
Steps Quotes

There are 360 quotes

"The pyramid of self mastery... is called the seven steps to self-mastery."
"You're finally going to start taking your own power back and taking your own energy back."
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."
"Hit workouts are fat burners, and you're going to get your heart rate up and also get your steps in."
"Find a career that you're interested in and then work your way backwards on what steps you need to take in order to get there."
"You only need four steps. The first, cleansing to extract the dirt from deep within your pores. Two, exfoliation to demolish the absolute out of the dead skin cells on your face. Three, moisturizer because we are dry up in this bitch. And four, sunscreen because, cancer."
"Anything in this world that you want to build, that you want to produce, requires steps, and if you don't do those steps correctly, at some point, it will give or will be compromised."
"We're going to take every single topic from step by step chunks, manageable chunks, and we're going to build your knowledge in small little incremental, measurable steps."
"You need to do the small incremental steps. I mean, that's really where it's at."
"Solving the square one can be broken down into three steps: convert to cube shape, orient layers, and permute layers. It's that easy."
"We need to do something, there's a next step here and it involves action."
"Hopefully the incentive program is going to be a first few steps towards regaining that trust with our community."
"So going through this whole process step by step, we begin with flat colors and setup, then we move on to our paint blocking. The next step, step three, is our blending. Then we add our details, and then finally our refinement."
"Step one: take out the bad stuff. Step two: put in the good stuff. Problem solved."
"Your Christian journey has four simple steps."
"It's a common-sense step towards our financial independence."
"Life's a series of small, sometimes random, chaotic steps."
"So now let's get into the first steps of this transformation."
"Things get to terrible places one tiny step at a time."
"It's super important to understand how to do these steps."
"The steps of a journey are so beautiful."
"You don't have to know the next step, you just have to know God told me to do this."
"Life's a journey, gotta take baby steps out there."
"Let's just first of all just take that number of steps of evolution."
"Every step can bring you joy and happiness."
"If people would just walk a thousand more steps per day, they would change their lives."
"These five steps are the way that we can really produce a security conscious and security safe network and population."
"He steps forward into his bright future."
"Inside, we've broken down the entire process of learning how to tattoo down into nine simple steps that literally anyone can follow."
"The process of arrival, progress, baby steps, keep going step by step."
"This or that leads to progress, even if that progress is pigeon steps."
"To get there, we'll have to take the little fundamental steps, like connectivity."
"The installation of the htech Rebel LS can be split up into four main steps."
"It takes one step at a time. One literal step at a time."
"You can reverse your severe obesity by following the simple steps."
"One of the reasons why you’ve survived and outperformed is that you very consciously have this consistent investment approach that’s built around three steps."
"Google tag manager is not that hard, you just simply need to go through the steps of creating a tag, then configuring it correctly, adding a trigger to it."
"You got to dream the little dreams first, you got to visualize the little things first because there's steps to be able to get to that."
"You just gotta follow a certain number of steps in order, be consistent, be patient, be clean, follow the technical data sheet of the products you use, make sure they're all compatible."
"But there are 10 steps I want to take you through that will 100x your efficiency."
"Complete all of these steps and you will have officially bought your first home."
"You just need to know the next one or two steps, and they're always being sent to you by the Divine."
"Honestly overall I would say because of all the steps we're taking, our mental health is as good as it could be."
"Step five: calling all these four steps into a container, like a crypto map."
"Every step you take is about to push you into your destiny."
"It is my promise that these simple steps will make all the difference in the world."
"All it took was a couple extra steps that the average editor probably wouldn't either think to do or know how to do."
"Even if they're scary steps, it's like somehow you're making this really manageable with this plan. I love it."
"The most important step a person can take on a journey is not the first or the last, it's the next one."
"How can you take the right steps to find your special someone?"
"Everybody can do this. I have no expectation of everybody doing this, but I can tell you exactly the steps. I could tell you what it looked like, and I could tell you how it feels. It feels good."
"Action by action, step by step, this is how we assemble our life."
"You're not making it up and there are things you can do steps you can take to work on it."
"Four steps: choose a field, learn, notice gaps, explore."
"We walked like 18 billion steps, probably."
"Surly Spice. Surly Spice. Surly Spice. Yes, that's great. I mean, I think yours is obviously Pensive Spice, but okay, we'll go with Surly Spice. Sly Spice has a nice ring to it."
"Small steps lead to Big achievements."
"Every journey begins with a single step, but it's the steps taken together that lead to triumph."
"Taking my first steps to becoming a serious fashion icon with these."
"Those are the winds, the wind is coming but the wind is coming through a series of steps. Each of which contribute to the final win, if that makes sense."
"Knowing the 'whys' is more important than following a bunch of steps."
"Every journey starts with a single step."
"As long as we keep putting one step in front of the other, we will get on top."
"Step number one: we always close everything up."
"It's okay to ask for help and I would take some of the stuff in steps."
"Let's dive into the 10 steps for today with your shops."
"Taking the necessary steps that are satisfactory for yourself."
"This eight-step pathway delivers to us an amazing 36 units of energy."
"It's kind of like taking steps towards the end goal."
"It's going to be a beautiful set of steps."
"There are very easy steps you can take that are going to transform your physical and mental health."
"I think if you follow these simple steps it totally lead you to success."
"There are a couple of steps, so first of all, you need to collect the training data."
"Conflict resolution steps: assess, understand, address, state concerns, collaborate."
"To become wealthy a person wants to spend money on the higher steps and not the lower ones."
"What were your few steps that helped you in getting transitioned?"
"This is actually increasing the distance between steps, but the animation is happening in."
"You can do this in just four easy steps."
"Learning C is much easier if you know the steps to get to your destination."
"Most mere mortals out in the world need to do step one and can't skip to step two even though step two sounds cooler."
"Break down your big goals into smaller, more manageable steps. Figure out how to get from where you are to where you want to be."
"...really vital steps when it comes to well aging..."
"And now we finished all three steps. First, we save the data for the website in our JavaScript."
"If you'll take these four simple steps, you will move toward your comeback and you'll move out of your setback."
"I hit my steps, did I mention? Did I mention I did my 10,000 steps already?"
"Having a good credit score because that is imperative to some of the steps that you have to take."
"You can't stare up the stairs, you have to step up the steps."
"Installing them tends to follow two steps."
"The seven steps I'm going to share with you now are not only the ones that we use but the ones I've taught literally thousands of people over the years to get this right."
"Isn't that just a classic sentence for our industry? Figuring out the steps you need to achieve to get to the end result. That sums up crafting."
"Focus on the movement and the shape. Think about what you can do right now, what you can do a little bit later. And divide the whole process into steps."
"It's the same steps whether you're trying to change someone from being mean to nice or whether you're trying to get rid of addiction."
"A marriage, like any journey, is all about simple steps."
"It's like, 'I don't got to get all the way to step eight yet. I just got to get to four.'"
"Do the twelve steps so you can at least do a fourth step in your life it's that powerful it is so so so so good."
"It's a small step but it's a step."
"I hope that broke things down into understandable digestible steps... I think we should increase our productivity by working our way over to the Dillon 550 progressive... reloading 223 and 556 ammunition from start to finish."
"Step One is research...this is actually the most important step."
"It's really these steps that really changed my life."
"It's time to take bigger steps towards a goal, wish, or dream."
"It gave me steps I could take, and that was a lifeline."
"Your destiny is not determined by the shoes that you wear, but by the steps that you take."
"Your success is not determined on whether there's a red bottom on there, it's the steps of a good man."
"I found out what 20 feet looks like in my normal steps."
"just leaving those two steps out I think the routine would have been perfect"
"Manifest slowly, one step at a time."
"Our next step is to get three more of your 2 and 1/2 inch strips."
"So what we have to do is move forward now we have to break these steps down to actionable steps that you can apply to actually start wholesaling vacant land."
"Let's take a look at the steps that we need to produce a message."
"That is a lot of walking, 20,000 steps."
"Let's break this down and figure out how to build it. Here's the steps we need to take."
"If you watch this video and you follow the steps, you are gonna make progress."
"The steps of a righteous man are ordered."
"Adding randomization to certain steps."
"These steps can really make a big difference in the final result of your artwork."
"That's why a lot of people take gradual steps up to getting their dream cars."
"Now when you think about it on a large scale that's nearly 261 million people who are dealing with heartache or have had their heart broken and are unsure of the steps to take to heal."
"Don't be afraid to write down the steps."
"So, let's take things one step at a time. First things first, oh, there's a parking spot right there."
"You can't take negative nine steps, but you can take nine steps."
"...the exact seven-step strategy here: find your Niche, then get free eyeballs on your content, find the Right audience, find the right product, make the sale, revise and optimize, repeat."
"It's going to the second position, going to the third position."
"Think of it as steps that you need to follow."
"There are five steps that you need to follow in order to be eligible to win."
"Couldn't be much easier than that could it and if you're worrying about access well just pull out these steps."
"How do you even recover? What are the steps that you need to get out of this once and for all and go back to living?"
"What is it really? It's the steps to getting to the purpose."
"I'm never going to get all these steps right Barbie you loser just got to find the courage to try."
"We can't solve years of trauma in one second, but what we can do is I can give you the steps so that you all can start going down that healthy path."
"So up to this point, let's see what we have with just these two first steps."
"Once the house is knocked out, you're in baby step 7 where you can start maxing out everything."
"This is our first round and then we're gonna go ahead and start round two."
"Hold others to the same standard that you've set forth in these previous 12 steps."
"Do not make things more complicated for yourself take things in steps like we're doing here you're going to develop a more thorough understanding of the process."
"All of these steps individually going to make a difference used all together going to give you fantastic results."
"Walking is okay, getting those steps in, like, that's a good move."
"In that same vein, you want to talk to you about the steps that you can take to help improve your business credit."
"...no matter what the right first steps are all of these long-term paths are made up of small steps so don't get overwhelmed just start with one thing."
"This is like a baby step forward for me because I do feel a lot more confident in at least leaving my apartment."
"What other steps can I take to alleviate some of this feeling of being overwhelmed?"
"It's not easy, but there are practical steps that you can take."
"Small little steps that lead to big-time long-term success."
"Three most powerful steps to travel into another parallel reality."
"Once we take these five steps, the sacraments start to have this resounding effect."
"You can't have a next step until you have a first step."
"I'm ready to action change and rather than just set out these big goals, I'm actually looking at the little small steps."
"Process before progress. Which just means there are no shortcuts. There are steps to everything."
"Your first steps are the most important."
"It's not just five simple steps to get out of debt; it's intentionally five difficult steps."
"All growth follows a very specific four-point step."
"Made Whole is the 10 steps to financial wholeness."
"They're very good at walking you through different steps."
"It's the very simple steps that really make a difference."
"Understand it takes little steps along the way to get there."
"We have covered the first step; we have extracted the data and the second step we have transformed the data."
"You just follow those four steps and you should be very successful."
"And it really just comes down to taking the right steps and the right direction."
"Embark on a new future one step at a time."
"If you wanna use social media as the powerful lead generation tool that it is, then there are five key steps you need to follow."
"We want to make sure that we take the right steps so a relationship would work."
"We should not underestimate our impact because big change comes from small steps."
"Love that process, you know, make the small little incremental steps."
"One of the first steps of solving this problem is raising awareness for this disease."
"Every step that we take brings back the memories."
"The steps of Cincinnati also hold religious significance for some residents and are central to a perennial Cincinnati tradition."
"It's one of the oldest sters here in kandu, it's around 2,000 years old and it's got 365 steps to reach the SU."
"I'm making steps in my life to better myself."
"...climbed to the 17th step on the stairs in time to die in the arms of his love."
"We are going to start by looking at the different steps we are going to take to produce our PDF table to text extractor."
"It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change."
"We could just make so much better with small steps."
"You need to have deadlines for each step."
"I'm going to show you the steps that I took to prevent that from happening."
"Because of your sincerity, Allah bless you for taking the right steps."
"Let's follow our three beginning steps to recreate our real world in 3D."
"It's not as hard as we think it is, take small steps, small steps are everything."
"Don't despise the little steps you know you can take every day; there are tiny miracles in each and every one of them."
"Sometimes you have to learn how to let God order your steps."
"Once you are able to leave your family or able to tell your family about your decision, then take it from there step by step."
"This is literally going to change your life one step at a time."
"Take the steps you feel like you need to take to have that brighter future for yourself."
"I love doing this kind of training with dogs because it's a really good example of how you can take a bunch of small steps to make pretty dramatic progress in a short period of time."
"How do you start a journey? One step at a time."
"You can see how beautiful this is already turning out with just these simple steps."
"The steps you take don't need to be big; they just need to take you in the right direction."
"Every simulation Abacus is carried out in a series of steps."
"I want to follow you, show me what to do, one step at a time."
"The beauty of these steps is they're all reversible."
"All of that is the incremental steps to get where you currently are."
"The more steps that it takes, the more intelligent the way the software behaves."
"We get relief, but from these steps, freedom."
"The process of a session has four steps: engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning."
"It's all about breaking it down into tiny steps."
"I firmly believe that our steps are the key to longevity, happiness, and freedom."
"The first three steps are what they call the foundation of our recovery."
"Define, reproduce, test, and fix."
"It's just gonna have to be little by little, little steps; you can't do everything in a day."
"One step at a time, Bartholomew. Stairs are very treacherous."
"Find the small steps in the right direction and not these giant leaps that are not sustainable."
"Everything takes one step at a time."