
American Exceptionalism Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"We are motivating CEOs to understand financial arbitrage. The result will be crappier companies that diminish American exceptionalism."
"Americans are exceptional in that we're the only country that doesn't have a socialized health care system."
"Americans should take their exceptionalism seriously and subject the country to an exceptional moral standard."
"An audience that was seeking not to learn anything at all about the time period and not even seeking to just be simply entertained... but rather an audience that was seeking to have its preconceived notions of American exceptionalism confirmed."
"We will build a future where America remains the greatest country ever to exist in the history of the world."
"I think American exceptionalism is about demonstrating through our example how America flourishes and is strong when we live by our own ideals."
"America is the greatest country in human history. You are not a victim."
"American exceptionalism really refers to this period of tremendous economic growth and expansion."
"What makes America exceptional is not our flaws... what makes America exceptional is the fact that we've done so much good and that we have attempted to live up to those founding principles more and more over time."
"These are the things that made us the most successful, most extraordinary nation in the history of the world."
"America remains the one indispensable nation. And the world needs a strong America."
"America is a very unique and exceptional place."
"We are a danger to ourselves now by taking this idea of exceptionalism in such an anachronistic way when it no longer applies."
"America is the greatest country in this world."
"In every other country, war brings more government control. In America, it brings more freedom."
"We protect the planet by protecting our seat at the table. Russ, American exceptionalism."
"That is what American exceptionalism is all about."
"I believe that America is fundamentally like the greatest country in the world."
"They embodied the best about American exceptionalism."
"They now ruled the entire world and they believed very firmly, particularly the United States, particularly the 1960s, that the entire world was destined to become like America in a process known as modernization."
"It's almost American exceptionalism, isn't it?"
"Oliver Stone's fascination with Putin was to challenge America's sense of exceptionalism."
"The United States is the greatest country on earth."
"The story of America is a miracle. It's literally the best country in human history."
"That's what makes America great. That's what makes us truly exceptional."
"America is the greatest and most exceptional nation in the history of the world."
"America is where great things are possible, more than any other country in the world."
"It's related to kind of something that I've been saying that is like America there's this aspirational element about that's very unique and wonderful about America."
"America is exceptional. As Americans, we cherish our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"The US is the most qualified to do this of course because it is the shiny moral example for how society should be run."
"British imperialism then was much like American exceptionalism is today, very ethnocentric thinking that they were the best of the best of the best."
"The greatness of America is that America is the world's first commercial Republic and that's why we kick ass."
"America is the greatest invention of human species to date."
"There's just no room to give and America as the most exceptional nation in the world is one of those."
"We seem to ignore the European experience as valid in the United States."
"Americans believe they're number one more than any other country."
"American exceptionalist ideology is a bad thing but it is also a stabilizing force in times of uncertainty."
"America is the one country which could not collapse to statism."
"It defines the contours of american exceptionalism, it lays out the america that we're fighting for."
"Globalism isn't new, but the American form of government is special."
"The right is for it and wants to protect and accentuate the aspects of American exceptionalism."
"I think America is the best country in the world, period."
"I truly believe that the United States is the most hopeful of all the countries on the planet."
"I think America is exceptional, that America should lead the world, and if we don't have American leadership, the world is going to become an ever more dangerous place."
"If you have ever wondered what book to put in your backpack or your suitcase as you travel the world and need a guide on the best and most cogent arguments in defense of American exceptionalism, this is it."
"You don't get that in other places. This is America."
"What makes American exceptional is when we know we've done poorly and we try to do better the next time a more perfect union and it starts with an understanding of the principles and then judging our in accordance with those principles."
"American exceptionalism since World War II has traded on the notion that America is an anti-fascist power."
"This is the whole root of American exceptionalism: you see a problem, you fix it."
"He is the great articulator of American exceptionalism."
"America is exceptional; the condition there is unlike any in the world."
"People talk about American exceptionalism, and it's like, you have no idea how it is on the other side."
"I think that's why I'm still bullish on American exceptionalism, especially in the face of Europe maybe not supporting entrepreneurship as much."