
Hatred Quotes

There are 565 quotes

"When people feel heard, they stop hating. Hating comes from a buildup of not being seen, not being heard."
"Hatred is false because it goes against our deepest oneness."
"You need to learn to let go and live with a heart filled with love. You need to be content with yourself because if you're obsessed with trying to hate on another person, the poison's inside of you."
"Ignorance is the enemy in all walks of life. Ignorance is where hatred springs from. Understanding and tolerance are bred from information and knowledge."
"Ignorance is the enemy, and ignorance is what breeds hatred. People who disagree with you are often more valuable than those that agree."
"Hatred, but only to show that there's something more valuable."
"Everything that conspires to make the preciousness and sacredness of the present moment difficult to realize is what I hate."
"Hatred does not last for long, but the brilliance of the present is the glory of the future, stored up forever in the memory of man."
"Thanks, because of you I understand now what I really hated all along wasn't being betrayed. I hated myself for being too weak to believe in others."
"Look around you. This is where the path of hatred has brought us."
"To be a ninja means that you must confront hatred."
"Hatred is toxic and durable and ultimately useless."
"Losing the sense of free will does two things very vividly for me: it totally undercuts the basis for the psychological basis for hatred."
"Love makes one blind as hatred makes one see."
"The symbolism of the rope hanging in the tree is malicious, regardless of intent; it symbolizes hatred."
"There is no hatred more powerful than that originally born of love."
"Kreia: 'To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best.'"
"Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil."
"We sow hatred of others fueled by what we think is true or what we want to be true, without regard to what is true."
"I remember Lil Boosie said it best: 'Sometimes, people are hypnotized by hatred.'"
"Hatred traps you, hatred removes your options, hatred takes away your freedom."
"Anger leads to hate, and when you're being told that you should hate other people because they're different to you, it accomplishes nothing."
"People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite."
"Hatred pulls worlds the individual away from his own self, makes him oblivious of his will and future, frees him of his jealousies and self-seeking; he becomes an anonymous particle quivering with the craving to fuse and coalesce with his like into one flaming mass."
"It is easier to hate an enemy with much good in him than one who is all bad."
"Hating enemies fosters a society filled with vengeance and hatred."
"Racism can stem from different resources other than just blind hatred."
"Human beings are more than capable of being hateful towards each other."
"It never ceases to amaze me how easily hatred can be used to bend people to your will."
"Every Ukrainian family who loses someone in this conflict, whatever they thought of the regime in Kiev before, whatever they thought of Russia before, is a family that will hate Russia moving forward."
"When you hate someone you start planning their downfall and what happens when you plan someone's downfall you lose focus."
"He's been able to unite diversity in his own hatred everybody hates him."
"Their hatred isn't complete until you've lost all sense of worth."
"We need the honesty and courage to resist the hatred, the spirit of hatred that the zeal even for good causes can induce."
"Let the hate flow through you. It gives you focus."
"Spread love because it's too much haters for I love."
"Anyone who actually hates Christianity actually really hates them as well."
"Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that."
"She's a monster and a liar. I hate her. I hate everyone."
"The old alt-right was literally built on hatred, it was the driving force behind a lot of their movements."
"Six is a reminder that acting on your most hateful urges has transcendental consequences doing so will haunt the world and it will place the most grotesque villains in your path."
"The fear of the unknown is the basis for a lot of hatred in the world."
"No children are born hating, and no children anywhere should be educated to hate other people."
"Hate never goes away. It just hides under the rocks and given a little bit of oxygen by bad people, it comes roaring out again. It's up to all of us to deal with that."
"It's okay to hate, it's just not okay to act in violence against people based upon it."
"Bro, you just can't hate. It's hard, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's just like sad to see how much hate some people have in their hearts."
"It's foolish to die and leave only hatred as a legacy."
"A lot of the hatred we hold on to ultimately makes our own lives miserable."
"They don't care what they do, what they say, they just hate them."
"Hate left unchallenged spreads like wildfire."
"Hate is like taking poison and hoping the other person gets sick."
"I realized that, you know, there’s no point in having lingering hatred and stuff like that."
"As Arthurs describes his conversion, he mentions that he no longer finds it necessary to take the lives of others purely out of hate."
"Anything that brings hatred into religion isn't true religion."
"God hates abuse, but God does not hate the abuser."
"Absolutely hating everyone else, thinking they're not worthy of your empire."
"At its core, it's about hate—hatred for a secular society that in their eyes almost destroyed them."
"Time is money, and personnel is the most important investment you can make."
"How can you hate me if you don't even know me?"
"It's absolutely despicable to build a political movement on that sort of hatred with no policy. There's no portfolio, it literally is just hate for hate's sake, cruelty for cruelty's sake."
"Hatred is evil since it continually consorts with lying, speaking against the truth."
"Unforgiveness fosters hatred and is a symptom of pride."
"The hatred for people who oppose them politically, it's unbelievable."
"The child is not born hateful to no group of people on the planet until somebody that's grown tell them they need to hate."
"Stop projecting your despicable hatred onto us."
"We're not going to tolerate your hatred here."
"So when he talks about where this is coming from and where this hatred is understand the Bible makes it very clear."
"Love righteousness and hate wickedness with a perfect hatred."
"Why are people so quick to judge and so quick to hate?"
"Hating Trump supporters is a trap. When you hate Trump supporters, it's just mean and also you're wrong."
"There is no excuse ever for hatred. There is no excuse ever for bigotry and intolerance and prejudice."
"Sometimes they even stick the hand in the Medusan lava to give this overwhelming feeling of hatred."
"You're allowed to hate people. Hate is a fine emotion, but you should be rational about it."
"They hate God and because you hate God, you're going to do everything you can to shut the mouths of anybody who stands up for God."
"How do you beat hatred with more hatred? That stuff should never come up in your vocabulary."
"If you have too much hate for the other side, you become an idiot."
"It wasn't just attacking out of desperation, it was seething with some kind of relentless hatred."
"That deep-rooted hate that [__] has been implemented..."
"The devil's hatred towards God and especially Jesus is so great."
"There's enough hate out there in the world, you should not be one of those people."
"It's rivals, not enemies. There's enough hate in the world now."
"There's a hatred now that kind of wipes out rationality."
"The pain of hate is never something to hold on to."
"The irrational hatred of any group is an exercise in closing the mind."
"No one is more hated than those who speak the truth."
"There's so much naked unalloyed hatred out there and it's becoming right and acceptable to be seen to hate."
"I see some real hatred out there, JJ. I'm talking about, I see some ugliness from fans that I didn't know existed."
"Hate has never solved a single problem, only love can do that."
"Don't legitimate their divisions. Don't legitimize their hate."
"When you hate someone, they have defeated you."
"Fear gives rise to more fear, a never-ending circle of hatred."
"These are creatures that hate not just you personally but the fact that things like you exist in the first place."
"Katos had turned the pain of his memories into hatred."
"Individual experiences don't justify hatred. They just don't. It's not good. Why would you compromise your values like that?"
"I simply do not understand why some people choose to focus their life on hatred."
"It's revolutionary because there's still so much hatred and bigotry in the world."
"I choose not to give in to hate. If I allow myself to be chained to hate, I will again become his prisoner." - Christy Friendly
"It's like you know, life is much easier when you let hating people just take so much out of you."
"Children are not born with hate; you teach them to hate."
"Spread love because it's too much hating, spread love."
"This needs to be taken seriously because this is a one piece of a long journey of hatred and intellectual dyslexia resulting that could result in violence."
"To really hate somebody is a very dark feeling there has to be something incredibly entangled within our psyche."
"Sometimes when you guys just like hate people a lot of the reason why you're hating the person is because they're kind of like a mirror reflection of you."
"Racism is man's greatest threat to man, the maximum the hatred for a reason complex."
"It's like a burning hatred that a lot of people have for a lot of other people."
"Hate is like taking poison and hoping the other guy dies. It doesn't work."
"You'll be hated for my name's sake. People will hate you just for not celebrating a holiday."
"White supremacist said that we are an enemy to them. It don't matter who you are. There's no innocent non-white people."
"If hatred can be passed down from generation to generation, maybe respect can be as well."
"And that's how powerful of a narrative tool hatred can be."
"I wish only pain on that girl's mother... she does not deserve to ever be granted with the privilege of such a name."
"You should never have hatred in your heart, it just poisons you."
"I do not have luxury to live with hatred in my heart."
"I hate all humans, all of them except you, Akira. If you join me, we can create a new world."
"If hatred and fear are allowed to prevail, the world will be swallowed by them."
"There is nothing so dangerous in the world as the vicious hatred of a personal enemy."
"There is no enemy so eager to inflict pain as a man or woman who feels himself your inferior."
"Hatred is a symptom of the conflict and not the cause of it."
"A politics of hatred creates a permanent instability that is exploited by those seeking the destruction of civil society."
"No amount of cajolery can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party... So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin."
"His character shows how hatred and violence only create a vicious cycle of even more hatred and violence."
"Hatred is contagious in this town."
"The bigotry, intolerance, prejudice, and unbridled hatred for Jews and the nation of Israel exploding on American college campuses today is absolutely disgraceful."
"Frank thinks of the people he murders as useless scum and he hates them."
"Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins."
"Mewtwo represents hatred, and he is the strongest psychic Pokémon."
"Hating is always the same, always senseless. One day it kills Irish Catholics, the next day Jews, the next day Protestants, the next day Quakers."
"I felt hatred, pure revengeful bitter hate for social, for the experiment, for the other participants."
"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who proclaim it."
"The polarization of hatred is much stronger than the polarization of policy to the point where many people are convinced that only violence can solve the problem."
"Venom relentlessly pursues Spider-Man to try and kill him. It's an obsessive hatred, an unhealthy obsession, an unhealthy hatred."
"To the last, I grapple with thee; from hell's heart, I stab at thee; for hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."
"Few in the galaxy earned Darth Vader's personal hatred to the point where he went out of his way to track them down and personally kill them himself."
"In order to confront Sasuke's hatred, he has to confront his own."
"Vader hated Palpatine so much with every ounce of his being."
"There's nothing so blinding as a heart full of hatred."
"Love is not enough to end the cycle of hatred."
"It makes no sense to hate the guy."
"He hates dark magic with a passion."
"I’m tired of hating. And I really do want you to be happy."
"For weeks, Thomas stewed in a mix of hatred and a raw desire for revenge."
"When you think of racism, the hatred behind racism is not normal."
"Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all transgressions."
"Get this out of my face. I hate this."
"The curse of hatred was fed, it became a poorly kept secret plot within the Uchiha that they would storm Konoha and destroy its leadership, usurping control."
"...you are capable of letting go of that hatred even if that hatred is towards yourself."
"Wherever there is hatred, ignorance, and greed, there is violence."
"We hate each other more than we hate oppression, more than slavery, homelessness, and miseducation."
"People hated him for murdering my son and I found out who strangled him by could I'd shake his hand."
"He learned to hate them back and he destroyed himself."
"He had the guts to write about fear and hatred and the terror of emptiness as he did."
"Why do people hate Joffrey so much? Yeah, it's because he does lots of cruel, villainous, horrible things."
"We need no urging to hate humans, but for the present only a fool fights in a burning house."
"I hate you. AND I WANT YOU TO DIE!"
"Don't leave me like the others did," its voice was a mixture of hatred, desperation, and fear.
"The people that hate on other people to me is are the people who wish they had what you have."
"Let me tell you what hatred is: it's the pettiness, the small tortures, the little tiny bits of pain."
"That kind of hatred only comes from love, from being betrayed, from feeling abandoned."
"People hate what they don't understand."
"Hatred ceases not by hatred at any time. Hatred ceases by love. This is an old rule."
"Hatred comes from people who hate their own existence."
"These are men who actively incite hatred and violence against women."
"...it makes as little sense to hate somebody as it does to hate a virus that's good at getting into your lungs."
"A culture that has the assumption that expressions of physical love are far more dangerous than expressions of physical hatred is basically crazy and devoted unintentionally indeed but nevertheless in fact devoted not to survival but to the actual destruction of life."
"It is not contradictory to hate War. I think many of us who covered War hated war viscerally and deeply yet at the same same time be constantly drawn to it."
"He hates the very notion of poverty."
"The devil is a petty hater; he hates marriage to the core."
"I'm absolutely convinced that the main source of hatred in the world is religion and organized religion absolutely convinced."
"I think it's a little bit better than they hate us."
"Hatred breeds hatred, but it can be demolished by love."
"It's about hatred, it's about race, it's a dirty game. And suffering of women marrying into this institution, there's feeding frenzy."
"Hatred does not cease by hatred but only by love. This is the Eternal rule."
"This movie is a great example of how easy hatred and fear are, especially combined with impressionable young people."
"nothing brings people together like the hatred of a man"
"My hatred and revenge burst all bounds of moderation."
"For the first time the feelings of revenge and hatred filled my bosom."
"I really hope you guys are starting to understand why I [__] hate Eobard Thawne."
"If you keep your hatred pure, wonderful things can happen."
"He was consumed and driven by hatred and anger."
"There will always be people out there who hate you just because."
"I hate to see what's happening in places like Bosnia and Herzegovina, where you have ethnic cleansing again, the same things over and over again, the hatred that goes on in Israel. I mean, these are all human beings."
"I hate my enemies too. I hated when they have a good day, when they simply sigh. I am filled with hatred."
"Persecution of Christians, apostasy, betrayal, and hatred in the world."
"...people that actually hate you they'll stay away from you like I stay away from roaches..."
"Oda is amazing at making his villains absolutely hateable, to the point that you, the reader, want nothing more than to see someone finally punch them and put them in their place."
"I think it really let us see the ugly monster that race hatred is."
"Hatred is taught but empathy can bring us together and make the world better."
"That's a smart decision. I'm a gifted hater. I need to come up with something good for my least favorite skater, you know? That's at this point, you know you're a good hater when you got to think about your hate take."
"Hatred doesn't lead to any peace in our world."
"Could a father really hate his trueborn son this much?"
"I hated the idea that someone was out there wishing for my death, planning to kill me, planning to derail all my glorious futures and blink all my dragonets out of existence. How dare they."
"Hatred is never ended by hatred, but by love, and a misunderstanding is never ended by an argument, but by tact, diplomacy, conciliation, and a sympathetic desire to see the other person's viewpoint."
"The damned soul has a hunger for God in order to satisfy itself, but on the other hand, it hates God."
"Snake in A Song of Ice and Fire didn't like either of his brothers but he hated Stannis with a vengeance."
"Humanity hates you. Humanity wants you to die."
"Every little action adds up. Through that, a cycle of hatred can be comprehended, deconstructed, and reconstructed into something different: into a cycle of hope, a cycle of understanding, a cycle of kindness."
"And he was just so full of hate and Vengeance for no reason like none of this stuff happened to him."
"If you hate somebody, that hatred is contributing to that negative energy load in the world."
"This is a different level of hatred this is I'm trying to I'm I'm not trying to hurt you I'm trying to end your damnn career I'm trying to get rid of you out of Impact Wrestling."