
Personal Redemption Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The real win and the real redemption is when we can make meaning out of our life and find meaning and purpose in ways that are meaningful to us."
"Yes, I've made mistakes, but look at me now. I will not walk around with the rest of my life feeling like I've messed up so bad that I'm unlovable."
"It's not about money, it's about giving Mr. Depp his life back six years ago when she took it away."
"There's the moment of apotheosis and redemption."
"Though he will never shake the reputation as the world’s greatest cycling cheat, he has rebuilt a life for himself that allows him to indulge his cycling passion and his competitive nature as an amateur athlete."
"This was the only way she could be forgiven."
"I will devote my life to atoning for my incompetence."
"If he wants to find redemption, he has to do it himself, and he has to do the really hard slow work."
"Your life isn't summed up by the worst thing you ever did."
"Maybe I'm atoning for my past sins by doing these biblical lectures at the moment."
"To this day, as far as I know, he has not received so much as an apology."
"I think he's a person who legitimately wants to make a difference, wants to make a change, wants to redeem himself."
"From double dropout to Dr. Jody, surely that is the ultimate redemption."
"People want to see you back and want you, you know, the majority of people want to see you as a good example of somebody that can own it and work their way back."
"Only the almighty can forgive yourself. I was going to actually say that. That's your only hope for salvation. I have committed no sin, the puppet I am condemned for is a child's play thing, nothing more."
"Everyone has some kind of weird hobby or a guilty pleasure, something that you're afraid of if people find out they'd make fun of you."
"I didn’t cure cancer for praise or reward — I just want to help people and atone for the evil I’ve done in the past."
"Given what I've done, I'll never be a good man. I just tried to be a better one."
"I applaud that brother. No, he's not perfect but so what? He's trying to make up for the past crap and he wants to make a world that's at least safe enough for his children."
"The church should be a place where everyone feels welcome and encouraged to seek Holiness, no matter the misguided choices they may have made in the past."
"I love that. I felt like the mom kind of redeemed herself a little bit."
"I'm sorry for what I did. I'll end my days here with the Gray Friars like my liege lord Richard did and the man I killed, the man that I destroyed."
"Perhaps a fighter will emerge who can save him from his torment."
"Evil and good are always at war inside you, Zuko. You alone can cleanse the sins of our family and the Fire Nation."
"America was the only place in the world where the hope of personal Redemption was held out."
"I'm never gonna lose faith in people and I'm never gonna believe that people are intrinsically bad or people have given up and they're not worth fighting for because people never gave up on me even when I let them down."
"We now have some more exuberant, some more youth and some more forward-thinking ideas to transition the city forward."
"I want to right that wrong and I want to be... I want my son to be proud that he has a mother like me."
"He looked like a man desperate to make up for all the time he'd lost."
"I stand here in front of all of you to ask for one more chance, to be a better person."
"Life is mad, you know? You can destroy something into the ground but just because the universe you live in, you get an opportunity to rectify it."
"People aren't defined by their worst moment."
"He's sort of legitimized himself. And I think that is one of the incredibly important things in this story."
"Peter slowly regains his life and rebuilds his image with the city, vowing that the best way to honor the people he loves is to never stop being Spider-Man."
"The M5 CS represented like redemption for me."
"I did my time, I'm good. I walked away when I learned to walk away."
"I can’t change the past, but I will stop this war and save my home."
"We are faced here with a remarkable case of redemption."
"It's the Logan Paul Redemption story, one man's journey to the brink of destruction and back to a well-lived meaningful life."
"This is not about victory, this is about redemption."
"The only devil from which man must be redeemed is self. If man would find his devil, he must look within; his name is self. If man would find his savior, he must look within." - Noble J Ali
"One of the things that the Lord used throughout this process to bring me out of it was the very thing that God used to bring me out of my sin when I was not a believer, and it was the truth of God's word."
"All of your shame, all of your sins, they will collapse into the abyss."
"When the new era comes, I will find a way to protect without killing. I will seek a way to atone for the happiness I've taken from others."
"There's always a new day, a second opportunity, a chance to redeem yourself and improve."
"That would be redemption times three, man, what an incredible journey he's been on."
"He wanted to take your crazy old nasty filth itself and put you in Christ with your dirty sample."
"Atrio made a very, very stupid mistake but has worked to try and redeem himself."
"Dan Harmon has publicly admitted to it, acknowledged his own substance abuse issues, and tried to become a better person."
"The Soul tournament gave me my life back, but the cost... the cost was more than I could have ever imagined."
"There is no way for Carmilla to ever truly make amends for her wrongs, no way to erase the past or wipe her slate clean. What she needs is to find a way to accept it, endure the consequences, and move on anyway."
"He could hear him asking God to forgive him over and over and over again."
"The struggle that can characterize your daily affairs can be seen simply as an effort to move that which is diminished into a circumstance or configuration in which it is more full, in which it is more realized, in which it is more deep."
"I believe in a good comeback story and I 100% believe he deserves a comeback."
"A fight for Redemption that neither guy can lose."
"Don't you ever let anybody tell you that you're saved for your past, present, future sins."
"It's never too late to start an honest life."
"I think he has banished those old demons and written a chapter which is exactly my hope for him."
"I am James Buckey Barnes, and you're part of my efforts to make amends."
"He deserves a fresh start, a second chance, a Reclamation."
"There's always a chance for you to clean up your act. You can make something out of your life."
"He's getting ready to go i feel like he just wants to clear his name i think he'll be successful on many accounts and he's coming for another big rise."
"He's looking for self-redemption, not public redemption."
"Even in Redemption, all that awaits me is guilt."
"We are giving you a chance at new life, a chance at redemption."
"You have redeemed yourself, dear uncle."
"Remember when you broke my heart? Well, you can make it right by donating to this cause."
"I think your redemption comes from your actions, right? Meaning your actions moving forward."
"Definitely my hope is that today I get to redeem myself."
"My life was redeemed from destruction."