
Financial Strategy Quotes

There are 3196 quotes

"We are motivating CEOs to understand financial arbitrage. The result will be crappier companies that diminish American exceptionalism."
"Tax minimization is not tax evasion. One of them is legal; one of them is not."
"When it comes to real estate, this isn't a six-month play or a one-year play; you're investing in real estate for a long time because you're going to own this property and you want this to pay you rent for years into the future."
"Diversification is a smart financial strategy."
"If I can show you how to make money without reducing your lifestyle and still end up in a better financial position than somebody that tries to save and live below their means, then let me show you how to spend money and make money at the same time."
"What I'm telling you is a hack, a system that you can actually take advantage of, create your own bank, have tax-free momentum, become a wealth creator, create generational wealth."
"Investing is not a one-time thing; you got to keep investing your money consistently."
"The largest wealth transfer is really just starting."
"Never stop earning, and minimize taxes... You're under no obligation to pay more tax than you are legally required."
"If you can absorb all this in, wealth creation turns into compounding growth, which is where the true magic really happens."
"Done with debt has an ingenious new strategy to help erase your debt faster and easier than you ever thought possible."
"Compounding is your greatest power for creating wealth."
"It's amazing to be able to use other people's money. Obviously, you have to be responsible."
"You want the right combination of paying off capital with a reasonable interest rate and a reasonable balloon if you are monthly repayment driven."
"This is going to be the ultimate money maker."
"I need to figure out how to make money without using my body or like relying on my body."
"It's really about risk management where you're not allowing your risk to get out of hand."
"Focusing on wealth allowed me to have all the things, including debt freedom."
"This repeats every single week. I've basically just handed you an ATM machine."
"The intelligent use of debt can make a huge difference; there is good debt and bad debt."
"Once you understand that the only strategy for survival is to become asset-rich and of course we saw that with the K-shape recovery. Every Wall Street finance company had the best year of their life doing very little."
"What if you could put money in an account that paid you three to four percent tax-free while allowing you to borrow the money to do additional investing and earn money in two sometimes three places at the same time?"
"Think of the good you want to do, keep earning money, keep doing good, it's an instrument that's all it is."
"You can only work so many hours a day consistently, but your money doesn't need sleep. Your money can work for you 24 hours a day."
"Diversify your income. This is what rich people do."
"When teams come into League of Legends for the great value from league and then allocate their profits from league to areas outside of the league ecosystem, that creates a problematic scenario."
"Rather than saying 'I can’t afford it' try to change your mindset to, 'How can I afford it?'"
"The majority of very wealthy people are extremely conservative in how they invest. They don't need to beat the market; they've already done that. They just need to preserve their capital."
"It takes money to make money," debunked with the realization that it's about seizing opportunities, not having capital.
"The wealthiest people in the world don't work for their money because they've unlocked a glitch in the system that allows them to print money on demand."
"You need your money working for you while you're sleeping."
"Crypto takes the sting out of sanctions... Crypto is providing a new way for countries to sanction-proof themselves."
"Invest your money. The people you're telling us to save the money with aren't doing that at all; they're investing your money."
"Tax evasion is a crime. Tax avoidance is an art."
"Once you have $100,000 in your account, compound interest starts to do a lot of the heavy lifting for you in terms of wealth building."
"Building wealth is a strategy, and you have to have a roadmap and a plan."
"Most of us can achieve our wealth target within 10 years by leveraging our jobs and safely buying below market value real estate."
"Baby Step Zero was simply quit creating more debt. Like, if you can just stop, not drown and not make the water any deeper, that is successful."
"Bad teams will overspend. Good teams will smartly spend and retain good players."
"To survive, everyone must convert their work into assets that are scarce, desirable, portable, durable, and maintainable."
"Wealthy people don't have one source of income; they have more than one."
"When things get nasty, I grab all the cash I can from all the places I can."
"Our proposal will redirect substantial windfall revenues from frozen Russian State assets for the benefit of Ukraine and its people."
"You've got to figure out how your personality fits in with your investing style."
"Dividend growth investing generates competitive returns. It's about focusing on companies that pay high dividends, which historically have performed better than the broader market."
"What if I told you that the best opportunities to achieve financial freedom in a relatively short period of time in crypto is actually during bear markets?"
"Play with house money... you reduce that risk to zero if you take your initial investment out."
"Mitigation of risk in every transaction is the quickest way to wealth."
"Cryptocurrencies can protect against inflation when governments irresponsibly manage their own currencies."
"The secret strategy used by the richest people in the world to build lifelong wealth and generational wealth is pretty simple but it's very, very powerful."
"I took the classes, got serious, worked my way up from that hundred dollars a day to two hundred dollars a day, three hundred dollars a day, and made it at three hundred dollars a day, I quit my job and started traveling all over the world."
"My goal is not to get rich quick, it's to get rich for sure."
"If you do it right, you can do it for no money out of pocket."
"What if you created a system where money never gets passed down to a person, but to an entity that is being told what to do?"
"The true magic comes from being able to combine tax savings with debt to buy more property."
"Live off of ideally 20 to 30 percent of your income. Save the other 70."
"The wealthiest people in the world are focused on owning more assets."
"You can think of it like Black Friday for investors. You get to go shopping at a discounted price because now people are selling because they're scared."
"Long-term investment strategies involve planning to hold for at least a full year, ideally a two to five-year timeframe or longer."
"Wealthy people are prioritizing actually becoming rich."
"A potential idea here is that the financial institutions extend their mortgages with our landlords, and our landlords could then extend our lease agreement, and that would effectively keep everyone in a good position to re-open and survive this economy."
"The rich are focused on buying assets. An asset is basically something that consistently puts money back into your pocket."
"Risk management is the most important yet least popular topic in trading. It is absolutely imperative to manage risk because otherwise, you can't trade if your account gets wiped."
"I am a very long-term investor, which, in my opinion, is the actual only kind of investor. Everything else is gambling."
"Rich people don't work for money; they make the money work for them."
"The right way, you're not only paying off your debt far more quickly, but you're also going to be able to invest on an accelerated basis."
"When I quit studying the influencers and started studying the banks...everything shifted for me."
"You don't need reserves of money. What you need is cash flow."
"I invest my money in five places: into my own business, real estate, stocks, crypto, and physical gold."
"By investing in the stock market, you are able to beat inflation, so your money is not losing value and it's worth more."
"I would fix the house up, put a tenant in there, go to a bank and get 80% value in your pocket. Alright, and then you got the money, you still got the house, you still got the cash flow."
"Multiple passports and offshore private banking are some of the first things rich people secure for freedom and financial strategy."
"The best strategy is how to get rich methodically over time, so it lasts."
"Practicing group economics in a vertical order means making your money bounce in your own community 8 to 12 times before it leaves."
"The biggest thing about business credit is building credibility."
"The actual winning formula when it comes to many things in life, especially money, is like delayed gratification."
"These women could double their capital by simply having one less cup of tea every day for 30 days."
"The only thing we can be sure of is this: if you hold and you have patience, that's how you win."
"Helicopter money is coming...it used to be we would print the money and go buy assets to inject the money into the financial system."
"The only way to reverse this is that you're going to have to have deflation across the board, which means prices actually are declining."
"2% of global GDP is enough to deal with the climate crisis."
"We're going to have to deleverage it in the next few years, and it's going to be short, sharp, and massive."
"The whole idea of a pension is to try and get as much tax relief as you can when putting money into it and to pay as little tax as you can when taking money out."
"When markets stop going up, these machines will stop buying dips and they'll start selling rallies."
"If you've never done sinking funds before, could you imagine the peace that you might feel if you have this much money sitting just sitting in an account?"
"Gold is not an investment... it is a store of value."
"I would argue that get rich slow is the new sexy."
"Live below your means by half and get everything paid off."
"The first step toward wealth accumulation is to get away from actions that lead to wealth deterioration and wealth depletion."
"If I was Dream, I would never show my face. I would do this for like maybe one or two more years, I would have a complete cash grab, put the whole thing into real estate and stocks, and then just quit the internet."
"The bottom line is that there isn't one single answer. So it depends on how unstable the markets are and how volatile the underlying estimates are, given the data."
"The market is designed to separate weak people from their money to enrich those who maintain their beliefs."
"Sustainable investing is the strongest foundation for client portfolios going forward."
"I should have been watching what the billionaires do. They don't operate like millionaires."
"Lesson number one: The rich don't work for money."
"Money's a game. You need cash because opportunity is going to come up, and it's a doubles game."
"The imperfections and simplicity are its greatest strengths. You can use it to do two things: spend it or huddle it, both are easy to understand."
"Wealthy people build their wealth off of their capital, not just their labor."
"The bigger mistake to make would be to fail to restore price stability."
"Understanding the risk of false diversification, understanding what are the true strikers, what are the true goalkeepers and defenders."
"I don't have a price target. I don't care. There's one thing I care about, and that's that the stock gets above my break even. That is it."
"Bitcoin is the best asset to hold, especially with what's going on right now."
"If you're mentally ready for it, then you can capitalize on it by essentially taking profits up here, right here during the complacency during the euphoria."
"As you do it more, then size up, and you'll start making money and growing your account."
"Long-term investing mindset works because it's about investing in growth and companies' futures, not just short-term market fluctuations."
"Focus on the future, focus on investing and holding, and focus on the bigger picture."
"Diversification is important, but so is liquidity."
"Use the steakhouse to pay off the pasta house. Get rid of the debt."
"The goal is not just to own a home to build generational wealth; it's to own assets. This could be real estate, stocks, or businesses."
"Don't fight the market tooth and nail; let's make some money with it while we can."
"Almost half of all millennials have a side hustle right now."
"Diversification into other asset classes, including crypto, could help stabilize markets in the future."
"Those who play their cards right during these next few months will make up for years, maybe decades, of complete mismanaged financial moves."
"Money is liquidity; money is like water. You guys need to position yourself ahead of the curve, ahead of where the money is going, and then wait for it to catch the money rather than chasing it."
"The slow big money... trade heavy in the market... operating on the hour, the four-hour, the daily, the weekly, and the monthly."
"Diversify your revenue... You want to do lots of different things to make sure you have money coming in from different sources."
"Most people fail building business credit because they try to go get a Staples credit card or a Visa card from their bank when they don't have enough trade lines reporting."
"The whole secret to building wealth is to get out of cash and get into assets that are denominated in dollars."
"If you call the top in the S&P 500 and you manage to profit from this huge cratering, then by a chance, you manage to pick the bottom, are you going to make yourself wealthy? Yeah, potentially great, good for you."
"He who has cash during a liquidity crisis makes the rules."
"Trump can slowly offload these shares and finance anything he wants to do through his supporters."
"More risk, more diversification, and more safety make sense."
"This is the way that wealthy people make their money. They make it this way, where they don't have to actively work for it."
"Falling stock prices are a good thing, as stock prices fall, each dollar you spend on stocks buys you a bigger ownership piece of the company."
"Ignoring short-term movements and stock prices and instead focus on the long term."
"Technical analysis helps you answer the key Kenny Rogers question: when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. You take the guesswork out of it and make it a much more data-driven decision."
"So today, we will investigate my favorite options trading strategy that I've used with great success in recent history."
"Get scared when other people are greedy, and get greedy when other people are scared."
"Not everybody is built to invest based on value. You've got to pick an investment philosophy that best fits you."
"If you can bring in ten percent and it costs you five percent, does that make financial sense? The answer is yes."
"Now is not the time to strive and speculate for gain; it's really a time to sort of batten down the hatches, preserve capital."
"The rich don't work for money... I'm not actually working for my money, it's already at work for me."
"The stock market is the cheat code to wealth."
"I don't invest for appreciation. I invest for cash flow."
"Our HELOC strategy teaches you how to get a HELOC, which is a home equity line of credit, and then to use that like a bank account to pay off your primary mortgage."
"The people who are net option sellers have a distinct long-term advantage over option buyers."
"It's not about being afraid. It's about being prepared... These defensive assets, they're not for a rainy day. They're for a rainy decade."
"The more you invest your money and make it work, that's how the rich get richer."
"In 25 years of investing, I found that the big money is not made in trading. The big money is made in holding."
"By investing in REITs, you own shares of a company that invests in real estate... REITs are required by law to pay out 90% of their taxable income in dividends to their shareholders."
"Sometimes you've got to spend money to make money."
"That doesn't mean I necessarily focus on the highest yielding dividend stocks but I need to focus on quality businesses that can grow free cash flow and have solid dividend growth rates."
"Investing in real estate is part of your wealth building strategy, whether you make a hundred million dollars a year or $50,000 a year."
"Real estate is the best place to generate passive cash flow because, if you do it right, you're going to be able to rent it out to somebody else and this rent that you get is going to cover your expenses...and put some money in your pocket every single month."
"You get a high dividend yield and exposure to that upside in stocks at an expense ratio that's basically negligible."
"Buffett has been spending billions of dollars on new stock purchases."
"Smart Americans diversify. They at least want some of your whole."
"I'm making crazy cheddar already. I'm going to just upgrade my money and not worry about it."
"The only thing that drives prices up is buying and holding."
"The only thing that actually matters is buying and holding."
"Identifying a trend followed by a pattern formation and then a pattern break in the main trend direction, this is a trend trading strategy."
"The most valuable resource in this entire recipe of wealth creation is time."
"You shouldn't be trying to just make money, you should be asking yourself how can I control risk."
"Trading is a business, yeah. You want to treat trading as a business."
"Remember, every single day is a battle, and we fight for every single cent."
"Remember, every single day is in a battle, and we fight for every single cent."
"It's easier to get from a million to a billion than it is to get from a hundred to a million."
"He's able to manipulate the market or influence the market in a way that he's able to."
"Diamond prioritized a fortress balance sheet more than anything else."
"You want to lean into and be betting on Bitcoin."
"Lean into and front run the 2024 having event."
"You don't want to be losing money in the bull market."
"Focus on losing money... because if you can limit your downside and then focus on increasing your upside, that's the most important aspect here."
"We need to get the income up, find a cheaper place to rent, and get rid of this debt."
"You absolutely have to take profits. That's the point in this market."
"Hedge funds don't really try and predict the market anymore. They try and engineer it."
"Every kind of company that has product market fit should be able to finance themselves non-dilutively."
"You want to know how you get rich in crypto? You delay gratification."
"Real estate is not a get-rich-quick scheme. This is a get-rich-guaranteed system over time."
"Just buy as much as you can because ultimately, all three of these are hedges against inflation."
"The real money in investing is made by those who perceive what the markets are likely to do tomorrow and then position themselves today to profit from that future action."
"Maybe now's a good time to dial up your cash holdings."
"If someone's playing this game against you and they're printing you perfect diamond setups, then why wouldn't they just use that against you?"
"Trend continuation trading or momentum trading can be so beneficial."
"One of the most powerful passive income streams."
"Side hustle stack is the way you stack different income streams."
"That shows you the power of options the power of following the money."
"Selling puts is the secret way that Warren Buffett actually became rich with his Geico company."
"During a bear market, study where the outperformance is starting."
"Speculation about their involvement in cryptocurrency, with claims of market manipulation and expansion of their financial empire."
"We are going to use finance, we're going to mobilize finance to make this transition and we're going to do it quickly."
"The modernization plan would eliminate BR's financial deficit by 1962."
"Paul Tudor Jones is the ultimate defensive trader. He's like the Floyd Mayweather of finance."
"I think it pays to be defensive around the margin."
"Concentrate to get rich, diversify to stay rich."
"My plan for success was just save silver and gold."
"Living really frugally throughout my entire 20s is what's made everything possible for me today."
"How do we own real estate free and clear? How do we reduce the cost of every rental by over 25 percent?"
"JPMorgan came out and said, 'Hey, we're telling our investors, don't buy gold anymore, buy bitcoin.'"
"Selling puts, man, it's something I should be doing."
"You could actually destroy young people's minds and then with a little bit of patience you could take over a whole country."
"Once they say it, it's almost cathartic, then it will be priced in, and from that point on if you're interested in growth stocks that would be a really good time to pick up what you like."
"Money is always the way to solve a problem... cut off their purse strings and they'll stop doing whatever it is."
"Technical analysis by itself is not going to benefit you very much until you combine a certain amount of technical factors into something called a strategy."
"Anytime this market cap gets under 10 billion, I'm stealing money long term. I'm just stealing money long term. Anytime it gets under 10 billion dollars in my opinion, that valuation is just way way too attractive on a long-term basis."
"As an investor, Buy Low sell high so pricing is more important is greater than timing."
"The Federal Reserve in 2008 was the only central bank that purchased non-performing assets from banks."
"The Hollywood bailout plan is... showing my starfish off to the internet and collect my own money."
"Gold should do better because if inflation is higher, it's a hedge against inflation."
"Especially you want to create some opportunities for financialization right you know that's that's the real goal of all the capitalism."