
Success Criteria Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"The requirement to be successful is very simple. Is your product good enough, and do people know about it?"
"You don't have to be beautiful to be successful on YouTube."
"Writing a really kick-ass script... that's how good your script has to be."
"Unfortunately, we too often measure the things that are easiest to measure, and the easiest thing to measure is how wealthy someone is."
"The guiding principle that I've used for my life is there are things that I want to do, I have to be a certain person to do those things. So for me, success is like improving myself and kind of gradually sculpting and building myself to be that person."
"If you really have given it your 100% and you've improved... there is no way that I can't work out."
"America only succeeds when Joe Biden's policies fail."
"There are far more people who are successful in music who you've never heard of than there are megastars."
"What's the point of adapting a work if you fail to convey what the story was all about?"
"Nothing that's great is easy, everybody knows that. It's hard work, dedication."
"You gotta ask yourself, is it better to succeed alone or to fail together? Which would that be?"
"But you can't win if you don't have moral leadership... if you win but you don't have Christian virtue what's the point in winning."
"If we can create a positive experience for the majority of people who were there, then we have succeeded."
"Success is only possible if it straddles the border of disaster."
"My whole goal was to build off of knowledge and value."
"There's no right or wrong way to do this. It's just what suits your mission and your goals. If you have reached those targets then you've succeeded. It's as simple as that."
"My goal was like, I'll know I'm successful not by how much money you have but by being able to do whatever I want."
"Power and money have become the only criteria for success."
"What do we need to win? Everybody to be consistently at their best."
"You may be more talented than me but if you didn't maximize your ability you failed."
"It's everything a video game adaptation should be."
"Bayern Munich: 'Critical expectations for domestic and continental success and brand exposure.'"
"A good game is a good game. If this game is solid, if this game is fun, if this game is something you enjoy playing with your friends, then I think it should succeed."
"Finishing second is not a good season winning stuff that is a good season slash great season."
"If in order to succeed, that group must allow people whose ideas and values are in direct contrast... of what use is this thing?"
"The female metric of success is a guy that you love, mind, respect, willing to give you a ring and his last name."
"Whenever we can find projects that are doing this, that's a real winner in my opinion."
"Hurting other people in order to obtain your own success, um, that's failure."
"The only mark of success is money. How you got it doesn't matter."
"Success is not measured by gross domestic product but by happiness."
"Know that you've already done what's required to succeed."
"High quality businesses with great balance sheets are the winners."
"You win the treble your foundations your fundamentals of what you're looking for are in place."
"You have to be very careful about making choices like that because having more money and more success may not be the best choice."
"We need to identify a manager in the likes of Klopp... who's got a CV of winning silverware."
"Trying is not good enough. You need potential, application, dedication, motivation, and discipline."
"Success is listening to what your heart says."
"At the end of the day if we do something and we do it right that's a success."
"Success is super wealth. Whether it's a dirty word or not, if you ain't got it, you're not going to be successful."
"The difference between a good team and a great team is the silverware."
"It was a fun season, and if the success or failure that we're judging everything by is that they lost in the first round, it's going to be a lot of bad seasons until the whole plan works out."
"If you're not willing to pay that price, you don't deserve to be great."
"The project or the career path that gives you a feeling of Peace deep down is what's going to make you successful the most."
"As long as they check bags and no one gets severely injured, I'm gonna call it a success."
"The only true win is if you're at the top of your game and you're being consumed by the most people and you're also being awarded as the best."
"I'm very realistic about this season as long as Justin Fields can take a step forward and look the part it's a success."
"I think a successful season for Manchester United would be top four, so let's say fourth, Europa League, and FA Cup. That's not a successful season, I'm sorry, it's not."
"Just because it doesn't make a billion dollars, it's not a failure."
"Success or failure, not the ultimate arbiter of quality."
"High value men are exceptional in at least one field... If you max out any of your stats, you don't even have to be one of the highest earners to qualify as a high value man."
"Success means being content with how the day went."
"Most people who end up successful have been through things that weak people couldn't even handle."
"If you don't like the process, you're not in love with the process, champion."
"Success is measured by happiness and you look happy as hell."
"I think the true definition of a hit for him right now is something to elevate him to that next level."
"Winning looks like small and consistent progress."
"The real winner of Minecraft is the person that had fun playing."
"Success factor is the people adoption of what we're doing."
"You're successful if you're making videos that you enjoy doing and people enjoy watching."
"It's win or failure, by the way, that's the same for City, same for Liverpool, same for Man United."
"You can't be a great player unless you win a title." - Roland Martin
"The employer actually knows what success looks like."
"To be successful, you have to get to a point where you're happy and content with what you have. Exactly."
"You ask to do something, you roll some dice and if the results based on adding your stat adds up to more than seven you've succeeded at it if it's more than ten that is a hard success if it's less than seven Ohno's you've failed."
"I think one of the problems is we don't actually have a metric for knowing what success looks like. Every pandemic response is unique."
"Your success and acceptance should never come at the sacrifice of your own happiness."
"My success isn't measured by the stuff that I have, my success is measured by the lives I've changed."
"This business is all about helping people, and you can't succeed unless you help each other."
"If it's not on your terms, it's not actually winning."
"I'm here to make you think. That's all. And if I can make you think, I'm successful."
"Success is having time to do the things that matter."
"Destiny's really the only one that I can think of that is in any like you could you could call it like an unqualified success."
"Only target is top four; anything else can be called success."
"As long as FSD Beta is better than the worst human, it's a success."
"The success of a project entirely depends on how much of expectation can the project meet."
"Think intentionally about what success is to you, what a good life would mean to you."
"Your goals have to be specific, and there's a particular question that you should ask yourself: when will you know if you've succeeded?"
"If no one's there to read it, it failed."
"Essentially, once we've unpacked it here for just a minute, essentially what we're trying to do here is we're trying to figure out what we're trying to do, who we're trying to do it for, why we're doing it, how will we even know that we're successful."
"Retrospectively speaking, we want to focus on getting people to think seriously about what are your criteria for success."
"Integrity because if you have someone who's high intelligence and high energy but they're low Integrity what you've got is a hardworking smart crook."
"This is to me the epitome of what a phenomenal crossover event, a huge event should be."
"Your passion, your skills, and your dedication are the true markers of success."
"Measurable: How will you know if you successfully reached your goal if you can't measure or track it?"
"Its success will be determined not simply by how many people are treated, but by the clinical outcomes that are achieved."
"That's my benchmark for success - the ceilings didn't fall down."
"I can't think of a time when nine wasn't good enough to move on."
"Broad enough to achieve a larger goal, narrow enough to identify success."
"However, if we define what success means to us and for us, regardless of social, political, or economic expectations, then we might have a chance."
"You are failing the season if you do not win an NBA championship."
"There's a lot of question as to when a man can truly say he's successful."
"The business case sets out a clear definition for success."
"So I think both the result and the process should be great to call something a success."
"If you write to the criteria, then you can certainly improve your chances of success."
"If you don't make it to the Super Bowl, and if you don't at least make it to the playoffs, then the whole season's a failure."
"Who decides what success is and who decides what failure is?"
"Success should not be defined by materialism or monetary value."
"How will we know specifically that we are successful?"
"If a company is setting out to delight a customer or a group of customers, that's a winner."
"To be a successful model takes a lot of smarts, whether they're book smart or street smart, they're smart."
"If there's no practical application, then I have failed."
"We're only going to emit the success signal if the login is successful."
"We have some messed up measures of success."
"What do I need to finish this day, this week, this month, this quarter, or this year to consider it successful?"
"The first step to truly being a successful indie author is to really define what success means to you."
"If you're doing the things that are making you successful, then you are by definition winning."
"The key objective in defining the success criteria is to document what a good solution should look like for the project to succeed and become production ready."