
Generational Challenges Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Empathy means, if there's an entire generation struggling, maybe it's not them."
"Live above your generation. Live beyond where everybody else is."
"This generation is going to be behind for their entire life if something doesn't happen to close the gap."
"So I wish I had good news, but for our, my generation, a boomer generation, we're in serious trouble."
"Our generation deserves better. It's your choice: join the movement or join the 1.5 trillion student debt crisis."
"I am genuinely worried that the American Dream will not exist for my two sons and their generation unless we do something about it."
"Yes, we are kind of a financially screwed generation, however, we don't have to be as long as we have financial literacy."
"85% of Gen Z do not feel like their generation has been set up for success."
"A lot of Gen Z's issues stem from false promises and unrealistic expectations from society."
"What we're doing to the next generation is unconscionable. They have to figure out how to make it in the most expensive economic times of all time."
"I realized... there's a generation of people who are lost and they don't know what to do."
"If you're a kid right now, you're never gonna get a house."
"Kids today are more depressed, more anxious, they suffer more from mental illness, they're more suicidal than any generation of children before them in history."
"They had gotten more mental health treatment than any American generation on record. Instead, they were the picture of despair."
"Every generation has its collective battle, this is certainly ours."
"You talk about the financial crisis of the 2000s as if it was the only generation to go through one."
"People are leaving an entire generation abandoned."
"Every generation faces some kind of unique challenge, and I believe our greatest challenge is our own success."
"The biggest financial mistake you will ever make was being born after 1980. Homes are unaffordable."
"Millennials might be the unluckiest generation when it comes to economic growth."
"Do you believe in the mission of generation Z?"
"Millennials are a generation that faced more uncertainty than any other generation before them."
"A lot of the things that were possible if not easy for our parents' generation are pretty inaccessible to young people today."
"Each generation faces new temptations to trade personal freedoms for promised benefits—benefits are abstractions, and usually abstractions that turn out to be passing fantasies."
"It's about time the millennial generation and many Gen Xers understood what it means to actually have to survive."
"Generations of us and many generations to follow will have to be vigilant at all times going forward against these people because the inclination will be you know here is a way we can be powerful without having to be virtuous."
"There's a generation where it's less and less likely that your kids will be better off than you."
"I don't think this is the generation... that's capable of winning."
"Millennials have been fortunate enough to live through two different housing crises."
"How is Gen Z going to buy houses? I don't know. Physically, Gen Z will not be able to afford houses."
"Our generation has to represent and beat those guys like Pacquiao, Mayweather who's not here anymore."
"I'm truly thinking not like the pressure that's put on our generation with social media is what causes it."
"It's hard to fix this when we're embedded in, in my lifetime the weakest period of leadership."
"Millennials are the first generation to be worse off than their parents."
"There's never been a generation with more psychosis than young people today."
"Every generation, you're going to have to deal with the fact that someone's going to exploit our credulity."
"It's hard work standing up for reality in every generation."
"One of the practical biggest problems with our generation."
"I thought by my age that things would get better, you know, and it's not. And I think that's what a lot of Millennials are struggling with."
"Big questions are afoot, big things are afoot, and there are quite precisely drawn sharp challenges to our generation."
"We are America; we went to the moon 50 years ago. Let's make our moonshot justice for this generation."
"I wouldn't be talking about this so much if I didn't think it was the biggest story possibly of our generation among all the other catastrophes that are about to befall us as a species."
"Every generation has its challenges. We'll figure our stuff out."
"Young people facing the prospect of never owning a home."
"The inequalities this had created—alongside the weakening of institutions like the nuclear family—spawned a generation of young people who felt prematurely jaded about their futures."
"Every generation has its defining struggles."
"We're living in the most depressed, the most anxious, the most unhappy generation that has been documented."
"Our younger generation through no fault of their own now has a lower standard of living than their parents."
"Millennials have the good fortune of being the unluckiest generation in history financially."
"This is essentially the proof that we have a multi-generational problem in this country."
"Why are Millennials broke? Politicians and billionaires are blaming the system."
"That's the problem. We, as a generation, we go away. We don't stay here and fight."
"A lot of the string theorists wish to die being on the horse that is the best failed horse rather than trying to turn the field over to other people who might succeed doing something else."
"Jen Z shouldn't have to work 40 hours and still not be able to make ends meet—that's a non-controversial perspective."
"This movie is about the new generation. What they've inherited, the light and the dark, and ask the question about facing the greatest evil: are they ready?"
"This is the first generation of people who can't go to college without loading up on debt they can never repay."
"I can't imagine being like 15 in this day and age holy [ __ ]."
"Comparison and instant gratification are some of the most dangerous downfalls of our generation."
"Exorbitant housing prices have crushed the hopes of the new generation."
"This is the problem with the generation, you have to work for it."
"Dovi predicted all of the challenges this new world would bring. He predicted that we would struggle to live meaningful lives, that each generation would now have to tackle the question of morality for themselves."
"The challenge from my generation, Milton's generation, was to provide an intellectual defense for liberty the challenge for your generation is whether you can keep it."
"The set of challenges that the young men and women today are complaining of are certainly different to any other set of challenges perhaps experienced in the past."
"You're not the first generation on planet Earth to face that dilemma."
"I think every generation in humanity has had something that they were struggling against against not to minimize what guys are struggling with now um it's it is kind of rough out there."
"God expects each generation to get up on its own feet and face its own problems."
"People can't afford to buy a home anymore, and so the market is shifting away from ownership and towards rentals, especially among middle-income families and Millennials grappling with college debt."
"Every generation has to kind of fight for what they want."
"Home ownership is out of reach for Generation Rent."
"No generation has it completely easy."
"You come of age in a time of wonderful challenges."
"Every generation gets knocked down and has to get back up."
"In every single generation, whenever there was a new urgent problem, it was faced by the rabbis who sought solutions."
"Every generation has its own challenges and its own need for heroism."
"For those older ones among us, before you start that rant online, maybe first consider the challenges facing this generation that have never existed before."
"Young people today, the Zoomer generation, need help; they face unprecedented challenges from a broken social order."
"We're the first generation in a long time to have it worse economically than our parents."
"That barrier that if possible, it is that it takes us so many generations to overcome poverty."
"I think your generation faces a clear and present danger. It's not as obvious as it was with us, where we're facing possible death, but it's very, very serious."
"The story of this game centers around the young generation who struggle to deal with the world left behind to them by the older generation."
"I'm scared for the generation right now growing up on social media so heavily."
"We are a generation that finds it hard to live within our means."