
Intellectual Engagement Quotes

There are 364 quotes

"My addiction is connecting with people... in a way which connects us spiritually, intellectually, or mentally."
"Preaching should never supersede thought; it should make you think."
"Questions are more interesting than answers."
"Our style is not to be confrontational, but when you're dealing with individuals who are promoting hatred, they need to be confronted head-on, intellectually."
"When you lose the desire to revise your belief, when you lose a love of wisdom, you've lost a lot."
"Support people who make sense, read good books, write good books, have consequential conversations, ask hard questions of people who clearly don't know what they're talking about, and expose their ignorance and hypocrisy and double think to the world wherever you can."
"Journaling is actually a very kind of intellectual and intimate experience."
"I'm financially secure, I'm intellectually curious, I'm intellectually engaged and therefore, life is my apple right now."
"Socialism has a big advantage in that it appeals to a lot more people because you're appealing to people's emotions, not their intellect."
"Any viewpoint is welcome in my audience so long as you're not afraid of having your viewpoint challenged."
"I think that's very important, to bring different perspectives."
"Let us all be united in our willingness to explore ideas and to both give and receive legitimate criticism."
"Philosophers need teachers, they need interlocutors, they need readers, they need an audience, they need a community."
"Having at least a few friends to talk to or other people to bounce ideas off of or other unique minds to connect with... is probably the most important thing to me."
"It's more important than the opinions themselves."
"Good theology exalts God and in and of itself is like an act of worship as we just study and do good theology. We're like loving God with our minds."
"Reading is neither simple nor passive; as far as this show is concerned, it's intricate and powerful, and there are ways to do it immorally."
"My view is that if you want your ideas, your policies, your worldview to be as robust as possible, the best thing you can do is talk to and have conversations with people that you fundamentally disagree with."
"Mary preferred the company of men and considered them her intellectual equals."
"Laughter brings people together. Shared humor is a sign of intellect."
"That's what real journalism is... I mean, that's a real intellectual, no? It's lazy, it's because you don't know anything, it's because you're nothing more than an intellectual lightweight, okay?"
"If you don't like Game of Thrones I'm just gonna assume you're not smart enough to understand it."
"Revelation is not intended to quench thought but to stimulate it"
"Curiosity is a sign of intellectual engagement and an open mind."
"We have to start talking about what we believe and why we believe it." - Andrew Klavan
"The value of someone publicly using their brain to grapple with large problems cannot be overstated."
"Read, write, think right. That's what we need."
"I found his philosophy extremely interesting."
"Difficult thought is the alternative to war."
"Someone that can um like argue with you about things like I love like getting like I love like someone with different viewpoints."
"Process is important. Process means due process, process means free speech, and the ability to engage in the intellectual exchanges we're talking about."
"Sometimes the greatest art doesn't give us all the right answers. It makes us ask the right questions."
"The depth and subtlety of the questions we are receiving is wonderful."
"That's the beauty of all this music it's cerebral it's all-encompassing it's fascinating and it's like nothing else you'll find to listen to."
"Knowledge is power... what you're doing even subconsciously now you're thinking about that."
"You gotta start analyzing things higher than what is presented to you."
"Why can't we debate him... hear these discussions?"
"I don't have all the answers. I am looking for answers. I'm looking for intelligent conversation with intelligent people."
"If you're not questioning, then you don't have curiosity."
"It's the great joy in life to argue with a person of goodwill through the night."
"It provokes the spirit at the deepest place, informs our intellect, and charges our emotions, rightly so. We're not driven by our emotions, we're driven by what is true, but it's truth in a way that gets hold of our guts."
"The point of this is for those who like me hunger to hear the full argument and the full debate... for those who are like you can't wait for the next in-depth analysis."
"It is one thing to love your country, it is quite another to love it intelligently."
"Islam thrives in peace. It spreads through intellectual proofs, convincing people, mannerisms, not by the sword and murder."
"Not all opinions are equal... not all opinions are deserving of our time and consideration."
"Win people's minds with facts, with truth, share your opinion."
"Let us use our collective knowledge to share what we know with other people so we can ask questions we can learn we can come away from this knowing a little more than we did before."
"For sure, every second of Don Lemon, I feel like I'm getting smarter."
"I mean if you want to see me continue my gas station progress then make sure you leave a like before you go."
"I love debating with people who disagree with me on it."
"I'm fascinated to hear your thoughts on this topic."
"Rick and Morty while providing plenty of fart jokes and lowbrow humor also provides a lot of food for thought."
"People have been always seeking knowledge and thinking critically, so that's so refreshing to see."
"It's one of those things that like scratches the intellectual itch without it feeling like homework."
"He's extremely soft-spoken. He wants to engage you in an intellectual discussion immediately."
"Read Dugan for yourself, listen to the man in his own words."
"Promote intellectual and political diversity."
"We have to engage with difficult questions and to debate them."
"This act of engaged intellectual conversation... it's wonderful, it's amazing."
"It's not a small idea, it's a brilliant question."
"Politics is not a sport for the stupid, obviously it's something we take very seriously."
"Reading and research help you define your place and positioning in the world."
"We are a rich community, and we have amazing thinkers, people who are doing the work."
"If the Evangelical world is going to have any answer for the modern world, they have to be intellectually credible."
"I have a mind God created me I believe in God I believe in him in him firmly and I believe in his word and his word in the Quran asks me to use my mind multiple times."
"I think loving God with my mind was one of the new mottos that I began to have."
"Think for yourself. If you disagree with me but can make a good argument, I love it."
"Great minds talk about ideas, mediocre minds talk about things, weak minds talk about people."
"I think theorizing and thinking critically about things is actually important."
"Black people need to be more cerebral, more thinkers."
"This was a freaking awesome conversation. It unlocked so many understandings that were just kind of on the tip of my brain's tongue."
"Andrew was genuine, he could talk to the top people in their fields about anything."
"Don't read literature thinking you will be entertained. Read it for the ideas."
"The most cerebral of all the Autechre releases."
"That idea, alright professor, let's have a dialogue. I want to start off by thanking you for all the incredible insights you've shared in your publicly available lectures."
"Anything that provokes debate and serious thought and question is always worth it in my opinion."
"I want stories that surprise me, Stanley. I want to have to think."
"I find it to be more intellectually stimulating."
"Intelligent conversation is more important than agreement."
"The brain power that this book took out of me was like none other."
"If art needs some intellectualization, if art needs you to make you think or whatever, that's bogus. If they make you think or if they make you have to like, you know, do some intellectual masturbation, to them that's not good."
"I wanted to talk about how desperately we all of us need to keep reading."
"I think there is nothing more profoundly healing than the act of solitary reading... provided that what is being read is indeed permanent, deep, lasting work."
"We glorify God by using our minds to grasp His truth, our hearts to feel His beauty, and our bodies to put that truth and beauty on display."
"In order to compete as a nation and to maintain our status globally, all minds must be engaged to their fullest potential."
"I think there's a strong role for criticism."
"How can you truly understand your own worldview if you aren't actually allowed to engage with the ideas that might contradict it?"
"Theory isn't a bunch of religious texts; you can disagree, but you have to first read their actual work before disagreeing."
"Our book is an invitation to think deeply about what we are and how to live better lives."
"There's a lot we can learn from kind of the self-reflection and really trying to engage with the best version of others' arguments."
"Your views and insights provoke the mind in a positive way." - Div
"I get a little passionate about critical thinking."
"This is a really interesting problem to solve."
"It's worthwhile to have answers to the questions that people will ask about your answers."
"I think there's a lot of people out there that want to be challenged, that they want to be intellectually challenged by their entertainment and I think Dune is a great way to get some challenge right."
"By making a movie that was more dense with interesting themes that it takes more work to unpack, they've made a product that I personally feel rewarded coming back to years and years after I first watched it."
"It's called quotation. When you take somebody else's work and organically mesh it into your own, you're showing people that you have actively engaged with the history."
"It's always worth hearing what he has to say. He's always coming at things at a different angle."
"He's one of those delightful atheists who knows more about the Bible than many of the Christians that he engages."
"Anything that's of intellectual or philosophical debate should be up for discussion."
"Debating and discussing complex ideas... is a valuable form of intellectual exercise."
"Stimulate intellectual discussions and add a layer of depth."
"Iron sharpens iron and that's how we get to understand what the scientific truths are."
"Mainstream media is going to make the conversation about DMX's life simple but you know that's not how we do this on the platform for intelligent black people."
"Each of which generates exponentially more questions, each of which generates exponentially more answers."
"I've always loved looking up things and establishing what I actually feel about it and then communicating it to a greater audience."
"I think more intellectually substantive music and music that's maybe more visceral, you know, I don't think either is mutually exclusive."
"There's a lot of way to go emotional, there's a lot of ways to go cerebral, there's a lot of ways to go just physical and cathartic."
"So via mentally, there are some things that demand a more than surface level analysis to fully enjoy."
"If we won't think for ourselves, if we will not entertain thought, then we waste our lives."
"The entire gaming community knows what magic can be done when you put a bit of gray matter into it."
"Please let's not be intellectually lazy, please don't hide behind a fortress of ignorance while flinging labels at your opponents."
"I've enjoyed our debate so far; it's good to challenge."
"We need to create spaces where we can ask questions."
"I think this type of deeper thinking has great benefits not just with investing or health but with all areas of your life."
"So when people react, I'm actually very happy. They don't have to agree with me but that reaction, I'm a public intellectual. My responsibility and duty is to provoke conversation."
"Al-Hakim, who proved himself a consummate patron to scholars, would sometimes attend the sessions of Dar al-Hikma personally and engage in discussions."
"Sometimes I wanna use the opportunity to feed my brain, to learn about new ideas, or hear interesting stories."
"I have a lot in common with the objectivists. These are people who take ideas seriously, love to debate, don't mind disagreement on stuff."
"People always ask me for advice... No one ever asks me, 'What book are you reading?'"
"Exercising critical thinking is not the same as adopting misinformation."
"Question everything, and consider different opinions."
"The ideas are worth fighting over and they're worth fighting for and that's what makes the ride worth taking."
"Deep reading is indistinguishable from deep thinking."
"The power of simple, reasoned, good-faith debate."
"What we need to do is actually go through the facts to understand them, to stop basing our thinking on impressions and assumptions, to look at the actual cause and effect."
"Look at the intellectual strength and power that comes from focusing on that which one truly loves."
"A refined, intelligent mind listens to all ideas."
"A good story Foster's intelligent discussion. A good story makes you come back to it. A good story doesn't spoon-feed you the significance of every single friggin interaction like we're idiots."
"Listen, man, Kevin, the fact that you could have an intellectual discussion with your pet raccoon doesn't surprise me in the slightest."
"When you start talking about my religion, at least have the intellectual respect of asking them why."
"Studying with Jehovah's Witnesses is not an intellectual exercise."
"I changed my mind after reading your book or you and Dawkins or Paris or Hitchens or you know whatever this sort of a list of people that we know."
"They're not fact-checking or challenging any of their ideas."
"The C-space debate, that one was very, very good."
"It's cool to see the wheels turning and the light bulb moments."
"You have to be able to wrestle with the very best arguments on the other side."
"We should probably try to continue to communicate the need for asking better questions."
"Alan Wake 2 is a dense enough text... that invites the sort of interrogation that very few video games invite."
"The worst people to talk with, the most interesting people talk, people that have strong convictions that match the amount of research and work they've done to arrive at a position. Those are the most interesting people to talk to."
"Start asking them to demonstrate their foundations before you start accepting them and allowing them to just run roughshod."
"Moments in which you can feel cleverer than you are."
"Intellectual mockery with an intellectual tone, committed to my well-being."
"I love thinking about the theoretic of this obviously."
"There are thousands of people out there right now speculating and digging away at these questions."
"That was the part that was most interesting. I mean, these are really, really smart people."
"It was an amazing thing when you get to pick the brains of incredibly intelligent people."
"Politics in video games can introduce new ideas and ways of thinking."
"Jeffrey Sachs is not an armchair intellectual, he is an action-oriented economist."
"Intellectuals fuse with the oppressed in order to make and remake the conditions necessary for a radical social project."
"I think it's potentially the most fun of the arguments. It's just such a trip to just sit and do nothing but think."
"Intellectual stimulation and challenges remain essential, even in an era of advanced AI."
"A person is qualified to debate when they understand the opponent's position."
"Good ideas will be able to battle bad ideas."
"I think it's important to have intellectual and civil discourse."
"I thought it was really, really fascinating."
"I wanted to respond to it not with war, you know, of weapons and bullets, but with the war of ideas."
"Reason I love this because... people actually using their brains."
"What can we do differently because we have really awesome brains that love to think and find solutions?"
"They become a center of intellectual discourse as well."
"It's those little philosophical flourishes too that I think are kind of nice."
"I want to learn stuff, just because I feel like if you don't keep actively trying to learn then your brain forgets how to learn."
"The scholars, they did a great job, great topics."
"Challenges us to look beyond conventional perspectives."
"They offer a fascinating glimpse into the ways in which human curiosity and Imagination continue to engage with ancient Mysteries and the enigmatic realm of unidentified objects."
"Focus through all of the accumulated knowledge."
"A book becomes more resonant, more profound when we share it with another, when we talk it through, when we think aloud or we think on paper."
"You guys seem good with your words and like you are intelligent."
"It is possible to believe that someone is wrong, and yet still find them fascinating."
"Anyone who spends a good deal of his time thinking is going to come up with a good idea once in a while."
"Take our current best theories quite seriously."
"Rick and Morty is an animation that truly dives into a whole new level of clever, smart, and inventive comedy."
"The Wire is a unique show, one that breaks all known rules of television, richly rewards your attention, and makes you think while it does so."
"Just do honest inquiry, read, and I think if everybody did that a bit more we'd be better off."
"I love me some finely aged systemic analysis."
"Humility, kindness, curiosity, are the elements to unlock what you're asking."
"Whether you agree with him or not, I think he's worth listening to."
"George Smith, brilliant mind, spends years reading these."
"I read books written by people on both sides of the argument..."
"No better place for a grand meeting of the minds than sitting down over a cup of coffee and letting conversation flow."
"We can raise the level of discourse by not having to resort to pejoratives or demeaning someone's intelligence."
"Creating fostering sites of critical thinking fostering sites of difficult conversations."
"She had a great way of talking, debating, and making you question what you think and believe."
"Whether it's Food For Thought or thought for food."
"Every bit an information content is a treasure hunt."
"You do get a front row seat at this kind of amazing show of all these incredible people with all these new ideas."
"Saying goodbye to these Innovative spacecraft won't be simple."
"The primary aim of Jizek's intellectual project is to encourage us to think."
"Maybe there will be a renaissance. People will start taking time to think and develop."
"Every single day, new puzzle, new answer, new number."
"It has to be the story itself and it has to somehow attract me from an intellectual standpoint."
"It's a very intense and very deep topic that we could talk about for a long time."
"Knowledge has no chance to penetrate you don't give it a chance to form."
"This is a space for intelligent black people, not scared to death black people. It's time for your brains to start kicking in beloved, not your emotions."
"Democrats are the only major political party engaged in that adult intelligent exercise."
"The goal is not to just be ordinary or to counter culture, but to actually use your brain to come up with unique thoughts."
"I want to reconnect with what's most important to me: politics, history, philosophy, reading books, talking about things I feel are most impactful and essential."
"In academia, if someone's really brilliant, they'll engage with others in the field."
"It's better to be interesting and wrong than boring and right."
"When you're davening it's really more about you than it is about God...I connect more with the intellectual side of Judaism."