
Gender Relations Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"Whenever either sex wins, both sexes lose, and in the case of family, the children lose enormously."
"We don't have to kill one to elevate the other. It doesn't have to be a competition."
"No matter how you feel about a certain woman, you should be respectful as a man. That's wrong with me; I'm disgusted by it."
"Most women don't feel safe with men anymore, and most men don't feel safe with women anymore. Gender relations are at an all-time low."
"So perhaps he can also make life better for all of the women that he encounters along his way."
"Men and women today are so disconnected and in such different worlds that we have no ability to do the thing that is so important to all relationships, which is understanding and empathy and forgiveness."
"The male entitlement mindset has a profound impact on how men relate to and interact with women."
"Denying the basic reality that most women love men does woman no good."
"Empower men to be better because if there's better men, that means that women have better options, and that women will be happier and the world will be a better place."
"In the new world, Melusine... punishes those who have not treated women well."
"Men and women need each other and that's good."
"We hope for a peaceful and secure Africa where development prevails and is shaped by the abilities of women."
"The answer to male chauvinism is not female chauvinism. The answer is friendship and being nice to each other."
"Most women aren't angry women, they like men and want to be friends and have a boyfriend."
"If you want to be treated as more than pieces of meat by men, then it behooves you to understand how men think."
"Feminists love men and want what is best for women."
"The only thing that women respect is not words, it's deeds, it's actions."
"Ultimately, we do need men... we do care and we do want you guys to be there for us and with us."
"There is nothing wrong with fighting for men's rights, but when your own personal experience with women has been hard, has been unfavorable, and that then affects the way that you view the world..."
"Maybe the men that he's talking about should learn to control themselves. Maybe don't cuss girls out and maybe don't shame them. And maybe you know like take no for an answer, that seems like a better course of action."
"Men are weak when it comes to women. If we don't understand this weakness and don't work to get stronger against it, they can bring us into sin."
"Man hating is an honorable and viable political act."
"It's not women's fault... this is a societal problem... everybody's gonna have to contribute."
"Turn down the volume of adversarial conversations between men and women."
"The red pill exists so that you will not hate women for what they can never be to you."
"If women want to bring men back to the table, then they need to stop listening to feminists."
"I believe black women should draw a lot of support from black men."
"I think men require more respect for the relationships to work."
"Women are not the enemy, but you still have to understand women's nature."
"I don't hate men. I love men. Hating men and being a feminist are actually not connected at all. Not even a little bit."
"I'm not anti-man, I have so many good male friends and I love men."
"Men and women together could also be healing."
"A real man is going to benefit women, women are going to benefit by that because you're going to treat her the right way."
"Our society and the culture that we've set up doesn't support healthy relationships at all between men and women."
"There's a new sensitivity that men should gain."
"Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women."
"Guys like you will treat her like disposable pleasures."
"Women cultivating receptiveness accounts for the male approach anxiety problem."
"Men overestimate the degree of interest that women have in them."
"You can have friends who are of the opposite gender who don't actually want to be intimate with you."
"I shouldn't have to you should to anyone you know a woman that way"
"It writes off the idea that makes the members of the opposite sex, those two things are just not logically connected."
"Men have always slept with multiple women it's not fair it's [ __ ] I know it hurts I know it sucks I know it's not a good thing to say but it is absolutely true."
"Most women, I think we can agree, are trash."
"It's insane how some men will disrespect women all the live long day yet they still expect us to worship the ground they walk on."
"Treat a woman like a woman, you know, respect them."
"Let's stop asking people what's wrong with her and start asking why these men don't want to act right."
"What's helpful is to recognize one another, men and women, as just working together."
"We need each other. Men and women need each other."
"Men and women don't compete all that much. They need each other to keep going."
"What really defines the pikmi is that she has no time or respect for other women."
"The essence of the pick me girl is that she's trying to prove herself superior to other women."
"I'm a massive advocate for love. I'm a massive advocate for men and women being in love with each other."
"You know what I'm saying? It's just that what I've come to realize is from having hundreds of discussions with women is they don't like double standards when it doesn't benefit them, you know?"
"Educate men; you won't get results by waging war against them."
"Advice that benefits men simultaneously benefits women."
"Civilization declines when men stop holding the door and treating women with respect."
"The female gaze sees men as people, not objects."
"If men were looking for end-goal solutions, they would see feminists as allies."
"Lying to women must be like the most profitable business and the easiest one to create in the world."
"Men can't be around them because there's no way you can actually protect women in a 'logical bubble'."
"One of the most ignored and misunderstood phenomena in our modern age is the imbalance in the sensual dating market between men and women."
"We're very quick to fight, very quick to have men that will disrespect women. The women who give them life, they'll talk crazy about them."
"Helping men is a direct way to not only help men but also to help women. If we create stronger men in this world then we create a better world for both men and women."
"Men and women have got to get along right if we're going to have a future and you know we very often do have loving relationships."
"Power and change isn't going to come from our politicians or from our law, it's going to come from us."
"A woman never is obligated to give you her number or even her attention. That is a privilege not a right."
"These aren't women killing men over being rejected. When will society start encouraging men to be and do better?"
"Take a page out of Andrew Tate's book and consider the global sexual marketplace."
"The majority of men worldwide would prefer a woman that's less promiscuous."
"Feminism isn't about hating men, it simply isn't."
"Hating men is not a part of the feminist ideology."
"Having a disdain for men is certainly a part of the feminist ideology."
"True strong female characters didn't have to bash and tear down men."
"The other thing is I believe men and women are partners. We're interdependent with each other, and we have to work together and get along."
"The #MeToo movement has contributed to male sexlessness, yes, they don't want the risk."
"Time to heal our women, brothers. You know it's time to heal our women."
"If you're not engaging with women, you're not optimizing yourself to become the best version of yourself."
"I do think he had a resentment towards women."
"Black women are the cash cows, and black men know what they're doing."
"As long as we can have these balanced conversations to where we're not attacking men and we're not attacking women but we're just rather holding everybody accountable."
"2019 study found that 27% of American men now avoid one-on-one meetings with female colleagues."
"I'm not making this up, it's not pie in the sky, you know you hate women, Rich? No, I don't, I love women."
"Girls, I find you a guy who isn't this angry and hostile towards women."
"Alpha is not treating women that way okay and if we're a respectable nation that is the way no Alpha Man treats a woman."
"It's not about men versus women, it's not about one being better than the other, it's about us coming together, listening to each other, being kind, being respectful, being graceful, and stop fighting all the time."
"We have to change the way we think and act towards women."
"Men need women, women need men. It's how human beings are designed."
"Guys who are rude to women they sleep with aren't jerks, they're sexist."
"More and more men are learning, yeah, and understanding the games, tricks, and manipulations that many modern women try to play. Suck it, yeah, it's good. Keep learning men, keep learning."
"Women don't need men we choose to be with men that treat us with respect and kindness."
"There's a large segment of men there and really the ones that most women are referring to when they say men are pigs are the guys that can't be with women and desperately want to."
"I think there has been leaps and bounds of change between the relationships men and women in the industry."
"I don't want to have anything to do with women, it's like you're a pathetic weasel."
"It shows a female respect without rivalry and without fetishized intimacy."
"You have to understand how to talk to men about something."
"When men are friends with women, they are showing you that they actually see women for human beings."
"Every great male author I admire inevitably turns out to be awful to women."
"If you think that there are toxic men, you have to also believe that there are toxic women."
"The guys that are actually red pill have empathy for women."
"The reality is when women win, men win as well."
"We've achieved equality for years now... we spread positivity, women and men get along."
"The mantra for her is that 'males lost access to my heart decades ago; they can't die fast enough for me.'"
"The hostility between men and women today is especially apparent in the dating world."
"Men are more quickly realizing they're being lied to about women."
"Our mindset must change; we must not look at men and women as adversaries."
"Women deserve less but coming soon when you operate like that okay I'm telling y'all they're gonna respect you because guys that give women less inherently have more value."
"It's so sad that y'all want to compete with women and settle men y'all would get so much further if you took this dusty competitive spirit and directed it towards men instead of women this is sad this is really sad."
"We can't just throw blame at men. We have to do better as a society."
"Men are realizing that without forcing yourself to put up with the disrespect of modern women, it's possible to have more respect for yourself."
"We don't need a wall between the sexes... the Quran breaks that paradigm."
"Effing compassion and respect... instead of telling a girl half your damn age what you think about her face."
"The most threatening thing on planet earth to a woman is a man who understands his own value to women."
"No single event since Eve took the Apple has been as consequential for relationships between the sexes as the arrival of modern contraception."
"I have friends that are women that are closer to me than friends who are men."
"I've always been careful about how I moved and interacted with men because I wanted respect more than I wanted attention."
"We are at a place where we have to renegotiate the relationship between males and females."
"Men if they respect women if they care about their partner or partners uh they should have responsibility over both your own health and over the health of their partner."
"A real man is not intimidated by a woman that doesn't need you."
"She was having one of those moments of like, 'Men, okay, they're not even worth it, what am I doing right now?'"
"Men need all of those different elements of what makes a woman."
"Guys and girls can absolutely be friends if there's no attraction from both sides."
"A man's right of passage meaning in order to become a man you gotta learn how to treat a woman purely."
"What community can ever prosper when your men hate the women that much that they will never commit to them?"
"2021 needs to be the year of reciprocal relationship for black women or nothing is going to change."
"Heterosexuality will work better if men see women as people and not as like erotic projections of their own desire."
"Black women's greatest downfall is listening to black men."
"The red pill exists not so that you will hate women, but so you will not hate them for something that they cannot be to you."
"I believe there's a lot of beauty in the differences between men and women and that we need to start coming together and seeing that instead."
"Black men don't really advocate for black women at all."
"If women want to be treated as more than pieces of meat by men, it behooves them to understand how men think."
"Most guys are lame and they don't respect women."
"A boy's mother rejecting or being cruel to him punishes the women he encounters."
"Women used to have something to offer men back in the day."
"Class is not downstream from your gender, it supersedes all that."
"I think it is within the realm of possibility that a man and a woman can have a platonic relationship."
"Men and women need to cooperate and learn from each other."
"You ever have a concern about a woman or want to know about women or whatever it happens to be, always ask men, ask older experienced men because they'll give it to you directly."
"We are performing the greatest form of evangelization on Earth by the way that men love women and women love men."
"I think it's perfectly normal and healthy to have a best friend of the opposite sex."
"It's very possible for men to be strictly friends with women."
"I just want other women to know that we don't need to hate men; they have their problems too, they're going through life things as well."
"It goes both ways, women respecting men and men respecting women."
"All men have a little bit of misogyny in there, even the most emotionally intelligent, the most pro-whole, the most pro-women."
"Your whole life will transform. Celebrate what you love about women, what you love about men."
"Do you think that most guys and girls can actually be friends?"
"Friendship between men and women, you are further proof that it exists."
"The objectives of celebrating International Men's Day include focusing on men's and boys' health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, and highlighting male role models."
"This kind of better sort of relationship between the genders is all within our grasp if we can all just accept our own personal responsibility to make that happen."
"A man should never speak to a woman that way."
"Of course men and women can be friends. Grow up."
"The fundamental relationship between men and women as one that is collaborative, not competitive."
"The only way for men and women to get along is to respect each other."
"I love being friends with men. I also love being friends with women because there's stuff that you can talk to them about that just like either you can say to men but they're not gonna have the in-depth discussion about it that you want."
"Food for thought: Why aren't you guys approaching women anymore?"
"This made me reevaluate my views and relationships, the treatment of women, and how I perceived them."
"We don't need to hate men. If we do stuff together, it's always better."
"Men and women just need to come together and have more productive conversations without feeling the need to name call and bash one another."
"You can't hate women, guys. It's a very toxic mentality."
"Creating more stronger men who are well adjusted ultimately benefits women."
"The more men and women work together, the less problems there'll be when they work together."
"If men and women are friends, it helps us to relate to one another and understand each other, not alienate each other."
"Men and women can be friends. I know that's a revolutionary concept."
"Having harmony between the sexes is worth pursuing versus divide and hate each other."
"A great bit of my stage act is me pointing out just how much I don't understand women."
"Relations between men and women will be better when they're put on an equal footing."
"I'm an evolved human being, I can be friends with women, I have a lot of women friends."
"The basic relationship between men and women is not one of competition; it's one of interdependence."
"Men who are too nice to women are called simps. Why this insult is problematic."
"I think that guys especially today the 25 and under guys need to be friends with women."
"We just want teamwork, man. We just want to get this relationship between men and women better, man, because it's too far disconnected, and it shouldn't be."
"As a man, you have a responsibility to treat women with respect and always make sure that they feel better after the interaction with you than they did before."
"The only way to be a better man is to respect a woman and not degrade her."
"I genuinely don't believe that most women hate men."
"African spirituality was to bring man in harmony with nature, and in bringing man in harmony with nature, he was brought in harmony with his relationship to the woman who gave him birth."
"Show me the way you treat your woman, and I'll show you the condition of your race."
"Women have overwhelmingly highlighted the need and the want to be in community with intelligent men."
"Get to know a woman for who she is, and likewise with men towards women."
"Men and women can really learn and grow from each other."