
Team Management Quotes

There are 1036 quotes

"At the end of the day, great leaders are not responsible for the job; they're responsible for the people who are responsible for the job."
"The Phantom's are here, Angie, with a new XP."
"Sometimes keeping players is just as important as signing players."
"We're in no position to have the moral high ground on a player and say 'Get out of our club if you don't want to be here.'"
"You must have a team that doesn't feel like they have to ask for permission to use their imagination."
"The team has worked phenomenally on this mission, and I can't be more proud of them."
"Bringing the best out of the players you have at your disposal and...coming together with clarity."
"Safety is a boring word, but the reason why some of the greatest leaders don't lose people is because they bring an element of safety in their environment... It's a very safe environment, and I know what to expect from you because you provide safety to me."
"This is an advantage for special teams coaches that can figure out how to set up a good return."
"Good leaders are open and they congratulate and also elevate powerful people that are around them."
"We don't fault team owners for investing in other eSports. It's a rational thing from their perspective. That being said, we're trying to build a sustainable LoL ecosystem for owners and players."
"Bad teams will overspend. Good teams will smartly spend and retain good players."
"Dallas, they draft and pay their own. Pittsburgh, Green Bay, they let it bake."
"It's all about how can I get the best out of my group."
"I had the best engineering team in the world. I know, I recruited them."
"The feedback became an instrumental tool in selling features to the team."
"The Saints are in a really interesting situation."
"My style of communication is always open, honest, and encouraging. I believe that, by having an open and encouraging style of communication, my team will discuss with me any issues and potential problems."
"The Titans...got a quarterback late because their team is so stacked."
"My version of high performance is getting the very best out of the people you have. I think consistency is absolutely key to that."
"Good leaders actually don't give orders. They create a team that doesn't need to be told what to do."
"I'm very proud of myself, I'm proud of my staff, and I'm proud of the girls."
"Letting your team take time to work on new and innovative ideas is the key to a company's longevity."
"Likability is really important, and part of that likability, for me at least, is how you treat your crew."
"Supervisors under my leadership that are not encouraging and building up my staff will not be supervisors long in my administration."
"As a leader, you have to do and say certain things to get your troops to respond to a certain level."
"The metaphor I like to use is like a conductor of a symphony. And so the product manager isn't developing the music, but they're ensuring that the music is played at the symphony at the right balance and in the right mix."
"The only thing that I am good at... is picking the right people."
"Wow, what a signing! We just upgraded for free. How crazy is that?"
"Thanks a lot Justin this certainly helped now I'll be able to guide my team better when implementing Salesforce."
"It's very hard to win in live service if your team does not love the thing that they're making."
"We're spending 100 Millies, 70 Millies, this is your squad, we go again, we're winning the league."
"We're not asking how do we create the strongest possible North American teams because that was a question we should remove all import restrictions 100% there's no doubt about it."
"I think you can accomplish both of the things you want by regionalizing teams."
"We hear you. The interest of our fans and players are the top priority for the team."
"New content is always king on the Clash of Clans team."
"I have a lot of fun crafting the perfect team and experimenting with battle strategies."
"You can't just drag 15-20 people off the street and get a GT4 car and go racing."
"Name me three ownership groups that have stuck with the man they inherited."
"I'd go with Thiago, Van der Beek, and Sancho. Yes, it leaves the defense unresolved but I think we pick up way more points than we did last season."
"I remember Sir Alex Ferguson saying to me, 'Just get rid of them, son. Protect yourself. Only have people in the dressing room who are facing the same direction as you.'"
"Thomas Tuchel plays a really large part in this because he really knows how to manage his team."
"You surround yourself with the right people, empower those people, be clear on the objectives and what the expectations are, and try to remove the obstacles so that they can do their job."
"My tone and delivery matters, and when I communicate with team members in ways like this, the result can be demotivating."
"A players will leave if you keep B and C players."
"Guiding a ragtag team of adventurers through ruins and caverns generates more tension than some of the most intense action games I’ve ever played."
"Those are the things that they have to figure out in order to make the rotation."
"They lost Stefon Diggs and they went out and got a new Stefon Diggs for their offense."
"If you're the Cleveland Cavaliers you are in desperate need of a boom-or-bust pick here."
"Getting the right people in place to be thinking about those things and planning and that's really encouraging."
"General manager John Lynch and head coach Kyle Shanahan still have nine selections in the 2021 draft."
"Teams are trying to find versatile players and turns out we've got a versatile player right there."
"It's coventry city's free agents to finish his champions league winners."
"I've made some hires that weren't the best... but I've got an amazing team around me."
"Everyone should be aiming to roll the game too rather than booking in transfers."
"It's way more painful to hire the wrong person than to spend time hiring the right person."
"I'm really happy with where my team is at right now."
"I think incentivizing a team through shared goals builds relationships."
"I think objectively speaking James, Cancelo, Neto is the one for you there, Scott."
"And if they can't [ __ ] handle it that's a sinker swim moment get them the [ __ ] out."
"The most obvious thing that is going to happen is probably the easiest thing for this team to do... move on from this entire coaching staff."
"There will be a host of coaching changes after this debacle."
"None of them were actually complete... You give this team to a good manager and it's a good team."
"If you build just a team of players that you love, you will undoubtedly win as many games as any other time."
"Team by boosting the morale of the team, a project manager sends a clear message that they care about the well-being of the team and want to see them excel in their respective fields."
"If you employ clowns, you end up with a circus."
"I don't know why United didn't go for Bassumer. All I know is many of you and myself have been saying for about 18 months every time we watch Bassumer, He's massively impressive."
"Imagine if you didn't get Dion and Nunez - suddenly three players ain't enough."
"Ronaldo is in charge at the moment. He'll be in charge of that dressing room."
"He has to go for this now, then he has to go and attack these games and take risks in his team lineup and the way he plays."
"By sacrificing good squad members now you create an infrastructure to get even better squad members later."
"Most importantly, make sure that the team has a crystal clear vision."
"Blaming your team is not something that you can keep on doing and expect to get any better at the game."
"So, in this round, I'm gonna put you into pairs. And I'm not going to split up the pairs this time around because, you know, we've all had our fantasy warfare. That's over now."
"They kind of addressed at least a little bit bringing in Otto Porter. You know, they don't like guards, they only like big wings. They did that."
"What stays in here in house is in house well that's not no that's no longer you know."
"Crusty shut the door as he says you don't get to come home until you beat the Houston Outlaws."
"What are we doing like we've left our team to die."
"We don't need a first eleven and a second eleven. We need two first elevens, two alternates, and an alternate eleven."
"He started his tenure with a win last month and hopes this group of players can return Serbia to the finals in 2025."
"Producer essentially creates the team who will make the game."
"Managing the expectations of your players... is a really delicate process."
"That felt like a true challenge with this young lower-rated squad."
"Listen, when I say it's guys coach 'em up, who's not there, that bodes well for the team."
"He's gonna find essentially 15 players that he loves, and those are going to be his guys."
"Sometimes the best thing a director can do... is to know who the best people are to give the film its look."
"I don't think it means you hit the red button and start making roster swaps cuz like who the hell do you pick up to replace someone on the huntsmen."
"Planner allows you to organize tasks for your team."
"Disney was often described as the conductor with his artists being the orchestra..."
"I will always have a place in my heart for Moyes. Only thing he didn't do for us was winner trophy. No manager since Carlo has understood Everton since."
"Crystal Palace are an indication if you've got a bit of money and you are willing to say you know what we haven't been doing things right..."
"Don't take a bunch of people who are just off a cancelled project and assign them to another team."
"Expect new characters and adjust the team accordingly."
"I'm definitely in the less is more camping when it comes to teams especially for arena especially when you're pushing at the platinum."
"To me it comes down to leading with courage meaning you have the courage to connect with your team to show trust but also to hold your team accountable and to hold yourself accountable as well."
"If he ever picks Lindelof over Eric Bailly again, I think we're in trouble. And scary thing is, I think he'll do it. And now it'll cost Oli his job."
"I hope that God all they plays the kids the reserves the tea lady depend on I don't care but do not play our first 11."
"Getting points deducted is worth it if it gets the Glazers out. Anything is worth it, even relegation."
"Alex mentioned that he sat on calls with the team discussing what might happen and when it did without any hesitation put their people first."
"These players are shambles, they are charlatans, and this has all been created by the football club."
"How does that work? That's what happens when you kind of open teams up and don't have one guy yelling at everyone on the narrative team for trying to do their thing."
"Putting people first ensures we have cohesive teams that are highly trained, disciplined, and fit, who will win against any adversary."
"Honestly, I don't know much about that. You know, I'm worried about the guys that are here right now. So that's really all I have on that."
"I'm giving fake Jacob full control of the rotation."
"I'd just be nicer as often as possible and listen more to the people on my team."
"Trade Russell Wilson, run the ball 40+ times a game, redefine the modern NFL offense."
"Your answers will have an impact on player morale, which in turn affects their performance during the match."
"I think we should take Carson Wentz and mock Ninja into taking Matthew Stafford."
"You can't ask a guy in year 21 to be the shot creator... it won't be Darvin Ham... it's a roster reality."
"Making sure that we have the resources to produce experiences our communities will love while giving our teams space to explore even more creative opportunities within their projects."
"I said it yesterday on Twitter I said I can't see away in the next two years that we don't win the title on the trajectory we're on."
"Come on, we'll tell me what team to rebuild next."
"Similarly, Liverpool have a brilliant team with an excellent balance that just needs touch-ups, not a revolution."
"That's how you take advantage of your whole roster people. Don't just go all out on the front wall."
"Our club's in a mess, and we're working through therapy here."
"When the manager's worried, the moaners have to sit down... maybe listen to your manager because I think he knows more than you lot." - Mark Goldbridge
"It's been controlled chaos and a shout out to them for doing such an amazing job."
"You have to work hard for your success, and that's the basic level of commitment I require of all my players."
"When it comes back down to it I do feel it's the input of how much you want to work around your team to be better that is going to define your management."
"We're getting the best out of these players."
"At the time, the guy that was running development with me came to me and he was like, 'I don't know, a lot of mileage, a lot of issues there.' And I was like, 'Dude, he's custom-made for what we do.'"
"Always play to your strengths. If you are Uruguay and you've got Suarez, Cavani, and Nunes, you're going to find a way of playing two of them."
"I think it's just having really honest dialogue... Players always know, even if it's not the news they may want to hear."
"You have to figure out what everyone wants to do."
"This is another way to share assets with other people, with developers, or with members of your team."
"The most important thing coming through unscathed, getting those minutes into the players."
"It's chaotic, too many cooks spoiling the broth."
"We hope to see some of the ones that don't know what they are doing."
"Why? Why? What a waste of a substitution, bruv. What a waste, prof, what a waste."
"I just love the attention to detail when it came to creating these rosters."
"It's really all about communication, that's where you make or break it."
"Give yourself your best chance by getting your best players in the best positions."
"You do not put yourself in a situation where you've got two fantastic goalkeepers and you can only pick one."
"He's dropping an honor. It's not rotation. He's not being rested because it's too much of an important game. You don't drop your goalkeeper in an important game."
"If you're not playing players you should be playing, then I would sell him."
"Just freshening up the pack for the specific qualities."
"Jonathan Isaac, Gabe Vincent, who we're paying for the next three years, and a rookie are in the starting lineup."
"Changing players is not going to fix what we've got right here."
"That's impressive, wow, we just got super lucky with these signings, man."
"I want players that I can trust in for years to come"
"Their team is super small currently only 30 people and they really need 100 people to do it so they are hiring."
"Scheme fits... pick your scheme for your team."
"What a summer! I mean, it's definitely had it, did it. It did hurt me selling him but no point in keeping a player on the team he doesn't really want to be there."
"He's a fantastic man manager, the players always love him."
"Can we actually win the Champions League in our third season with an under-23 only Liverpool team?"
"New player roles allow you to instruct your team exactly how you want them to play."
"If I was the Hawks, I would trade for Ben Simmons."
"I have unconditional love for the mother of my child."
"Everyone at the club from the owners down is focused on competing for and winning trophies at the highest level."
"The new player role is also very welcome I like seeing how players are top 4 defenseman top 2 defenseman because that gives you a better idea on where to put these players on the team."
"We shouldn't be aiming for a manager, we need a coach."
"The problem with United is we're picking good enough teams, they're just tactically inept."
"Spurs signing vanderveen for me is the best decision they made this summer."
"It's actually something I think is underrated and underappreciated is if you have the read that this is not gonna be your normal games League of Legends and you make you make a team comp call off that that's super intelligent."
"Cap doesn't stand out to me as a person who can just instill confidence in his players."
"You can't have an affiliate team that's outside of your own region which I think makes sense right."
"None of my artists have ever left me, and none of them ever talk bad about me, and it's always been family."
"One of the goalkeepers has got to go and they've got to go for money."
"We keep changing managers but it's the same players."
"We don't hit the panic button. You correct a few things, take some accountability. We're back."
"We set straight after the Leeds game, we put Premier League aside."
"Sometimes a big part of the process is just finding people and staying out of their way."
"A running back that goes in the first round anyway not gonna happen with the saints unless Alvin Kamara never plays again."
"Players will have to assume the responsibilities even more than before. If they do not agree, the doors are open. Ciao!"
"Magic is like LeBron. You have to put the right pieces in front of them, and if it's in front of them, you're going to ten straight."
"If a player doesn't want to be here, you let them go."
"Keep the players happy, so you can keep the fans happy."
"When you start to treat those humans bad, you're not going to have a performant team."
"This isn't fantasy football; we're trying to win by not using our best plays."
"It's about growing the team with people that like what they're doing."
"United are going to be relentless in their pursuit this summer."
"The best leaders don't have the answers; the best leaders have really good questions."
"We're powerless. Get behind the team, get behind the manager. Manager gets sacked, new manager comes in, don't get in the Champions League, spend money, get in the Champions League, don't spend money, manager gets sacked. We're powerless."
"I'd rather be on this journey with Solskjaer than be on the journey with Mourinho."
"The hawks should be in no rush to trade cameras yet agree i think they've."
"Knowing who you are and the best way for your team to play."
"For the rest of the games start Mason and see what he can do."
"Sometimes you have to make decisions that you think are for the best of the team and the club."
"It needs to start clearing players out like that definitely."
"Christian McCaffrey is the perfect example of a team identifying a player that they technically didn't really need but could truly use."
"I'm not saying add war bands to bring XP to the."
"I've decided that we go on to beast attributes panel. Squad's progressing really nicely. Let's see what we can do and how far we can go in the third season of this West Ham rebuild."
"We've never got a marquee signing done super fast."
"Making sure that everybody's focused on the job in hands."
"We actually took care of a lot of what I wanted us to do, so I'm really happy."
"Managing the people you're playing with is super good."
"It's a very good sign for Chavy to have this entire preseason with such a full squad."
"Ultimately his superpower is to surround himself with capable people, to treat them well, and to give them what they want."
"I really loved the fact that he could start chimera tyree kill carrion Johnson Robert Woods and then later in the draft grab some guys that I think we're good values for his team like Myles Sanders and Marvin Jones."
"It's about Manchester United, it's about what's best for us and I don't have sentimentality for players."
"I got the value in fields so I was able to get Dalvin Cook into the lineup and I am pairing him with my guy who is only $4,800, Clyde Edwards-Lair."
"I think that's where the coach comes in but like when you direct that anger directly to a player i think it just like damages the team chemistry too much and it's not actually good at all."
"If you drafted a player at a high position, then you're confident putting him in your lineup."
"The industry is now immense, the teams are immense, the amounts of funding is immense, this is global."
"Improved algorithm...far fewer instances of opponents not using their prime starting 11."
"If you develop this soft skill, you'll be able to collaborate with your internal team as well as external clients."
"If you have bad teammates or angry teammates, mute them, play your best."
"Teams want to follow calm leaders who are stable."
"Daily stand-up meetings, also known as daily scrum meetings, are a great way to ensure everyone is on track and informed."
"Selection of the right people, putting the right people in place because you have to honor relationships and results."