
Children's Welfare Quotes

There are 300 quotes

"Whenever either sex wins, both sexes lose, and in the case of family, the children lose enormously."
"If you're not being forced to give birth to children, your life is going to be better; the lives of your future children will be better."
"I'm not gonna make a dime tomorrow. It's all going to help kids."
"We want to ensure that our kids live in a nation that is safe, happy, healthy, and fair."
"These children deserve to smile, they deserve to love, they do love, and they deserve a safe home."
"A young kid named Aaron Hill had a very rare brain disease called ALD... and he wanted a playground for the kids in his class... we're gonna build a playground for him, for sure."
"You can't have too many wishes granted for sick kids, can you?"
"We have to start building new and fight for our children in K-12 education."
"This is not about the children. This is about power and control, at the expense of the children."
"Children are the ones who lose the most when adults fight over what books are appropriate for them."
"I'm coming with a different passion. I'm not doing it for myself; this fight, I'm doing for all the children."
"I'd rather look like a fool for some kids than stay silent."
"I think it's inarguable that to alleviate a child's pain, whatever way you can, there's a meaning. You do that every time you get the opportunity, and that's a meaning that supersedes you."
"Don't give up on your kids because if you give up on your kids, they've got no one. They need you."
"The children are our future. Our future does not look bright in America."
"College student donates GameStop gains to buy video games for sick kids."
"There is literally no better investment that you can make in our people than in childhood."
"We must hold social media platforms accountable for the national experiment they're conducting on our children for profit."
"What ladies, we are the Safeguard for all of this. We need to understand how we got to the public education system; it is our children's lives and Futures that are on the line."
"An emotional story that blurs the lines but ultimately puts a child's life first."
"If parents cannot feed their children, nothing else matters."
"How much longer must our children endure active shooter drills?"
"She was more concerned about the future of their children."
"I get to cosplay as somebody who gives a sh about what happens to children."
"Exactly, we wanted all the kids to have their own private space."
"God cares about the babies, and if you look at the numbers, there is no atrocity in America statistically that is greater than that."
"I'm running for president because I see the future we're leaving to our kids."
"Your health should not be dependent on large amounts of children wearing a mask for seven hours."
"Thank you on behalf of the Starship Children's Fund."
"America's kids need the best we have to offer."
"If you don't want to do it for the kids, do it for the state."
"It's very important that your children, especially, feel safe to express themselves to you."
"Our children deserve better." - Concerned citizen
"It's not about us, it's about our children and their future."
"Ron DeSantis: putting the interests of children and families ahead of education unions."
"Parents do have a say in their kids' medical decisions."
"Abortion and abortion rights are just a big giant sign that says we don't really care about no kids."
"There's a real human cost to all this, not to mention everything that kids have had to go through, and just all the hysteria, the psychological damage."
"They made a charity that was meant to give these children a reason to grow and a chance to feel on top of the world, even if only for a couple hours."
"Let's build a culture that stands up for these kids, that produces parents willing to go to war for their children's well-being."
"The world we are living in is becoming more and more dangerous for Christians and for anyone who wants to defend children from these ideologies that are destroying countless young lives."
"I think our children's lives matter. I think babies' lives matter."
"I've seen so many kids get the worst shit end of the stick of foster care."
"We don't want kids to be learning about sex from porn."
"I want the best for these kids more than anything."
"I'm fighting for everybody's child that's watching this right now, everybody's children."
"There are hundreds, certainly thousands of children that are alive today because that lady said, 'You should start a charity.'"
"Your children's future often falls on your shoulders."
"We have to be able to say to our kids your country loves you your country values you and your country will invest in you."
"Most of you know that it is thanks to the love and support of this community that we were able to build a village for special needs children out in Tanzania."
"Kamoshida was created as commentary on the awful reality so many real-life children have to go through in Japan."
"There's a meme going around that says I wish we cared about children as much as we cared about guns."
"For my children in this hour are truly being set free."
"Can you imagine someone standing in front of you and telling you that your children are going to be sent someplace so that they can forget who they are?"
"It's really just a matter of messing with kids and treating other human beings disrespectfully which is not okay."
"There is no better cause than helping kids in need, so thank you for that donation."
"We're literally gonna save children's lives today. This is awesome."
"For years Ivan had been anonymously donating millions of rubles to seriously ill children."
"We all have come together, and it's not about us. It's about the kids, and we're not two separate teams; we're one."
"Children are bearing the heaviest burden of the economic crisis caused by the war in Ukraine."
"I need my son and my children in my life so I can't let you give them up."
"We have the ability in our hands to make a better tomorrow for our children."
"The enemy uses spirits to disrupt children, knowing that disrupting the children means disrupting the future generations."
"I've seen the children you know I've looked into their faces and so I know that one voice can make a difference."
"Our children's health and safety is always on our minds."
"Seems like this would be the best-case scenario for the children."
"We're going to operate with integrity and we're going to do what's best for the children in our community."
"He genuinely just loved to see kids healthy and in a good place so they always wanted kids to be happy."
"These children are being slaughtered and now you want to take away the last bit of food and water and supplies any medicine do you want to take the last bit they have."
"All the proceeds will go to benefit give kids the world."
"Why does it keep happening? Why are we okay with children living in fear that their schools are not safe?"
"Children are the most marginalized, vulnerable group in the world."
"Hayao Miyazaki has said on numerous occasions that he wants children to know that even when the world seems harsh and life is hard, it is always still worth living."
"It's good that they're at least putting it back in and hopefully they'll use that to help some kids pick it up and read it."
"The more money we raise, the more kids are helped."
"Please stop saying children are resilient. They'll be fine because I think that's an incredibly unfair and diminutive thing to say."
"12 million kids in the United States had no internet access... think how miserable that is."
"We need to radically change our national priorities and give children the care, hope, and help they need."
"What about all the children damaged severely by divorce?"
"Johnny Depp visits hospitals with sick children as a pirate."
"Achievement Centers for Kids: they see potential in every person and guide their progress."
"Children need resources, and once our system requires that children be collateral rather than loving expressions of our joy of life, we have a system that can't last."
"Just a horrible situation especially for the children."
"The left and the Liberals will claim that this targets and harms kids. Tell me again how this harms trans kids. It protects them."
"For equity, you're all in. I want exactly for my kids the same things I would want for my own children."
"My prayer is that this experience stops, my dream is that our children are given images that are more useful, truthful, and beautiful."
"She's invested her whole life in those children... I'm positive beyond any doubt that she hasn't harmed those kids."
"When you involve kids, we passed that point. It ain't about politics."
"Won't somebody please think of the children?"
"Missy was a wonderful human being... caring and absolutely adored children."
"There's two little girls that deserve to have the answers and justice."
"It's important to stand up and speak your mind, it's for the kids."
"This is all being done for the benefit of Red Nose Day and so please donate—it's a great cause to help children around the world."
"Imagine all those smiling faces of those small children, beautiful little children that you're gonna help to change their life."
"Alabama families are caring about children after they are born."
"Are these children, are their needs being met? Are their emotional needs being met? Are they being treated like human beings by schools, by their parents?"
"I make sure that no kid ever will feel exactly the way I did, and that's my mission today."
"Everything that we do to support these children is made possible by this community."
"We'd accomplished something we were proud of, something for the children."
"There's no way parents can put up with this. You mess with their kids, it's a different animal."
"So, there should be relative minute, there should be places where you can get free food if you need it, there should be places where especially children, the most vulnerable, can get food."
"I see both sides of it, but it's just hurtful to the children at the end of the day."
"American society has given up on educating children... it's one of the most shameful and cowardly things I have ever seen."
"Tesla owners donating Radio Flyer Teslas to children's hospitals."
"We can get out of toxic relationships a lot easier than kids can."
"There's nothing wrong with shedding a tear over a child that's right."
"If the only way you can parent 12 kids is to make them medical zombies, they shouldn't be with you."
"Let's make history together, let's fight for children, and let's win this whole thing."
"Education is so important for all our children not just our kids with special needs."
"My kids' well-being is my number one priority."
"Parents have a duty to put their children's needs first."
"My children's life depends on me to build them a better world."
"Almost every possible metric you can imagine is better for children to have married parents."
"Parents don't compromise when it comes to kids. It's about making their life and education as good as possible."
"They act as if they give a damn about children, but they refuse to acknowledge and pass policies that can help with actual issues."
"This campaign is about these kids, all the children of America, and in fact all the children of the world. That is what we are fighting for."
"Our kids have fared worse here than anywhere... including lowering their life expectancy."
"This is a humanitarian crisis, and we need to start speaking up for our children."
"They're just maximizing profit at our kids' expense."
"Public education as an entity gives zero shits about your kids' education, about their well-being, about their mental health."
"We're fighting for the kids. You know what? Somebody's got to save these kids. Somebody has to step up and say something in our community."
"Abortion is always wrong so we should fight for mothers, we should care for children."
"If you love children, you'll make this a lifetime mission about which you will not stop until every child has a quality education."
"There are over 50 million children in America who are counting on us to get this right."
"Irena Sendler... saved 2,000 to 3,000 Jewish children... should be applauded."
"The only thing that I wanted was since this was a Scottish case, I wanted the charity to be a local one and ideally I wanted the money to go towards children."
"We just fight for future, fight for our kids."
"Be careful what you say and what you prophesy over your kid's life when you're joking."
"It's way worse than that. It's trying to give children gambling addictions."
"There's a right or wrong way. The wrong way is to exploit your children on the internet at all, zero."
"I want to work... for our children here in this country."
"All you have to do is visit a Children's Hospital."
"The current surge in unaccompanied children at our border... is a situation where no one wins."
"Lower inoculum as much as we can, but I'll tell you, we keep schools closed, we are gonna harm a generation of children, irreparably."
"People are more concerned about the livelihoods of their children than they are about the filibuster."
"There's nothing better than putting a smile on a kid's face in the children's hospital."
"These are children we're talking about... it's going to be very difficult for many of them to survive."
"Making a wish come true for a sick child can be absolutely life-changing."
"There is nothing patriotic about making children suffer."
"We're now removing pictures of fake video game characters... think of the children."
"If I care about the community, then the children should be at the top of my priority list."
"Every bit of your admission cost goes to helping give kids the world. It's just such a great cause."
"My facial hair could never be as important as the life of a suffering child."
"I just have a lot of love in my heart for kids for sure."
"We've got to grow up, we've got to do what's in the best interest of our kids."
"We live in a system that prioritizes profit over feeding children."
"Lee has dedicated her life to serving children. That's not the one to disrespect."
"Just don't stop because this is our kids we brought them in the world."
"We need to get it back to where it was to have a better chance for kids."
"By helping our children, we help the future of humanity."
"Sideways van for cheering up kids at Children's Hospitals."
"It's much easier for someone to make a decision to donate to a hospital that serves children."
"The Minister of Finance could probably make a bigger difference to children's well-being and development than the Minister of Health."
"My biggest dream is to help kids, like orphan kids, kids who are living in the streets. I want to gather all the kids, especially in Africa, and I want to build homes, homes that have schools."
"I want to change life for children. I love children. I don't have any, but I want to change life for children."
"I am interested in every child in the North having good prospects and being treated fairly."
"I had fun doing this for y'all. And I know the children are gonna love it."
"I think next year, given the chance, we're going to do that and not just try to cut it by 50%, but no child in this country should be living in poverty."
"Here's an example of her selflessness when the Make-A-Wish Foundation asked her what she would like granted she said she wanted the wishes granted of the other 155 children battling life-threatening illnesses in this region."
"All the profits from the record go at the Queen's request to children's charities."
"Such an amazing thing you do for the kiddos."
"It's not just about what's best for you, sometimes you have to do what's worse for you but best for the damn kids."
"He wanted his mission was to get important messages and materials to families with young children."
"It is better for the kids to grow up with two separate parents that can co-parent amicably."
"Ask not what your children can do for you, ask what you can do for your children."
"If we're going to redefine our kids' future, we got to start making better decisions today."
"I love the family and kids and just want what's best for them."
"The absolute last thing I want to do is punish the kids."
"We didn't love each other anymore, but we loved them."
"We have got more money to spend on children, on Children's Services, on education."
"That is what is in the best interests of your children."
"Wildlings do believe in giving mercy to children and are strong enough to follow through with it."
"It's not about you, you got to think about your children."
"If there's one thing that you can do that's worth doing in life, it's protecting others and especially protecting children."
"The hatred you might have, the ill feeling you might have, the bad experiences you've had, all that needs to be put aside for the betterment of your children."
"It's to save the kids, keep the kids happy, whatever happened, you know, long we save one or two, three, we did our job."
"I'm constantly concerned about what our children are seeing, and for 15 years I have tried to present what I feel is a meaningful expression of care."
"My only interest in this case from day one has been in the best interest of those children to try to recover some money that I think they were cheated out of."
"I want the kids to thrive, that is my main goal."
"I'm just kind of excited to get back to kids issues and what kids are dealing with right now."
"It's amazing, but they're going to auction this off and do a lot of good for kids in need."
"I think there is passion in this campaign because we're arguing about the sort of country we want our children to grow up in."
"Millions of children are living in a better place, millions and millions of adults are aware of something today that they weren't aware of before."
"Please donate today, all funds, all the super chats, all the donations go directly to the kids."
"We decree the blessings of God over every plan and goal for our children this year."
"I would have never dreamt that I'd be sitting here today with the ability to do such impactful work to help kids."
"Parenting should be shared between both parents, and unless there are immediately provable reasons for that not to be the case, that is what is best for our children."
"Marriage is no more important than the welfare and well-being of your kids."
"Generally speaking, parents know what's best for their kids."
"To use my voice... in the midst of bombs being dropped on children, we have to speak."
"I love that you're doing the adult thing, that you're trying to do what's best for the children."
"His standing continues to grow through the responsible use of his popularity to advance concerns about underprivileged children and the environment."
"Do it for the kids, do it for the children."
"It's my honor to announce that Nickelodeon is donating 1 million dollars to No Kid Hungry."
"Children have rights, people have duties."
"Their mission is to make dreams come true for very sick children in hospitals."
"Start a foundation so the little kids can stop walking on the gravel road with no shoes on."
"If there are kids involved, most people are going to find a way to stay connected and be the best parents they can possibly be for their kids."
"Music and volunteering... lift the kids' spirits."
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you've done for children this year."