
Workplace Equality Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Instead of the monologues of #MeToo, we need to have dialogues. Instead of human resource centers becoming 'her', we really need to have dialogues at work about what's working for women, what's not working for women, what's working for men, and what's not working for men."
"Everybody in an enterprise is equal...We decide together what we're going to produce, what technology we're going to use, where we're going to produce."
"Employers should not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity because those honestly, for the most part, have nothing to do with whether or not you can do a job."
"The lawsuit is seeking a ton of damages... mostly, the DFEH is looking for Activision Blizzard to pay out damages to the people affected as well as relief, which can take the form of equal pay, incentive pay, benefits, and awards owed to the women who worked there."
"It is time we put a magnifying glass to women's toxic workplace behavior and biases the same way we have men's and purge the sludge."
"Can men and women work together in the workplace? Yes. How do you know? Because I work with a lot of women."
"I will never treat you any differently, and if you're good at your job, I'll promote the [ __ ] out of you."
"It is against the law for your employer to separate you, to segregate you. That's the language in the law, and to classify you. Are you with me? Please repeat that in a comment."
"The companies need the employees more than the employees need the company."
"More CEOs should work shoulder to shoulder with their staff who are much bigger than them."
"We will increase the percentage of women and non-binary people in our workforce by 50 percent."
"Believe women and minorities when they talk about harassment and discrimination in the workplace."
"Women aren't weaponizing the #MeToo movement to sabotage all men in the workforce."
"I do think workplace democracy is as morally necessary as democracy in our government."
"Being proactive about inclusivity in hybrid work is crucial; it's about making sure everyone, whether remote or in the room, has an equal voice." - Nate Skinner, Oracle
"This is the beginning of an enduring movement in favor of better labor conditions for all employees, especially women."
"Almost 80% of the most highly compensated employees at the Girl Scouts are male."
"I don't like being the token black guy, so he hatches a plan to help other people of color infiltrate America's tech startup sales teams, redefining what it means to be a minority in the workplace."
"I'm gonna choose my battles and be like, 'Hey, you respect me, you think I'm a good teacher regardless of what I put on my face, you and I are cool.'"
"I might be white but I don't see color when I come to work. I'm working hard for every child in this school, the black ones and the white ones."
"What's helpful is to recognize one another, men and women, as just working together."
"Every company in the industry must create an environment where everyone is respected and treated as equals."
"Ultimately, if our biggest priority is how can women comfortably get to a place where they're putting in 65 hour work weeks..."
"It's about women deserving equal respect in the workplace."
"Sexual harassment at the workplace applies to any and every woman."
"You will fail in today's society if you don't have a diverse, equal opportunity workplace."
"Black women have to work twice as hard and are still half as liked as their white peers."
"Understanding of individual skills, comprehensive and inclusive accommodation programs, and access to equal pay, benefits, and non-discriminatory support is needed."
"We really need to have dialogues at work about what's working for women, what's not working for women, what's working for men, and what's not working for men."
"Let the black worker have more than just a boss that they have to listen to in a rigid hierarchy. Give the black worker direct control over their labor."
"I'm going to pay you the same exact salary that Alex got when he first got here."
"Women are an important part of the workforce. If they're not functioning to their capacity, we are losing important workspace."
"Andy brings excellence every day. And I saw the other day it was a young woman who was doing a man's job. I was like, 'Uh, is Andy sick?'"
"I do feel that you treated Jennifer a little bit as a very pretty decoration but rather than a very useful member of the team."
"Let's elevate new talent, let's have a pay ratio in the BBC from lowest earners to highest earners."
"You've also discriminated against on the fact that you're a woman, aren't you? In which case, there needs to be an equal number of women in the well."
"Equal opportunity for all workers including seniors."
"That's the story of what has happened to so many workplaces... women demanded access and then started complaining."
"Once your foot is in the door, which you unfairly got in, then you have to work almost twice as hard and be twice as good."
"Feminism at the end of the day is about the ability for us to be able to work together and pick the best viable person to do the job no matter what gender they are."
"When a black person is working at a place with white people, they don't mind a black person being moist or in a subservient position. But when black people start getting promoted, that's when the hostility comes in."
"The theme of this year's agency event is power of active allyship, and that means working together to fight injustice and to promote equity in the workplace."
"Not harassing us is not enough. You also need to not ignore us." - Sheryl Sandberg
"Everybody should have equal pay everybody should be based off of who wants to you know it doesn't matter male female I think it don't matter what the hell the hardest worker should be the winner simple as that."
"It doesn't matter whether you're a man, woman, you know what race you are, what beliefs you have, what matters is how good are you at your job."
"You're just mad that there's a successful woman in the room."
"Why don't the bosses adopt some the male bosses shall we say adopt some female traits so that women don't have to fight and get their sharp elbows out for the pay rises it's just accepted if they're doing the same job they get the same pay."
"We are here to say we belong here and we will demand respect for Miss Ocasio-Cortez and every other woman in this house who has been demeaned by a colleague."
"We cannot let it go unaddressed as many of us women have long been expected to do."
"...it's important to note that in 1978...racial and gendered equality in the workplace had become such a pressing cultural concern."
"Well, now we're working in the plus column but we don't call it moving up we call it moving over to management because here nobody's better than anybody else."
"You are not alone if you speak up. If you even if you speak up at the workplace and you see something that is just, you know, clear double standards and you speak up against it, you are not alone."
"Imagine a time where there is absolute equal parental leave in the workplace and men actually take the leave that they're offered."
"There's really a very flat culture where people treat each other as sort of like equals."
"We're at the same thing. It's like when Francis tried to belittle Glenny Balls and he's like 'I went to Harvard,' and Glenny was like 'We have the same job.'"
"Women are working in the same capacity as men in all the work areas and at all levels of society."
"I really want to promote pay transparency and make sure that we all are being fairly compensated for our hard work."
"Gender discrimination in the workplace is against the law."
"Fairness in the workplace, what a novel idea."
"The company cannot fire you for a discriminatory reason such as your race, religion, gender, age, or some other characteristic that is protected by state or federal law."