
Intuitive Eating Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"Don't worry if you don't get all of the macros... if you're full, follow your body's lead and just go with it. That is perfectly okay."
"It really comes down to listening to your body and honoring what it needs without needing to do like a math calculation in your head to determine the ratio of vegetables or chocolate that you're allowed to eat that day."
"Intuitive eating is not a perfect process, but rather it's guidance to a healthier relationship with food and eating."
"This is really about reprogramming yourself with a mindset for the rest of your life to look at every time you eat in every meal as pleasurable, enjoyable, certainly fueling up but not something to feel guilty about or obsess over or worry about or hunger for or anything. It's like, I don't know quite how to describe it other than it's an intuitive realization that we come to that food is awesome, and when I eat it, I enjoy the hell out of it, and when it's not there, I don't even think about it."
"Intuitive eating is basically about listening to your body."
"Intuitive eating includes nutrition and movement."
"Intuitive eating is about ditching the diet mentality and establishing a healthy relationship with all foods."
"Intuitive eating is not a set of rules dictating that you can only eat clean Foods 80% of the time and only allow yourself whatever you want to eat the other 20%."
"Eat when you're hungry, not when you're told."
"Intuitive eating is such an awesome thing, you know if you're listening to your body's cues."
"If you're an intuitive eater, you kind of don't know you are one."
"Intuitive eating isn't like other diets with predetermined sets of one-size-fits-all rules. It's ultimately a mind-body eating framework informed by a set of principles."
"Intuitive eating is all about respecting your body's natural signals and desires."
"Intuitive eating is not a straight road you are going to have times when you eat emotionally and that is perfectly fine."
"Eating intuitively is the key to enjoying all the amazing foods life has to offer while maintaining a healthy balanced diet."
"Getting in touch with and figuring out what are my cues, what does my body do when it's starting to get full."
"Intuitive eating is characterized by having a strong connection with and eating in accordance to physiological hunger and satiety cues."
"If you're hungry, eat, follow your body, learn how to follow your body."
"Trust that appetite... you kind of have no choice but to listen to that."
"I also started eating more intuitively without food rules, listening to my body's natural hunger and fullness signals."
"To just tell them oh just eat intuitively and you'll be fine I think that again that's a gross oversimplification of what it really takes to be able to eat intuitively."
"There is nothing intuitive about denying your body food when it's begging to be fed."
"I am absolutely not against intentional weight loss; I just want to flag that intuitive eating shouldn't be labeled as."
"Honoring your health. Intuitive eating is about what makes your body feel good..."
"Honor your hunger. Yes, this means that when you're hungry, don't feel guilty, don't feel bad..."
"Continue eating normally aka intuitively... you eat when you're hungry you stop when you're full."
"The idea of intuitive eating is to make peace with food."
"Rooted in self-care, intuition, and enjoyment rather than diet culture and pseudoscience."
"Listen to your body when it says no, even if your brain is craving it."
"Intuitive eating is about self-care and intention, not about eating whatever you want."
"Tuning into your hunger becomes an internal barometer for fueling your body from a place of self-care rather than suppression and restriction."
"At its core, intuitive eating is about honoring your health through a flexible approach to nutrition that emphasizes balance, variety, and foods that make you feel your best."
"Nothing in extremes... finding balance, finding that 80 healthy 20 is just intuitive eating."
"Hunger is good, you should be eating when you're hungry, you shouldn't even be eating if you're not hungry."
"Sometimes our bodies are telling us what we need or what's good for us, what's bad for us."
"Normally I eat my breakfast like right when I wake up this morning I wasn't hungry and something that I've learned in life and in quarantine is you eat when you're hungry and you don't eat when you're not hungry."
"When given the freedom to eat in response to their own hunger and fullness cues, children are better able to eat the amount of food that they need and grow in a way that is right for them."
"Calories are so black and white... it takes away from the whole listening to your body thing."
"The whole goal is to eat instinctually and naturally, and eat what you feel like eating."
"Your body will do that on its own. You really just have to fill up your stomach to a point where you feel satiated and full."
"Being a dietitian has made me more relaxed about feeding my son; I'm way more concerned with raising a competent intuitive eater."
"I only actually ate when I felt like I actually needed to."
"You eat until you're full and then enjoy the rest of your day."
"I am a firm believer that you need to be equipped both with robust nutrition knowledge and understanding how to eat intuitively."
"Eat till you're satisfied, eat till you're full, listen to your body."
"When I finally Stripped Away the rules and restrictions around what I need to I literally took just like 3 months no no goals no plans of like what I wanted my body to look like I just wanted to hear my Hunger cues again that's it."
"I just wanted to eat and learn how to intuitively do that again so once I was actually able to hear my Hunger cues again I really focused on just like intuitively feeling when I felt satisfied when I felt full and started to rebuild that relationship with my body."
"Eat when you're hungry, don't eat when you're not hungry."
"I hate counting calories a lot of the time, I do intuitive eating."
"Honestly, I have days where I count calories, I have days where I don't count calories, or days where I just eat intuitively."
"I want you to become a more intuitive eater. I want you to eat until you're about 80% full and then stop eating. It's just that simple."
"Intuitive eating allows you to mostly stick to your diet plan without stress."
"Adopting intuitive eating behaviors is something that everyone can stick with for the rest of their lives."
"Intuitive eating doesn't mean you can never eat foods that you enjoy or participate in social events."
"Intuitive eating, we got to get back to what does your body need."
"Eating like intuitively, eating when you're hungry, eating the great stuff."
"Implementing gentle nutrition is key to your intuitive eating, non-diet journey, especially if you feel like 'I'm letting myself eat whatever but I don't feel good.'"
"Intuitive eating is aligned with health at every size because the pursuit of intentional weight loss is a failed paradigm."
"You should never force yourself to eat something just because it's healthy."
"When it comes to getting back on track, a huge part of intuitive eating is feeling good."
"A huge part of intuitive eating is feeling good physically from a nourishment standpoint and without having all the stress and mental gymnastics that go into dieting."
"Getting back on track is coming from a place of just trying to be my healthiest self, which is lifelong if this is really the plan that I'm going for, this intuitive eating that has room for balance."
"A huge part of intuitive eating is actually fueling and nourishing your body so that you feel good."
"If you're hungry you should eat if you're full you stop you know if you're hungrier one day then another day okay that's fine you respond to that cue and you eat more you listen to your body our bodies are so clever."
"Learning to trust your body and your hunger cues and eat intuitively is such a good thing to learn rather than always rely on tracking."
"I'm also equally as passionate about intuitive eating."
"Utilizing nutrition and finding freedom with food through intuitive eating."
"We're just trying to eat more intuitively and have a healthy relationship with food."
"Intuitive eating is stress-free. It's a balanced way of living."
"There shouldn't be any guilt, stress, or anxiety with intuitive eating."
"I try and listen to those signals in my body that I've had enough I've eaten enough I don't need any more."
"We are all born with the ability to regulate our intake based on hunger and fullness."
"I feel like I'm doing so good with my intuitive eating."
"...if you just want to get to appointments you can intuitively eat to maintain your weight to be healthy and happy."
"Intuitive eating is a meathead term for eating normal."
"Eat as much as you want when your body is hungry."
"If you wake up in the morning and you're not hungry, don't eat. And you really should be able to get all your calories in between 11 and 4 p.m. Like you have five hours to eat all the food you want. That's plenty of time."
"I just eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full."
"...for some people at least it might be more sensible not to focus on dieting but to focus on healthy habits and the backbone behind intuitive eating rather than intentional weight loss efforts."
"I really just go off when I'm hungry and what I'm craving at the time rather than having set meal times."
"You're eating when you're hungry, which is what we should all be doing."
"At its core, intuitive eating is a way of tuning into and connecting with your body and your unique needs."
"I eat until I am totally full. I don't count any calories, there's no weighing, and there's no measuring."
"You eat until satisfied, snack when hungry, and never count calories again."
"I eat when I'm hungry and I eat till I'm full."
"I try to just, if I'm hungry, I eat and kind of intuitively, I just don't focus on it, you know? It gives me more peace."
"If I'm still hungry, I'll just eat, like I said, I eat intuitively."
"I'm just kind of listening to my hunger cues... I've actually learned my body's hunger and fullness cues and really have listened to my body."
"No calorie counting, just eating an abundance, getting back in tune with your body's natural hunger and fullness cues."
"Intuitive eating is an approach to health and food that has nothing to do with dieting, meal plans, discipline, or willpower."
"The intuitive eating framework talks about body food congruence."
"Now intuitive eating is not a diet... and it's weight neutral."
"End goal should always be intuitive eating so you don't create any fear foods."
"There is an in-between middle ground which is just to have these loose rules, a kind of strategic intuitive eating."
"I just eat when I'm hungry and I have not been a breakfast person for many, many years."
"Eat when you are hungry; the body is so wise, we are supposed to have perfectly functioning metabolisms."
"If you're not hungry, don't eat. Eat when you're hungry. I only want you to eat when you are truly hungry, not when you're bored, not when it's time to eat, not when everyone else is eating."
"Once you practice eating mindfully, you'll be able to eat intuitively."
"If you approach it in the way that it's just the way you eat, then it will take away the stress and you're more in tune in terms of what works for your body."
"It's just so important that you eat when you're hungry, you eat until you're full, and you eat a good variety of things."
"Intuitive eating isn't for everyone, but it's a really nice way to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle without overly thinking about it."
"The way I see intuitive eating is by listening to my internal hunger cues."
"If you're hungry, your body's telling you something, and the best thing that you can do is respond by feeding it, not by eating by some arbitrary rules that some YouTuber set up for you."
"Listen to your body and eat in a way that feels right to you."
"It also allows you to be a lot more intuitive with your eating."
"Intuitive eating is the only thing that works for me."
"I just truly believe that if you're listening to your body and you're eating in response to those hunger cues, that your body will gain the weight that it needs to gain."
"Reject the diet mentality, honor your hunger, make peace with food."
"Mindful eating is so important in intuitive eating."
"Intuitive eating teaches people to pay attention to the signals their body sends them."
"I now eat very intuitively and now I'm at the point where I can pretty much eat every food group without any anxiety."
"Intuitive eating is about building trust with your body and your hunger, and eating in a way that fuels your mind and body and is enjoyable."
"Once you start eating real food over time and actually getting healthy, there is a more intuitive sense around food."
"Listen to the internal cues as opposed to the external cues to tell you when to eat and how much to eat."
"When you remove rules around food, I find that I crave bad food even less."
"Teaching people the intuitive aspect of eating... connect to how you feel and your energy levels and your sleep."
"Intuitive eating is the key to eating normal again."
"Eat when you're hungry, eat till you're full, and then don't eat again until you're hungry. That's revolutionary."
"Eat when your body feels like it needs to eat, you know, that's it."
"Intuitive eating is all about using your body and your brain to make decisions."
"Intuitive eating works if you understand nutrition."
"If you have an eating disorder or a poor relationship with food, intuitive eating doesn't work."
"She's teaching me how to eat intuitively, helping me to understand food neutrality."
"My goal is to get towards intuitive eating."
"Stay intuitive with what you're eating and listen to your body's signals."
"If you knew how to eat intuitively, you wouldn't eat yourself into being three, four, five to six hundred pounds; that's not intuitive eating."
"I'm going to try and eat intuitively whilst being somewhat mindful of my calories."
"Intuitive eating is not just about eating Doritos all day every day because you like them."
"You're better off main gaining, maintaining... I realized I naturally do that by intuitive eating."
"Eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full, there's no rules."
"It's okay to not eat if you're not hungry."
"I believe in intuitive eating, which means if my body really wants something, I can have it in moderation."
"I am absolutely an intuitive eater. I don't cut anything out; I don't follow any specific diet. I just kind of eat whatever I want to eat and however much it feels right in that moment."
"The whole point of intuitive eating is to listen to your body."