
Virtual Reality Quotes

There are 2744 quotes

"This partnership has the potential to bring about a new era of interactive and virtual reality content, transforming the screen in front of you into an immersive experience that rivals the world outside your window."
"It's the first VR headset that I've bought that I really do think I'll still be using six months from now."
"It exists like in this ineffable place that everyone kind of perceives and no one ever sees, except for in this sort of virtual world, which then impacts the way that you show up."
"The analogy to death is more like...suppose that you go with some friends to a virtual reality arcade. It leaves open the possibility that death is not the end of consciousness."
"Who would have thought technology could bring us this close to feeling like we're in another world?"
"Dreams can be like a virtual reality simulator that helps prepare us for real life dangers."
"Mark Zuckerberg... he explained, 'I finally tried Apple's Vision Pro and... I think that Quest is the better product, period.'"
"The more you get rid of that line between gameplay and story, the closer you get to creating a separate universe."
"Kirito visits Klein in the hospital and confirms that Klein's SAO memories are also missing."
"Kirito relived the worst memories from his lifetime, including the time he abandoned an old friend from the SAO beta to thugs, the death of Sachi, and that of the Moonlit Black Cats."
"Overwhelmed by his self-reproach for Eugeo's death, Kirito was about to crush his own heart when Asuna's, Sinon's, and Leafa's Fluctlights connected to his."
"Despite his accomplishment, Kirito's usually calm demeanor breaks down into gut-wrenching tears as he realizes he's now trapped in Underworld for centuries."
"The defining aspect of augmented and virtual reality is that they deliver the sense of presence, where no other technology platform before has ever delivered."
"Those trained in VR completely outperformed the non-trained surgeons in the study."
"VR titles are now racking up sales numbers that are respectable in any other medium."
"VR hasn't changed the world yet, but it will."
"Meeting and interacting with users from different countries is going to allow people to virtually immerse themselves in different cultures."
"I currently have a T-Rex staring at me, and I'm going to be completely honest, I can't see any of you guys because I am in an alternate reality."
"Having a dinosaur experience, this guy is staring me in my face."
"The butterflies are about to fly around. We got to encounter dinosaurs."
"Every single time I put on the Vision Pro, it's like witnessing a miracle."
"This does have an uphill battle from the start specifically because I'm a VR user, I love VR gaming."
"The Vision Pro is the least-isolating VR headset I've ever tried. Not because I can see the world—other headsets do that—but because the world can see me."
"Because of the pixel density, because of the 90 hertz refresh rate, and because of the impressive dynamic range of the cameras and the correctly adjusting shutter speed, you just almost don't, you almost just feel like you're looking at the real world, not through a headset."
"Sure do wish I could just escape into a virtual world instead."
"How sick would it be if you and the person next to you on a plane could sync up your experiences and both watch the same movie in a virtual theater at the same time?"
"The hardest I probably laughed was at the dean in VR where every time he does basically anything at all he just exclaims 'And Jesus wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.'"
"This what you're seeing on the screen is exactly as I'm seeing it, and it is incredible."
"I really feel like I'm here. I feel like I'm here. And then the second I like turn this off and go back to my real world, it kind of just makes me sad."
"A story that could break the internet: 71-year-old man reacts to the first car dealership in the metaverse."
"VR changes the multiplayer experience so much that it feels like you are in the same room with the person."
"This is the most realistic forest in all of Roblox. Check it out, hear the birds, hear the wind, and the butterflies."
"I feel like I'm in the real world. Actually, no, this is more realistic than real life."
"Wait, the VR headset actually worked; that's awesome!"
"What makes the metaverse actually possible is blockchains."
"Okay, we're in Sovngarde. We're in heaven. Hold on, hold on, okay."
"Really is the father of virtual reality, and reading his new book, 'The Dawn of the New Everything,' it's been a very interesting journey for me."
"The metaverse... allows us to create our own worlds in the way that we want it."
"The biggest social network in the world makes a statement that they are moving their whole business into a virtual world... the narrative becomes metaverses."
"It's not just a game, it's an economy, an ecosystem, a virtual life with real-world implications."
"Virtual reality is a tool, except this tool allows us to create moments of human existence that are more powerful of a medium than anything that mankind has ever invented before."
"VR and AR, which as I'll discuss later, will soon start to converge, are together going to replace personal computers and mobile as the primary ways humans interact with information and with each other."
"These are the good old days because we're VR pioneers, creating the future—a rare privilege that is all too often only appreciated in retrospect."
"The universe behaves as a virtual reality in light of the evidence."
"It's emotionally gratifying. I love this game, and yes, it's worth buying a VR headset for, in my honest opinion."
"Our world makes more sense if we look at it as a virtual world and not an objective one existing independently."
"Morton Heilig was the inventor of the Sensorama machine, an immersive cinema experience where your head could see, feel, and smell five whole films."
"The release of Apple's Vision Pro marks an inflection point for virtual and augmented reality."
"Imagine, if you will, a whole new dimension, a brave new world that you can only access through the medium of a 300 electric blindfold."
"This virtual world is so immersive that you might not notice when your girlfriend moves out and takes half the furniture with her."
"Escape a material world that teeters on ecological collapse and into a make-believe one where Half-Life 3 came out two years ago."
"Welcome to the age of new realities, virtual and augmented."
"Virtual reality is Total Immersion; you step out of the real world and step into this game world or this experiential world."
"We're so obsessed with virtual characters, and why everyone nowadays seems to want to be one."
"For decades now, we've been told that virtual reality was the next big thing."
"By combining stereoscopic 3D, 360-degree visuals, and a wild field of view, along with a super-sized dose of engineering and software magic, it hacks your visual cortex."
"The Rift features an integrated VR audio system designed to convince your ears that you're truly there."
"Virtual reality is something we've never had before."
"Virtual reality now has the runway to become truly successful."
"The ultimate aim is not just virtual reality or augmented reality; it's mixed reality."
"A reality where you can be whatever you want to be, where you can be seen how you want to be seen, where you can escape the clutches of your atomized, transient, lonely life."
"Only in a society like ours, when nothing is real, does virtual escapism seem like a utopia."
"It's a virtual world because your consciousness will be able to move around as if you're in the real world."
"Living in a game world seems like an interesting idea, but I wouldn't want to live here forever."
"Presence, we mean the feeling that you're actually there. You've entered the matrix."
"Probably the most dramatic progress in the PlayStation 4 generation has been with virtual reality."
"The immersion level that you get with a VR headset is just way above and beyond anything that's even possible with a triple screen setup."
"Social media has created its own version of reality."
"The very most valuable moment in virtual reality is the moment when you take off the headset and perceive physicality afresh, as if you were a newborn baby but with a little more experience."
"The transition [from virtual reality to reality] is actually more valuable than the simulation itself."
"Virtual reality is just kind of a game-changer. It can allow you to tell stories in such amazing ways because it immerses the audience in an environment that they've really never immersed themselves in quite in this way before."
"What I love though, is that virtual reality can allow you to tell stories in such amazing ways because it immerses the audience in an environment that they've really never immersed themselves in quite in this way before."
"Worlds that are only limited by their imagination."
"My name is Stanislaus Braun. I'm a Vault-Tec scientist. I created the simulation for Vault-Tec but for myself as well. It was my own design, my own perfection, a better reality than any other."
"It's this vast spectrum of expression that makes a virtual character look alive."
"If Karl is attracted to other men but only when inhabiting a female avatar, can virtual reality allow us access previously dormant aspects of our 'self'?"
"I finally got a chance to try out the Lynx R1, an upcoming VR headset that is really special and set to compete directly against the Quest 2."
"VR can create new genres, it can create new real experiences, and I think that it is the way that we're going to go eventually."
"One of the most effective ways to immerse a player into a virtual world is to give them a place to call home."
"Being able to run around in South Park and play in the snow is very fun."
"The Zuckerverse is basically like the walled garden version of the Metaverse and it may interconnect with the Metaverse, but it's not the Metaverse."
"Being surrounded by all of this detail and these flies in the Lady Domitress mansion was mind-blowing to me."
"All right, we're checking out the only game where you could take turns so sharp they will literally come through your computer screen and cut you."
"We really believe ultimately this all goes to 3D real-time simulation. It's so many benefits, the feeling we're in the same space, our ability to eye track, our ability for things to sound real."
"We're trying to build the largest virtual universe in the world to support you."
"Nothing elevates the level of immersion better than VR. It goes one step further from immersion to deliver presence."
"VR is not just for games but for experiencing new worlds, pushing the boundaries of reality."
"This is like the wild wild west. There are no rules right now. How often do you get to define a new medium?"
"VR has the potential to let everyone feel like they're exploring right along with NASA when it gets to a new place."
"Virtual reality is more than just an advancement in technology; it's a new medium, a new way to experience worlds beyond our own."
"I think VR is gonna get mainstream eventually, and that we're going to use it in a lot of ways, not just for entertainment purposes but also for educational purposes."
"Virtual and mixed reality are increasing situational experience, giving students an opportunity to practice in a low-risk alternative."
"HTC's focus on profits and competing with the Index will end in them losing something even more valuable: their place among the VR hardware landscape."
"I think VR is going great. It's going in a way that's consistent with our expectations. We're also pretty comfortable with the idea that it will turn out to be a complete failure."
"Virtual reality is a technology that can be used to craft living dreams."
"It's not like your own dreams, at least not yet, but the technology is already there to stand on the threshold of another's dream and push against it like aquarium glass."
"The real winner has been The Meta Quest 3, a headset that has sold well, expanded the VR and AR app library, and is just generally a great piece of kit at a great price."
"Welcome to the future, man. The Matrix is not some fun journey; it's going to be weird."
"I'm always hoping for better headsets. If something at the quality and refresh rate of the Index could be wireless, that'd be super cool."
"The essence of virtual reality is to bring us closer to experiences we can never fully grasp otherwise."
"Virtual reality tested by NFL as a tool to confront racism and sexism."
"A living, shared, everlasting virtual universe that's Meta's vision of the metaverse, achieved through a combination of augmented reality and virtual reality."
"VR is becoming more popular than ever and with the advent of incredible blockchain technologies, it feels as though anything is possible."
"Imagine a world where you wake up, head to the office in the morning, to a party with friends in the evening, and then a live concert at midnight, all while sitting in the warmth of your home or from the comfort of your bed. That might just be part of humanity's future."
"VR is actually pretty neat and has advanced quite a bit since the days of Virtual Boy."
"The metaverse offered people the chance to engage in an immersive experience."
"We live in such a video game at this point that they literally went out of their way to crown him with the United Nations 2030 sustainable development goals."
"Whether it's an Oculus set in your living room or a new game at the mall or amusement park, people all over the world are putting on headsets and swinging wildly around to whatever virtual reality vision they're seeing."
"Teleporting around the metaverse is gonna be like clicking a link on the internet."
"You're not always going to want to look exactly like yourself. That's why people shave their beards, dress up, style their hair, put on makeup, or get tattoos. And of course, you'll be able to do all of that and more in the metaverse."
"To use your avatar to teleport to a meeting or sit down for a chat in the metaverse, you'll also need realistic virtual spaces to be with people in."
"There is no other technology that lets you walk in someone else's shoes, experience things that you can't in real life, and gain a new perspective on important topics."
"Additionally, the World Program has another feature: it can replace memories formed in the real world with information contained in the synthetic virtual world. Therefore, it is possible to undo trauma sustained in the real world through the use of the virtual world."
"Meeting literally speaking in a virtual world where you have an avatar and you meet your friend joining in as a virtual avatar from Australia may change how we communicate."
"Imagine that you can trick your brain to very strongly believing that that is really you. You will be in the movie, in this virtual reality scenario."
"The world of artificial intelligence is all the way there. I've got friends who are working in like the 3D filming space right now with virtual reality and like Unreal Engine."
"Virtual real estate at some point will be worth as much as, if not more so than, physical real estate."
"I actually like these Oculus products. I think it's a very cool product."
"The Iron Vision helmet-mounted display system...provides a 360 virtual reality view of the surroundings to crew members."
"Simulation takeover...delves into themes of artificial intelligence, virtual realities, and the nature of existence within a simulated environment."
"Virtual reality is going to become a big deal."
"For some princeps, moving and fighting will feel very much like they themselves are moving and fighting on the battlefield."
"You're going to be able to live your life as your idealized self in the metaverse."
"The ability to be immersed and feel present with the people around you or the people who you care about is clearly the next frontier."
"They lied to us. They lied to all of us. They told us that the whole point of this VR game was to undo the bad PR done by a rogue indie game developer, but that's not true at all."
"We had the idea of like a VR, but the way that VR is used feels so nuanced."
"If you die in the matrix, you die for real. And that's what this little cut is reminding us. And this is shot Sakura, he's got sparks going on in the background."
"I thought it was a creeper, but then it just threw down a sapling or something."
"If you care about feeling good, just be kind first."
"For a digital being, time appears as needed... You can effectively insert time in periods of your choosing, as you need them, and where you need them if the 'where' is in digital landscapes and simulated realities."
"Flynn killing Sharice's Avatar, showing indifference to retaliation."
"Playing Grand Theft Auto 4 really does feel like you're taking part in this living breathing world."
"Gaming is so interactive, by the end of it you think you are Spider-Man."
"The promise of VR is that it can take you anywhere."
"You can actually have the real world represented in VR in a way that is super compelling."
"The more things you touch and interact with, the more it immerses you into it."
"Having props in the world is crucial to the immersion level."
"The metaverse is an attempt to mesh real world with virtual world."
"Virtual reality can pave the road to new ways of entertainment."
"Apple reportedly wants nothing to do with Mark Zuckerberg's metaverse."
"The Sandbox has become the de facto home for projects that want to join into a metaverse."
"The experience that you have in these goggles is absolutely insane."
"This straight up looks like a movie but like I'm controlling the character, this is [__] crazy."
"The metaverse... it could change our lives in many ways... the future is gonna be wild."
"The metaverse... a persistent live digital universe that affords individuals a sense of agency, social presence, and shared spatial awareness." - Piers Kicks
"People aren't leaving their pods, they're experiencing the world through fiction."
"Adidas steps into the metaverse by partnering with NFT project Support Yacht Club and Punk's Comic."
"So what is the metaverse? It's a virtual environment where you can be present with people in digital spaces."
"Roblox are pioneers in the online world of virtual reality called the Metaverse."
"VR is this opportunity to completely turn over the mechanics and come up with new core systems."
"I'm actually choking real life. It's too immersive."
"Roblox is the future. Yeah, guys, Roblox is the future. We're all gonna live in Roblox one day."
"Decentralized metaverse narratives have huge potential."
"It's a fucking game all electronic games will put the subject into some form of virtual reality that's just how it works to entertain people."
"Virtual reality: used for video games, theme park rides, and even treating trauma and anxiety in people."
"If you thought the metaverse was all about gaming gigs and virtual meetings, think again."
"VR is not dead, but since this is Apple we're talking about, it is just prohibitively absurdly expensive."
"VRChat is also where I hold community events... It's a huge reason why I love VR so much."
"The magic of the band and the material they had written was immediately apparent."
"Thanks so much for joining me for our first Oculus gaming showcase."
"VR is such an exciting place to be right now."
"Who doesn't love Star Wars? Be sure to check out the Oculus Store for our showcase flash sale."
"Legendary Tales is a roguelike dungeon crawler RPG melee slasher VR game holy those tags."
"Into the Radius is a survival VR shooter Stalker sim."
"Maneuvering through the world like an NPC - a soulless Avatar that operates on Matrix programming."
"The feeling of being there, of walking the streets of the future is really going to be breathtaking."
"It's not every day that you fall into the matrix like I said it looks like a Stargate."
"I highly recommend modding your quest for custom songs."
"The witcher feels like a world that exists, that you just happen to be in. Skyrim feels like a video game world built for you to play in and explore."
"Just think how gobsmackingly brilliant film and television would be if it didn't just appear on a flat screen but was a real physical world you can actually step into."
"Watching 3D content in VR is actually way better than watching at the cinema or at home with a 3D TV."
"Imagine what the metaverse is going to be like... you're excised from society."
"I'm just so incredibly excited for AR Lino... she's so freaking cool and I love the whole Quest and everything secret that I can't talk about right now."
"Getting nerds moving and getting normies to wear goggles are the two major friction points."
"Never before have you been to a place like Night City, never before have you lived the life you will live here as V."
"This is probably as close as you can get to a total immersive experience."
"Playing a game like Star Wars Tales From Galaxy's Edge, every different Blaster I used had a different kind of feel to the pull of the trigger and a little bit of different haptic feedback in the rumble when it fired."
"Y'all gotta watch this - the first documentation of a cult that lives in virtual reality."
"I had signed a contract that essentially locked me into the cult."
"Just the visuals of being in VR is enough to sell me."
"The Source engine isn't just a game engine; it's essentially a whole contained Universe."
"These virtual worlds are the future... similar to things we were seeing in the early 90s with the internet."
"Sandbox is the closest thing to a real metaverse we have."
"Warner Brothers has partnered with AI company future verse to make Ready Player One a real thing... living in that space... making it all ready player one."
"Rec room is amazing for gamers who love to socialize."
"The kind of shoebox on your face point of the existing VR headsets was a major barrier to adoption."
"Quest 2 can decode 4K by 4K at 120 frames per second."
"The world of VR is a magical and mysterious place that I am proud to have explored."
"We can turn it into more of a social thing where you hang out in these worlds that we create."
"I'm gonna try to beat Resident Evil 4, one of the most action-packed thrilling games ever created, with only the shotgun while in VR. You can do a lot of things."
"Expression, creativity, connection, and commerce, that's what a good metaverse is supposed to do."
"A virtual tourism game where you have these interesting kind of futuristic things to look around is really cool."
"The whole idea was that it was a simulated world and you could just go out and do your thing."
"If you really want to have a convincingly immersive experience, then you want it to be as real as possible."
"VR makes it feel real, and when you put that into a multiplayer experience, it just raises it to a whole nother level."
"In this future, GeForce is your Holodeck, your lightspeed starship, your time machine."
"In the Metaverse, the only limits are those of your imagination."
"Augmented or fully virtual reality is humans' digital future."
"I spent actual time entering photo mode just to take pictures of some of these enhanced people wandering around night city."
"I truly believe lucid dreaming is the closest thing we have to sort out online VR reality."