
"Now Twitter has disrupted the disruptors and it's been a very good thing."
"So I'm looking for something very specific for Twitter. I'm looking for like the direct feed of what's happening right now."
"Noar is more decentralized than Twitter and more censorship resistant than Twitter. I can't be kicked off Noar."
"Twitter is chaos and that's what draws people like you and I to it, I think."
"Twitter is proud to empower and support the voices on our platform, especially those that speak truth to power."
"He did it. He really did it. Elon Musk bought Twitter for 44 billion dollars and they actually said yes, sure Elon, here you go."
"So now that Elon Musk is the father of Twitter, I want to go over what he says he wants to do with the platform because he's got some changes in mind. He's not just buying it to have it in his arsenal of... he owns."
"Leaving Twitter was trending on Twitter because of course, but maybe this is a blessing in disguise because holy sh*t, I haven't seen memes this cringey in a very long time."
"Cancel culture, Twitter canceled. How did this turn political? A British guy bought Twitter. How did this get political? This is why I hate the app."
"The bulk of people are at Facebook and Twitter."
"Do you think if Jesus twittered he would be checking to see how many followers he had all the time?"
"Twitter is more intellectual; you can talk about very complex business things."
"He made it a big thing, you know he's saying the n words derogatory don't call me that on his Twitter."
"He took Twitter after that and said ride in line finish where you are try to race for a win and finish last that he hates these cars."
"Let this be yet another in a long line of examples of how Twitter can derail one's career."
"Twitter is done. The meme pages used to be where it's at."
"Well, after that, after those series of tweets, he went back on Twitter and he started really having a different tone, he said, 'Man, been thinking about the Chicago streets, should allow my prayers go out to JoJo's family.'"
"Twitter people create whole personalities."
"I want to do the Twitter thing again. I think we should."
"Twitter's advertising revenue in the US was down 59% compared to last year following a mass Exodus of advertisers."
"Sure you may be verified on Twitter but are you verified on the eyes of God?"
"I'm on all social media things. I am Gisele Bryant. Now, that's Twitter, y'all can have that. But hit me on that Instagram."
"Twitter in particular it's been such a crucial and dynamic form of how the fans talk about their favorite TV shows."
"Investors were paying 41 times sales on Twitter's IPO, today they're paying six times sales."
"Twitter is an underrated way to Showcase your skills."
"It will be so good for this country if Elon Musk successfully buys Twitter and he starts using it to build his everything app X, right? I think it'll be huge for free speech."
"We've got more coming, actually today I put on executive functions and it was a tsunami on Twitter, absolute tsunami."
"The biggest con job in Wall Street in the last 10 years is convincing these idiotic institutional investors that Twitter is somehow worth a [ __ ] when it's not."
"Well, I guess after all this time it's nice to see that no matter who's in charge at Twitter, it will always be one of the worst websites on the internet and one that I'm genuinely ashamed to call myself a user of."
"It's just the most baffling thing. Twitter is completely broken, provides its users with no value whatsoever, and is not growing. It's not culturally relevant in the slightest."
"Don't threaten the lives of other people, but if I still had that Twitter account, that [ __ ] would have been leaked in a heartbeat, right? 'Cause I was an idiot, you know? I was a young kid."
"It somehow gave this Twitter land a space to heal through helping."
"...these are basically a Twitter account that's running for about five years, they have connections and post so many different deals, how to get things under retail, and they built up connections, and I've been able to reach out through them to go ahead and make this possible."
"I think Twitter is really important for pro wrestling uh there's a really big network of people fans and obviously wrestlers and people in the business and around the business all kinds of people uh unite and bond every week over wrestling on Twitter every day."
"Put the link of that video within your Twitter bio."
"I seriously think that, like, if 'Killers of the Flower Moon' was smart, they would do, like, a paid Twitter ad of these two fucking idiots reviewing a movie."
"Twitter will be fine. Otherwise, I don't know. Where would girl world go?"
"Anybody with a Twitter account knows you can't kill trolls with reality."
"I've been living with for months now people on Twitter respectfully [__] you because I made them emotional with clerks three. You're welcome."
"He's been on Twitter so full of wisdom."
"Not even a cancellation on Twitter can stop him."
"Twitter told me that it's funny so I'm kind of going with it you know what I mean like I don't care if it's a horror movie if it's a thriller movie if Twitter tells me that it's funny I think it's gonna be all right."
"I think there's an interesting thing happening in film Twitter... we've become so tribal that it doesn't give new films a chance."
"I refuse to call it X it's Twitter."
"Both of us will be given 500 each provided by yours truly and whoever wins the most exciting prizes is deemed by you the viewers on Twitter will win the competition."
"I got a new lease on life. I'm on Twitter."
"Twitter facilitates relationship building and that's why it's so powerful."
"Elon Musk's Twitter strips New York Times a verified check mark out of spite."
"You can also find all of us on social media, so Justin is on Instagram at MindPumpJustin, Adam is on Instagram at MindPumpAdam, and you can find me on Twitter at MindPumpSal."
"Everyone wants to talk on Twitter, but when it comes down to business, nobody actually really wants it, proven. So if he wants it, he can get it."
"One of the best follows on Twitter is the great Jedi Goodman."
"You should follow Gerard on Twitter if you're interested in either economics or cats."
"We're not all stupid people on Twitter, there's actually amazing things going on, there's hope for the species."
"I think every tweet I commented on would leave you in a new place, as an educator, that's what I do."
"Read what people say on Twitter. Follow the people who make reasonable arguments about their views and are not afraid to be controversial and contrarian."
"This show is is going really good I'm really happy that it's getting a lot of publicity and traction on Twitter it's so deserving of it."
"Trump off? It did laugh about. I mean, obviously, Trump on Twitter, we gotta weigh in on for a sec because it's insane. It's like that's crazy that that is a bigger story than him getting impeached. It affects him more than if Melania left him."
"Trump on Twitter, we gotta weigh in on for a sec because it's insane. It's like that's crazy that that is a bigger story than him getting impeached."
"If Twitter was totally decentralized, that would have some good benefits."
"Twitter's fundamental concept is just kind of trash."
"Everyone was on Facebook, now everyone's on Twitter."
"Musk has taken over Twitter saying he wants to defeat the spam Bots and authenticate All Humans he may also use it to try and get people comfortable with radical developments like mass-produced robots."
"Make sure you are following me on Twitter, Sheldon Sniper."
"Twitter is more important than a lot of people give it credit for."
"I'm all for Elon [__] a lot of people are scared of him getting involved with Twitter but I'm not."
"I've always got a full form of Twitter I was like a staple and you need it"
"Wall Street had lost faith in Twitter long before Elon appeared."
"Ev never got over being betrayed by his friends and chose to leave Twitter entirely."
"Twitter can afford to build the wrong things. However, Twitter cannot afford to build the right things too slowly."
"Twitter isn't real. It amplifies voices out of proportion. Just remember X isn't real. Nothing is legitimate."
"She ended up going protected on Twitter, which may be the first time that [expletive] has ever used protection."
"I think there is a way to build something like Twitter that is kind and truth-oriented."
"The Twitter view is 'what about these charges?'"
"I saw a meme today that was, 'If Twitter shuts down, how are we gonna know what a select group of people are angry at for two days before moving to the next thing?' And I go, internally, this is like, kind of like a, 'But it's gonna sell.'"
"I wish for everyone who have blocked me on Twitter from among all Brony Community to read the above and meditate for themselves on all that please thank you be safe and well with blessings and light power of righteousness and good."
"You will be my witness. If you do it on Twitter, you will be my twitness."
"Twitter No much no matter how much we make fun of it... has been a solution to kind of speak up against... Oppression."
"Divorce # trending on Twitter in Pakistan."