
Positive Action Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"Instead of just moping around about the footprint, think about how you can keep building your handprint."
"I think the change can be positive depending on how we collectively agree to what that can be. We have a tremendous amount of unexpressed love that I think is really ready and waiting to come out and be seen in action."
"These people are so angry about everything and they are so locked in this bubble of Rage about the world around them that they cannot even step outside of themselves and realize that this is a good human doing something good for other humans, which is objectively good."
"Be a person of good positive thinking, be a person of good positive action, and suddenly one day you will wake up and you're like, 'I just feel amazing. I feel extraordinary. I feel positive.'"
"Hopefully it'll inspire more people to do the same."
"You did contribute to this world; you did help the world keep moving."
"Doing good and doing our music well is very powerful."
"Positive action leads to happiness and emotional fulfillment."
"Instead of this peer on pure violence go and do something good with your life build a good or a product or service and people will give you their money happily."
"They hope the goal of the Gabby Petito Foundation is they do not want her light to dim." - Keeping a loved one's memory alive through positive action.
"Can you turn that inner turmoil into an action that is positive?"
"Let's start helping people up and getting the help that they need instead of thriving off their downfall."
"We're at our best when we open our hearts rather than clench our fists."
"Instead of acting out on your anger, use that energy to be the change you wish to see in the world."
"Not fighting what we hate, save what we love."
"Channel your energy into something productive and positive, and your life will expand threefold."
"Any step in the right direction is a step to be celebrated."
"Then the fifth element is getting them to care, and getting them to care about you, so ultimately they will act on your behalf in positive manner."
"I'm just hoping that people would take heal and understand that they need to build Detroit, not tear it down anymore."
"Action positive action always destroys reptiles."
"We have to sincerely try to overcome evil with good."
"Let's harness all of the energy and emotion that we feel and channel it in the most constructive direction possible."
"Please start making positive change in your area where you live."
"The fact that he didn't hesitate... I think a good thing."
"These are encouraging stories. As tragic as they are, they're much lower grade tragedies than if these parents did not take the necessary measures to prevent a greater tragedy from happening."
"Start to actually look at yourself as a human with some sort of value because doing good is good."
"Not killing what you hate, but saving what you love."
"Fear is normal but panic isn't. Turn fear into action, into something positive."
"After a couple like fifty or hundred trees, you know, it's gonna make a significant difference, I think that's pretty good."
"You're gonna be a champ because you're willing to learn."
"This is not financial advice, I just hope you brought your oven mitt."
"As long as you take one step forward, that's a step in the right direction."
"Most importantly, it argues that by acting wisely, you can help make tomorrow better than today."
"We need to go and show those genuine people in the world that we support them and we have their back."
"Never ever feel a victim. There's always something great you can do, always light a candle."
"Empress Adele doing good with her man right there."
"Let's make the world better instead of tearing it apart."
"It's my chance to do something good. I need to take initiative."
"There's a certain satisfaction that you get when you do something good for somebody..."
"Go out and put some beauty back into the world."
"Eugenia has actually come out and deleted her discord server, and honestly, I was surprised when I saw this, and I just want to say a round of applause to Eugenia for doing the correct thing."
"It's honestly the right thing to do, the best thing, the most effecting thing that you can do right now."
"It's so cool, it's so sweet, and it feels like you're doing a good thing for the world."
"Bless their hearts for saving that sea turtle. Good stuff."
"It's not them, it's not the big things in life, it's always every day, the biggest thing you can do is a small act of kindness, decency, or love."
"You're doing something positive even in the middle of a challenge, which is awesome."
"You can't think your way into a positive... you can only act your way into positive thinking."
"Ask yourself, is the thing I'm doing, the thing I'm worried about doing, is it a good thing? Then go do it."
"You can't focus on the negativity you get hit with you got to figure out okay what did I learn from that what can I make happen from that."
"Doesn't it just warm your heart when you hear about a corporation doing the right thing for once?"
"I just think this is one of the rare examples where we're doing something decent."
"That's a donation to charity, that's awesome!"
"Try to find a way to build a sense of what we call agency in other areas of your life meaning you do something and feel good about it."
"Thank you Jimmy, thank you for doing good for once."
"Twofold, not only did he do a great act, but the kids were so appreciative."
"Do something nice for someone; that would be cool."
"Channel your energies into positive physical activities like decorating or gardening."
"Just know if you got a cooler that was the pest thing you could have ever did ever."
"Christianity does have clear moral boundaries, but at its foundation, Christianity is a faith of positive action."
"Your positive action combined with positive thinking is going to result in success."
"Effort into words, doing things, and our thoughts, spurs being able to do well and you know not moan as much."
"I want to use this video as an opportunity to turn this around and do something helpful for Marcus."
"There are lots of things that the United States can do positively to improve the conditions of its workers. It can be done."
"Getting yourself feeling good first before you take action in a relationship is always the best process for when you do not feel good you cannot be inspired to an action that will solve the problem."
"When you look good, you feel good, you do good."
"By making choices that are good for us and good for others, we're making the world a little bit better one step at a time."
"Self-care is super important, and I think especially in unsure times, having something that we can take control of and something that is good for us is a really positive and powerful thing."
"I love feeling like I'm doing something positive."
"There's hope and there's positivity in what we're doing."
"Peace to the panel, we're gonna get past all of the argument and make something happen for people tonight that's in need."
"We will just keep doing what we've been doing for the last four years, and that is looking out for our family and our friends as best as we can and keep spreading hope, love, and joy and acceptance any way that we can."
"At least this is somebody who is actually standing behind something and actually doing something right."
"One of the good aspects of religion is that the way we prepare for that is by all the positive things we do to help other people."
"The world's a bad place, go make it better."
"Every little bit helps, and I'm trying to help out as many other people as possible right now too."
"Do something good... we're going to do good."
"Virtue is not just not doing the sin, virtue is actually moving in the other direction."
"If you will make every thought a thought of health and every conscious act an act of health, it must infallibly follow that every internal and unconscious function shall come to be healthy."
"Every little bit makes a difference to each and every individual."
"It's supposed to show that a lot of humans are very caring as well, doesn't it?"
"Harness that energy with your friends, do something positive with your time and make something awesome."
"If you can build someone up, do so."
"We're doing it right, we'll have a good good time."
"We're finally doing something that's working. This means we should go harder, keep it up, never let down."
"I can't stop loving my parent, but I have to be able to show that there's something positive that we can do as well."
"That is what you want, nice positive action."
"Spread some positivity out there, be kind to one another."
"I'm working with him instead of killing; my power is helping, that's the way I want it to be."
"That's a really good play, what that is, is fearless."
"Make someone happy, make someone smile, let's all work together."
"Be kind and then do something cool for somebody that needs it."
"Let's team up, let's do some good stuff."
"Be sorry for it, apologize, but stop beating yourself up and start doing the positive things."
"Everybody trying to get some money and do something positive now."
"Every positive action is a step closer to a cleaner future."
"Yes, I know I said that, but thanks to your clever ingenuity and good ideas... it inspired me to do good things."
"On the one hand, we'll do things which we hope directly inspire people."
"You want to utilize those calories in a positive way to build and repair muscle."
"If you can influence a group of people towards positive action, then you know internally that you have something valuable to offer others."
"There's some really positive energy if you take action outside of your comfort zone."
"You really need to do it with love."
"You chose to take care of yourself, to be here, to show up to do something that's positive for your health and fitness."
"It's a great thing that we do because it creates so much happiness with so many people."
"Finding it difficult to be a bit hesitant to do a positive deed is not hypocrisy."
"It's okay to have a little bit of fear and trepidation."
"If you can make somebody feel good by just being kind, why not do that?"
"Changing the world in our own way and our own small part of it, baby, I'll take that."
"It's awesome what you guys are doing out here."
"If you see a Lucky Penny, pick it up."
"Even if we can't do anything ourselves, if we hear, read, see someone doing something good, we can rejoice in that goodness."
"I received feedback from over 100 teachers in just one day who said they wanted to start doing Do Goods in their classrooms."
"Look inside your heart and take positive actions in those things that bring you closer to achieving your desired goals."
"Think about what you're going to do today that's gonna benefit you positively."
"It's for charity, it's a good thing."
"Make sure to be kind to somebody."
"We are responsible for what we can reasonably foresee and should take steps designed to bring about positive outcomes."
"We're tired of just getting pressured into joining a gang that we don't want to join because we want to do positive stuff."
"We can't just talk about problems, but what about the solution? Let's put more energy towards the solutions."
"Good things always happen when you take contrary action, especially if it's to help someone else."
"Talking about doing some good on the planet."
"I mean, that means that you're doing something good."
"Realistic optimism is just the belief that through your own actions and through your own attitude, you can make a positive dent in any situation."
"Be kind to one another out there, spread positivity."
"Fans meanwhile have been reverse review bombing Hi-Fi Rush with positive reviews in a show of support."
"Tis the season to register and vote and use your voice in a positive way."
"We can influence the world for good in powerful and meaningful ways wherever we are and whatever we are doing."
"You can still do good from within the prison if you really want to."
"It is impossible to criticize yourself when you raise your hand and high five yourself."
"The least you can do is maybe give somebody a compliment."
"Think about how do you positively interact within the environment."
"Do something good with your life."
"Making lemonade from lemons, Lisa committed herself to honoring his memory."
"Remember to go out into the world and smile at somebody."
"Give me a positive thing that I can do to really help this situation."
"He wants to make amends for the harm he has caused by doing good things for other people."
"Take charge of your life by creating conscious positive movements towards the betterment of your life."
"You don't know this, but you just did something good."
"Let's just work together to be happy and make the world better, right?"
"Whatever you could do for your family, it is a step in the right direction."
"When you do the right things, you get the right results."
"Think about these small starts because when you are intentional and aware of the good work that you're doing... then you're going to literally build confidence."