
Malcolm X Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"We are enriched by the life of Malcolm in many ways, more than we probably most of us even realize."
"Make articulate, perceptive, courageous, outspoken just a few of the adjectives that so inadequately describe Malcolm X."
"He teaches us that the only way we can solve our problem is to unite together among ourselves, clean ourselves up, rid ourselves of the evils we've become addicted to here in this society, and try to solve our problem ourselves."
"Malcolm's ability to think about dignity in such a panoramic way is huge and hugely important."
"Unlike Martin Luther King Jr and other civil rights activists of that time Malcolm did not advocate for the integration of black Americans in white America."
"He believed in peaceful demonstrations but he believed that if you're met with violence you should return the favor."
"Malcolm X is probably uh one of if not one of my you know greatest uh political Idols."
"Malcolm X was one of the original pioneers of truth."
"His life was transformed, Malcolm X was born."
"If you don't use the ballot, you're gonna have to use the bullet."
"Malcolm X led a life of continual change and growth."
"Education is integrally related to social change, as Malcolm taught us."
"If it makes y'all comfortable call me Malcolm X, no problem."
"What Malcolm wrote was literally the opus of Shakespearean black feelings."
"If Malcolm X became al Hajj Malik Shabazz in three months, then you can do it too."
"Malcolm went as Malcolm X but he came back as al Haj Malik Shabazz."
"When Malcolm X talked about black people deserving their own country away from the oppression of white people, he wasn’t talking about subjugating the white people."
"Malcolm X wanted everyone to have something to eat, a place to stay, and to fulfill their full human potential."
"Malcolm X created a metaphor that so inhabited our psyche that now the whole class tension is there."
"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcolm X
"Malcolm was electric, you know, he was a personality that African Americans had never seen."
"It's events like this here that we talk about George Jackson we talk about Malcolm X we talk about our beloved comrade Eddie Conway."
"Malcolm X stands as a Monumental achievement in his career capturing The Life and Legacy of one of the most influential figures in American history."
"Malcolm X was an articulate, patient, honest, and unapologetic man. One of his many compelling features is that he makes public speaking look easy."
"Malcolm X gave his life for what he believed in. Although often misunderstood as an advocate for violence and a hate preacher, Malcolm was a human rights activist. Everything he did, he did it for the love of his people."
"At the root of Malcolm's nature was a lot of love, but his experiences in life were very intense."
"Malcolm had an intense love for his people, and in trying to protect, nurture, and improve their lot, he could sometimes be aggressive."
"They see Malcolm X in Young Thug. They see a young Malcolm X."
"Malcolm was this magnificent oracle. He could spit words out so fast, he knew the root of words. He could beat people down with words."
"You can't claim Malcolm if you won't read a book."
"Minister Farrakhan's position on Malcolm X is something that obviously we will hear today. I only hope that it will end the controversy that has existed."
"I know you've been trying to get me on here but we've been editing Malcolm X. How is it? Any good? It's a great movie. A great movie."
"Martin Luther King, Malcolm X... believed in what they said. Whereas today, you have people who are simply professional hustlers."
"When these great people come, there's lessons to learn. What's the takeaway from the life of Malcolm?"
"Malcolm came and he wasn't a Bible man, he wasn't from that kind of orientation that Christian orientation or church orientation. He came from the streets, so he was in touch with what was happening in the public life."
"Not any one single person ever contributed more to the works of H. Elijah Muhammad than did Malcolm X or Malcolm Malik Shabazz."
"During the civil rights movement, Malcolm X was kind of a hero of mine, much more so than Martin Luther King."
"I think Malcolm's ideas were profound in what he understood and what he tried to contribute to the liberation of black people."
"Malcolm X would be able to deal with some of the political contradictions in black life more realistically than others have done."
"I knew that it was going to be based on the autobiography of Malcolm X written by Alex Haley, so I'd written that read the book in high school and I returned to the book and read it again."
"We know that the FBI had many informants in the Audubon Ballroom on that tragic day."
"Nobody can say that Malcolm X's family has never ever accepted what the Government tried to tell them. They've always sought the truth."
"We know that two of the individuals who they convicted of murdering Malcolm X were completely innocent."
"I believe that Malcolm X's claims were valid because I personally witnessed one such attempt earlier."
"No doubt in my mind, he was definitely working for some government establishment."
"The government was involved in the conspiracy to kill Malcolm X."
"This conspiracy goes up to the top."
"The history books to reflect the orchestration of the assassination of our father."
"What history has recorded is inaccurate."
"We would like justice to be served."
"Malcolm X was that by any means necessary."
"He had memorized many of the speeches of Malcolm X by listening to them on records."
"Malcolm X was the most truthful, honest, courageous person that I could have imagined."
"Malcolm X is saying the black woman is the most disrespected person in society."
"Malcolm X said black nationalism is controlling the economics, politics, and culture where you live."
"We will survive by any means necessary." - Malcolm X
"Malcolm X said... history is best qualified to reward all of our research."
"I am connected to God, I am one with God, I am one with all, I am that I am, Malcolm X."
"In the end, Malcolm X acknowledged that his political views are rapidly evolving."
"Malcolm X had three distinct identifications: Malcolm Little, Malcolm X, and El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. All of these lives stemmed from one life."
"Malcolm X was actually a Libertarian, probably an anarchist if he'd had a little bit more chance to read stuff."