
Dysfunction Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"With a genuine understanding of human nature, you can navigate even the most treacherous, dysfunctional environment you'll ever encounter."
"Comfort can become dysfunctional when we get it from the wrong place."
"I don't want the comfort that comes from dysfunction; I want the comfort that comes from God."
"Deeply empathic can be just as destructive and dysfunctional as someone that's very avoidant and narcissistic."
"What we have seen from the very beginning of this do-nothing Republican Congress is chaos, dysfunction, and extremism being inflicted on the American people."
"The biggest problem the country has, in my view, aside from the racial problems we have and the legacy of slavery, is the dysfunction of the government right now. The Democrats and Republicans just cannot agree on almost anything."
"If we worship anything less than God, the result will be great dysfunction."
"Misery is an equal opportunist...but being dysfunctional is exhausting."
"It's remarkable how screwed up everything is in our system."
"Relationships are screwed up and family units are messed up."
"What happened on January 6th is not a normal functioning of a democracy."
"Mercy is the key to getting you out of your pattern of dysfunction."
"There is promise in this system, but the system is extremely dysfunctional and corrupt right now."
"Society abuses her emotionally, mentally and physically until dysfunction becomes her norm."
"Normal people don't assume their partner will cheat. Dysfunction isn't normal."
"The descent into vitriol and conspiracy theories seems to me as a sign that the conversation's become dysfunctional."
"The more we promote dysfunction, the more we get rewarded."
"There can most certainly be aspects of abuse, secrecy, shame, and hypocrisy, and that wouldn’t, in itself, make it a cult. It would make it unhealthy. It would make it toxic."
"In the East, the Nets have gone completely off the rails with one of the weirdest and dysfunctional starts to a season."
"That's how the conversation should have went, and I say that because these days we have this habit, in one form or another, of glorifying dysfunction and toxicity at the hands of a man."
"Dysfunctional as it may be we're definitely a family."
"That's really sus. It's just completely and utterly seized up."
"Addiction is a dysfunctional way of managing emotional need."
"The more you have to fight against dysfunction, the harder it's going to be."
"If we still as a society hold self-sacrifice as this kind of a social value, then what we create is a profoundly dysfunctional Society."
"This era is not coinciding with a functional political system in the United States."
"A ticket representative of the dysfunction and the greed that led to Someone Like Donald Trump"
"This is one of the most dysfunctional families that I've worked with. How can I be saying that to you? Amongst themselves they just can't get along for two seconds."
"When you can't function properly you can't pay attention in class."
"If I'm giving level 10 access to someone who is only demonstrating level three responsibility, that's where dysfunction grows."
"Deal with and address all the red flags, all the things that are creating disorder, dysfunction, and chaos for you now."
"It's so normalized, but it's also so messed up."
"The entire process has been an embarrassment and the highest level of dysfunctionality."
"Succession is really about bad parenting...become victims of their own Arrested Development and undying family conflicts."
"Many people suffer from all kinds of brain dysfunction that is often occurring decades before they even get their first symptoms."
"Sometimes your empathy is the very thing that is enabling a dysfunctional person."
"The Tories they're responsible for a lot of policies that seem both cruel and dysfunctional."
"So often we hold energies hostage when we entangle ourselves unhealthily and dysfunctionally with other people."
"These two are completely messed up as a result."
"Europe will regain its rightful place in the world which is as a dysfunctional continent."
"My dad inebriated in his underwear and stained shirt... drinking mustard out of the bottle."
"The suburbs that were really built after the 1960s are going to become pretty deeply dysfunctional."
"It certainly seems like there's a stage being set for further discombobulation and dysfunction."
"We celebrate dysfunction in its entirety, so it's needed, you know."
"Nothing seemed to work in William Gurney's family."
"DC is dysfunctional. It's difficult to rebut; it is clearly true."
"Blizzard was more of a dysfunctional family than a professional environment."
"The mechanisms of our democracy are failing."
"Those that set out to subjugate, dominate, and exploit are now amongst the most dysfunctional societies on the planet."
"When you think that that rabbit hole can go no deeper all of a sudden, it descends into what appears to be a bottomless abyss of debauchery, dysfunction, and straight out mental illness."
"Let's put the fun back in the word dysfunctional."
"A dysfunctional relationship isn't normal. People don't behave in a normal way."
"Relationships that have an element of surprise because they aren't functioning as expected."
"The more subtle your system becomes... the more you're able to recognize where the dysfunction lies."
"From like September of 2022 until May of 2023 something really dysfunctional can clear up from that period of time."
"In every toxic family, there's that one person who realizes there's problems."
"Especially dysfunctional parents can create dysfunctional dynamics just based off of the very decision or action to move back in with each other or to continue living with them."
"Mommy got drunk and ruined Christmas."
"I live in the world of dysfunction, and I'm well equipped to do that."
"Turns out nothing's going right in this family, and I think that's the case for every family."
"It's a brain disease... the actual dysfunction, the biological dysfunction, occurs in the brain."
"Every dysfunctional behavior has at some level a positive intent."
"Our family's functionally dysfunctional."
"Nobody chooses dysfunction, conflict, pain. They happen because there's not enough presence in you to dissolve the past."
"Normalizing dysfunction... we have only yet to see the vestiges of us as a society normalizing dysfunction."
"This level of dysfunction over a prolonged period of time was and will turn out to be Criminal."
"It's better to have no children than create a generational cycle of dysfunction."
"Obviously, I know that my family is messed up and need support in a variety of ways."
"Patients with MCAS have dysfunctional mast cells which overreact to all sorts of stimuli including infections."
"Ultimate responsibility for this dysfunctionality lay with Hitler and his control freakish Behavior."
"Trauma bonding is the dysfunctional relationship cycle that forms from the alternation between idealization and invalidation."
"This Lodge is my life. It's the legacy to carry on to generations. But the family is so dysfunctional that Gordon's just going to say, you know what? I can't fix you guys."
"What never works is being in a relationship with a person like this."
"To me, it is just a real sign of a dysfunctional court system."
"I mean that is a shocking thing. I mean like it shows the tensions that are roiling beneath the surface on this court. It's not a functional system and this might not be a functional Court."
"Some of us have been raised in dysfunction so long we just think dysfunction is normal."
"All dysfunction means is our chimp brain is taking over and we're getting a bit frustrated with it thinking why is it doing this and how do I stop it."
"This person whoever this is really I mean this is the this type of jealousy or whatever is wrong with this person it's it's an abomination there's something seriously wrong with this person."
"There's nothing wrong with offering to help, but there is something potentially dysfunctional about withdrawing your help if the child doesn't do what you want them to do."
"The pathogenic parenting that's inducing sever distortions to the child's attachment system, personality formation, and a delusional belief system."
"...it doesn't really work so it's a little bit limiting..."
"They tried to fix something that wasn't broken at the start."
"I love my family. It has got more problems than anything in the world, more dysfunctions than anything in the world, but I love these people."
"The dysfunctional family just want to keep that in play to infinity."
"...together their dysfunctions somehow fit each other perfectly."
"As the more [ __ ] up the world gets, I just start applying it to all these power structures we're supposed to rely on for fairness and justice."
"Every rock and roll band is a recreation of the dysfunctional family, and in the case of The Kinks, they didn't even have to recreate the dysfunctional family. It was the original dysfunctional family."
"This person is overthinking, not sleeping, having nightmares because they're unable to function. They're unable to make amends or to do the right thing."
"If you don't have oxygen in the room, we'll be gasping. We cannot take a breath and will become dysfunctional."
"So we're seeing this dynamic evolve as you're saying all over the world. I mean Brexit, the election of Trump, I think it's a symptom, or these are symptoms that the system is not working."
"The Caldwell family has been rotten for as long as I can remember."
"That's the dysfunction that I see."
"You've just gotten so deep into your dysfunction, your disorder, and your street life, you don't even know right from wrong, right could just smack you in the eyes."
"This is a family who killed one another..."
"Mitochondrial dysfunction is the root of all mental illness."
"The whole system is broken, there's no question about that."
"The increasing homelessness is a symptom of the dysfunctional nature of the reality that we have created for ourselves."
"It's got kind of sort of breaks, fellers, but like something's dragging."
"Psycho: where fact meets fiction in the disturbing tale of Ed Gein and his mother-son dynamic."
"We've taken dysfunction to places that aren't dysfunctional and then wondering why we're having a problem."
"Dysfunction is less scary than the unknown."
"Climate change is not the problem but a symptom of a larger Dynamic and dysfunction."
"This eternal struggle to function in the face of their shortcomings drives the entire series' conflict."
"Current media teaches us a dysfunctional way of living."
"Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction can vary, ranging from urinary hesitancy to fecal incontinence."
"Pelvic floor dysfunction can contribute to erectile dysfunction."
"...it's like trying to see like will you settle for this dysfunctional but very hot relationship because they have something way better for you at the end."
"Dysfunctional families will not embrace anger or they embrace it in the wrong way, and they excuse destructive behavior. But in a functional family, the mantra of a functional family is, 'It's okay to be angry. We're not ashamed of our emotions, and we're not afraid of anger.'"
"Amazon's blowing an O-ring right now."
"I think the gaming industry as it is doesn't work, it just doesn't work."
"The myth that we can't both tell the truth and keep a friend is at the heart of most of the dysfunction, most of what keeps us from achieving our potential."
"Love or relationship addicts, which is codependency, are chronically dysregulated."
"It just proves that Washington is hopelessly divided and broken."
"In a dysfunctional home, if you express a need and then get told you're selfish or get told now you don't really have that need or you get punished for having that need, now you can't talk honestly about your needs. It's no longer safe."
"Yes, but at the same time, yes. Can I explain? No. Because the thing is, I'm looking at a young, beautiful woman who doesn't have to be in a dysfunctional situation."
"And so they're out of order and especially with the mother she dump herself on the kids."
"Just because you grew up in dysfunction does not mean you have to be trapped in dysfunction."
"Welcome to the Hasbin Hotel. We don't even get to see it, it means we're all royally messed up."
"Stop defining yourself by dysfunction."
"The power is not just in you, it's all around you. So you need to realize most humans have this inbuilt dysfunction."
"Families are often dysfunctional and complicated because people are dysfunctional and complicated, but God is neither dysfunctional nor complicated."
"If we can't laugh about some of our own dysfunction or life's dysfunctions, why is that problematic?"
"That doesn't mean that you have to join them in their dysfunctional reality."
"Distraction is a symptom of dysfunction."
"This company is so messed up, they are so messed up it's absolutely ridiculous."
"... understanding how an increasingly dysfunctional Chinese economic model is going to reverberate throughout the globe."
"It's so great to see that people come on our show they have some sort of dysfunctional thing going on in the relationship and they make it better by being here."
"It's almost amazing how hell can take little things and before long you justify the dysfunction."
"The entire world that we live in is intended to cause you to be unhealthy and dysfunctional and to break your family for generations."
"Some of you are controlled by Pleasure. You like what you get from that person so you tolerate their dysfunction."
"If we're having to give people prescribed speed to function in society, then there is something wrong with society, amen."
"The problem is the world government does not function as it should."
"One of the most detrimental pieces to this entire puzzle is not allowing the system to operate in a surge state."
"Anxiety versus an anxiety disorder. Anxiety sort of gives you so much distress and dysfunction that it affects your daily living."
"Suppression of feelings absolutely leads to dysfunction and despair and to loss of freedom."
"Failure to meet obligations at work, home, or school because of the dysfunctional relationship."
"The Smith family was an image carefully crafted to look like the perfect family while it was an utter mess on the inside."
"Things have never been quite right in this house, in this family."
"The cancer cell, because of all these various problems with protein homeostasis, its proteasome is operating at a much higher level of function than in a normal cell."
"I hate that Russell gets a lot of hate it seems like from other dysfunctional men."
"That is I call that sometimes you lose yourself in doing. It's necessary, obviously you need to do, but to lose yourself in continuous doing is a serious dysfunction."
"You do not tolerate excessive dysfunction, chaos, or pain."
"The best of the Christian tradition rises up and names those as dysfunctional expressions."
"It's very dirty and at the moment it doesn't work."
"It didn't start off like that for you. You didn't necessarily come from a functional family."
"When things are out of balance and misplaced and the order is out, there is a constant dysfunction and constant strife and confusion because in order for one to work the other one has to work."
"So physiologically we have a diagnostic test that works on physiology that measures sensory sympathetic dysfunction."
"Every single band has gone through that, I always refer to rock and roll as a dysfunctional democracy."
"Sadly, there's a small group of parents who are narcissistic, sociopathic, and develop an internal need to be better, look better, and experience life in a better way than their own child."
"Systems that welcome narcissists are already broken."
"Wow, toxic family dynamic. That makes a lot of sense."
"Toxic family dynamic that do black magic now that makes a lot of sense."
"The dysfunction in your family is not a barrier to God's blessing; it's the reason you need it so badly."
"Every family has a level of dysfunction."
"What screws up families is when we can't talk about it."
"We all have an idealized self, an ideal self that we think we need to be for us to be loved, for us to be accepted, for us to feel safe without realizing, underneath, there's really dysfunction."
"I like to put the fun in dysfunction."
"It was a lot it was a lot but it was beautiful the mother-daughter dynamic that we saw with Joan and Christina is just was just unhealthy wicked evil it was everything scary a nightmare a nightmare of a relationship."
"You can't run a system like that, it, you really can't. It will screw a lot of stuff up, it'll fill up the system of analog, it's not good."
"This is such a [__] up love story."
"Despite the confusion, the talk of coalition, and the ridiculous accusations of treason, and the suspension of parliament by an unelected former broadcaster, a system that seemed to be broken was actually hard at work."
"It's a system that is not working."
"There's nothing wrong with that, I'm not saying you couldn't still love somebody that has dysfunction."
"You gotta stop sacrificing yourself on the altar of other people's dysfunction."
"We've normalized dysfunction... we've made dysfunction normal."
"You need to have a culture where you do not ignore dysfunction. You do not hide dysfunction. You just say, 'I recognize dysfunction as soon as possible, I try to learn from this dysfunction, and I correct it.'"
"...players that you should be getting rid of, he's playing. And then the ones he's brought, he's not playing. The whole thing's a mess."
"Adrenal fatigue's a version of that in functional Madness and we call it HPA axis dysfunction."
"My family put the capital D in Dysfunctional growing up."
"Every family is a messed up family. The only question is in what area are you messed up."
"You're not justifying, you're not deflecting, you're just so deeply into your dysfunction and you call it what it is."
"Self-destruction was inevitable for the original lineup."
"Blame allows you to smuggle your dysfunction, your habits, your unresolved issues into your future."
"They had an extremely unhealthy and toxic relationship."
"We're good parents. We know we're dysfunctional as a relationship and as a couple, but as co-parents, we're good."
"I mean it got it got so bad in England, 78% means you can't function, that's insanity."
"We were so dysfunctional. We probably should learn how to get better than we do because we sort of, we kind of we get more icy about our differences and what we want to do and or don't want to do and how to steer the ship which is our band called Heart."
"As long as she's happy, I'm happy" is dysfunctional because if you're not good as a man, you can't be good for your wife.
"The family was definitely dysfunctional but in the end it's so sweet and like pretty much all they have is each other so I just really love that Dynamic."
"Depoliticization effectively turns socially caused problems into internal dysfunctions."
"...this dysfunctional, you know, semi-abusive relationship that might remind people of their own semi-abusive dysfunctional relationship..."
"Let's collaborate on what's going to work for us because so many of the rules that we bring into relationships are opinions they are man-made opinions cultural norms religious norms whatever that are just dysfunctional."
"Narcissism is not a healthy pattern... it's a pattern of dysfunction it's a character disorder and many individ idual tend to say so stuck in it that they can go to their dying day and they just don't figure it out every now and then some do um most don't."
"Spiritual abuse takes place when a church resembles a dysfunctional family."
"For the man that's uncomfortable taking in the information, he is a disease to his family on every level."
"There is no doubt about it, we are a real family with all of its dysfunction and joy and humor and kooky stories."
"If we can't even hear it, it speaks so much to the unhealthiness of the organization."
"None of the dysfunctional family roles are good by definition."
"The positive note is this man you are responsible for your life you can't keep blaming somebody else for your dysfunction."
"Narcissists are profoundly wounded and they operate in a very dysfunctional way."
"I guess it makes sense everyone in this family is a big fat liar."
"What goes on in this house stays in this house. That doesn't keep our family safe, that keeps us sick."
"When you are functioning dysfunctionally, what's normally a stench becomes a fragrance."
"Way too many people grow up in toxic families in broken homes where yelling, arguing, and drama are a dysfunctional way of life."
"The gang will continue solving mysteries as the dysfunctional family they are."
"How long are you gonna let that dysfunction make you a slave?"
"The body has an immune system. All societies have an immune system, even dysfunctional ones."
"Weiss told the publication: 'Dysfunction kills more projects than anything else, whether it's interpersonal dysfunction or institutional dysfunction.'"
"The political system isn't even working for the current circumstances."
"The whole system is so out of whack."