
Traditions Quotes

There are 685 quotes

"Traditions are really just dead people peer pressuring us."
"When I propose to my wife, I got down on one knee, and that was special."
"It's very possible that the younger dryas global catastrophe plays a part in why we still have a Halloween and a Day of the Dead."
"The socialism that comes to the United States will be a socialism rooted in our own traditions, our own history, our ongoing struggles here."
"Christmas takes tree decorations, mistletoes, wreaths, and even Christmas caroling from these Yule holidays."
"A mad travel rush, eating lots of dumplings, and fireworks … to scare away the bad spirits."
"Our new tradition is we go to Super Bowl, and we have our Valentine's dinner at the Super Bowl."
"The cabin is not just any old cabin; it's a cabin of love where the young woman can have as many suitors as she wishes until she finds the one who makes her heart sing."
"Having that basic respect and being able to say, 'I don't understand but I'm going to follow your traditions,' because it comes at no cost to me, I think that that is a valuable quality."
"The story of the lady in the lake echoes the ancient tradition of depositing weapons in water."
"Dwarves are a tough, tradition-abiding folk known for their strong martial traditions and beautiful craftsmanship."
"It's one of our oldest customs that when a witch turns 13, she has to leave home for a year to begin her training."
"Mom and dad and apple pie, baseball games and picnics in July."
"As much as a lot of religious rituals or religious traditions make me uncomfortable, the way I'm going into this is in a non-judgmental light."
"The underlying concept of Samoan culture is called 'fa'a Samoa', which translates to the Samoan way. It's the traditional way of life in Samoa, and it encompasses the fundamentals of respect, family, and spirituality."
"Food tells us something about our childhood, our culture, our families, our traditions."
"Santa Claus is only going to come if you go to sleep."
"You got to go to sleep so when Santa Claus comes to give you presents."
"The historical core of the Traditions is remarkably consistent and is multiply and independently attested in extremely early sources."
"We all affect one another... when it comes to especially traditions... talking about family, ties, community, and belonging."
"The best preventative measure people can take to avoid being harassed by fairies in their own homes is to leave some refreshments, specifically bread and water or milk, on the kitchen table or on the doorstep overnight."
"Even a thousand years on, Christians still honor pagan festivals. Think of the winter solstice at Christmas and the spring equinox at Easter."
"You should be proud of your traditions and you should be proud of your beliefs."
"There is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it."
"Gift giving is one of the oldest human activities that takes its route back before the civilizations were even born."
"Although they live in modern times, they still keep their ancestral beliefs and traditions alive."
"Rituals of paganism are gone... even pagans who do pagan stuff don't do birthdays with the neo-paganism."
"I hope you guys are all going to celebrate with your family - at least exchange gifts and stuff like that."
"I think the origin is related to the loss of virginity."
"We had this big rule of anything that we bought for the wedding, you could not wear before the wedding."
"The modern witches' sabbath... can be traced back to much earlier traditions, the pagan rituals that marked the Earth's changing seasons."
"When people are connected, when they have a sense of connection within their nation, they are stronger and they have their own traditions."
"Christmas Eve is a much bigger celebration than actual Christmas day. Christmas Eve, all our big festivities happen."
"Our history is now your history, our traditions are now your traditions, and our Constitution is now yours to safeguard, celebrate, and cherish as Americans."
"I'm very fond of that, and I hope for that for our son, and I can't wait for him to experience like a genuine Halloween."
"These are traditions that are beautiful, practical, efficacious, and easy to follow, and that we should just bring back."
"Legend says that on a full moon it will raise the spirits of the dead when lit by a virgin on Halloween night. Wanna do the honors?"
"The people who say that they have no traditions are the ones that are plagued with the most of them."
"Panini stickers: a great footballing tradition dating all the way back to the 1970 World Cup."
"Money is right up there next to it... sometimes following tradition may not work."
"The customs of our ancestors produced excellent men, and eminent men preserved our ancient customs and the institutions of their forefathers."
"Food holds a powerful place in our cultures and traditions."
"Kids mean just legacy, experiencing family, and starting traditions."
"October 31st is the date many refer to as All Hallows Eve or Halloween, a festive time for dressing up, begging for sweet treats, visiting haunted houses, and carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns."
"I went to some houses as a kid and they gave us raisins, man."
"The worst houses gave you a toothbrush. What's that all about?"
"Traditions should be like, 'We do this fun thing. Oh, you don't have to do it. We do this fun thing.'"
"Arranged marriages were the norm throughout history."
"The constrained vision relies on certain social processes such as moral traditions, the marketplace, or families."
"Michaelmas: a time of festivity, games, feasting, fairs, and parades."
"So you better bow down and respect the culture."
"I love dressing up. I'm not saying I don't like it, but to me, the true joy of Halloween is just like the spooky month of scaring yourself, going to haunted houses, watching creepy movies."
"When traveling by boat, one is not to bring bananas aboard. Apparently, it is bad luck."
"There are many fences in the world that are worth tearing down but you damn well better understand why the fence was erected before you demolish it."
"Every now and then when a traditional experience presents itself, I will partake."
"Gentlemen, let's start on tradition. If a lady wants her hand in marriage, she has to put a nice watch on our wrist first."
"The purpose of hazing was not to humiliate but to build a bond of friendship."
"I always loved pumpkins and jack-o'-lanterns."
"This is a family affair for the McCoy ranch."
"There's something wrong with the way we're conceiving of the world."
"Traditions are kind of like a civilizational trial and error."
"Each filled with their traditions, arts, music, and customs."
"Developers deliberately broke the mold of video game tradition."
"An oath as a promise of what is what they're going to do for the next year that they make before the gods."
"I can't wait to get this damn dress off of me. Don't you know that a good widow must wear black?"
"Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, a time to show appreciation, exchange gifts, and eat amazing foods."
"If we're going to be conservatives in the future, we're going to have to conserve the traditions and the way of life that we've long cherished."
"It's not a question of being good or evil. It's about a clash of mentalities, and the traditions established by the community are their own reality."
"You got to Define what it means to you, honor Saturday, avoid casuals, and protect your traditions. That is how you keep the sport special."
"Traditions forever connect us because traditions are what binds us together as a family."
"I feel like even if I'm getting rid of some of the things that are traditions during my live show the one thing that should never go is typing the emotion that you're feeling with one sentence when I with one word right now."
"Everyone comes here from all over the earth. They bring their traditions, but you become part of the greater tradition of America."
"It became like a new tradition for me, seeing 'Green Room' and 'The Witch' at Fantastic Fest."
"We know from several documented practices, histories, and languages that the Indians who inhabited this area had traditionally followed the customs of their forefathers."
"The tradition of Christmas trees slowly became more popular boosted significantly by the royal family's endorsement."
"What if we change the way we think about gift giving for baby showers and maybe even gift giving for other big life events like birthdays and weddings?"
"Knocking on wood also has its roots in the ancient world."
"If you leave a plate for Santa, what's on it? Oreos, of course, and this year hand sanitizer."
"To me, Halloween is all about the seasonal feelings leading up to it—fall, the decorations, the traditions."
"I think it's unimaginable that Dragon riding would be forever consigned to the Dragon Isles."
"Is it possible that overlap exists in the traditions of these places?"
"Do you guys have any Halloween traditions that you do every year?"
"I love that in hockey, it's like a gentlemanly thing. They decide before the fight that they're going to fight."
"Now that we have a kid I'm kind of stoked to take my kid out trick-or-treating."
"There's nothing like nostalgia. I mean, there's nothing more powerful than those traditions."
"Honor thy mother and father, especially thy father."
"So you're saying that maybe we can see a new tradition some day of when a crew is arriving, they might start baking fresh cookies in anticipation of their arrival."
"Don't put your chopsticks vertically in your bowl of rice, it can be seen as an offering to the deceased."
"Romans believed it was bad luck for a groom not to carry his bride over the threshold of their home, a tradition that still carries on today."
"Cooking isn't just about the food; it's about creating memories and traditions with loved ones."
"Their creed is an old one, older than the superstitions and misbeliefs of the current Imperial Cult."
"We claim that we love our ancestors but we don't honor none of their traditions."
"Christmas joy is the ultimate combination of cookies, gingerbread houses, and a recipe for romance."
"It's a tradition that spans thousands of years."
"Africa is a continent of many myriad countries with very different traditions and aspects to them."
"These animals have identity, they have personality, they have traditions."
"It's not a holiday dish if you can't make a sandwich from it."
"A lot of different spiritual traditions are a reincarnation of rituals from ancient Egypt."
"But if you're going through the same things that just keep your head up and honestly like people would tell us before like just start your own family traditions and that's exactly what we're gonna do like just us three maybe four soon."
"Create things... traditions, activities, behaviors, rules, experiences that make our families more unified and stronger."
"Traditions aren't just 'this is the way we always do it.' It's the wisdom of the dead."
"The destiny era had its ups and downs but one of my favorite moments was Christmas... Destiny decided to open up their presents early, a tradition Amber continues to this day."
"I don't know if anyone else does this but my grandma always had me do this and so it's just been ingrained in me i have never found a rock."
"The festival is filled with joy and laughter, sharing special traditions, admiring the moon, and of course, sharing moon cakes."
"Time to honor the age-old tradition of taking the offense out for lunch."
"The church also helped establish the tradition of trick-or-treating."
"Cook with my kids, that's how I started cooking was with my mom, you know?"
"It's a heartfelt Pokémon adventure and it isn't bogged down by old tradition."
"We're really gonna try to make Eid special this year."
"It's not a big deal. In fact, when I was growing up, I had a Valentine every single year, and that was actually my mom."
"It's not any extravagant or outrageous conclusion to think that these kinds of things found their way into the stories into the traditions into the mythologies into the legends into the folklore."
"Indeed, to ignore the wisdom of the world's great traditions would be foolish."
"It's just not the same during the holidays without your family."
"Fish is kept in the bathtub before Christmas in Slovakia."
"Whatever makes you smile, create your own traditions."
"On May 1st you climb up Arthur's seat, the highest point in Edinburgh, and you wash your face in the morning dew."
"I would love to know any Autumn Traditions you have."
"In Germany, the main day for presents is Christmas Eve, but kids also get something for Saint Nicholas Day."
"We have dozens of parades over several weeks leading up to the big day."
"They felt as though Edward had a blatant disregard for traditions and social norms and they distrusted his desire to modernize the monarchy."
"They purposefully put like my mom had her own house, the first wife had her own house, the third wife had hers."
"Traditions are weird and you can do whatever you want and name your baby whatever you want."
"Those kind of traditions like food traditions, to me they're important."
"For those of you who may not know, tomorrow is the beginning of the Lunar New Year, also known as the Chinese New Year."
"Virtues that would not have been lost on our ancestors."
"It cannot be December first and not have a tree or not have my room decorated, so I'm gonna take you guys along my day where I do all the Christmas festivities."
"This was the beginning of customs."
"Rethinking Traditions... if they are creating extra clutter that is frustrating for you."
"My hope is that you and your family are making some fun Christmas Memories and traditions this year."
"Prince Fel Inon learned from his brother that ion's tea parties would now be held on a regular basis."
"It's kind of where they say a lot of the Christmas stuff comes from like the idea of giving gifts and there was also a role reversal when like they had slaves."
"Christmas dinner a British Christmas dinner is just as big a feast as an American one."
"I really do want to make traditions with Jen."
"The night we set up the tree and decorate the tree, we like make a little fort and sleep in the living room or like put out a little pallet and sleep in the living room with the tree lights and stuff."
"I grew up being taught that that wasn't what you should do."
"Don't be afraid of breaking traditions 'cause there's some traditions that you force that don't match. I actually want to get married outside."
"I've never seen a mom name their child specifically their son after themselves."
"New Year's is absolutely the best. There's resolutions, party, sparklers, countdown, friends, family, and there's always a kiss, right at midnight."
"There are a lot of fun Traditions... even just football games and all that kind of stuff."
"Khmer New Year involves lively street parades, traditional games, and the splashing of water to symbolize purification."
"Cambodia is home to various indigenous communities, each with its unique customs and traditions."
"Leap year proposals are this whole vibe that, like, women can propose, and women should propose on a leap year. It's like those kind of vibes."
"The mafia announced that they will drop their time-honored greeting of gently kissing each other on the cheek. But as for shooting people and stuffing them in the trunks of cars, full steam ahead."
"The major influence on such a view of Christmas belongs distinctly to the Victorian era when the celebrations of the Season took on a whole new character."
"So if you're actually toasting somebody at New Year's or at a wedding, I would say, please celebrate your humanity. That's going to be just fine."
"Weddings were not always like this."
"29th is put a pillow on your fridge day."
"The rules at Eaton include compulsory bellowing lessons for new boys or 'pockets' as they're called."
"It's 'Spirits,' I was expecting 'Sprouts,' but spirits are also traditional."
"When most people think of Mongolia they think of its vast steppe, stunning mountains and forests, and nomadic Traditions."
"The mysteries embodied the values of peaceful farming and trading societies."
"For some, Christmas is a time when memories come alive and traditions are like cherished old friends."
"Our traditions can get in the way of the gospel."
"But there’s a better way to deal with theological traditions."
"Here we go. It's Halloween, the night they play trick or treat."
"There's not enough resources to accommodate every single person's tradition, and why would you need to? Are you going to go around and do a survey and see what everybody's Christmas traditions are?"
"I love all things home, all things family, all things traditions."
"It's going to be you and me decorating the tree."
"...instead of dreading the darkness and the cold and the everydayness of Autumn we look forward to Bringing out our Autumn Traditions again."
"Even where we disagree, I have a lot to learn from each of your traditions."
"The sealed Golden Gate holds significance across traditions."
"It is always a good feeling when you plug in your tree and the lights still work."
"The contradictions became more visible, Divergent Traditions more difficult to reconcile."
"I feel like it kind of kicks off the holiday season for me personally. I love this time of year."
"This is my first ever Christmas tree. I've never owned a Christmas tree. I've always wanted to own a Christmas tree. I've always been envious of those who own a Christmas tree."
"I'm talking about two adult times I feel when we make Thanksgiving dinner at our house."
"Good hunting, good shooting, good fishing, and goodbye."
"But this is not how I tackle issues as you know. What I do, I'm trying to embed the question in historical traditions in psychology, psychodynamic traditions, behavior rise traditions, social learning traditions, social learning theory traditions, and so on."
"This room is actually where we do Christmas morning so it's important that this tree look very festive."
"In Italy, you will see Italians having beer with their pizza, white wine with fish, and red wine with meat."
"Salvia is considered the physical embodiment of the Virgin Mary in some traditions, and it's associated with feminine energies."
"Certain ancient myths and traditions encode accurate recollections of an Epoch."
"The effect of this practice is described and Illustrated in virtually every World tradition showing a radiant Sun of energy around a person's head or their heart or other activated energy centers."
"She loved everything about Christmas, from the lights and decorations to the music and the cookies."
"Many of the things that the Sunnah prescribes are universal... how you go through a door, how you eat something, how you sit down, how you drink water... all of these are basic human functions..."
"...if you invite me to Thanksgiving, make sure you got some pizza there..."
"I love that you create Christmas for us every year and I really want to have Christmas at my own house... I'm just asking you to give me the same respect that I give to you."
"There's no one right way to follow or practice these festivities."
"I feel like there's just some traditions that are just falling by the wayside."
"Did you ever have to do like the high school thing where they would like buzz your hair for playoffs?"
"For me, the best thing about Christmas, of course, the food. The worst thing about Christmas? The leftovers."
"Very rarely you will see an Italian family sitting down on the table eating without any bread."
"For many, Christmas is a time for family, love, religion, and fun."
"The first rule of weddings, by the way, is to never wear white."
"Generally, I go to my mom's for lunch or dinner but tomorrow morning I'll just go for breakfast, so Christmas breakfast rather than lunch or dinner, which would be good."
"I am going to spend the holidays with my family for the first time ever."
"The world may have changed hugely in that time, but the traditions of the Grenadiers live on."
"We decorate Christmas trees and burn them down and we shoot a bunch of fireworks and stuff."
"They literally make up Traditions that don't exist that we have no evidence for to try to validate specifically a pre-trib rapture."
"Cringle Traditions begin at O and H Danish Bakery."
"Pitra Paksha is that time of the year where we are heading towards Mahalaya, and Mahalaya, as you know, is a disillusion of everything right. These are the three phases of creation itself."
"Now, Christmas is a very big deal there as well. They celebrate two days before Christmas, the day before Christmas, which is the big one, the day of Christmas, and then, between Christmas and New Year's, all of this time is set apart for celebration."
"The only thing worse than Christmas without my family is having green Jell-O for breakfast."
"I think that men should pay on first dates."
"So, when Bran says 'our way is the old way,' what is the old way?"
"One of the other reasons that we love having the tablecloth."
"Growing up, my mom always did ham at Christmas and then she started... doing prime rib."
"There's a rise in longing for meaning and physical magic as a result of not having our own traditions or having gotten rid of our own traditions."
"Good for him. Yeah, according to traditional Mayan belief, aluxes are small mischievous creatures that inhabit forests and fields and are prone to play tricks on people, like hiding things. Some people leave small offerings to appease them."