
YouTube Strategy Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"You can't just post one video, even if it's the best video in the world, and then just say that's it. Consistency is key on YouTube."
"I wasn't thinking about things like watch time or retention or consumer insights, it was very much just a case of, 'Oh, this is fun.'"
"I'm going to show you how to optimize the amount of revenue that you make through ad revenue so you can make up to 10 times more than other people on YouTube."
"The most important factor is get people to click onto your video and get them to stay through the duration."
"Consider adding end screens to your videos; they can lead to many more views."
"In a perfect world, you would want every single new viewer to transition into a return viewer as YouTube goes out to find more new viewers, and that would build up your core audience very, very quickly."
"Quality content uploaded less frequently will ultimately beat quantity content spammed out at a super rapid rate."
"Trying to convince him how to monetize his YouTube channel, he just said, 'I don't care.'"
"There you go. Five things, five things you can focus on that will grow your YouTube channel to 10,000 subscribers and beyond."
"Keep working these seven C's of YouTube success: courage, clarity, channel, content, community, cash, and consistency."
"Don't consider yourself a small YouTuber, focus on serving your niche."
"It's a proven vertical on YouTube, it's something that everyone can relate to and everyone kind of needs a smarter approach to the way they look."
"If you enjoyed, please leave a like, subscribe if you're new, and I will see you."
"The power of using YouTube influencers to become an affiliate is insane because literally your video can make money for years to come."
"This is exactly what it looks like to build a successful YouTube channel this year."
"Nobody knows how to make it big on YouTube, you know, just sort of a little dash of luck, good timing, knowing people. Many combinations with its lead to success and often times they don't lead to success but anyway."
"The power of doing YouTube keyword research right is the chance to get views on your channel 24/7, 365 days a year."
"YouTube is worth it, and there is a proven step-by-step process that you can use to get ahead."
"Being patient on YouTube these days is one of the most important things you have to have on YouTube or you're not gonna make it."
"I should start saying this in the beginning of my videos but if you're new here or if you're not new here you should subscribe to my channel."
"Just throwing up a video onto YouTube without any plan in place is an easy way to stay stuck."
"Let's make this a freaking YouTube sellout, let's go for it!"
"Big vlog channels are gonna make sure that every single video they post is just as interesting for returning viewers as it is for people that are brand new to the channel."
"Modeling success on YouTube is taking a video, putting it into your own words so that you can offer a different point of view or opinion within a subject."
"I would very much appreciate it if you hit that subscribe button."
"All it takes is one video, just one video to go viral and get YouTube to recommend it."
"If you guys are new to the channel and enjoy the content at all today definitely feel free to hit that subscribe button."
"Subscribing is a good idea if you want to see the videos when they come out."
"Your success as a creator on YouTube will almost inevitably depend on how you respond to dislikes."
"Be the example of what your channel is about."
"Small tweaks lead to giant peaks on YouTube."
"There comes a point in every single YouTuber's life cycle when they realize it's not all about my perspective, it's about the viewers perspective."
"If you're new to the channel please subscribe and hit the notification bell so you can be notified of when I create new content and when I go live."
"Thinking of YouTube as an infinite game, I focus on decisions that contribute to long-term enjoyment and value."
"This is the real proper way to do it, so you can build a real long-term business with YouTube."
"Don't just aim for views, aim for value - that's where the real success lies."
"YouTube first and foremost really should be a place where you do things that you like. Don't let money be the overriding factor for why you make YouTube videos."
"Maximize your views, subscribers, and traffic on YouTube."
"When it comes to the best time to actually be uploading on YouTube, there are two best times right now: 11 a.m. and 3 p.m."
"The easiest way to do this is to go and look at what things people are searching for within your niche."
"The best way to grow your channel on YouTube is to make content you enjoy making. It's all about people enjoying the content."
"I actually go into details in my videos like I go into details and trust me you're going to love them."
"We could hit 240 by the end of this video if everybody who's watching subscribes."
"You gotta make content that you enjoy, if you're making a YouTube channel just to get clout, it's not gonna work out."
"Just fucking grind it out, make videos that you're passionate about, do the things that you want to do on YouTube."
"Longer videos if they're engaging do very well on YouTube because YouTube has more opportunity to keep them there watching."
"I think the one thing you have to do on YouTube to survive is to pivot."
"Uploading regularly is really, really important."
"One of the best ways to be growing your influence on YouTube is riding trends."
"2020 will be the year of 10-minute-plus videos."
"The longer your videos are, the easier it is to get 4,000 watch hours on YouTube. Try to produce videos that are at least 10 minutes long."
"It's not about the number of subscribers, it's about how many people actually engage with your content and look up to you."
"You don't want a dead channel with subscribers; it's pointless. What matters is your audience who genuinely likes you."
"Finding low competition keywords is key to creating successful content on YouTube."
"The single most important thing for any channel is figuring out the right Niche for your content."
"We going to mix it up this year we're going to do the 2k 22 my career videos on this channel."
"Start a channel in a niche that you want to learn about or have experience in."
"Use the consecutive content technique to get tons of watch time."
"Collaborating and doing collabs can supercharge your YouTube channel."
"Thank you all so much for watching... be sure to like And subscribe."
"One of the big pluses really is that this first lockdown gave us a little bit of time to think about how we might go about achieving regular YouTube videos."
"YouTube acts like a search engine, so create content that your ideal customers are searching for."
"All you're doing in this scenario is you're creating the environment for people to come in on one video and then find other content on your channel easily that they also are likely to enjoy."
"Your data is your golden ticket to YouTube. It will lead you to success as long as you're paying attention to it, and you're willing to modify things a little bit along the way."
"Identify the videos that are driving the most subscribers, and then start trying to figure out why you think that they're driving the most subscribers."
"It's me actually telling you exactly what to do, critiquing you, consulting you, coaching you on how to be a full-time YouTuber."
"Understanding and cracking the YouTube algorithm should be one of, if not your number one priority when trying to grow your channel."
"The longer you can keep people watching on YouTube because of your content, the more your content may get surfaced."
"But I've decided to take a page out of Ola Englund's book and in 2021, I'm only making a video if I enjoy making it."
"Your true subscribers will come for anything you put out."
"Drop a quick like and subscribe—it's free and helps out the channel."
"You have to have 4,000 watch hours and a thousand subscribers... to get your channel monetized."
"If viewers are returning to your channel regularly to watch more, they're more likely to be recommended more of your videos in the future."
"The golden ticket is to make sure your viewers want to watch all the way through your videos."
"If you are enjoying these, make sure to hit that like button."
"If you are trying to make a YouTube channel, this is the distinguishing thing. What is your goal?"
"YouTube is so about experimentation. Everything is an experiment, even what we think we know for sure is still an experiment. Post the videos, test and analyze. Experience is not the best teacher, evaluated experience is the best teacher."
"It seems easy but to get in the algorithm, get those viewership and subscribers, a lot of work into it."
"If you produce one type of video, don't suddenly switch to something else."
"One of the greatest levers you have for YouTube success is actually choosing the right niche."
"To the degree with which you understand your viewer and you can discover the audience's problems and ambitions at greater levels, you will experience more success on YouTube."
"You can't just put up videos and expect them to do well."
"I think I was one of the first YouTubers to come up with like a single idea and then go and execute in the best way possible."
"If that's something that you're interested in, make sure to hit the subscribe button because we're coming out with content like this every single week."
"The algorithm really wants two things: number one, videos over ten minutes long, and number two, it wants people who smash the like button because it lives on likes."
"Leave a like, subscribe with a notification bell, and share this video as it helps the channel a lot."
"My goal with this YouTube channel is to make this content as easy to understand as possible."
"My original plan for this month was to release a bunch of different top 10 videos..."
"Subscribe now and never miss out. Enjoy the video!"
"Even though YouTube has made some really questionable decisions, please realize that you, as a small creator, have the biggest opportunity to grow right now."
"YouTube is a search engine people go on there to search for videos and if you want your channel to be found I would definitely recommend having one of your main keywords in your name if you can."
"If you do consistent quality uploads, you'll eventually blow up. Your time will come, you know?"
"That's a very important point... keep this on YouTube and spread it out in a big way."
"Literally devoted my entire, you know, all of my waking hours to thinking how can I be a better YouTuber how can I grow my channel and like it worked right."
"That's how a YouTuber succeeds, don't take **** personally."
"Figure out your own little niche in the YouTube world and run with it."
"I think the important of risk healthy risk and experimenting is something on YouTube no one does enough of."
"You can potentially get a lot of views and in turn, turn those views into income on YouTube without ever showing your face or making any videos."
"Be consistent, show up, and treat YouTube like a job."
"Two, the time that you spend on this stuff matters, so make it count. What I mean by that is, keep track of the time it takes you to record your videos."
"Start your channel off acting like you're already getting paid."
"We're about to break into YouTube, we're on the cusp!"
"If Tina makes this shot, you have to subscribe if you haven't already."
"Persistence is important, but so is recognizing what your audience wants and how the platform works. Don't be afraid to experiment, learn from your mistakes, and evolve your content. That's the key to unlocking your potential and achieving success."
"Please click subscribe for us, that really helps our algorithms."
"Until then, mash the like button and subscribe to this channel."
"The longer the view time, the more YouTube is going to promote your video."
"I have plenty more theory and actual lore videos coming very soon."
"If you enjoyed, smash like, don't forget to subscribe to the channel."
"Building a YouTube channel really is one of the biggest blessings."
"You have to constantly be researching and testing out videos and seeing what performs well and seeing why... and then making those slight adjustments to your channel overall."
"YouTube likes definitely a slower, more mature, you know, it's a more mature audience so they want like a slower pace, more story."
"You have to remember what brought people to your channel and what's gonna keep them there."
"Dream's content exploded in a manner that was unprecedented to everyone on the website."
"Make sure you stay tuned and subscribe for more, let me know if you're my MVV."
"If you have not, like he said, hit that subscribe button, no time to really grind because I'm hungry time to cry."
"You cannot win them all so make sure you guys subscribe give the video a thumbs up."
"We are going for over a million subscribers today."
"If you are new here, welcome to the channel. If you made it this far, look down there and hit that subscribe button."
"YouTube promotes videos that keep people on YouTube, and longer videos do that best."
"You'll double your views without needing to do anything else."
"Do you actually just need to get serious? Is it time for you to step out outside of your comfort zone and go all in on YouTube?"
"If you enjoyed the video make sure you give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't already."
"With that knowledge, you can use these trending topics to create videos that drive traffic to your YouTube channel."
"Whatever you do, whether it's liking, subscribing, turning notifications on, all of it helps grow this channel, and I appreciate the heck out of it."
"So hopefully you enjoyed this video if you did give it a like and subscribe if you haven't already."
"High value videos for your audience avatar, that's what ultimately drives views."
"Views generate subscribers. Nothing happens without the click on YouTube."
"You cannot avoid them and they could help determine the growth of your channel."
"What does success on YouTube mean to you? Is it continuing to innovate or is it saying, 'You algorithm, I'm going to give what I want and what the people deserve'?"
"I always wanted my channel to be kind of a counter to the clickbaity stuff."
"Make sure to hit that subscribe button. I would love to have you here."
"I also think you should really double down on your YouTube and go hard making your content look as good as possible."
"If you can consistently make six to two videos for however long it takes you, then you can be a youtuber."
"People pay attention to channels that they feel a connection with."
"I'm in the best place I've been in a long time when it comes to changing what I'm doing on YouTube."
"I think if you want to get to that three million subscribers, you definitely have to be controversial or strange."
"Lawyer reacts and explains content could elevate your channel's pitch and set it apart in the law genre."
"For larger active YouTube channels, vidiq is recommended for its bulk tools and trend awareness."
"If you liked the video, please don't forget to smash the thumbs up button to show your support, peeps."
"Promotion is arguably the most important step to having a successful YouTube channel."
"Expect to see a lot of guides, Wi-Fi battles, the whole line right here on the channel."
"Thumbnails and titles on YouTube are the movie trailers of movies."
"This is exactly why even though in the past month I've only uploaded two videos, I am still getting about 12,000 views... because people are just finding my videos through YouTube search."
"YouTube in itself the YouTube search bar is actually a really good keyword research tool."
"YouTube wants more watch time and average view duration, so focus on keeping viewers engaged."
"The next video that we want YouTube to really suggest was important."
"I'm happy with YouTube now because I'm playing it by my own rules."
"Stay tuned for more Fallout 4 tips and tricks videos! Like and subscribe for daily content."
"But anyway, I think a recipe to a good YouTuber product is first of all, make it fit your brand."
"So for anybody trying to make a channel blow up, get a lot of videos out, man, that's the key."
"To stand out from the crowd, you have to provide the YouTube audience with something new, fresh, and exciting—something they can't get anywhere else on the platform."
"And that is going to do it for this one. If you enjoyed the video, please hit the like button, subscribe for more content, and consider supporting us on Patreon."
"Remember to hit that like and subscribe... it's actually really good guys I promise."
"Achieving YouTube Nirvana: the magic combo of CTR and view duration."
"If you create your YouTube channel and you're unique, that's the best thing that you could do."
"If you guys enjoyed this video, don't forget to leave a like and subscribe here for more educational content."
"The best way to do it it's free it's the easiest for you helps me out big-time it's like throwing me about Kashi nothing is if you have not hit that subscribe button."
"I promise you it's worthwhile" - Hit that subscribe button.
"That's why when I make IRL videos, I almost think of what the thumbnail, like what thumbnail am I gonna do?"
"Everyone that puts videos on YouTube wants views."
"You can even buy a channel that has 1,000 subscribers already, that's the fastest way."
"If you guys like the content that I provide on a daily basis be sure and subscribe to the channel."
"If you liked the video please consider liking and subscribing. Thank you all for watching, I'll see you next time."
"I'm Ryan I'm really passionate gamer who likes to talk a lot a lot I noticed no one on YouTube covers the PlayStation ecosystem well so I decided to do it."
"If you have enjoyed this pick a card reading, don't forget to leave behind a like or subscribe."
"We're always focused on expanding the YouTube ecosystem."
"I think what I need to do my objective as a youtuber at this stage is to get better optimizing my content."
"Let's train to hit like 120,000 subscribers by the end of the month."
"Let's strive for 2500 likes to unlock another challenge video. Don't forget to subscribe and click that bell."
"Yes, you won't grow overnight on YouTube, but I'm willing to bet if you took two people no one knows who these two people are in the world and they started on day one today..."
"it's very difficult to understand what youtube wants and what the algorithm wants to promote."
"Be sure to LIKE, subscribe, and ring that bell to let us on YouTube know that you enjoy the content."
"In this video I'm gonna be sharing how to make $100 per day using YouTube and affiliate marketing and specifically sharing five strategies for making more money with affiliate marketing even if you're just getting started."
"One way to get views that was more powerful than any other: just buy them from YouTube."
"Click-through rate is going to be the biggest thing this channel needs to work on."
"Thanks so much for watching, consider subscribing if you have not already."
"Smash that like button, it does actually help a lot, so much appreciated."
"The dark side is power. Use your passion to drive your YouTube channel. Let your hatred empower you."
"Low-key a master class in monetizing on YouTube... there's room for you."
"Go viral on YouTube. Going viral on YouTube could make you a millionaire, depending on the type of video, if it's advertiser-friendly, and who is watching."
"If you're gonna start a YouTube channel and you want it to grow, you have to grind, grind, grind."
"Commit to a schedule on YouTube, an actual publishing schedule, and tell your viewers, 'I'm gonna upload every this day, and this day', or however many times you're gonna upload per week."
"I just figured I'd get all of them, make a YouTube video about it, be done with it."
"It's scary with how much knowledge I have of YouTube that like I could make it someone could hire me to like be in charge of a YouTube channel and make it look like I was trying but you know honestly I'd be like purposely killing it."
"Let's aim for 2500 likes on this video if you are ready for the next squad."
"Smash that like button... it helps YouTube to know that this is a valuable video to recommend to others."
"KBD, the strongest way to grow a YouTube channel right now is YouTube shorts."
"One or two or three killer YouTube videos have the potential to dramatically change your channel forever."
"Create a totally new YouTube account and only click on videos in the language you're learning."
"YouTube doesn't work like that anymore; it actually just favors the best content that's being created for that specific niche."
"Focus on the quality of your content. Focus on your titles, your thumbnails, most importantly the topic itself of the video."
"Let's be honest, it also helps us with our YouTube channel."
"A great thumbnail is a gateway to more CTR."
"To trick the algorithm into giving your videos even more views."
"Trend hacking is probably the way that all of your favorite YouTubers have grown the most."
"Higher rankings can help you to get more subscribers."
"To really succeed on YouTube, what audiences want is the same thing but different."
"Daily videos, definitely the way to go if you have a YouTube channel."
"If you think growing your YouTube channel is all about choosing the right keywords, you're wrong."