
Consolation Quotes

There are 592 quotes

"Consolation is very similar to human consolation and is empathy-driven."
"I'm sorry for everything that you have all gone through. It's terrible, no one should have to go through the things that your families have suffered."
"We ain't got no power, but we got some beverage. Yes, so let's cheers really quick."
"Grant us by the same Spirit to be truly wise and ever to rejoice in His holy consolation through Christ our Lord."
"The function of religion in society has been to give people consolation in the face of their own death."
"You are not alone in your sorrow, and there's no shame in grieving for those you love."
"Wasson cries about losing, Ibuki consoles him, handing him her handkerchief."
"Feeling guilty about making her upset, Masashi consoles her."
"The greatest consolation in the face of tragic life is marriage because it produces children, which is the challenge to death."
"Marriage... is the central consolation of tragic life."
"It is with human beings that we find not just our greatest challenges but also potentially our greatest consolation and our paths to God."
"A physician's duty: to cure occasionally, relieve often, console always."
"You're upset about something, let's just say, I don't know if you're a huge sports fan, but let's say your team just lost and you are pissed off... They'll do better next time. They had a great season, but that would make you feel better."
"I'm so sorry to hear you went through that, that's terrible."
"Losing never feels good but you still go home with $6,250 which is amazing."
"It's like a consolation party. He lost everything."
"Well, miss Benny, at least I still have you."
"I am always here for you, ready to cheer you up and console you when you're down."
"I have myself felt an extraordinary consolation when I have used holy water."
"He's giving you a little something to feel better about, not feel as rejected."
"Their sadness disappeared when they knew their lost ones made it to paradise."
"Romantic love is one of the great consolations for the tragedy of life."
"Knowing that she hadn't suffered in the end brought me some small comfort."
"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
"Don't be sad, you know it happens, it's sometimes."
"If you have one little one who is gone and you're no longer with them, they died, that little one is with the Lord."
"You're welcome, but you win nothing. Give it up for Win, information, the greatest prize of all."
"Look, don't be too upset. Considering the time you live in, she was probably gonna die of some disease before she turned 30 anyway."
"Fear not, I will not abandon you in the void. I am leaving a very delicious treat for you."
"Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot hear."
"Tintoretto's painting is consoling, foretelling the redemption of mankind."
"Even though you didn't win, we still want to give you $10,000."
"You do not grieve as those who have no hope."
"Just sorry for your loss, that's fine, no harm in that."
"Give strong drink unto him that is to perish in wine unto those and be of heavy heart." - Proverbs 31
"I promise you they did you a favor of that ending, painful as it may have been."
"When Jesus comes, all sorrows will end forever, and there will be no more sickness."
"You did good, man. This just wasn't your day."
"I will lift you up and console you with my love."
"It's better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick."
"What if he's wiping out every tear from their eyes by bringing them into heaven because they're in heaven there is no longer mourning nor outcry nor pain?"
"She's not dying, she's going to live on in your heart."
"I think we can all take some solace in the fact that his legacy is going to live on for years."
"I'm going to a better place. Don't be sad for me."
"Well, I can't promise you a trip in the next few days, but I've got an idea to cheer you up."
"If you don't win it, at least you got something cool."
"Congrats to him for being as safe as you can, but if that's any consolation for you, it doesn't matter what you do."
"Grief-stricken, Parnassus sits on a precipice as Nick tries to console him, confessing that he didn't intend for the prize to be involved in the wager."
"And which I shall hear their weeping in their supplications, that I may give them consolation and relief."
"God Himself will be their God and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying."
"I know your son Ben is in a better place."
"The days of thy mourning shall be ended."
"Even though you didn't win, we still want to give you ten thousand dollars and your family a trip to Disneyland."
"He will swallow up death in victory, and the Lord God shall wipe away tears from all faces."
"He was fine and generous, don't cry Benny."
"Know that there is consolation for you in the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
"On Earth, our only consolation, our only hope, is in God alone."
"Show up to the funeral, show up to the wake, drop flowers a month later, a year later, make sure they never get out of that hole."
"...not crying I'm sorry for what happened to your mom"
"I cherish a secret hope, however, that young black might prove capable of consoling her after the first grief had passed."
"What's happened is breaking your heart. Well, that can't be changed. But just remember this one thing: you did the best you could."
"Religion provides consolation in the face of death, a desire to find meaning in life."
"Enjoy the money, I hope it makes up for it."
"I'm sorry you had to go through this, I promise, nobody deserves to go through this."
"She needed comfort, and I tried to give her that."
"Catherine approaches Tyler and gives him a spider in a tube as a consolation prize and they bond over both wanting to be the first to discover something no one has ever seen before."
"Comfort the sorrowful: everyone is sorrowful."
"I'm sorry, it's okay, it's all right, we're here for you."
"What a pity for you that it's unprovable. But don't reproach yourself, Commander."
"The best consolation is just that they had a chance they got to be on this stupid stupendous planet and live for a while."
"If you don't have a strong hope, you don't have a strong consolation, you aren't anchored into the veil, you aren't anchored to God."
"I'll let Sal know you tried your best when I see him."
"Yo, okay, we didn't get Elmo, but we got my man Cookie Monster."
"How do you talk to a five or six or seven year old on the way home from a pageant after losing? What do you tell them?"
"Remember, it's never easy to lose a loved one."
"He's in a better place. He's in God's hands right now."
"Our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God even Our Father, has given us everlasting consolation."
"These sublime and magnificent scenes afforded me the greatest consolation that I was capable of receiving."
"Saka attempted to console him by suggesting that his uncle would be proud of his decision to leave home and assist them."
"Half of all marriages end in divorce, so that means you're at least in good company with half of everybody."
"The best consolation in misfortune or affliction of any kind will be the thought of other people who are in a still worse plight than yourself."
"Do not grieve as those who have no hope."
"The consolation of fairy tales has another aspect than the imaginative satisfaction of ancient desires. Far more important is the consolation of the happy ending."
"The family took some comfort in the fact that Moore hadn't suffered in her final moments."
"Obviously we all want to win, but if you don't win, second is okay, or third is okay, because you get to stay in the game."
"Well, at least there's still the poker."
"Well, at least you didn't lose the diamond, girl. It could be worse, I know. So how long were you guys dating before you got married?"
"I'm sorry that you're upset with life right now, sweetheart."
"Sometimes just knowing that you have people who care about you and are worried for you is the only consolation one could ask for."
"...hopefully his family could find some solace in the fact that Justice had found its way to his Killer's doorstep."
"At least they got a nice view to make up for it."
"...belief in the afterlife or at least a profession of belief in the afterlife gives you something to say at the most difficult moments in life to others who are losing someone or have lost someone."
"...there is nothing better in terms of consolation than to believe that the child you just lost is now someplace perfect and you will be reunited."
"So even if you don't win, you almost win, bro. Don't worry."
"At least you were the first choice. Take those small dubs."
"If you refuse all outward consolation, heaven will come into your view and fill you with spiritual rejoicing."
"The excitement and the thrill and the ego gratification and the natural beauty and the physical beauty of relating to nature in that way did really bring a lot of consolation."
"UK is still in, sorry to UK, wish you a better year."
"Norma, you have been through a terrible ordeal."
"I've been having a bad day and someone tries to cheer you up and it doesn't work and it makes your day worse because you actually know like less happy but because what would normally cheer you up didn't"
"Wilbur, I love you and I'm sorry you've been through this and I'm going to leave you with a giant treat stick when I leave here so you can just Chow Down on it."
"There is no way to stop the hurt, death is not nice, it never will be, but maybe it helps in some small way to think that if death itself had thoughts and feelings about the whole ordeal, they would at least treat you kindly."
"It ain't your fault, girl. He deceived you."
"Be happy always be happy because they're saving you the tears."
"It's amazing, for example, talking about friendship, this is in the book. After he's been diagnosed with cancer and he knows that he's there's no way back, by chief consolation in this year of living dyingly has been the presence of friends."
"You'll do it she said go to hell I said then she wept softly until I comforted her once again."
"Sunny, that's awful. I'm so sorry."
"Life goes on," the cook said, trying to comfort The Runaway Bride.
"I'm sorry, Edison. Your father loves you," my mother said softly, trying to console me.
"The consolation of philosophy aims to bring about a recollection of wisdom, a return to self-possession, and a renewal of cultural ideals."
"The best consolation is profound friendship."
"It has made the dying Christian slave freer than his master and consoled those whom dying he left behind morning not so much that he was gone as because they were left behind and could not go to."
"Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console."
"In every one of these conceptions of eternal return, we are in the dark time now, and that is a consolation."
"The consolation prize is being better."
"How nice of you to call on me, Blackie. You've come to console me in my trouble, of course."
"When sorrow strikes, it will be the only consolation."
"I'm sorry you didn't win first place raspberry."
"Call upon God for the consoling power, and it will be given, and God will take care of the justice side."
"When Bill Sperling walked out of his attorney's offices alone, his empty life before him, he had one small seed of consolation."
"The consolation of obedience. You can get all bent out of shape and very upset about all kinds of things, and what consolation comes when we simply do the next thing."
"Sorry that happened to you, buddy."
"At least he saw the whales. At least at the end he got to see the whales."
"Still, being in the top 3 isn’t too bad!"
"Nothing can take its place. Riches, genius, worldly pleasures or pursuits cannot bring us consolation in a dying hour."
"At least he didn't die in complete vain."
"Constable's later years were not without their consolations; he had his seven children whom he adored."
"There's no cause for all these tears. No need for tears."
"Sometimes life just isn't fair, kiddo."
"There's no consolation other than knowing you did your best."
"It's okay, at least... at least they got one."
"He slowly wrapped his arms around her and traced circles on her back, something he used to do with her when she also cried."
"I'll take that. I'll take that. I'll take that. That made me feel a little bit better."
"You upset, you don't deserve this."
"She's crying, and she's just looking for someone to console her, and Nick is there, and Nick reminds her, 'She loves you.'"
"It's okay, puppy, I love you but."
"I was so hungry. I'm sorry, Sammy. It's okay, little one. I know how to cheer you up."
"You will recover many things you cherished and lost."
"This coin has certainly cheered me up. It's by no means ancient, but it's not been a great day today."
"Sorry to hear that. No, my brief says that it's quite a result."
"No man is inconsolable. She'll listen to him and comfort him and praise him and he'll simply lap it up."
"Consolation is coming back a lot more quickly than desolation wants you to believe."
"This is encouragement; this is strong consolation. Indeed, again it is a willing forgiveness."
"God doesn't want you to come here just to hang your head and cry and hot tears, He wants to give you joy."
"If someone tried to console her she'd outpour a filthy barrage of abuses in this gruff animalistic voice."
"At least you tried, you have your dignity still."
"I hope the rest of your day's better."
"I heard from one of the EMTs that the guy was absolutely inconsolable."
"I'm sorry about your mother," Amanda said. "I can't imagine losing a parent."
"Everything that happens in this state of prayer deeply consoles the soul."
"They're consoling one another outside, while there's someone inside calling and beckoning them."
"When things don't go well for a patient, it's of no consolation to them that the other ten went well."
"But if I could have one book of the Bible with me to give me comfort and consolation and for my edification, to many people surprised the book that I would select would be the book of Hebrews."
"It was like a casualty ward in a hospital where kids are crying and you're trying to console them."
"Our Lord Jesus Christ himself, in God, even our father, your father, the closest relative you have, which hath loved us and has given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace."
"Second place isn't too bad I guess."
"I'm sorry to hear that man, five years is a good run though"
"I felt so terrible I held her for a long time."
"When I lost Gregory, Benno Schneider was there and said, 'You were wonderful.'"
"This gold medal is for the first place winner. Second place shall receive this medal, which is also gold. But third place... third place, we can take it from here."
"Everybody has a bad day, that's right."
"oh you're the loser there oh that's true that's harsh"
"You poor old things, anyone would think that the two of you had nothing left to look forward to."
"...I walked to the Millers next door. I couldn't say anything, I just couldn't stop crying."
"How wonderful to have the consolation of tears when nothing is wrong."
"They're all dead, but at least they're together."
"Religion consoles some. Its mysteries have all the charm of a flirtation."
"No, those children are with him right now in heaven."
"There's every reason to cry, you've lost a husband and we've lost our son."
"He condoled with him, praised his brave defense, and gave him valuable presents."
"The Lord will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying."
"So he won't be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. Forget it, move on. The dude doesn't deserve to be grieved by excessive sorrow. You're right and I was wrong."
"Just let her walk out, baby, don't cry no more"
"After a dreadful start to the campaign, the Gunners at least did draw some consolation from recovering to finish ahead of their North London rivals."
"It's not Walt but Tony the Tiger is not a bad consolation prize for that."
"Oh divine master, grant that I may seek not so much to be consoled, as to console."
"...there is here great consolation... I am not uneasy about ultimate issues."
"...sweet is the consolation which comes to us from the empty tomb of Jesus."
"It's better than not getting it back at all, I guess."
"You are weeping, and I am sorry that you're weeping. But we too, weep."
"There is somebody who will understand you very well and that is Mother Mary."
"We sorrow not as those who have no hope."
"Katara consoled Aang when they found an industrial Town built on previously sacred ground."
"Your stuff has helped me through the loss of my mom. Rip in the chat for Kbo's mother."
"I'm sorry, Miss California, but you won $32,000."
"Dear Emma, time will help you forget him, and he will soon be gone," Mr. Knightley comforted.
"I ain't got nothing for you, I know your sister's mean and took the blanket from you but I ain't got nothing to give you in this moment."
"The only consolation: there have been many here before you."
"I know it's small comfort at this moment, but this must be for the best. You know, you yourself spoke of an evil affinity, didn't you?"
"You give me hope and consolation."
"We consoled ourselves with the fact that none of our expensive possessions were missing."
"I just said, 'Don't worry, it gets better. Thanks for the laughs.'"
"It's alright guys, so it's not that bad."
"At least somebody gonna take your call."
"...you can still find some consolation in recognizing that there's a version of you a person who has the same thoughts memory sensations of feelings who is carrying on and that can offer some degree of solace if you believe in this multiverse perspective."
"May you find peace and comfort in the memories."
"As disappointing as his loss must have been, Chan still went home with more than a quarter of a million dollars in winnings, so that probably eased the sting a bit."
"That thing is your son, and when you hold him in your arms, you'll feel so much love that all your heartache will be wiped away."
"Who needs a trophy as long as I got you for a consolation prize?"