
User Experience Quotes

There are 8893 quotes

"Imagine a world where your favorite streaming services not just recommend shows based on what you've watched but integrate seamlessly with your smart home to adjust the lighting and temperature, creating the perfect viewing ambiance."
"It's the first VR headset that I've bought that I really do think I'll still be using six months from now."
"Speed matters because in the absence of having very snappy responses, you could have the best model in the world, but if it takes 10, 20, 30 seconds to basically initiate and get back data from a fetch request, it's an impossible thing to do."
"They didn't force me to take the cover off to sync my Wii remotes. It's about damn time."
"The feeling you have when you use social media isn't that this thing is just a tool or it's on my side; it is an environment based on manipulation."
"The haptic feedback on the S23 Ultra is an absolute joy."
"I think there is a real user need to have, to be able to use computers easily."
"When you open up Apple TV Plus and you open up a movie, you have a beautiful experience."
"I really highly recommend this game, even if you have something like a GTX 1070, just so you can experience it."
"Mobile game ads are so annoying these days, and hiding the X makes me mad."
"The most impressive thing about it, though, is the way that it just feels intuitive. As soon as you put it on, the natural way you just look at something and make a pinching gesture to select it, and it just freaking works."
"The whole way you interact with Vision Pro is the newest, most interesting thing here. It's the most different from any other VR/AR headset."
"I used Apple Vision Pro at the airplane yesterday, and it was the most surreal, the most impressive, the craziest experience I've ever had with a piece of technology in my life."
"The immersion that it actually gives you from the airplane to just being somewhere else... that was one of the things that I didn't expect to love so much."
"Opera GX is probably the single resource-friendliest browser I've ever used."
"We got to find that healthy balance so there's more transparency for the user."
"You can only put the battery in one way; you can't put it in the wrong way."
"Field of view is beautiful, that this has finally come to console... Most players will want to find themselves in a comfort zone between 100 and 120."
"Being very honest, the base game has serious issues."
"Simulation lag, and poor Sim AI behaviors are extremely frustrating as a player."
"These social apps, when they're executed well, are a lot more engaging and are just more enjoyable for people to use."
"I think there's nothing worse than having boring products that make you feel like your skincare is a chore."
"Animating the right thing can really enhance the user experience, making the interface feel more interactive and responsive."
"With CSS animations, it's not just about making things move, it's about enhancing the user experience in a meaningful way."
"Technology that's built around people and how we actually experience the world and interact with each other, that's what the metaverse is all about."
"I'm not doing a long preamble. I'm not giving you my life story. Don't you hate when tutorials do that? Let's get right into the video."
"Optimizing display space on a smaller Mac is very important."
"My goal with these videos and it always has been like this for the gadget videos and everything is to give you a sense of what it's like to own it and be there in real life."
"Every feature we develop stays true to the pillars of OxygenOS: reliable, efficient, fast, and user-driven."
"Well done CSS animations can really elevate your site to the next level."
"If we can match the abstractions the user is thinking about to those in the task, we can get people to pick up programming tools."
"You really want to direct the visitors or the users' eye as much as possible to the important areas, and you do that by establishing a solid visual hierarchy."
"Making sure you're doing and applying all those things consistently will result in a much better design."
"Blizzard are betraying their legacy. They are engaging in psychologically manipulative practices that are not aligned with delivering user value."
"That's what Windows should feel like. It should feel familiar. It should feel secure. It should feel open. Connected."
"We're also making it easier to get started with new multitasking experiences... introducing Snap Layouts."
"With Windows 11 and this is where the magic really happens... everything is back where you had it before."
"Being able to save your loadouts and easily switch between them in-game has been a long-requested feature."
"Cut down on time managing mods, remove limitations that created confusing experiences."
"You have to look at your work from the reader's point of view, the user's point of view, the client's point of view. We cannot look at it just from our own point of view."
"A designer is like a good host, anticipating the needs of their guests."
"We're excited about these kinds of things even beyond just prompting, as being new experiences that people can generate."
"Twitch's business model is fucked because if you're making people watch ads in the middle of a stream, that is going to make them leave the stream."
"Epic Games and Steam need to compete on a purely platform level in terms of features and overall user experience, not by restricting third-party content from other platforms."
"At Google, we have always believed that technology should adapt to people, not the other way around."
"The most important thing that Google cares about is the user experience."
"We want your phone to always feel as fast and smooth as the day you unboxed it."
"All these elements come together to create what we believe a fast and smooth experience should be."
"With Confluence, what you see is what you get."
"The software in a Tesla, I don't know what it is, I'm quite an old guy and I'm not, I didn't grow up with computers and I've got a smartphone and I go blah, blah, blah. And the Tesla app works instantly and it always works."
"This is what that stupid diorama builder program should have been like. This is way cool."
"This is probably the single closest mod to feeling like a true to form official DLC."
"Asking to save in the event of accidentally closing Blender without saving, 96% of Blender users were in favor of a dialog box asking them if they'd like to save."
"It looks powerful enough that you might end up with like a Lion King type moment."
"This is about a conversation of all of us together thinking about this new generation of technology, thinking about something that doesn't compete with but blends into your life."
"Keep it timely. When you deliver data to the user, you want to do it in the moment and keep it up to date."
"For a user to have a good experience, the product needs to be usable, equitable, enjoyable, and useful."
"Good user experiences should create products that are intuitive and easy to use."
"We try to make this product as easy to use as possible; we try to make it as frictionless as possible."
"The laptop doesn't get too hot under load, and that can be annoying for a software developer because you've got your hands on the keyboard deck the whole time."
"The user experience is really driven around the idea that it should be frictionless, easy to use, and something that you can just spend time really enjoying."
"Adding more clicks for the sake of decluttering and prettying up an interface can have an adverse impact on navigability for users who know what they're doing."
"A progressive web app is simply that—a great user experience that feels integrated and earns a place on my home screen without having to give up the reach to get it."
"If your engineering approach is 'the user should just read the manual and learn to use it,' then you are not a very good engineer."
"Linux is getting in my way less than Windows."
"Just make sure everything is instant, like if you have a website, get rid of the introduction page."
"All these little nuances add up to a really good experience."
"Our vision for a PS5 user experience is simple: we believe that your playtime is valuable and should be meaningful."
"PlayStation wanted to make it really easy to chat with your friends on the PlayStation 5 console."
"If a new user comes on Twitter and then is immediately attacked by trolls and dumped on, they're going to want to leave."
"Twitter does need to be a more welcoming environment for new users."
"The best user experience is not just about the product; it has to be about the love and the passion for what you do."
"Even when technology advances, the core principles of good design and user experience remain the same."
"The animations are a really nice touch and it's got to be one of the things I've got to give Microsoft credit for."
"For every design choice that's obvious to you, it's a complete mystery to a new player."
"For most of our UIs, the user experience is really driven around the idea that it should be frictionless, easy to use, and something that you can just spend time really enjoying."
"Bugs are terrible, bugs will make you miserable."
"It's a really nice curve very similar to an ease in out but a little bit more subtle."
"Making your website mobile-friendly is super important."
"It's super important that your website is mobile-friendly."
"We have a very simple design which is definitely nice once you get used to it."
"Even though this does look awesome on camera, it is an absolutely amazing experience... this rig has been built primarily with content creation in mind."
"This complaint nightbot would hate; nightbot would be like, 'Excuse me?'"
"I have only good news about TensorFlow 2.0, which is about a month old. It's wonderful."
"The goal isn't to have people spend more time in computing; it's to make computing more natural."
"There's just a whimsy and fun playfulness to this. It's well put together, the menus are intuitive, there's great animations, excellent sounds."
"I care a lot about how people feel when they use our products."
"WooCommerce Multi Step Checkout Wizard... by default WooCommerce is not the cleanest. The checkout process can be a little messy, but with this, it makes it super user-friendly."
"In the end, the point of this is to make people's lives better. That's why we make games, to entertain. That's essentially the goal of every product, to enrich the life of the user."
"It doesn't matter how good the UI is if it's slow and sluggish."
"One of the immediate best things that I always mention: there are no ads in any of the classes."
"There's nothing weird or annoying, other than the vibration in this particular one, that would make you feel like you're driving anything exotic or crazy. It's just great seats to settle into, probably one of the best seats I've ever experienced in a car."
"Hearthstone stands as proof of Blizzard's design trifecta: accessibility, presentation, and game feel."
"I love the pop-up camera. I love that you're able to do multiple things and because of that, I give this futuristic rating a 10 out of 10."
"What a finely crafted video game experience this is."
"This is hands down the best use of the DualSense I've seen so far, and it makes me very excited for the future of the tech."
"If you've ever used Facebook, or you've used Google Chat, or any websites that's dynamically changing every second, you can literally, if you get a little nosy, open up Chrome's inspector and watch the DOM."
"Cost, user experience, performance. These are the non-obvious questions."
"Be honest, how many times have you tried to plug in a USB, only to flip it over and over?"
"Back in the early iPod Touch era, part of the fun was just downloading random apps, and at the time, we were easily impressed by everything."
"One of the most important things about a car is the interior because it's where you spend your time; it's the stuff that you touch, feel, and smell."
"This phone feels so luxurious...when you're using this phone, you're gonna feel like a boss."
"But you can see that you can still grab these applications and they kind of fit well. Yes, there's some empty space that could be taken advantage of a little bit more, but overall, I am impressed with how well it does work with Stage Manager mode turned on."
"Overall, I think iPadOS 16 and Stage Manager, in particular, is a big step forward, and Apple is going to keep iterating on this."
"The customer doesn't care about how much work went into the game; the customer cares about is the game fun to play."
"Competition is necessary to keep platforms growing, to keep features accelerating, to have good experiences."
"So far, this has been one of my favorite handhelds to date."
"Alola's biggest and most unanimous flaw is the overbearing hand holding."
"The camera is much better in Sekiro for giant enemies."
"VS Code just makes web development much easier. It's very fast, intuitive, and has great extensions."
"Progressive Web Apps... are regular web apps that give the user a native experience. PWAs are reliable, fast, and engaging, and I think that they are the future."
"The one major difference about the mobile app that I really love is that you can have chats with it similar to how you'd have chats with Siri, and well, it's quite a bit better than Siri."
"You know that satisfying feeling you get when you flick your apps off your screen to close them, or when you finally get used to gestures and realize how much more fluid they feel than buttons?"
"Most people are just like, 'I don't want to open their phone to immediate negativity because that's what Twitter is a lot of the time.'"
"Simple is really good. Still, to this day, fit the tech to the context."
"Every bit of technology has been optimized to keep you hooked."
"Here I am, I'm a grown gentleman of age, and I can list the five Paw Patrol puppies and their leader."
"You always want at least something moving, something catching the user's eye."
"It's definitely linear. There are certainly camera problems... but there's just something about this game that in a lot of ways, it's intangible."
"In my reviews, I focus on the newest games and look at graphics settings that people might actually use."
"It's really fun. You can add apps like how I do have a gallery section, and I add my Instagram account, and it's basically a live feed. Whenever you post something on Instagram, it will pop up on your website."
"Try to show your design in context and how somebody's going to use it so you can properly evaluate it."
"I think it makes the gameplay so much more real, so much more entertaining."
"I really appreciate the new routing features and I think they did a fantastic job on the hardware front in terms of the design."
"Non-blocking code is to allow other tasks in an application to continue running and not block up the user interface."
"Virtual had the moment right, and specifically when I talk about the moment, we talk about quality over quantity."
"This kickstand is a big plus. The old flimsy plastic stick that was in the old Switch was useless to me."
"Still using the airpods pro too and Still Loving them."
"Both incredibly bright, can hit 2000 nits of brightness max, peak at 1600 with HDR."
"Twitter's going to become 4chan too, so have fun with that, I guess."
"It's very accessible and really is more about the feel of it."
"It's been my dream since 2020 after having the painful experience of working with dex's in the past."
"This modpack is not only fun to watch, but it's also really fun to play."
"Ping fade: While players are aiming down sight, live pings will now Fade Away."
"There are some massive improvements over Motorsport 7."
"This car puts a smile on your face and keeps you smiling from the moment that you pull away."
"A good options menu demonstrates goodwill and contrition."
"Options menus are important for developer-player communication."
"A good options menu is developer confidence in their product."
"Despite the strength being similar, I'd still say yes, the details feel far smoother and less robotic which does make the experience more enjoyable and more immersive."
"I think there's a lot of frustration around the quality of voice chat."
"Ultimately I think that it didn't add anything to the experience really of riding a motorcycle in fact to me it took away distracted and detracted from my experience of trying to enjoy this machine."
"Adding a form on the bottom of every single page makes it as easy as possible for people to contact me."
"Four minutes, but it's a single shutter press."
"Pixel 3 is designed to be the smartest, most helpful device in your life."
"We've designed them from the inside out to give you your own personal Google, anticipating your needs, taking things off your plate."
"The YouTube experience has been optimized so I have access to a ton of how-to videos just by using my voice."
"Pixel Slate is truly a no compromise way to work and play."
"Our mission is to inspire joy in American users."
"No loading screens, no canned animations." - Sean
"A smartphone that can do anything, designed for people who want to do everything."
"The Note experience has always started with a screen."
"I've never had a problem. It was easy to set up and once it was set up I could count on it always."
"It's powerful, but I'm just really excited about how fun it'll make the spec feel again."
"When people visit your website, they notice the brand and the color scheme you should use throughout your website."
"The level of customization is simply astounding."
"Feedback is simply informing the user that their actions were received and that the software is now busy performing the task."
"If software waits longer than 0.1 seconds to show a response to a user's action, users will assume they missed and try again."
"The crazy thing is if you use the 3668 version of this app, it's actually going to run at full speed."
"Improving the end user experience is crucial."
"I do absolutely recommend you guys try last Epoch."
"Experience snappy system performance like never before."
"It worked for me as a game that left my heart pumping all the time."
"Everything is done seamlessly. And that's just a very good user experience where security is a top priority."
"People are lazy they don't want to have to click a button."
"Maybe letting you skip ahead for just a moment surely couldn't hurt."
"The new AdWords experience and Google Optimize were built to help you work smarter, so you can build the assistive experiences that your customers expect."
"The Adidas X Speedflow Plus, a football boot that offers easily one of the most unique football boot experiences that I've ever had."
"If Apple is pushing the notch as a key visible differentiator, then suggesting that UX and UI are taking a backseat to visuals that serve no purpose in the device's function."
"The remasters honor the legacy of Tomb Raider while smoothing out the rough edges for beginners."
"People aren't really looking for traditional one-to-one inputs. They're looking for something that feels nimble."
"Pixel isn’t only a phone experience, it’s a personal, intelligent and cohesive computing experience."
"This just shape of this just looks really confusing. It's not intuitive at all."
"The epic title screen is easily one of the most nostalgic aspects about this game."
"So you get that really nice fluidity. So nice."
"Premiere crashes all the time and resolve never crashes in my experience."
"This straight up looks like a movie but like I'm controlling the character, this is [__] crazy."
"That's going to give our site this really cool parallax effect where the image stays in one spot but the rest of the website is moving."
"If you ever find yourself struggling with selecting things, you might be in the wrong mode."
"An alternative to Youtube that doesn’t just want to remain an alternative in the corner full of people lamenting how right they are about the masses of sheeple has to have a kick ass user experience."
"Ensuring that people can pick up a set of cards and at least understand the major story beats of your grand narrative is a really basic step."
"Campfire Blaze also receives new features every month."
"We've created phones that I believe when you hold them and you see them for the first time you'll recognize that you've never experienced something like this before."
"You can build a billion-dollar business by focusing primarily on the front-end user experience."
"We wanted to create a symbiotic relationship between the virtual and the physical."
"Fallout 3 didn't have iron sights for some reason, it just zoomed in a bit, but guess what New Vegas has iron sights now."
"The player in a video game has tangible control over where they go, what they see, what they hear, and what they ultimately experience."
"When it comes to official documentation, once you've spent any time using MSDN and the official samples you realize pretty quickly that it makes a huge difference."
"The consistency is more surprising than I thought it would be."
"The app is turning into a complete hideous mess, but at least we have Instagram stories where we can stay up to date."
"The display is very bright, a very smooth interface and very responsive."
"The game runs really well and it has a heap of graphical and gameplay options allowing you to tweak your experience."
"Solid.js is just easier, it just makes me less hate my life."
"Players are no longer players, they are now users. I think that's huge."
"It's more fun to use like I look forward to sitting down and using it versus the MacBook Air."
"I appreciate its world, I appreciate its attention to detail, its story has surprised me."
"Do you ever see this window? That means I am not looking at the YouTube chat because it moves so fast."
"An amazing experience." - "...an amazing experience..."
"I feel like I have all this power at my fingertips now."
"Overall, first impression: quite like this. I'm enjoying it."