
Regret Prevention Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"There's no guarantee that you're going to do all this work and everything's going to work out, but there is a guarantee that if you don't try, you're going to live a life of regret."
"If there's something that you wish you had already done, then it's worth doing now."
"In one year's time, what would I regret not having started today?"
"The worst thing I can do is actually try, and if it didn't happen, I would be okay with it. But I couldn't settle with knowing that I never tried."
"Be intentional in your 20s... be intentional with experimentation and travel and live your 20s in such a way that you're not going to regret the things on your mind which you wish you tried."
"I do not want to die... wondering what would have happened if I'd have pushed a little harder."
"A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves a thousand moments of regret."
"Your audience is looking for you and waiting for you... don't wait on this you're going to regret it."
"20 years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do."
"You knee-jerk reaction should be go do it right. You don't want to ever regret not doing something."
"Sacrifices of today deliver you from the anguish of 'I wish' or 'if only'."
"Post-nut clarity is the male superpower that always arrives late. I'm here to save you from making a horrible decision. I'm here to save you from regret. I'm here to save you from yourself."
"I don't want to regret not taking a chance at things."
"Start early, otherwise you might regret it later." - Speaker
"You don't want to live your life so that at the last breath you have, you're thinking, 'I've wasted my life.'"
"We have to at least try so we don't have any regrets."
"It felt like the kind of decision that I would regret if I didn't make it."
"I'm begging you, I don't want you guys to be here in five years saying, 'Man, I wish I could listen to you.'"
"Hopefully we will reduce the probability of getting buyers remorse which is what we want to avoid."
"I would rather try it and fail than to not try it and wonder my whole life."
"Live today so you don't have regrets tomorrow."
"I learned that if we are determined to be loyal to Jehovah and have the courage to remain chaste, we won't have any regrets."
"No bag is that important that you will have to do anything that you wouldn't regret."
"Better to live a life of discipline than a lifetime of regret."
"It's better to say no than to regret something."
"Live it, do it, don't not do it, don't regret not doing something."
"You've got to do it man because if you don't you're gonna sit there in january february thinking damn i just wish i pulled the trigger a little bit more."
"We didn't wanna wake up in five years with a big company, but feel embarrassed about how we did it."
"If you've got something that you enjoy and that you want to excel at... you will regret not putting energy into it."
"Save your document, save your art, save your music. Save it all because if you don't, you will regret it all."
"Always make choices that you know you won't regret!"
"Make good choices today so you can have no regrets tomorrow."
"Don't speak words in discouragement that you cannot retract."
"I wanted to be sure I lived a life with no regrets."
"Don't be that person that never followed your dreams."
"What's that one big thing let's not leave this planet regretting something that we haven't tried and you will fail and that's okay that's the biggest lesson the biggest lesson is in the failure."
"Not being able to accomplish those goals is a regret or not even trying to accomplish. If you don't even try, you definitely won't do."
"One moment of patience can save you 100 moments of regret."
"Every time you see your friends on the way out, tell them you love them, so you have no guilt later on."
"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little."
"If I ignore this feeling, I'm sure I'll regret it for the rest of my life."
"A year from now if you don't start now, you'll wish you had started now."
"Do that thing you want to do and don't end the week regretting anything."
"If you don't fight for what you want, you will have to cry for what you lost."
"Don't wait to say I'm sorry or I love you. Seize the moment before it passes."
"It's better to take a shot on something than to never try and regret that."
"I'd more regret not trying than not working."
"A true sin would be letting this opportunity pass."
"I think not having this conversation is would be a [ __ ] shame for sure absolutely"
"I'd rather follow my heart and my passion than 40 years down the line regret everything that I've ever done because I was just listening to what everybody else wanted when really they weren't even living my life."
"We didn’t want to look back years later and regret somebody else being abused when we could have come forward."
"I try to optimize for preventing any would-have-should-haves when I'm 80 years old."
"Don't take my advice, but you'll regret not going to your divine masculine."
"What is worse: to look stupid or to wake up at 80 years old in a nursing home and not the nice one?"
"Sometimes we hold back, but I would hate to someday die and say, 'I could have shared more of what I knew.'"
"Just get out of the way, try it, and then at least you don't have any regrets."
"Train as if you don't want to regret anything."
"Let me assure you that if you leave the more difficult parts of the core to your later years, you're going to regret it because you're going to be taking much more difficult major classes alongside more difficult parts of the core."
"You've got to do stuff for yourself. If you're trying to do it for other people, then if it goes wrong, you'll regret every second of it."
"Learn to take a break so that you don't say something that you really regret later on."
"The biggest fear of people have is that they'll make a mistake and regret it for the rest of their lives so please slow down and give yourself time to think it through."
"If you do it the right way... you'll be saying things like 'I'm glad I did,' not 'I wish I had.'"
"Acceptance...the one thing that can make us somewhat impervious to regret."
"The worst thing in life you can do is not start something."
"I put everything I can into this, I don't want to look back and have the what-ifs."
"I don't want to ever look back and say, 'What if?' when I'm in that position."
"It's those things that are super important to you that you will regret not doing."
"I just don't want to live my life thinking 'what if'."
"Don't do it, girl. It's not worth it."
"What is the decision that you are least likely to regret when you're 80?"
"You will not be sorry. You will never regret taking care of your teeth."
"The worst thing you can do is to just be frozen... because you're going to regret it."
"I know if I don't do this, I'll regret it for the rest of my life."
"Age is nothing. You never want to say 'I could have,' so just go ahead and give yourself a chance."
"Stick to the plan, yes deals do come up, but your plan has to take priority or else you might feel regret when you go home."
"That's the thing, I don't want you to have a 'what if' in your life."
"I figured it's better to respond and think it through than to react and regret it later."
"I'm going to do everything I can while I can do it because I don't want to find myself on my deathbed someday looking back and going, 'I missed my chance'."
"It's just so much easier just to go ahead and do it now than regretting doing it later."
"Go for it or else you'll definitely regret it."
"Make yourself uncomfortable; you don't want to be comfortable. It'll hurt you more to say to yourself, 'What if you would have done it?'"
"The only motivation I've had is this, and I didn't want to have a 'what if'."
"All I want to do is make sure my students don't make the same mistakes... I want to look back at their life without regret."
"Think it twice, so that you won’t regret later."
"Wake up before you do something you regret."
"It's better to do something than regret you know."
"Just be yourself, stick up for yourself, and don't let nobody persuade you to be anything else than what you are because you will regret it and you will pay for it later."
"Your greatest regret could probably and would have probably been avoided if your conscience had been tuned into a standard of behavior that gave you a warning."
"Things that you won't actually regret buying."
"It's better to know how to fix it than it is to leave it and then have regrets later."
"Decluttering takes time, so don't force yourself into something because then you'll regret it later."
"It's better to try than to sit in the same stagnant energy and have any regrets in the future that you did not action your passion."
"Life is too short, just go for it because you don't want to be sat in your rocking chair one day thinking, 'Oh God, like I regret that.'"
"When you listen to what God's spirit is saying in your heart, you're saving yourself from regret."
"I would rather be the person that tried than to have to be the person that said, 'Man, I wonder what would have happened if I would have done this or that?'"
"Don't react, respond. To do otherwise may cause deep regret and feelings to be hurt unnecessarily. Try to be fair."