
Cause And Effect Quotes

There are 424 quotes

"Behind success isn't really magic; it's always cause and effect."
"Karma, in its essence, is no different from... every action has an equal and opposite reaction."
"Your internal world causes your external world."
"Know thyself, then you know why the things around you are happening."
"Karma really just means that for every action there's a reaction."
"For every action there's a reaction. If you take action from a place of love, the reaction is also going to be from a place of love."
"Underneath hatred is hurt. That's the reality. By hatred, if you hate something, it must have hurt you."
"It is all about how you water the situation, you reap what you sow."
"We are now living in a Spiritual Universe, governed by mental laws of cause and effect."
"Know ye that ye shall ever go onward, moved by the law of cause and effect until in the end both become one."
"Nature loves simplicity and unity, and often a single cause will produce many effects."
"Everybody reaps consequences or blessings in their lives based on what they say and what they do."
"Evidence is simply that effect which indicates a cause behind itself."
"Your subconscious mind is the builder of your body and can heal you. Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect."
"That's so like inhumane to do, like hurt innocent people because you're hurt from somebody else."
"Everything about our lives is the product of our own personal habits."
"The universe goes from cold and old to young and hot, not following the common physical principles of cause and effect."
"As the field is, so is the seed; and as are the flowers, so are the colors; and as is the work, so is the product."
"Science has in many ways helped ease the suffering of this pandemic, which was more than likely caused by science."
"We live in a world where objects have permanence and we see cause then effect, but a startling phenomenon is revealing that this is not how the universe works."
"There are no such things as side effects, there are simply effects that you have not thought about yet."
"We are treating symptoms all the time. We're treating effects. We're not going to the cause of problems."
"If you want something to come into your life, you have to cause that cause and effect wise what to happen."
"What is science but the story of not boy meets girl, but cause meets effect."
"You reap what you sow, and elections have consequences."
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause."
"The scripture tells us a curse without a cause cannot rest upon someone."
"Understanding what symptoms mean and evaluating your body's symptoms is about digging one step deeper to look at cause-and-effect relationships in health."
"Whenever possible, we want to treat the cause of a disease rather than treating the symptoms."
"It's all about karma, about creating karma because everything is the unfolding of karma collectively and individually."
"Every action that you take in life has a certain consequence to it."
"Let me explain some more; I can. Oh, it's the domino effect. Yeah, the domino effect is an effect."
"Everyone's focusing on the reaction, but not the reason. We need to get to a point where everyone's focusing on the reason."
"Actions have consequences. Our success was a function of our action."
"Taylor laid the groundwork, and then, just like clockwork, the dominoes cascaded in line."
"Everything you do from the very beginning influences what happens in the end."
"The antidote to Trump is actually the thing that got us Trump."
"Our consequences have consequences." - Greta Thunberg
"One thing is certain about leverage, it is always followed by deleveraging."
"When you plant corn, don't be shocked corn grows."
"If you keep on doing what you're doing, you'll keep on getting what you're getting."
"Violence begets more violence. I've seen what that does to society."
"You are not at the effect of what is happening. What is happening is the effect of the one who is in opposition to God, evil."
"Everything happens for a reason, and every time you say yes to something and no to something, that has just led to other butterflies."
"Life is about domino effects; what do you do with them?"
"You change the equation, you change the result."
"If you change the equation, you change the result."
"Karma, cause and effect. All that goodness that you have given to people will come back your way."
"You reap what you sow, you sowed the seed of an unboxing and there you get it."
"It's going to have that chain reaction that changes a lot of things."
"For every action there's a reaction, know if you have a drastic action there's gonna be a drastic reaction."
"For every action, there's a reaction. So, if it's going to work, it's going to work really, really quick."
"Dragon might not have created the Freedom Fighters, might not have made the Revolutionary Army. So the Tenryubito, they made their bed with this, now they gotta lie in it."
"We cannot get away from misfortune until we stop causing it."
"Consequences: Every time they do X, it results in Y."
"The smile of others, especially if I caused it."
"Whatever you put out into the world, you have to get back. It's the karma café where you serve what you deserve."
"It's kind of like when something drops in a pond, what the ripple effect will really lump be, you know, what is the design that will come out of it?"
"Most of the problems in the world are a direct result of childhood trauma."
"Whatever you're feeling, it's happening for a reason."
"Actions determine a lot. If you do the right thing, you'll get the right results."
"If you change one thing, you change everything."
"It's a slippery slope, one thing leads to another."
"Classism and poverty is the problem, not being fat. Fatness is a symptom of the problem."
"The best answer to that question is that the cause is a personal agent endowed with free will because free will can initiate new effects without antecedent-determining conditions."
"What you put out into the world, you actually get back like a boomerang."
"Karma is real, and you basically get back what you sow."
"You see all this violence, it's because of pain. Pain you see, on violence. Pain, pain."
"Price will act as a catalyst for price to pull back and continue."
"For everything, there's an equal and opposite reaction."
"Wanda is the most dangerous person in the entirety of the multiverse because in every single universe where Cathone takes hold, Wanda is the reason."
"A curse can be created from a sin committed in the past."
"Something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings on one side of the world can send into motion something as huge as a tsunami on the other side of the world."
"This wouldn't be happening if he wasn't making it happen."
"Once you tap the first domino, the rest obediently give way."
"A great leader is a key part of any successful company or business. Every failing business or company is likely the result of bad leadership."
"Social media has caused a lot of things to happen in our society."
"One small change in the starting condition of an event can have a dramatic effect on the outcome."
"Most things that go wrong are either because you didn't defend yourself or before because you defended yourself too much."
"Everything is connected, the so-called butterfly effect, and I do believe it."
"To understand the fall, we must first understand the rise."
"How does something like this happen in the first place?"
"The second Tony grabbed the scepter, Ultron was inevitable."
"A fire doesn't cause people to behave this way; bombs don't cause people to behave this way."
"It's very important as you're reviewing information to see is there real is there really a cause-and-effect relationship here is there a mechanism."
"Until we come to understand the actions of the people who set off the chain reaction, we're doomed to perpetuate it until oblivion..."
"I think we can all agree that karma is real, that whatever goes up must come down."
"Coronavirus is just the pin that is popping these massive bubbles."
"Life is binary: you have action and inaction, cause and effect."
"As per Newton's third law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction."
"Actions have consequences, and this is like a direct consequence of that."
"There's a difference between a symptom and a cause."
"Every single thing that you do is a butterfly effect."
"It's always a domino effect, a series of events... I really thought those external things would make me happy."
"That's what's gonna gonna make people be like uh basically that that that's going to create social unrest."
"We create what is known as cause and effect momentum... more I can help you and help somebody else it creates momentum."
"It's one of those things where whatever she did or he did to separate the two of you, it's going to be that same reason why the two of you will reconnect."
"The law of karma is the law of cause and effect brought within the personal experience of the individual."
"Man receives only that which he gives. The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Man's thoughts, deeds, and words return to him sooner or later with astounding accuracy."
"Actions have reactions, and violence begets more violence."
"Wise thought action is followed by right action reaction."
"Why do you think they're rioting they're rioting because he's causing trouble everywhere he goes"
"If you know the cause and effect relationships you know how this situation will progress."
"Sometimes the things you go through are directly connected to something you did right, and you can't always know the reason. And that's difficult for me. I always want to know the reason."
"Every action has a reaction and so it's just like my goodness."
"Our job is to make sure we understand why things happen the way they happen."
"We wouldn't be where we are now if it wasn't for that."
"Jealousy just couldn't come and jump on you. No, no, no, the way that the spirit world operates like I've been teaching you is that there have to be existing reasons in order for it to come and take up residency."
"Actions create Fusion results whatever you do now is going to dictate the outcome."
"Every single thing that happens in your life leads you to where you are in the current moment."
"The smallest actions are going to result in something much bigger down the line."
"If the head of the stream is dirty, what do you expect for the rest of the stream?"
"By dropping a match in a gasoline-soaked pile of laundry, Gregory Brown set in motion a chain of events that claimed three lives."
"I think oftentimes we don't see that what we're dealing with today is a reaction to what has already occurred."
"A single life just has so many effects on the way things play out."
"Events ripple on and they happen for a reason."
"Whatever seeds you plant, that's what's going to grow."
"It's a win-win situation for you, it's like cause and effect."
"Do interesting things and interesting things will happen to you."
"Every action in Siege must have a reaction and every decision must have a consequence."
"Success in life boils down to a simple system of inputs and outputs. Grasp this, and you unlock the code to your own existence."
"I haven't been thinking of the how did it start I've been thinking of the why did it start."
"Everything you do sets a ripple effect in motion."
"The choices people make actually have a tangible effect on the outcomes of their lives."
"You can be pretty confident that if you do something, there will be a unique reaction to it."
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the butterfly effect: when a small and seemingly insignificant occurrence has rippling effects through time leading to some consequential event, sometimes long after the initial event."
"Don't show aggression if you don't want this thing showing aggression towards you because once I threw rocks at it, everything changed."
"If you spiteful, you just have a negative vibe going on there's something crossing you that's making you be like, 'Okay, well I'm gonna do this bad thing.'"
"The first domino will knock over 150 larger ones."
"All actions have consequences as everything we do in this world affects something in some way."
"Whenever you see a force... there's a reaction."
"Focus on just that, and could one set all the others in motion?"
"Climate change is happening because carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are increasing and they're increasing because humans are doing stuff."
"Everything you put out in the world, it's gonna come back to you."
"If you do good, you'll get good in return; if you do bad, you'll get bad in return."
"If I use my strength and energy to work towards something, I'm going to create the effect that I want."
"A curse without a cause shall not stand."
"Karma is kind of your circumstances, it's really just the principle of cause and effect."
"Karma repeats itself until the lesson is learned."
"Every action we do has a consequence."
"The principle of cause and effect underlies all scientific thought, ancient and modern."
"Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a lifestyle; sow a lifestyle, and you will reap a future or an eternity."
"What initiates a downswing? Chuck the watermelon."
"I can see how that would have made sense, the door did slam."
"Every action, every thought, and every feeling is motivated by an intention. And that intention is a Cause that exists as one with an effect."
"The universe is not eternal. The universe has a beginning. Everything that has a beginning has a cause."
"What you put in, you get the return. Whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap."
"Whatever you're putting in, there's something that's going to happen on the back end."
"I'm gonna keep stressing this, karma thing, cuz y'all are really sensitive to the karma."
"Every impulse thus imparted is a seed sewn that will produce its harvest."
"Good things started happening, sort of like a butterfly effect."
"They understood the cause of the pain, they removed the cause, they became free."
"Even if diet wasn't the cause, it certainly was the remedy."
"Karma's a cause and effect, action gets a reaction."
"Butterfly effect: when a small occurrence has a large effect elsewhere."
"Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results."
"I think karma is real. Whatever you put out into the universe, you'll get back."
"So, we are dealing here with time and space, cause and effect, which is karma. Karma doesn't exist in the real reality because there's no need for karma. But here is karma and it comes back to us. Whatever we have sown, we will reap."
"Life attitudes and psyches are shaped by cause and effect."
"So whatever the health of the seed determines the growth of the tree and the fruit that it produces."
"We reap exactly what we sow. We sow a thought. We reap an action. We sow an action. We reap a character. We sow a character. We reap a life."
"Whatever you lost is gonna come back to you with a ripple effect."
"For every action, there's an opposite reaction."
"All situations and events come about because of the Law of Attraction, which is a natural law."
"Karma is merely a cause and effect. It's reap what you sow. Every thought, word, and deed is recorded, it's like the universe's supercomputer."
"Small actions can have big consequences."
"Small action, huge reaction. Small, huge. That's how it works."
"The place of freedom is our own heart, our own being, and as we become more able to pay attention, more present, we can begin to see clearly the law of cause and effect and plant what is beautiful in ourselves and in the world around us."
"Not only is it the fastest way Kenny ever goes but the cause of it is similar to what killed him in the movie."
"Treating the cause rather than the effect is the future where we're going. That's functional medicine."
"It's simply an effect of what has happened in the realm of the spirit."
"If you create bad action, you will get that bad action."
"You know what that is? That's simply karma."
"There's nothing there's no cause and effect in physics as you know it because all the equations of physics are symmetrical in time."
"For every effect, there is a corresponding cause. If we do what His word says, then the ultimate end of that is whatever He does shall prosper, not fail."
"You are your karma. Whatever you do will come back to you. Anything. Everything."
"The most important application of the law of cause and effect is that thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. Your thoughts create the conditions of your life."
"What happens on the left happens on the right and what goes up must come down."
"Education can be a luxury, it can be a fad or a fancy, but it is only useful if the individual uses it to understand the operation of cause and effect in his own life."
"Everything produces after its kind."
"You reap what you sow, you get out what you put in."
"You cannot carry out a principle and not get the result of it. It's impossible."
"...if you can cause it then you know how to prevent it. If you know how to cause it, you know how to prevent it."
"You always get back what you put out. It's a universal law."
"You just have to start the Chain Reaction now."
"When the cause ceases, the effect ceases."
"But the unhappy family and avoiding conflict is what caused Maggie to get shot."
"Everything happens by law. Those who help or hinder us, whether they know it or not, are the servants of that law which constantly shapes outward circumstances in harmony with our inner nature."
"The fish trap exists because of the fish."
"It feels as though we've witnessed an example of karma."
"It's just behavior and its reaction."
"In the realm of sport, action reaction."
"The universe does not allow waste. So if we show the universe for too long that we're wasteful, it will come back at us 10 times fold."
"Threads and dominoes, threads and dominoes."
"Every everything that's happened to us causes some type of effect and some type of residual wound."
"Karma is the thunder rattling your ground."
"Karma is a real thing I promise you karma is a real."
"Karma: you will reap what you sow."
"The reality is that you reap what you sow; you can't outrun Karma."
"Life is governed by principles. If you don't sow it, you can't reap it."