
Open Source Quotes

There are 1714 quotes

"Companies like Facebook, Airbnb, and Netflix all rely on thousands and thousands of lines of open source code."
"Let your winners ride, and instead we open-sourced it to the fans, and they've just gone crazy with it."
"GMOs are good, but they must be open source and available to the third world without a catch."
"Have a portfolio. Your resume is one thing, sure. But you want to be able to bring them your GitHub that you have X,000 projects or a dozen or so things that you've hacked on or open source contributions."
"I'd like to believe that people do it with good intentions. So, isn't open source and funding open source...isn't that also one of those moral responsibilities that companies need to take?"
"TensorFlow is an open-source library that helps you develop and train ML models."
"All of this source code is going to be on GitHub just for free for you guys to take a look at and learn from."
"The algorithm is open sourced, so you can see exactly what's going on."
"Making this scan data open source and available to everyone is a really significant step."
"Bitcoin is open source; you can do whatever you want with it."
"If you make a good game and you want it available for everyone to play for years to come, make it open source."
"Contributions to open source show that you own more knowledge than you need to give away."
"The goal of open source is to collaborate on base building blocks, leaving so much room for commercialization and differentiation on top of and around that."
"I designed my first computer very quickly... I gave away my designs for free. The Apple one computer is public domain."
"The GPL was good because it allowed evolution to happen on a larger scale."
"The open source models really allow people to do that--allows any developer in the world anywhere--who's connected to the internet--they can make an improvement to an open source project, like Chrome, and that can really make the world a lot better."
"WordPress, unlike these other companies, is open-sourced, which means that anyone can build anything for WordPress and release it to the public."
"Everything is open source; that's the point of it. It's open, free, permissionless, decentralized. It's like power to the people."
"We are open sourcing Pingora to help build a better and more secure internet beyond our own infrastructure."
"The open source philosophy is, everybody can program and everybody can check stuff in, and it's always positive to do that and help, and you're building the software along with everyone else."
"This is the collaborative world of open-source software, where code is written and shared freely."
"Put simply, open-source development has become the new norm."
"It was against this backdrop that the open-source operating system Linux was unceremoniously released in 1991."
"Freeing the source code sounds all well and good, but how is it possible to verify the software in the machines was compiled from the source code that was made public?"
"Open source has really taken over a lot of areas and become really, really popular."
"We as Google do not believe that taking away the ability of the open source community to monetize is good for customers, for the developer community, or for software innovation."
"The more help the better. To start, you can check out the GitHub progress boards to see how active the project is."
"Supabase... includes authentication and some other stuff. It is completely open source."
"Open source doesn't necessarily mean completely safe."
"Blender is an open-source graphics toolset that's been used to create animated films, 3D printed models, visual effects, video games, and so much more."
"Privacy, if you know my content, then you know that I'm into self-hosting, open source, and privacy."
"RISC-V is open and free, and there's no reason lots of people shouldn't use it."
"And what do I think? I think Microsoft should consider open sourcing the core Windows kernel, but under a hybrid model."
"Open source contributions aren't valuable because they exist; they're valuable because they show that you've run into real problems with software."
"VLC is one of the most popular free and open source applications on the planet."
"Stacer is free and open source software, of course."
"The reason Windows has such big privacy concerns and security concerns is because it's not free and open source software."
"Our open source model turns players into designers."
"Players are very active throughout the entire design process."
"Open source game development turns players into designers."
"Open source game development is the best way to support derivatives or mods."
"Every aspect of what we're doing is going to be completely open source."
"Open source development... ensures faster tech evolution."
"Cross-platform, fast, free, and open source."
"We should build an open-source personal digital assistant."
"Zing is access to Zing is free for developers and testers of open source projects."
"Contribute to open source projects. It's never too early to contribute."
"99% of what I cover is open source and not debatable."
"Cubes OS is the best OS available today. It's what I use and it's free."
"Open-Source AI will be much bigger and much stronger."
"You realize open-source is the way to go." - George Hotz
"They're an interesting company... enthusiasts of Linux and open source software."
"So, our Linux support is going to be great. We already have an open driver for Linux right now."
"Google open source photographs can help the 3D modelers figure things out when official sources are lacking."
"If everything is open source, even if you don't know exactly how your peers or adversaries are trained, you can have a pretty good idea."
"So what we're really excited to announce is that this is going to be available open source."
"Using open source software can be beneficial to any organization."
"Democratically organized workers don't constrain the options for development but rather enhance the very thing that makes open source so good: collaboration."
"You have to make sure every time that you are building software that is free and open-source."
"I'm optimistic that there are lots of things that can be done."
"Crypto is all about creating these open base layers."
"It's a beautiful thing about Linux choices, lots of choices."
"Linux makes it easy to cut out third-party VPN services to build your own VPN that you fully control."
"Proton contains a custom version of wine as well as additional libraries developed alongside it, is fully open source and available right now on GitHub."
"AMD's decision to make FSR an open source technology is a good idea."
"It's free and open source, so that's cool right off the bat, that's amazing!"
"Open-source really is a collaborative effort and it needs your help."
"Dapr reached V1 production: Open-source, flexible, and ready for enterprise adoption."
"Trust wallet is an open source project that means anyone can go in there and look at the code which does have some advantages for security."
"Cody is a free open-source multimedia player developed by the XBMC Foundation."
"Even security stuff, yeah, no open source encryption is better encryption, it's generally agreed upon that it's the most audited, it's the most battle tested."
"Public Source, public code... that's it, we're done for."
"I'm gonna be pushing the code for this project up to a github repository so that if you want to fork it you can do that and you can create your own version of this project."
"Flutter is open, with thousands of contributors adding to the core framework and extending it with a huge ecosystem of packages."
"Open source science... I just love it so much."
"While we might not do a lot of ROMing ourselves anymore, I think it's beautiful that communities will still come together and make open source projects that are really cool."
"They invested in the hardware, they invested in the software, they made an open-source VR implementation that any company can use. That's crazy!"
"It's open source; you can get it, you can find out what it is, you can play with all the parameters."
"Express is a minimalistic open source web framework for nodejs, providing us with a bunch of different features to build powerful web applications and APIs."
"You get the open source, you get the community input, you get the community development, and you have a business model."
"The biggest Talk of the AI world right now is that there is now an open source and free to use version of something similar to chat GPT it's called open assistant"
"Moodle: A globally leading open-source software empowering education worldwide."
"We plan to find a non-for-profit with the history of Open Source values to own this license such as the Linux Foundation of course Paizo plans to continue publishing Pathfinder and Starfinder even as we move away more from the open gaming license."
"Open tofu is great and lets anyone use this to form Fork without issue."
"The sheer accessibility of Open Source software gave it an enormous Market Advantage."
"The normalization of devs as decision makers has made it so open source is much more important..."
"Open source was almost a political movement... taxpayer money should only be spent on open source software development."
"I've been using a name of it right now there's a good open source like screenshot tool that I was using."
"And the tide we will build with secure, free, open-source systems will become the tide that will lift all of us up and above the surveillance state."
"Liquid: it's at this can be the open source network for the world to tap into on demand instantaneous liquidity."
"Invest in open source projects, develop soft skills, and work in a professional codebase to become a well-rounded developer."
"It's open source open source is amazing and we have access to so many cool tools."
"The vast majority of AI systems will be built on top of Open Source platforms."
"We can put guardrails in open source systems to make them non-dangerous and non-toxic."
"We really appreciate all pull-requests and contributions that get made to the project."
"Circuit Python is a beginner friendly, open source version of Python."
"Open source software is the Audi version of real software."
"The desire to have Wall Gardens everywhere... there's going to be an open source Revolution for healthcare software."
"This project is open source... which is freaking amazing."
"Microsoft does indeed make open source products, and this is available not only for Windows but for Linux and macOS as well."
"Everything we do is open source; you can start your own company with the same model."
"Main is now open source. That could really open up a lot of things."
"Linux will outlast centralized systems like Microsoft and Apple."
"The code is open source, it's auditable, and that's the point. If we want to live in a world that is more decentralized, we need a system that's not reliant on a human being or a set of human beings."
"The Open Source Cartridge Reader makes it extremely easy to dump and restore save files."
"AMD making Intel better until having some open-source graphics drivers but this is a win for everybody."
"Bitcoin is an open-source project. Anyone can verify the code, improve upon it, and propose it."
"It's open source, all the techniques are available."
"This is probably the most close thing you're going to find to open source Flash... Synfig Studio is definitely one to check out."
"Alma Linux is an open source Enterprise Linux distribution which is completely binary compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS pre-CentOS Stream."
"I'm pleased about that because essentially the company is paying me to progress my open source project while getting a friendly, reliable system for me to use at work."
"Valve has made the CAD files for the Steam Deck shell public and open source; this means you'd be able to, in theory, just 3D print your own Steam Deck."
"Two things required to make an OP language super successful: open source and delivering on promises."
"Developing only in Docker, we believe this represents the state-of-the-art open source licensing for language and Tool projects."
"The cost of innovation using open source is very low... sinking the costs of innovation... it really reduces the costs of a product."
"I just want to commend Linksys for supporting the open source community and keeping their devices open to third-party firmware."
"Home Assistant is a free local open source platform that allows products from hundreds of different manufacturers and protocols to integrate seamlessly with DIY projects and homemade solutions."
"I think it's true that closed source is not that far ahead of Open Source."
"The explosion of RISC-V is all because of that freedom and that industry standards based approach."
"Not only are we like spoiled for choice but we're spoiled for free open source choice these days."
"Networking led me to my first job. Building relationships and contributing to open-source projects opened doors I never imagined."
"Open sourcing software isn't done for financial reasons, it's done because you want to make the world a better place."
"The true beauty of open source is if something really isn't working, you can always just fork the project and start your own version."
"Blender is a free and open-source program available for Windows, Mac, and even Linux computers."
"We really gravitate towards open sourcing okay what we want to find is people like Dr. Leo and like us providing free information to help educate people so we can move the whole needle on sustainability."
"The best infrastructure software especially for web-facing properties is all open source these days."
"Nobody owns the lightning network. It's a protocol, an open standard, an open specification."
"Every person who writes code out there and open sources it is a goddamn hero."
"All the documentation for expansion cards, the expansion based system and input modules is available in open source today on GitHub."
"Whether it gets proprietary apps or not it will still be a viable option for us who already use it because with Foss if anything starts threatening the ideals of a project it quickly gets for it."
"Contribute to open source, it'll give you some real-life experience with a real project."
"Fedora's vision isn't to get it running everywhere, but to build an open and inclusive community that benefits everyone."
"I truly believe in what Linux and open source is about."
"It's an open-source system; it allows you to build in parallel and build a competing financial system."
"Nvidia is moving to an open source GPU kernel. This is after years of discussion and speculation."
"Everything I'm doing will be open source so that will advance knowledge, that will help other researchers to validate my data, to use my data for their work."
"Open source, if it's open source it will get higher adoption, higher adoption leads to blockchain thriving, cryptocurrency thriving."
"Abu Dhabi makes Falcon AI model open source, a blueprint for AI models moving forward."
"Everything is free and open-source in this video, so you're either going to be downloading from directly from github or directly from Apple's website. No torrents or any kind of illegal downloads at all."
"It's about human beings looking through open-source intelligence that is now much more available than it was ever before."
"We have to find distributed, peer-to-peer, open-source ways to do everything."
"Open source is going to take over the universe."
"My hope is that others will use these files to create evolutions of the design and that the DIY Stream Deck will grow into an open source project."
"Once they start using all the popular free and open source applications that are out there..."
"Firefox is the standard when it comes to free and open source web browsers..."
"I'm actually going to make all of the source files that I use for designing this thing open source for anybody who wants to download them."
"Open source software is generally more secure and safer because it's just more scrutinized."
"Like any open source project you can count on three things: some really good ideas and functionality that commercial products would do well to copy, a rabid fan base, and some quirks."
"Open source software... may be the only way to ensure our privacy in the future."
"Open source in theory means that there can be no hiding... they will be exposed."
"Richard Stallman's vision for free open source software... would be the only assurance for a safer future."
"The open metaverse requires companies to have enlightened self-interest."
"Open sourcing our progress on Tailwind CSS version 4. I'm excited about this!"
"Some of the advantages of running an open-source firewall such as pfSense are just a plethora of features."
"Express LRS is also just being driven by this open source idea."
"The power of open source is an invitation for developers to join us in innovating."
"Brave is actually free and open source software. I've mentioned this before."
"Illumos has become the repo of record for these technologies."
"Thousands of people have contributed to and modified Linux to their liking."
"All of this code is up on GitHub, and you can check it out and it's evolving."
"It's about creating good products that can work for people, you know, and they can take ideas from this product and implement it into their own. That's the beauty of open source."
"Doing everything in the spirit of reproducibility in open source... morally, it's not wrong."
"For any developers out there, Protocol Labs places a high value on open source."
"Being an open-source contributor pays really, really well."
"It's really great to see Microsoft throwing money in open-source."
"It's a good sign that the open-source community is overall pretty healthy."
"Everything produced from the center should be open source and creative commons, no patents at the end of the rainbow."
"Raspy is an open source local and fully offline voice assistant created by Mike Hansen with a focus on privacy."
"So what is linux? It’s an open source, highly customizable OS."
"Big features, small fees, open source."
"Overall, these maps are really good quality, they get updated fairly often, and they are based on Open Street Maps."
"QGIS is an open-source toolkit that means it's free and open to use."
"It's completely open so as it grows and evolves, it just kind of keeps growing and moving from there."
"Feel free to help each other; this is an open-source tools, open-source conference."
"We're the same team and the same company, building open-source software for creatives."
"Open source refers to a type of software whose source code is made available to the public and can be modified and shared by anyone."
"It's about time for open source to get to GPT-4 level, which is significant because that level is where LLMs start to get really useful for a lot of things."
"The fact that the open source ecosystem enabled that, I think is one of the biggest enablers of why TypeScript has become something that has had success over the last ten years."
"This project was done using only open source tools."
"You can make open source a profitable endeavor for all the people who want to contribute to the same code base."
"GeoPandas is an open-source library and enables the use of manipulation of geospatial data in Python."
"Like fundamentally, open source and Microsoft make a ton of sense together, because the mission is about empowerment."
"If you're a startup, what you should do about open source is take advantage of it."
"One of the things I love about Linux is how we can fork, branch, and build fantastic new tools like Linux Mint out of many other sources, and then share those end results with the world at large."
"We need a strong open source push for large language models in order to make progress."
"I'm going to deploy Kubernetes using my open-source Pi cluster project."
"It's an open source project where researchers are encouraged to share their findings, processes and data with each other for the benefit of all."
"That's the beauty of Open Source, right?"
"In the spirit of open sauce, instead of buying something, made it better."
"The best part is completely open source and free."
"Prioritize using free and open source software when you can."
"Mozilla Firefox is what I personally use and is free and open source."
"this is the community at its best, open source hardware, open-source software"
"I love that I can build my own open source NVR using a Raspberry Pi and it looks pretty good."
"This project is going to be made open source once I'm done with the prototyping phase."
"We're all very Pro open source. I think that's really like the point is we want to open source this model so people can download it and use it in science."
"Sean Corrav made his invention freely available to anyone who wanted to use it."
"Following Red Hat's decision to no longer release the source code for its Distro, then I no longer recommend any Distros that help Red Hat in its goals. So basically, no Red Hat from me."
"Most of my stuff now is free and open source, and I just think that's really cool."
"...Proxmox ve is 100% free and open source with all features available without cost..."