
Martial Arts Quotes

There are 3887 quotes

"His philosophy of 'Be water' encapsulates his approach to martial arts and life: a fluid adaptability and relentless pursuit of personal excellence."
"If you want to be a martial artist, consistency is key. Not doing it one day a week; it's about doing it every single day."
"The beauty of martial arts is in the consistency and the discipline it requires, not just in the physical training but in how that discipline affects every aspect of your life."
"Bruce Lee, known as one of the greatest martial artists in history, continues to captivate us with his extraordinary skills and daring feats even today."
"Bolo Young's dedication and hard work paid off when he became the champion of China in powerlifting, showcasing his prowess in combining martial arts with strength training."
"Bruce Lee wasn't just randomly doing these exercises; he knew they were special. By adding isometrics to his training, he wasn't just getting stronger; he was becoming faster too."
"Unlike traditional martial arts, Jeet Kune Do doesn't prescribe specific stances or movements; its essence lies in empowering practitioners to respond dynamically to any scenario they encounter."
"The biggest lessons I've learned from martial arts... flow, don't fight."
"Jiu-jitsu is innovating and growing at such a rapid rate."
"Even Bruce Lee, a man who became an icon in martial arts, emphasized practiced technique. He realized the importance of understanding and perfecting the fundamentals."
"I know for a fact that if I hadn't started this journey, gotten the backlash that I got, and gone out into the world and tried all these martial arts out, I would be a much sadder, more arrogant, less informed, and less trained human. And for that, I want to say thank you."
"There's just so much to learn. Like, when it comes to striking, there's one plane of existence; it's both guys standing up. But in Jiu-Jitsu, there's so many different ways that you can attack or be attacked or defend."
"Karate, more than most of these, is a lifestyle martial art."
"Trust, then, is at the heart of martial arts, as they are based on the fundamental Taoist philosophy of wu-wei."
"Frog Kata is a fighting style used exclusively by those who have mastered Sage Mode and trained with the toads of Mount Myoboku."
"In his quest for greatness, Gordon Ryan owes a debt to the greatness of his toughest opponent, Andre Galvao."
"Great question, man. I think with the right mix, unorthodox techniques can significantly enhance traditional fighting styles."
"You're seriously the S-tier in MMA YouTube, and everybody knows it. Thank you for your time, dedication, and passion for this beautiful sport."
"Jet Kundo is not only a martial art but also a way of living. It encourages the practitioner to be open-minded, flexible, and creative, and to seek self-knowledge and self-improvement."
"I do not teach...I do not believe in styles anymore. If human beings had three arms and four legs, we would have a different form of fighting."
"A black belt is just a white belt who didn't quit."
"It was known that the Wudang warriors were extremely skilled at fighting."
"Fortunately, Third Wudang reacted quickly to save the blacksmith by kicking tiles at the Sand Sea sect members, defeating them easily."
"He could withstand her punch without moving an inch by summoning 100 percent of the power from the Nine-Sun Style."
"Wuji is the only human on this earth who masters the moves of the nine suns and the moves of heaven and earth at the same time."
"In 1993, the UFC showed the world the effectiveness of Brazilian jiu-jitsu as a martial art."
"Hoist Gracie introduced Jiu-Jitsu to the world, showing size doesn't matter when it comes to the sport of mixed martial arts."
"Shaolin Kung Fu is an ancient and esteemed art, one of the largest and oldest styles of Kung Fu or Wushu in the world."
"No one can beat a Shaolin master, and here is why: Education. Shaolin monks are just built differently."
"Speed and agility... Shaolin masters are particularly fast and agile with their grounding in Kung Fu."
"Pain threshold... probably the Shaolin monk's most devastating weapon is their pain threshold which has grown through their rigorous training of the mind and body."
"Earning a black belt in Taekwondo, Riddi's eternally positive mindset has already helped her tackle some big goals."
"We must start the fighter training from scratch and should be guided not by someone else's but by our own understanding."
"His love for martial arts and battle stem from his passion for self-improvement, and that fire never dies."
"Fighters who threw away their sword and put down their helmet emerged. These fighters fought to reach the top with nothing but their honai."
"After learning martial arts, she doesn't suddenly just drop her girly self or her girly side or see girly things as bad, rather it's her mindset that changes."
"The Golden Age of YouTube highlight reels was a shot of MMA secret juice, mainlined to the veins of fans discovering the sport for the first time."
"The hardcore martial arts world took notice for the first time, arm was broken, and the master of flying submissions, the Tobikan Judan, had been born."
"The martial artists' tonfas are chosen because of the active skill ki consumption bonus."
"I love what Donnie Yen's doing in this movie, dude, because it's not just the martial arts... it's the emotion he's bringing to it as well."
"If you can get to someone's back in Jiu-Jitsu, you're almost always going to finish them."
"In Jiu-Jitsu, you can literally get 50% better every six months forever."
"The true essence of the Martial Way can only be realized through experience."
"I stay in martial arts more than boxing. I did kickboxing, judo, karate. I'm into combat sports."
"Martial arts give you tools...strategy, emotional control, the capacity for you to visualize and other elements."
"It was actually a great time to be a fan of martial arts films... Van Damme and Seagal were doing big numbers at the box office."
"The benefits of martial arts for young people, for children, is unparalleled."
"You never stop learning, you never stop learning. That's the beauty of martial arts."
"The most effective acid test for a martial art is this: does it consistently perform against a completely uncooperative, fully resisting, aggressive opponent?"
"Comparing Western boxing to Tai Chi, Bruce Lee said, 'A boxer...they forget how amateurish they are and they do their thing.'"
"Ineffective martial arts techniques are ones that are just out and out fake, so fake in fact that they border on hilarious lunacy."
"The psychology of no-touch knockouts has a lot to do with...being a non-believer."
"The most incredible thing about Frank Dux is that it's all complete fiction. He made it all up."
"Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings hits hardest with its more grounded fight scenes and the powerful emotional core."
"If you watch just one martial arts film from the last two decades, make it Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."
"Ip Man... the original is still number one with us."
"Kung Fu Hustle... equal parts Crouching Tiger and Bugs Bunny."
"Humans suddenly gained superpowers...bringing Humanity to the era of martial arts."
"Because this Chinese martial art can train even the most unlikely person to become a killing machine. You do not want to find out the hard way."
"Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a ground fighting and submission hold-based martial art and combat sport."
"Bruce Lee was a legendary international celebrity who promoted Chinese martial arts in the United States."
"In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a smaller, weaker individual can defend themselves against a bigger, stronger, heavier opponent by using leverage and weight distribution."
"Wing Chun given one and there is no question and the most complete fighter in the world."
"Wing Chun is recognized for its simplicity, efficiency, and directness."
"Offensive and defensive maneuvers are executed simultaneously, trapping opponents to deliver decisive blows."
"Boyka's arm locks and throws are adopted from judo, a Japanese martial art that emphasizes grappling."
"One of the pastimes that can help you become a better fighter is martial arts training. Training them will improve your life in numerous ways such as in self-control, physical fitness, or humility."
"Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is based on the idea that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves against a bigger, stronger, heavier opponent by using leverage and weight distribution."
"A black belt is a white belt that never stopped training."
"The basis of your confidence in any match is directly proportional to your confidence in your defense."
"No one's interested in people that win by advantage or by the minimum amount possible; they want control to submission."
"I do jiu-jitsu, wrestling, Muay Thai, and a small amount of conditioning... It's so much fun. I'm in a flow state."
"I am the cultivator of water breathing; are you here to learn this art?"
"I believe, ladies and gentlemen, through my experiences as a martial artist for the last 25 years, that martial arts is the greatest platform to unleash human potential."
"Martial arts has the unbelievable ability to transform lives, to take the weak and make them strong, to take the fearful and turn them into courageous people, to take the ordinary and transform them into the extraordinary."
"Martial arts is about the journey of continuous self-improvement mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually."
"The martial arts seductively blended with metaphysics and psychology has begun to take on a more scientific facade."
"The sage tells him about his experience and tells him that he has seen many warriors with good skills, but he has defeated them all."
"Times have changed, you know, a decade has passed on, and since then the squad has moved far beyond just smaller submission-only tournaments into the forefront of world championship competition at ADCC."
"Most martial arts... have a very strongly developed sense of counter-attack. You go into any wrestling class, and you'll see a big emphasis put on what they call re-shots."
"In my opinion, a real fighter needs to fight gi, no-gi, and test himself in MMA."
"Felipe is an incredibly versatile grappler, a great all-rounder, a champion both Gi and No-Gi."
"The fact that Martínez has never been submitted in his weight class."
"The first thing you're taught in martial arts is respect."
"Thank you to Conor McGregor for taking a risk and again showed what true martial arts is all about."
"The most distinctive feature of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which sets it aside from the others, is the incredibly heavy emphasis on guard position."
"Even though there is a vast number of different alternatives, the underlying principles which you're going to be using in open guard scenarios are few in number and pretty simple to understand."
"What I love about the topics of survival and martial arts is how it forces you to simplify life right down to its absolute basics, giving you strong principles and resilience from which you can build everything else in life from."
"MMA truly changed my life. It dragged me out of a bad path, and now I'm able to become world champion."
"Their irreplicable flight patterns are what built Po's irreplicable style. He could pluck a butterfly from the sky, and with the exact same movement, he could pluck your throat from your neck."
"What you can do is to incorporate lots of different martial arts into a new style that is your style and that works for you."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi's defense was nothing short of insurmountable, using tight minimalistic blade work combined with agile body contortions to Stonewall or even evade attacks."
"In terms of stopping power, nunchucks are garbage."
"Fighting is my life. That's what I love to do in my life."
"Gongfu is for people, and so everyone can learn gongfu. To hold it back and put a barrier around it would be the wrong thing to do."
"I have some work to finish, and then I'm going to my karate gym."
"Everybody should get into a martial art cuz why not."
"Goku doesn't train for Pride or to defeat others, he simply just enjoys the process of getting stronger."
"Martial art is not about fighting against others, it's a battle within yourself."
"His infamous one-inch punch is more powerful than a car going 35 miles an hour."
"He now holds six Guinness World Records for his katana skills."
"Ja has starred in several martial arts movies but in 2010 he took a break from the film industry to become a Buddhist monk in the temple he used to train as a kid."
"It wasn't him who won any fights, it was jiu-jitsu. Hoist did not win UFC 1, jiu-jitsu won UFC 1."
"Leave your ego at the door as if you have a choice."
"Jiu-jitsu is the most gentle martial art on the planet and self-defense system while also being the most effective."
"Jiu-jitsu is the only martial art consistently proven to be effective against larger attackers."
"I really think most of my outlook on life has just come from being an athlete and a martial artist."
"Martial arts is not about winning fights, but conquering yourself and your weakness."
"Goku has attained mastery of self and is now a master of the martial arts."
"The only way to master Ultra Instinct is to remain in the state at all times, relying on your body to move on its own."
"You don't want to give anyone the chance to get on their offense because you might be only a blue belt at defending what their master black belt is attacking."
"That kick tapped the jaw, exactly at the spot that puts you to sleep."
"We teach you jiu-jitsu so that you understand the ground fight so on a moment's notice you can disengage and access other intermediate force options."
"The fact that heel hooks don't work is nonsense."
"Skill beats strength and skill beats power most times."
"If you're big and strong and you don't know any technique, you get this."
"Jiu-jitsu is the most effective martial art on the planet."
"Jiu-jitsu is the most effective and most amazing martial art on the planet."
"I think I'm 100 for sure gonna end up winning a black belt title."
"Jiu jitsu is the best catalyst for being a better human."
"Jiu-jitsu is for everyone, including every child."
"He introduced BJJ to the whole world at UFC one."
"The entire premise of the UFC itself was based on fitting all the best martial arts in the world together."
"Every fight he grows. He's got some basic skills but he got some advanced skills as well, which all the kickboxers lack."
"I think he's gonna be the best kickboxer I ever faced."
"I'm now realizing that just as I've kind of pursued my own fitness journey, I can do the same thing with martial arts."
"A skilled martial artist could very easily beat up some regular guy."
"His biggest goal was to represent his family and represent jiu jitsu as best he could in MMA."
"Striking wise, nobody's touching Surreal Ghan."
"Valentina Shevchenko is probably the only champion that would beat the entire top five and the champion of the next weight class."
"MMA is on the map now. Everybody knows that we're the best fighters in the world."
"He just made a Marine Corps Martial Arts Drill Instructor tap out."
"Every punch, every new technique, every drop of blood spilled holds narrative weight."
"We're not trying to create jiu-jitsu followers we're trying to create jiu-jitsu leaders."
"Tough one - The Ultimate Fighter 1 was a massive turning point for the company."
"Combat jiu-jitsu is right there in between MMA and grappling and makes grappling a little more realistic."
"Craig Jones is something very unique and very special."
"The way of the open fist is the quintessential martial artist, augmenting your flurry of blows and making you feel like a true combatant."
"Monks as people that are trying to overcome their flaws through their martial arts training."
"Most kung fu style martial arts were all actually completely useless in a real fight."
"He's what you want your son to grow up to be if he gets into MMA."
"It's funny seeing a Dune strategy game bringing things full circle for the genre"
"Black belts have become a cliche via popular culture. Absolutely, but achieving that rank in any martial art is very amazing."
"I'm afraid of the person who has practiced one kick ten thousand times." - Bruce Lee
"It's been incredible to see the evolution of his striking."
"Tenchu: the art of being an invisible force of death."
"He no longer tried to analyze what his opponent would do first and instead followed the flow of his opponent's present movements."
"Each move that Sanjay does has a unique purpose, and he's trying to get a victory. He doesn't waste motion. He doesn't just do this for show."
"Stepping onto the battlefield to defend their Homeland is the duty of martial artists."
"Blade determination and desire. All these must be aligned in the practice of ishiin art."
"Successor of eachine art, Kaidahara Kazuha, successor of Amenoma art, Amenoma Yuya, honored to cross blades with you."
"See you soon, boy." - Arman Cian in response to Islam Makhachev's callout
"Submitting Bryce Mitchell like this is a feather in his cap."
"I just feel like Darren Till might have the striking skills to negate the size difference."
"The art of fighting is not fighting. It's the perception of fighting."
"His involvement often meant that fight scenes were not only about showcasing might but also about highlighting martial arts discipline and technique."
"The tight spandex-based material of the costumes had restricted movement, making the intricate martial art sequences and stunt work even more challenging to perform."
"True Unity between man and sword requires Harmony of heart and sword, Harmony of chi and sword, and also Harmony of mind and sword."
"I'm a martial artist and I'm a father, everything else is just extra more of a distraction if you will."
"He popularized Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu among martial arts as a member of the Hoist Gracie clan when he won several UFC tournaments in the early 1990s."
"If you're incapable of violence, not being violent isn't a virtue. People who teach martial arts know this full well."
"Control movement, dominate your opponent, then force them to submit. This is how the art was intended."
"My name is Fabian Ramirez. I'm from Sarah BJJ out in Long Island. I grew up and I was raised in New York City."
"The belt is still your goal, Charles Oliveira is not your goal."
"That martial arts background, born and bred for combat, describes him perfectly."
"He gets his black belt for knocking somebody out. I [__] love that."
"The young samurai challenges the decorated king."
"This just goes to show you how well Jiu-Jitsu works."
"Brian Ortega is excellent at chaining his jujitsu together."
"Eddie Alvarez with ease moving on in the Bellator lightweight tournament."
"One name that must never be said whenever anybody asks me who's the best fighter in the world: you're the guy. I appreciate it, man."
"Mighty Mouse, Demetrius Johnson, Mighty Mouse. He just has very few holes, kicks like a Thai dude, shoots a double leg like a good wrestling dude, rabbit."
"It is the most important thing maybe in all of fighting."
"Underhooks, man. It is the most important thing maybe in all of fighting."
"I'm extremely confident... full confidence in my striking abilities."
"Nobuyuki Sakakibara, the spiritual successor to Pride FC."
"Saint-Pierre vindicated himself early in round two with a head kick to finish off his hero."
"His understanding of grappling is impressive, is the best I've ever felt, the best I've ever seen."
"I love all martial arts, and that's the beauty of martial arts."
"Soul of the Dragon is something of a love letter to the kind of martial arts films we hardly see nowadays."
"He's using feints, he's faking his opponent out, and that's going to set up those sneaky shots, those knees up the middle."
"Jiu Jitsu is the first thing that I fell in love with to be honest."
"The acceptance that just because you're underneath someone doesn't mean the fight's over."
"The future is Jiu Jitsu, it's happening right now."
"It's much better to make money teaching Jiu Jitsu and selling hoodies around the world than getting punched in the face."
"The bond between parent and child through Jiu Jitsu is priceless."
"Fundamentals win fights, so those should be your focus first and foremost."
"You have made the action. Now seek the stillness. Do not rush your training. Be patient. Failure is a part of progress."
"He's the one! Well done! As voted for by you, The Knockout of the year in on the BT Sport fight week Awards is of course the one and only Mr. Leon Edwards."
"Front kick! So Alex goes well I guess I'm gonna throw one of those."
"If you want to prove you're the best fighter at the UFC, that's the highest level." - Israel Adesanya
"I overheard this guy talking about me in the dressing room: 'Man, did you see that kid Bossy? He dropped Jack with a freaking spinning back kick to the head!'"
"Left gig body, hospital; left kick head, morgue."
"They didn't care if you won or lost, they care how you fought. Did you go out and you fought, you showed bushido, you went out and you wore your spirit."
"He's a fabulous person, man. He's a really nice guy, he's, I've trained with him a bunch of times, hung out with him, man."
"I think that like both Styles can work but like G2 certainly is like the epitome of their aggressive style."
"He's a master martial artist who has mastered virtually every form of hand-to-hand combat."
"I wanted to inspire the next Generations with my art he did with music I want to do with jiu-jitsu."
"I had never seen that kick before. It was incredible." - Scott Atkins
"You need to train jujitsu, boxing, Muay Thai, wrestling."