
Epistemology Quotes

There are 460 quotes

"The only way that consciousness can be known is by consciousness."
"Even in principle, how could we ever know if we were in a simulation?"
"I really do think that the best methodology for finding truth is science."
"Nobody can be right or wrong if there's no objective reality."
"I don't know is a fair and reasonable answer. It is also the truth."
"Definitions apply to objective facts, whether you know them or not. That's what ontology is. Epistemology is you try to make the best guess given limited information."
"It's not what you know... but how do you know what you know? What is the source of knowing?"
"The violation theism proposes something other than the natural world. How do we test for, identify, or confirm something other than the natural world?"
"I'd much rather say 'I don't know' or 'I'm not convinced we've reached the final explanation' than to say 'I know that I know that I know.'"
"Knowledge, carefully considered, is not quicksand, but nor is it bedrock. Epistemology frightens me. And I need to be fearless to get... Closer to Truth."
"I am what I describe as a militant agnostic; I fiercely defend the fact that I don't know."
"Knowledge should be the goal, which is belief held to such a high degree of confidence and warrant that it would be worldview altering to discover that it was wrong."
"This is a fundamental uncertainty; it talks about what can be known and what can't be known about the universe."
"You can have multiple different, complete, consistent systems account for the same set of facts, but they'll be fundamentally different in their axioms and how they operate."
"Without Him, all human experience is unintelligible; deny Him and make all of your appeals to logic, science, and mathematics meaningless."
"We know nothing about the things that we know the most about."
"Agnosticism has to do with epistemology, what you know; and atheism has to do with belief, what you believe."
"The proof that God exists is that without Him, you can't prove anything."
"Sometimes, evidence isn't enough or why evidence isn't necessary."
"An episteme refers to the way in which a society thinks at any given moment."
"Knowledge is a subset of belief; it doesn't stop being a belief."
"Ignorance isn't just the blank waiting to be filled in; ignorance gives knowledge its structure."
"Asserting knowledge is different from demonstrating that this knowledge is true."
"Falsifiability... if something isn't falsifiable in the proper sense therefore it's not scientific."
"The laws of nature are naming certain fundamental constants that the scientists are operating out of, that's the epistemological context in which scientists are operating."
"Knowledge is a belief that I hold to such a high degree of confidence that it would be worldview altering to discover it's wrong."
"Sometimes we have to believe things even though we don't like them and even though we don't want them to be true. That's just being epistemically responsible."
"Humans are fundamentally disobedient... AGIs, when they're built, will be people... and they are all fundamentally the same because they will all obey the same laws of epistemology."
"This entire topic I call epistemology... it's really part of a book that I'm working on which is gonna be all about the deceptive nature of the mind."
"All models are wrong, but some are actually very useful."
"If you care whether or not your beliefs are true, do those methodologies involve empirical evidence and the analysis of that evidence in keeping with the standards of Science and sound epistemology?"
"Debate is a legitimate way of finding out whether something is correct and true."
"We necessarily experience ourselves as being in direct and immediate epistemic contact with ourselves."
"Truth is that which conforms to reality, whether or not we can identify that or confirm it is a huge problem about whether or not we actually have access to truth."
"If faith can lead you to true conclusions and false conclusions, then isn't faith an unreliable method for reaching the truth?"
"Scientific truth is the top truth in the hierarchy."
"Science is the strongest method we have for figuring out what is true but it is also a fragile method."
"Science is a pursuit of knowledge, not a definitive having of knowledge."
"Belief is acceptance of something to be true even without evidence."
"Belief is hearing a proposition and accepting whether that proposition is true or not based on the reasons given to support it."
"There's a difference between knowing and proving."
"It's a theory. A theory doesn't prove something true or false. It's just a theory."
"Lower the epistemic bar...by which I have something more reasonable practical uh justification for believing in Christianity even in the absence of epistemic justification."
"They never demonstrate that their worldview can actually account for these things."
"I think faith is a terrible way to determine what is true or not true."
"People dramatically overestimate intelligence's capabilities and underestimate the importance of good epistemic tool sets."
"Some things are easily discerned as objectively true."
"It's not true because I say it, it's true because it's true."
"You don't know everything, so to claim you believe something about which you cannot possibly be wrong is self-deification."
"That proposition, if X is not known to be impossible, that does not imply that X is possible, is provably not knowable."
"Just because something's biased doesn't mean it's necessarily untrue."
"Knowledge can be three levels: theoretical, knowledge of eyesight, and experiential."
"The fact that there are multiple different voices making different claims doesn't mean that we need to throw our hands up and say we can't access truth ever in any way."
"Belief just means that you accept a proposition. Knowledge philosophically is defined as justified true belief."
"Most abductive inferences are wrong, but they make you think in productive ways."
"I don't claim to know anything because nothing is absolute."
"Physical sciences cannot explain everything."
"I care about the truth, I want to have the best methods to make sure that I believe as many true things and as few false things as possible."
"Knowledge is often discussed as a justified true belief."
"Nobody in philosophy takes presuppositionalism seriously, it's garbage."
"We all give the opinions, thoughts, and feelings of scientists a lot of stock and value, and rightly so, but even scientists who are among the brainiest of the brainy don't know everything. There are things that baffle even them."
"Science can't prove logical truths necessary to have scientism."
"The preservation of the Quran is based on the oral transmission, which has epistemic primacy."
"Death, as a real end to conscious experience, is an epistemic illusion."
"The problem of induction isn't a problem with science; it's a misunderstanding of what science does."
"Science is supposed to tell you what's true irrespective of what you want to hear. This isn't science, it's circular."
"How do you know that these religious system is true and you appeal to a consensus and I'm saying that is a fallacy."
"We're living through a kind of epistemological Apocalypse where we are aware that we're locked into ways of engaging with each other and ways of talking about the world that might undermine the very problems we're trying to solve."
"As long as you can have a legitimate debate where there's a significant amount of people on both sides then what is like representable truth other than eyewitness?"
"Nothing's 100, but there are things that we can treat as true because they're so likely to be true."
"Understanding testimony is really important."
"Science answers the question how, the Bible answers the question who."
"Anything that is knowable, if I know it, then by definition, something that knows whatever is knowable knows it too."
"History is a legitimate form of knowledge, but determining what's fact versus fiction is the challenge."
"The more that you know, the less that you know."
"Is faith a reliable way to believe in anything? I think it is but I don't have a reason why."
"How do we distinguish true claims from false claims?"
"You don't need reasons to believe, but the time to believe in something is when you've been given good reasons."
"You never get to any firm grounding or any kind of first principle way to move the debate forward."
"You can only really look to history to have any kind of means of verification of your ideas."
"In order to know something you have to be able to demonstrate it."
"Skeptical theism is a theodicy where you basically say we're not in a position to know why God would allow different evils in the world and so we should accept that we don't know and be okay with that."
"There are certain types of knowledge that can only be known through experience."
"With science and evidence, you don't have to watch something happen to know it's true."
"Ultimately, they defeat really any attempt at testing, and this is referred to as a 'paradox of evidence' that renders conspiracy theories as unfalsifiable."
"The time to believe something is after there's evidence for it."
"Knowledge is human knowledge, everything is codependent."
"Science is a method... it's a way of discerning valid information from invalid information."
"I'm advocating for scientism as the best way to know empirical claims."
"Religion vs. Science: faith vs. verificationism."
"It's whether or not there's a sufficient warrant for someone to hold a view; rational justification isn't merely this is consistent with what I currently believe, it is this is consistent with the facts that are available."
"The only truism in science is that science is always to be questioned."
"Carl Papa Was a philosopher of Science and epistemologist best known for his principle of falsifiability."
"We want to believe as many true things as possible."
"The only way to know what you know is to test what you think you know."
"Fundamentalism is born of unshakable confidence in a common-sense approach to knowledge."
"Without God, there's no basis for logic, science, or truth."
"Science is one of many ways to get knowledge, it's not the only way."
"Assumptions are usually part of a sort of epistemic background that colors and informs your thinking about any situation."
"It's not true because you know it; you know something because it's true."
"Facts matter, they cannot be denied." - Dr. Scott Atlas
"Are there truths that are non-scientific? Well, it depends on what you mean by truth."
"Believing in something without evidence doesn't make it true."
"Can a belief without evidence still be true? It's possible."
"We can challenge reasons for belief and determine if it's rational."
"Intuition isn't very useful if it can be used to be both right and wrong then maybe there's some better epistemological tool that could be used to try to more reliably come to correct conclusions."
"One thing that I can know if what you're telling me is true is if I can make accurate predictions with it."
"Certainty isn't a requirement for knowledge either."
"Possibility must be demonstrated, it is not the case that something is possible merely because it hasn't been shown to be impossible."
"Even if physics doesn't answer those questions, what on earth makes you think that religion can?"
"Almost everything he knew was predicated on authority and not on his own experience."
"Reality or the evidence must come first before the interpretation."
"Seeing is believing, but when you experience it, it's different."
"Science cannot prove something to be absolutely true. There are no absolute truths in science."
"What I'm saying is that there are known knowns, and that there are known unknowns, but there's also unknown unknowns: things we don't know that we don't know!"
"Social constructivism doesn't negate science, or say that nothing is real, or that everything is relative."
"If somebody tells you a fact about the world, how do you know that? That's the most important thing."
"Science isn't claiming to have the truth, it's seeking the truth."
"The time to believe a thing is when there's evidence for it."
"How we know what we know is so much more important than what we know."
"Post-modernism is a consequence of a very deep skepticism... The central thesis you find in the critique of pure reason is that reason cannot know reality."
"If something can't be falsified, it cannot qualify as an explanation. It cannot be indicated, verified, or falsified. It contributes nothing."
"Every explanation has value, even if it's not actually the best one."
"No fact exists apart from an interpretation."
"The belief that God exists is for those who experience him a properly basic belief."
"I don't know how you can base a sound epistemology on sensory input when it is fallible."
"We must always believe what scientists say; others claim to know, but they are the ones who guide us."
"Faith and loving obedience, not rational inquiry."
"Faith is a conviction, a conviction that defies evidence, a conviction asserted with unwarranted certainty."
"You cannot know the date of your birth... how many things do you think you know that are actually based on belief?"
"Failed to falsify is a win in science. That imposes the epistemic humility that we all should want to have."
"It takes more than intelligence to know something truly new."
"Proof by definition is something that we understand."
"To ask for proof of a miracle is to ask for understanding the ununderstandable."
"Faith is a belief without evidence, pretending to know what you don't know."
"He established a whole new kind of epistemology basically saying well there isn't really an objective field of knowledge that we can ever find..."
"I am much more satisfied with the idea that I do not know rather than claiming that I do know something."
"There are things that cannot be known by reason alone."
"Forget justified true belief. What's interesting is justified true belief being the paradigm from which we understand knowledge."
"Either our reasoning abilities are trustworthy, or everything we're saying is gibberish."
"Both of them are not sincere enough to admit 'we don’t know.'"
"There is no such thing as 'the science,' and this idea that there is consensus between all the different scientists is wrong."
"One of science's greatest strengths is its mutability, the ability to change as new data comes to light."
"Science is one of the best ways to determine the truth, and there may be other ways too."
"Maybe don't get caught at the philosophical baseline of 'how can I know anything,' because there are certain ways that you can know things with a high enough degree of confidence."
"Predictive success separates one view likely to be true over others."
"The essence of science is don't trust anybody, not even yourself."
"We can speak objectively about a certain class of subjective facts."
"If a worldview is true we should be able to give reasons and evidence to show why it is sound."
"Literal refers to whether the worldview reflects reality, are there facts and evidence in the real world that support this worldview?"
"Knowledge is a subset of belief held to an incredibly high degree of confidence."
"Knowing is not a product of the mind or of the wishes of the heart. It is a product of the integrated activity of the being. It is a product of being itself."
"You can't teach about critical thinking about how to check to see if there are good reasons to believe something."
"Science doesn't care what you believe. All that matters is why you believe it."
"I would never ever say that I would have to experience God in order to know that God existed, because I don't think that's a valid criteria for knowing what is or isn't true."
"You can be mistaken about the most fundamental aspects of reality."
"One of the things that I think is often missed when we think and talk about science is about finding good explanations for things more than proving things."
"Epistemology means the theory of knowledge: how do we know what we know, how do we sort truth from falsehood."
"All knowledge begins with experience; there is no doubt about it."
"The broad answer to your question of where do I ground truth... it is the correspondence theory of truth."
"We can have no knowledge without experience."
"We can only test things in terms of what we can measure with our senses in space and time."
"We won't have a conceptual understanding that gives us a theory of everything that's final and complete."
"If we can't build it, we don't understand it."
"Plato wants to expand our world, our cave, in metaphysics by showing us a different kind of reality outside the cave, and in epistemology by showing us a different kind of knowing than cave knowing, a knowing that he calls wisdom."
"All we can be certain of is knowing, that's the only absolute certainty."
"We acknowledge the external world but we don't need to rush and associate with that the property of being non-mental. That's a gratuitous metaphysical assumption that doesn't have clear motivation."
"Physicists and cosmologists ought to care about consciousness because it plays an epistemological role. Our fundamental evidence is the evidence of subjective experience."
"What is truth? That's right, that's a good question."
"The grammar of knowing and the grammar of being have to fundamentally be the same grammar."
"You just can't know anything and you have to give up on ultimately knowing anything about the world."
"Without a distinctive method for obtaining and organizing knowledge, we are all just groping in the dark."
"The ontological subjectivity of a domain does not prevent us from having an epistemically objective science of that domain."
"...even having a conversation with someone like you, like neither one of us know anything, and like, that's not a knock, you know, like, there's no possible way that we could possibly know for sure anything, anything."
"Knowledge needs a third element: justification."
"Knowledge is not just any belief, it's a special kind of belief. It's justified true belief. So you're believing in something that you know to be true, and you are justified in that belief that it is true. Justified true belief."
"He's put in the position of founding our knowledge of the external world on belief in the self-evidentness of the existence."
"Science cannot answer every question."
"Street epistemology is asking the hard questions of another and not refuting them when you disagree."
"Epistemological modesty has really become the Cornerstone of the way I look at politics and everything else and it's the kind of Unexpected Journey that happened to me."
"Epistemology is how we know what we know."
"And if you want the method of knowing what really is the case - a way of discovering what the truth actually is - check out my video 'but how do you know you’re right', where I outline the method that will ground you in objective reality and shield you from the sorcerers."
"One of the great challenges we face is knowing enough about a subject to think you're right but not enough about the subject to know you're wrong."
"Knowledge proceeds from pre-existent knowledge, from some first principle that is known."
"You should only believe in the existence of things that you or someone trustworthy experiences or that must exist in order to explain what you do experience."
"I just always just lean back on that epistemic stuff because like you know people want you know believe whatever they ought to believe."
"Well, I-I don't know, and, well, I can't know. That's kind of the thing."
"My argument is the notion of transcendence in the pre-cartesian world there is psychological transformation there is psychological Improvement but there's also epistemological and ontological Improvement uh in a very real way."
"For me, the epistemic weight of Quranic conclusions is 10 out of 10 because I believe it's come from the one who has the picture, and we just have the pixel."
"Once you accept that we don't have access to objectivity or eternal truths, how can you reliably decide what you're going to believe?"
"The central question in epistemology is how do you know."
"Knowledge can be attained through reason, and we are capable as humans of separating true from false."
"Pascal's epistemology is rational but not rationalistic it does not neglect or demean reason and logic and argument but it centers on experience and intuition the eye of the heart."
"So what you are telling me is to know everything is to not know everything. When we say to know everything, what we mean is knowing all truths, knowing all true propositions and believing no false proposition."
"The critique of judgment elevated the aesthetic theory to a new level by integrating it into the framework of a new epistemology."
"Epistemology is the branch of knowledge that attempts to provide a rational account of knowledge."
"True justified belief is necessary for knowledge."
"The greatest problem is that nobody can know anything."
"What is truth? Is it really possible to know the truth? How should we react to things that contradict truth which we have learned previously?"
"I have a belief that there are things that cannot be known absolutely."