
Societal Structure Quotes

There are 550 quotes

"Isms do not create things, workers do. Isms only decide who gets paid."
"Systems are what make people collectively richer or poorer."
"Humans typically never did live by themselves. They lived in big families."
"The modern bourgeois society... has simplified the class antagonisms: Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other—Bourgeoisie and Proletariat."
"The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind."
"If the women are broken, you are going to raise a broken society."
"Death gives life its dynamism...imagine a society where your boss is a Victorian and it's another 50 years until he retires."
"Stable monogamy is the best solution that we know of."
"The society as a whole should own the means of production...so that what they produce is distributed roughly equally."
"Are there not tens or hundreds of millions of people in this country who would probably benefit from or prefer collective ownership?"
"A society cannot survive without strong men. A household cannot survive without strong men."
"Does it sound like a world designed to set you free to pursue opportunities, or does it sound more like a world that enslaves you?"
"Poverty by America: It's our fault. Our society has been structured in ways that benefit affluent people at the direct expense of those living in poverty."
"It seems that what we require are communities that are of a certain size where the individual members of that community have power within that community."
"We're not taught about investing, financial education, or wealth. It's profitable to keep people financially uneducated."
"Once we give up our economic autonomy, we no longer have freedom."
"To lose a sense of objective reality is to lose the platform on which you can communicate with anyone."
"The notion that whatever God is, is expressed through truth, the truthful speech that rectifies pathological hierarchies."
"The nuclear family is still the greatest form of governance known to mankind."
"The stronger the social institutions, the greater the freedom. The weaker the social institutions, the less the freedom."
"The difference between being very lucky in our society and very unlucky should not be as enormous as it is."
"At the end of the day, although most Americans are not wealthy, the way the wealthy move through the world shapes almost everything around us, from policies to financial wisdom to expectations in job interviews."
"Liberty is a value, not an instinct. That's why there are very few free countries."
"The school system is designed to keep people poor and mediocre. It was never designed so you could become rich and live a life full of prosperity."
"Rights don't mean anything in a vacuum without somebody else supporting those rights."
"The government actually exists because that's what ensures the rights of people."
"A society does not, or at least should not, exist to satisfy an external survey but to bring a good life to the individuals who compose it."
"The strong shall not be limited by the weak."
"Democracy is asset insurance for the rich. Don't skimp on the payments."
"The reason you didn't get ahead is that you individually failed to measure up... when in fact it's that there was a structural system that excluded you."
"Meritocracy is also essentially a form of liberal individualism. It says that individuals should be judged on the basis of their own efforts and abilities."
"In both West and East, there's a real issue about what is the system which best protects minorities and the very poorest in society."
"The whole of Spartan society conformed to a strict code of extreme discipline and self-sacrifice, their aim to create the perfect state protected by perfect warriors."
"Being born Spartan was not enough; all male Spartans had to earn their citizenship through long years of competitive struggle."
"The absolutely essential nature of democracy, whether it be in our government or our workplace, I don't think any society can survive and flourish without those things."
"In this green belt of the land of fire, the strong would rise to the top and the strong would only get stronger."
"Money is meant to be redistributed through the society."
"Marvel Comics fans always love to see them appear just because of their unique role in Marvel Comics, the unique way in which they develop their powers, as well as the interesting societal structure that they have."
"There are roles for the government that make sense."
"Families are the cornerstone of any society; you destroy the families, you destroy the country."
"American culture was built on a series of beliefs about the way the world works."
"Meritocracy is very important; it's almost enshrined in our national pledge."
"Traditional nuclear family is the best vehicle we have to raise solid citizens."
"Genuine socialism means a society where you extend democracy to every sphere of life."
"When I think about the way things are, I think: Who benefits from things remaining like this?"
"Michael Manley observed the system and recognized that if more of our society was women, family-dependent, then if you didn't protect women, you couldn't protect family."
"If you like when the left argues for multiculturalism, they're explaining that you've got America as this big umbrella, and a bunch of smaller cultures underneath it."
"There will be no place for politics, politicians, finance, or financiers, technology will distribute by means of a certificate of distribution available to every citizen from birth to death."
"Anarchism is an expression of our innate capacity to organize ourselves and run society without rulers."
"The difference between structure and agency, between collective constraints and opportunities that constrain and permit you to do certain things in your life on the one hand and your own individual choices and actions on the other hand."
"You are taking on a tremendous amount of risk if you want to have a family one day, which is the nuclear family, the backbone of society."
"The only successful societies ever built, and the only successful people who have ever lived, are those who believe they have their own agency."
"We must have institutions... because institutions will exist beyond us."
"Liberty and licentiousness are not only not the same thing; they're opposites."
"At the center of the West, there is this heroic impulse: your life matters, you are on an adventure, and you are the hero at the center of it. But you need to center that within the institutions that allow that to not just be destructive."
"It's fundamentally unethical to expect the average person to have to sell their labor to an authoritarian firm in order for them to be able to survive in our society."
"It's not clear why people who don't have any ability to accumulate capital will love capitalism."
"The war is getting set up where it's up to the societal underdogs to save the societal top dogs, and it's beautiful."
"A republic means a state, which is for the public, which sounds wonderful. Republic, res publica, rzeczpospolita in Polish, respublika, if you insist in Ukrainian. It means the common matter. But who is the public? Is the tricky question for republics."
"Maybe we don't need kings. Maybe we don't need priests to tell us what it means to be good or bad. Maybe people could essentially rule themselves all of a sudden."
"Both religion and family are necessary to self-government."
"Ladies, the world has never been set up for single women... The economies have been set up for two people."
"You unfortunately can't have a situation where everything is completely legal because imagine what the world would be like. There has to be laws and rules and things in life to keep everything structured and working properly."
"The whole system is designed to protect the system."
"What kind of society might we have formed had we not, as Melville wrote in Moby Dick, 'become landsmen, tied to counters, nailed to benches, clinched to desks'?"
"Isn't the fire department an example of socialism that works?"
"Not everyone can succeed, someone has to scrub the toilets."
"The basic building block of society is an individual who is a man and an individual who is a woman coming together in a relationship that is going to produce the next generation, and how they're going to do it, that's the way the world works."
"Ordering a social institution or rearranging existing social structures by creating an entirely new kind of parallel framework for couples would require conception of an entirely different code, a new universe of rights and obligations."
"Power doesn't bend to reason; power only bends to power."
"Your beliefs give you a stake to a claim in a status hierarchy."
"There is a power structure that exists for beautiful people and not beautiful people."
"Market competition is cruel. There are winners and losers, but that's better than the alternative where there are only losers."
"The West got it right with the idea of the sovereign responsible individual. Meaning and responsibility are the same thing."
"Rights and responsibilities are two sides of the same coin. You can't have one without the other."
"We want a fair system in which opportunity is broadly distributed."
"It's silly to be a voluntarist about social and political structures and think that if only you had sufficiently good-hearted people in charge, everything would be fine."
"The law was made up by people. People can do anything they want."
"We live in a democracy, we don't have a priesthood here. We don't have a high priest who are telling us we're in charge of our own lives."
"I'm talking about systemic, a system that is designed to elevate one group while marginalizing the next."
"Life is hard and no set of legal or social institutions will ever change that."
"The law are the wise restraints that keep men free."
"Power can't be taken or asserted, it flows from the people."
"Tibetan Buddhism's influence: one in three men were monks."
"Money isn't a piece of paper, it's the representation of the whole system that we live in."
"Capitalism knows how to create market flows but doesn't know how to create societies."
"A world where some people can bend elements and some can't could easily be argued to be fundamentally wrong."
"Own nothing and be happy. The Great Reset is not about abolishing private property, it's about governing by debt."
"America is racist. It's practically built on racism and I don't think anything can change it."
"It's multiculturalism, not the idea that people of all different types are holding hands on the rainbow. It's that you have different communities stacked on top of each other and next to each other with wildly different views."
"True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring."
"Society depends on trust and authority. It's a system that works. And because it works, we hardly think about it."
"It's not a new world order, it's a new government order."
"We're more and more tending towards an oligarchic system where the ruling class and the upper classes tell everybody else what to do."
"We've actually started to build community the way it's supposed to be."
"It's his profound philosophical movement, led by a class system."
"The powers that be... they will always work towards the consolidation of wealth and power at the top."
"It's not about individual people and their intentions, it's about segregation and what we've absorbed."
"The real power base of us as a people is family."
"There are eight million people in this city, and those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose of lifting the few exceptional people onto their shoulders." - Green Goblin
"The normative family held together by marriage... is the only possible basis for a safe and successful Society."
"The very laws we consider are ones to protect people were developed within feudalism."
"Our society functions under a system of competence and assessment... not power."
"My conception of the patriarchy is not that men are beastly to women. It is that there is a structure in which women participate that overall privileges and benefits men in order to control female reproduction."
"We can't have small government without big marriage."
"It's not the left versus the right; it's the top versus the bottom."
"The separation of church and state is a really important part of that because it tells the state and the nation not to mess with one another."
"There's no evidence that a free society... wouldn't work."
"The most successful countries... allow people to experiment, prosper, and run their own lives."
"Freedom didn't proceed the right, you needed the right hierarchy."
"Anarchism is the mother of order when people engage voluntarily based on individuals."
"In any grossly unequal social system where ultimate power is concentrated in the hands of a few - all people are trapped."
"I think this speaks to a systemic weakness... within the entire structure of the system." - Andrew Axelrod
"It's the perception that I think increasingly a lot of us have... it is like an oligarchy."
"Love without Justice will turn into chaos and lawlessness, and Justice without love will become oppression and subjugation."
"Thucydides said that the society that separates its Scholars from its Warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."
"The rich are going to have security, they're going to have the police, and they're going to have the ability to wield them, and the public is going to be left with warlordism and underfunded, not so hot police officers protecting them."
"Absence of authority brings self-destruction."
"We've done patriarchy for a long time. Has it really worked?"
"Every economic system is like a building... some people that take a helicopter and land on the roof."
"Class struggle defines most of human history."
"Is that going to be an effective human civilization? A bunch of sheep just bleating about and then just eating grass? No, I think diversity and resistance is more effective."
"We're not all going to hold hands. This world can have equal opportunity but it can't have equal outcome."
"The kingdom of wakanda is made up of several different tribes who each oversee an aspect of life."
"I think the first thing is what I was saying at the end of my last answer which is it's the institutions ironically that are strong."
"For socialism to work, some people have to get something for doing nothing."
"Without it, no democratic society can be democratic for long."
"The rich have all the assets, and everybody else is basically leasing from them."
"The whole idea of liberalism is to establish societies where people are not ruled by authoritarian states or religions."
"There is no meritocracy that we have in this country and that's the point and that's the point."
"A world without punishment is a world without virtue."
"The family is the bedrock political institution."
"Capitalism is one great big [ __ ] gaslight gatekeep girl boss pyramid scheme to the next generation of dreamers."
"That vision of distributed responsibility is the time-tested antidote to tyranny and slavery."
"The people at the top of Ishgard live a life of luxury, while the common folk suffer."
"We were never supposed to become an oligarchy."
"We pretend to not be ruled like an oligarchy, but we are."
"It's a symbol of status and power, and here's their house. This is where they are on the outside of the village, looking in too rich and powerful to be living with the ordinary people."
"Racism involves a set of people holding power over other people."
"Liberty is messy, freedom is messy, this is one of the first things that I will admit."
"Nothing happens in a bubble, everything exists as part of the same establishment, the same system."
"Race and class are inextricably intertwined in this country."
"No individual beats institutions. Individuals don't beat institutions."
"America is run by grown-ass people, it's not run by the children."
"The future of the world look more decentralized and free or even more centralized and controlled."
"If there are no shared laws, there is no nation."
"You really have an entire country built on the back of chattel slavery."
"Hierarchies are fundamentally based on competence."
"A country of property owners is obviously better than a country of renters."
"We allow our richest people to be way richer."
"Citizens of China don’t have freedom of speech, freedom of worship or freedom from fear...but they have the freedom to move around and lead a normal day-to-day life."
"You are not separated into categories to truly know prosperity."
"Money doesn't stay in one place, but it's by and large based on work in a free society."
"The point, though, is colorblind. It does not mean you can't see race. It means that at the structural level it plays no role."
"Who controls the food supply controls the people, who controls the energy can control whole continents, who controls money can control the world."
"Once we get worship right and we get this function and flow of society right starting with man woman in the house, what God will do for his people will be miraculous."
"Under liberalism, society is emergent, whereas under nationalism, it's historical."
"We can't exist that way because the system is set up for our people to be oppressed."
"Upward Mobility is always operating on a Nuance for different people based off their position."
"The family unit is the building block of society and is that when given to us by God, a biblical institution."
"The goal ought to be as voluntary a society as possible."
"The building block of society is the family, is the marriage."
"The Constitution is built for moral and religious people."
"Freedom is the ability to choose between jobs, not whether or not you have a job."
"Our society functions on shame and when shame is dismembered I'm not sure what else we have left."
"If we do not foster a society of free speech, a society in which we are able to openly communicate with each other, we are in a sense swimming against this foundational reality."
"Could there be a society like that? What does that mean?"
"Communism is a stateless, godless, moneyless, and classless society."
"Everything comes back to wealth, everything comes back to the fact that we don't have people in every stratosphere."
"We're the macro version of the micro. We need community. It's foundational to our existence."
"Money is a system of effectively societal memory."
"Men and women biologically are predisposed to completely different roles; women typically dig gathering, and men are typically better predisposed to hunting."
"The strongest get stronger... and the weak get weaker."
"I'm fascinated by the um effectively the revelation of what our system is built of."
"It's capitalism. Who's got the most bread, that's literally what this is now."
"The reason why a cashier at McDonald's makes minimum wage while LeBron James earns millions and millions and millions of dollars a year is not because of how hard they work."
"It's never going to be a utopia yeah i mean in today's society you determine your fate nobody else not your skin color yeah."
"Courts are embedded within a larger hierarchy of relationships and power dynamics."
"The family is still the most durable institution in the world."
"The Red Lotus genuinely believes that a world without nations and a world without the Avatar would be a better freer place for everyone."
"There's something wrong with the way we're conceiving of the world."
"Decentralization is genuinely needed in society."
"We are increasingly isolated by class and sorted by class."
"You know how some people say it could be so many people in the world and only the rich control so much? Some of y'all are willfully dumb. You want to be pimped."
"The concept of systemic racism is often confusing because it's not located in the individuals or the policies but in the 'system.'"
"You have to put something out of value... because we're still living in a merit-based system."
"The issue is that you live in a system of white supremacy."
"The film is about the powerlessness of the powerful..."
"You're not going to get morality from the government."
"The fundamental building block of American society is County Government and the sheriff who's elected is the law of the land for that County."
"Poverty is a culture, an institution, a way of life."
"Anarchism means without rulers, not without rules."
"If you don't have a strong enough set of laws...you can't really determine what justice is."
"Every group equal, not every individual, but certainly every group."
"Liberalism evolves into social liberalism because if you can't quantify what the good life is under liberalism all you can just say is we need a system of political checks and balances."
"Liberalism has a tendency to liquidate social bonds."
"Equality of result means the end of freedom. You cannot have equality of result and freedom at the same time."
"In a free society, your amount of work, talent, and luck all play a role in life to determine where you will end up."
"The reason that we have this idea that the individual is the fundamental unit of society... is because we've been fed a bunch of lies." - Michael Knowles
"Rights and duties are two sides of the same coin."