
Wealth Creation Quotes

There are 996 quotes

"The feeling of wealth produces wealth; focus on the value you can provide and the wealth you already possess."
"And the more I learned, the more I realized I was lied to. We're taught to go to school to get a degree, to get a job, so we can then get a job and climb the corporate ladder. But wealthy people don't do that."
"Wealthy people are not working to climb the corporate ladder; they're working to own the corporate ladder."
"Wealth is created by labor, whether that labor be the factory worker or the inventor that produces the machine the worker is on."
"Your ability to make money and create wealth in your life depends on your ability to work on things and stay focused on a specific set of tasks for a long period of time uninterrupted and build value through a company."
"Recessions and crashes are when more millionaires are made than ever because it's an opportunity for you to come in and buy assets on sale."
"Money is pursued, riches is accumulated, but wealth is created."
"If I can show you how to make money without reducing your lifestyle and still end up in a better financial position than somebody that tries to save and live below their means, then let me show you how to spend money and make money at the same time."
"It's easier to make a lot of money in a little bit of time than it is to make a little money in a lot of time."
"Market crashes and recessions make more millionaires than any other time because rich people and wealthy people understand that booms and busts are a part of the cycle."
"Your goal shouldn't be just to survive; your goal needs to be how can I thrive and how can I become a wealth creator."
"What I'm telling you is a hack, a system that you can actually take advantage of, create your own bank, have tax-free momentum, become a wealth creator, create generational wealth."
"They didn't even want us to read, learn how to read not that long ago. You really think that they want to teach you wealth creation strategies is going to take your family to the next generation?"
"For the people who actually catch on to this, and for the people who actually go out and learn how to create their own bank, we're talking about an addition of extra millions in their portfolio over the next few years."
"It is easier to create wealth now than it's ever been in human history."
"Your best chance to create wealth is right now."
"I constantly attract opportunities that create more money."
"Wealth is the fortune that grows outside of your direct input... making money while you sleep."
"Understand the concept of deferred gratification: creating margin in your life leads to money, which can then be invested."
"If you can absorb all this in, wealth creation turns into compounding growth, which is where the true magic really happens."
"Wishing will not bring riches but desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches."
"The most correlated or causative factor in making your first million dollars is the age at which you start."
"Don't ask how can I make money, ask how can I help... if you ask how can I help you'll make a lot more money. But money is not the goal, the mission is."
"One of the many things I firmly believe in is that anybody who learns the skillsets of a millionaire can become a millionaire."
"If I want to create wealth, I don't need to work harder; I need to work higher."
"You don't really create wealth; you generate wealth. You generate abundance."
"The way to get wealthy is to make others wealthy."
"Some of you are meant to make more money, and I think a lover would slow you down."
"The first skill and probably the most important that will make you rich is social skills."
"I create my life just as I am creating millions of dollars."
"The majority of people who become wealthy are people who created it themselves."
"The single most powerful asset we have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth."
"Wealth is your ability to create value for someone other than you."
"Engineering degrees are the most likely degree to create a millionaire."
"Science is the engine of prosperity. All the wealth we see around us comes from science."
"Market crashes make more millionaires than any other time."
"More millionaires are made out of crashes and recessions than at any other time."
"As long as someone's wealth is made by adding value to the economy rather than taking value from the economy, it should, all other things being equal, make the world a better place."
"If there's no tolerance for inequality, it's possible that there's no way of generating wealth because wealth has to start somewhere and then be distributed."
"The difference between making money and creating wealth is crucial. Making money is about earning, but wealth creation is about making your money work for you, even when you're not working."
"Life is meant to be experienced, not spent constantly trading time for dollars. Financial literacy and wealth creation are keys to unlocking a life of experiences."
"Sustainable wealth creation is true black excellence because then we can make different decisions."
"The formula for wealth creation is you definitely need to have the discipline to live on less than you make."
"From every recession, people come out millionaires. The best time to invest in the future is when the market is going through something."
"The next decade we are going to see more millionaires made in the millennials and in Gen X's than any other time in history."
"The only way that you're gonna get rich in three years...is you're going to have to create a company that generates a lot of value."
"Why is it that 88% of millionaires are self-made? That means these are people who did not have millionaire parents."
"90% of all millionaires made it in real estate."
"Investing is how wealth is created in an era of Fiat money."
"You will get rich by giving society what it wants but does not yet know how to get at scale."
"I am financially independent and creating my own wealth."
"Wealth is not created from hard work alone; it is created from how you structure your deals."
"There is no wealth that is able to be created without leverage and/or automation."
"Recessions and market crashes create more millionaires than any other time."
"Market crashes and recessions are where more millionaires are born than any other time because that's when investments go on sale."
"Becoming wealthy is as much mindset as it is what you do with your money."
"Everything is about routine. Wealth is born from systems, routines, strategies implemented over and over and over again."
"Recessions create more millionaires than any other time because when you have a recession, a market crash, people get scared and then they sell their assets... and that then creates a buying opportunity."
"Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."
"Between the market and real estate, they're the two biggest creators of wealth in this world."
"Our education system should shift from creating workers to create wealth makers."
"If you don't make peace with this whole idea of wealth creation, you are never going to work to become something you despise."
"Over the last 100 years, the stock market has been the greatest creator of wealth ever, seconded by real estate."
"AI will be the greatest source of wealth creation in human history."
"The only way to create new wealth is to create new knowledge."
"80% of America's millionaires are first-generation."
"Wealth is created; otherwise, we wouldn't be where we are now."
"The faster way to make money for yourself is to have your own business or own hustle."
"Those who follow the lessons do create the wealth and those who become charitable even become wealthier."
"Everyone wasn't given a last name that's attached to wealth... You have to put the wealth in your last name."
"Those who do things in a certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich."
"Real estate is the number one generator of wealth...Billionaires are not made by investing into dividend stocks, but that's okay because it's what resonates with you, with your goals, and what makes you sleep better at night."
"It takes purpose to make money, not money to make money."
"Wealth is created primarily by people who catch trends and have a lot of common sense."
"The number one thing is you have to anticipate trends. This is where wealth is created."
"Be the solution, be the voice, be poised, be calm, bring the energy to the place, you'll create a ton of wealth."
"Pre-market capitalism is the greatest wealth-creating engine in human history."
"More millionaires are made during market crashes and recessions than any other time because that's when investments and assets go on sale."
"We want you to build wealth... access other people's money so you could invest in income-producing assets and get to that next level of financial freedom."
"Market crashes and recessions create more millionaires than any other time."
"One of the weird things about economic transactions is that it's not like a zero-sum game. You can have it so that multiple people are doing well in society, and that's actually creating wealth for more people."
"This is the way that wealthy people make their money. They make it this way, where they don't have to actively work for it."
"It's on us to teach kids that computers are tools for creating wealth, not just platforms for social media consumption."
"The reason people say that there's more millionaires made in a depression is because there's so much disruption."
"The investment strategy remains straightforward: when the market dips, buy the dip. It isn't just a tactic; it's a proven approach to create wealth. Don't overthink it."
"If you're saving your money just to save it, you are losing by saving your money."
"This is probably the greatest opportunity of anyone's lifetime."
"The most valuable resource in this entire recipe of wealth creation is time."
"If you can download a mobile app and get rich now, a billion people are going to want that."
"Some of you are going to be able to make 10 to 100 million dollars over these next 10, 15 years."
"You can change the world and change your lot in life and be really [__] rich."
"It starts with your mindset the goal is long-term wealth creation."
"Being in the right place at the right time can make you rich."
"You have to be rich in your head before you become rich in the world."
"Make sure your efforts are about wealth, not about being rich."
"Regular everyday people become millionaires."
"Recessions create more opportunities and more millionaires than any other time."
"You can't get rich without making other people rich."
"The greatest wealth is created in the shortest period of time."
"Make the most of yourself; you can serve God and man in no more effective way than by getting rich."
"All these big fortunes were made of the blood sweat and tears of slaves."
"When we limit our emotional or psychological containers in our mind and our body around money, we limit our abilities to make money."
"Wealthy people trade value for money with the value that they bring to the world."
"Billionaires are made during times of economic turmoil."
"She created a country in which people could create wealth."
"Bitcoin gave rise to a new class of millionaires and billionaires. What does that mean for the future of crypto?"
"Microsoft's IPO will go on to create three billionaires and approximately 12,000 millionaires."
"80% of America's millionaires are first generation rich... Contrary to popular belief."
"Most people that make a lot of money in today's world are entrepreneurs."
"If you want to create financial wealth forever, you must invest in assets that produce cash flow and take care of you for long periods of time."
"This is the greatest wealth creation opportunity I'll see in my lifetime."
"I could already be a billionaire if I had only bought it back then."
"When everybody thinks they can get rich in a market."
"More people became millionaires in the last three years because of the economy."
"Wealth is made in some massive bear markets."
"Real estate is the number one wealth Palooza vehicle especially for our community."
"The real source of wealth in the world is the creation of knowledge."
"Your thoughts can be converted into physical wealth."
"There's more than one way to build true wealth."
"You really can have whatever it is that you want, you can make any amount of money that you want to make."
"You can't make money unless you have money but how do you have money unless you're making it?"
"The money that you're making is easy and quick in increasing quantities."
"The way that you become wealthy is not by having a fancy degree or by earning a big salary. It's by using your money the right way when you get paid."
"This will create opportunities and a decade from now you're going to see a whole new wave of millionaires be born."
"When there's blood in the streets this is when people get rich."
"Acquiring wealth need not be a struggle but can be an effortless dance with the Universe."
"Most millionaires are made in bear markets not bull markets."
"It's never ever ever never never ever been easier to become a millionaire."
"Big bear markets, that's where the next billionaires and millionaires are made."
"If you really want to manifest wealth I want you to understand this there are two parts to really understanding money."
"Folks who get in on this breakthrough now... will have the chance to be a part of the single largest legal creation of wealth of the last 25 years."
"No limit is a university and now he his own boss making millions and millions and soon to be billions of dollars."
"Positive developments regarding business and wealth projects."
"My core focus is not just to make money, it's to show you how to make money."
"I've gone from totally money challenged to being a millionaire in a short space of time."
"There's no secret to how we made our money gentlemen, we were internet pimps."
"We need to generate a lot of wealth so that all the world can have like what you're essentially arguing for is a middle class lifestyle for the world."
"Capitalism, the exchange of goods and services between people, gives you dignity in your work, meaning in your craft, and a way of getting increasing wealth by exchanging what you have with others."
"Starting with that free entry-level lead magnet is the key to wealth creation online."
"You can make money on demand if you follow this formula."
"He gives us power to get wealth that He might establish His covenant in the earth!"
"That's not only life-altering but potentially generational wealth if you control that."
"Entrepreneurship is the pathway to economic freedom." - "Entrepreneurship is the way to wealth creation."
"We want to help you get wealthy, not just the individuals who are running these companies or shareholders."
"Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow men."
"You only get rich by selling something to somebody that they want that makes their life better."
"Building wealth becomes a revolutionary act."
"The majority of people that are going to get wealthy are going to do it by taking investment risks."
"Real estate, you can make money out of thin air. It's legit. You can actually make money out of thin air."
"Money answers with all things. The Lord gives you the power to get wealth."
"The more rich people you make, the more money you make, and it's insane."
"Wealth is the value that you create for someone other than you."
"Historically, real estate has produced some of the highest wealth in human history."
"Create daring new goals and go for your dreams."
"You can make more wealth over the next 18 months from what you are contributing to the world."
"Communication is where wealth begins to be created."
"The next generation of AI technology will open a wealth window that could be the biggest wealth-building opportunity of your lifetime."
"What do I want to do? I want to make sure that my family is protected and can generate wealth."
"Let me give you some advice kid, making money is awesome, it solves a lot of problems."
"You can do it and you'll become wealthy if that's what you choose to make happen."
"The period between about 2024 to 2028 will be the largest period of economic wealth creation and transference in the history of mankind."
"More people stay poor because of their egos than get rich off them."
"Volatility is our friend. If we have volatility, we have the opportunity to make massive money. Money is made at the top and money is made on the way down."
"We have built $840 billion of wealth for other people. That's really what we've done."
"The ultimate determiner of wealth and power in the world is the mind of the human being."
"There's a whole generation who just made a fortune in the stock market."
"I want you to be one of the people that becomes wealthy because of what's happening."
"A lot of people in these next few years, this is an opportunity where everybody can get rich."
"The richest people in the history of mankind are people who sell."
"I created such like a level of wealth if you will and just overall like success in life and and in all aspects that I shifted from self-preservation to like generational preservation."
"There is money literally everywhere, all you need to do is have the right game plan and execute."
"There are truly a million ways to make a million dollars."
"Original ideas, no one ever got really rich following in anyone's footsteps in Hollywood."
"You really don't have to reinvent the wheel to get rich..."
"You don't get rich unless you enrich other people in the process."
"In this video you'll learn precisely how they did it. Here are 15 deals that made billionaires."
"Financial discipline is key to wealth building."
"Investing just $10,000 in Tesla back in 2011 would have turned you into a multi-millionaire."
"This is going to be the largest generation of wealth that the world has seen in the shortest period of time."
"Options create wealth. The less options you have the less ways you can make money and the less ways you can protect yourself from losing money."
"This is the greatest wealth opportunity of our entire lives, probably multiple lives, probably hundreds of years."
"Create wealth so that you know you can spread it around and break the Monopoly of this Elite these mafias."
"We live in an age of infinite leverage... There's enough Capital out there for everybody watching here to get rich."
"Anyone that's held within the last three years, they're the multi-millionaires of today."
"Mr. House knows exactly how to run an enterprise and make an absolute fortune."
"Find a problem to solve. People get rich solving people's problems."
"We are taught to be consumers, but the wealthiest and the most successful people are the ones that know how to think."
"The only way for us to live up to the promise of America is to give it our all and to give it for all of us."
"Beta O'Rourke: From punk rock band to President."
"You don't need money to make money. You need skills and time to make money."
"If we want a prosperous society that actually creates wealth and raises standards of living for the vast majority of people, what we need is economic freedom."
"Societies never get rich by spending, they get rich by saving."
"When the opportunity is presented to you... wealth is not as far off as you think it is."
"The new generation fortunes are all made through code or media."
"Code-based leverage is how all these new millionaires and billionaires are being made."
"Money is a medium of exchange; there are infinite ways to generate it."
"Becoming wealthy like these rich Chinese citizens takes a lot of skills – people skills, business skills, marketing skills, and much more."
"If you want to be rich, you're going to manifest wealth for you entrepreneurs out there."
"To make millions, you have to impact millions."
"There's no shortcuts to greatness... no shortcuts to indestructible wealth."