
Global Concern Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Systems thinking is having a global concern rather than a local tribal concern... it integrates the whole thing, global concern for the entire species."
"The adverse effects of climate change have continued to ravage our planet... This is obviously not normal."
"Our production of carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on earth systems."
"Every single person on the planet should be concerned about what's going on here."
"The rest of the world watches in horror as clouds of irradiated dust and particles are kicked up into the atmosphere and carried across the planet."
"Protect this country and also continue to protect this world."
"The outbreak in Guangzhou is concerning because it involves a highly contagious virus variant first detected in India."
"Please do stay safe wherever you are in the world."
"When the Chinese regime calls people standing up to its abuse as liars, it's a global concern."
"Act quickly. The world feels like it is gonna go off the cliff any day now." - Host
"I'm so sorry to my world... This is not what we want."
"This is about the future of the world. It's my legacy."
"In the name of planetary defense the point is the survival of life on Earth."
"Climate change: a real concern with global implications."
"Mary, the mother who cared for Jesus, now cares with maternal affection and pain for this wounded world."
"A genuine risk of some sort of major oil disaster."
"There's absolutely no excuse whatsoever that we have so many homeless people all over the world."
"Why do you think you keep seeing Uyghur people across the world crying and saying, 'I haven't seen my father for like five years. I don't know what happened to him'?"
"This is a planetary crisis this is a safety crisis but above all it is also a Justice crisis."
"We're on the doorstep of World War III for the love of God I hope it doesn't happen."
"It actually really shouldn't matter which company builds [AGI] and we should all be concerned about the case where we just race so hard to get there that something goes wrong."
"I think that many countries are in demographic decline."
"Screensaver: Hey, I'm all for Eco mode, saving energy. There's no planet B."
"This campaign is about these kids, all the children of America, and in fact all the children of the world. That is what we are fighting for."
"It's no secret that the world is producing more plastic waste than ever before."
"Why don't you care more about the world? Why don't you want to learn?"
"Our skies all too often look like something from another planet."
"Because of our involvement in humanity, we must be concerned about every human being."
"A lot of prayers going out right now to those folks in India."
"A global cabal of satan-worshiping pedophiles."
"People are very scared across the entire Globe for the very first time in my career."
"There is no clean air on planet Earth now, period."
"It's hard to talk about anything apart from this coronavirus because it's affecting everybody's lives right now."
"Regardless of the cause, scientists worldwide have been sounding the alarm."
"Fear in the pit and the snare are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth."
"No one should be hungry in this world, so this project really has something truly special because they actually care about the world and the most vulnerable people in the world."
"There is a coup in Russia, it is an evolving situation and what started initially is like wow this is concerning is now extremely concerning."
"You guys ready for this? No one is. But this isn't about us, no. This is about the world."
"Wherever you're in the world, stay safe."
"Praying for the whole world right now."
"Education for peace isn't that the most important thing today for the future of humanity and the future of our planet?"
"We are now morally compelled to ask... what can we do to protect labor rights in factories around the world and right here in America."
"The issue of war and peace is involved, and the survival of perhaps the planet, possibly our system, and therefore this is a matter of primary concern to the people of the United States and the people of the world."
"It's really important but it also means a lot to people to think that they are contributing to our fragile suffering struggling planet."
"The world watches with bated breath, hoping for a peaceful resolution to a conflict that continues to take a heavy toll on lives and stability in the region."
"It felt like the entire world held their breath, waiting for the world to come crashing down because of a computer bug."
"The risk of the virus expanding worldwide is now classified as very high."
"The most important thing is that the staff of Toei and, in fact, all of Japan, stay safe as well as the rest of the world."
"Our world is suffering from a bad case of 'Trust Deficit Disorder'."
"China's technological ascension has been swift and alarmed many in the West over fears of what it might do with an ever modernizing military."
"The calamity of Gaza is the calamity of humanity and the international community as a whole."
"Deforestation is a problem all over the world."
"She cares about the world and she cares about people."
"This is a matter of responsibility to humanity."
"Taking care of that planet is the most important concern for all of us."
"We ask that your healing power arise mightily to heal the world of this coronavirus that is so much a problem for most parts of the world."
"The health and safety of people around the world is the most important."
"We have a lot of work to do, and we cannot rest until every child in this country and around the world can grow up safe."