
Emotional Journey Quotes

There are 640 quotes

"On the other side of fear is peace, but you must be willing to face the pain, the insecurity, the sadness, to get on the other side which is peace and 'I am enough.'"
"The album starts upbeat, slows down, and gets personal, then ends up being... That's the flow of healing."
"Darkly comic but with deeply sympathetic characters, Rehab the Musical takes its audience on an emotional, thought-provoking journey."
"Stories about Death are also stories about life, and the writers that pull it off guide their audience through a journey that lets them sit with that sorrow - and then reminds them that they're alive."
"My goodness. Could you imagine the roller coaster of emotions for everyone involved beginning with this little girl. Who is now safe tonight."
"There's a reason why Red Dead Redemption 2 sold 25 million copies, and it was mainly for the emotional journey of Arthur Morgan."
"It's like Metal Gear Solid 3. The ending and the journey actually hits you pretty damn hard."
"Zack Fair's odyssey filled with joy, heartache, and passion remains one of the most impactful character arcs for this show, and for me personally."
"This is a collection of music written in the middle of the night, a journey through terrors and sweet dreams."
"Pregnancy is going... that was just a little cherry on the cake for how I've been feeling."
"Grieving is the natural process that takes you through time into a new way of thinking and feeling on the other side of a loss."
"2018 was a rollercoaster of emotions with family members beating cancers and others losing the fight. I'm glad we have this amazing event to help this amazing cause."
"Grief isn't linear. There are lots of stages to go through."
"It's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride but we've learned a lot."
"People's journeys are always at their most emotionally powerful when they're fueled by mistakes and tragedies."
"Once the triumphantness has laid out the foundation for our return to home, what's left is the serene."
"Her growth is natural, it's painful, it's real."
"On Her Majesty's Secret Service represents the first time the series made a real conscious effort to put Bond on an emotional journey."
"It was like an emotional journey there, honestly."
"This is our last meeting with a spacecraft, but it has just been an incredible ride."
"The excitement and just the eagerness does at some point overtake the nervousness and the baby's got to get out some how."
"His story is so moving and hurtful and it was a happy ending with a support system."
"More people need to read this, more people need to check out Robin Hobb's world because her characters are intricate, the plot payoff is significant, it is an emotional ride from beginning to end."
"Every tear I shed on this journey to you will culminate with the ultimate expression of gratitude, humility, and grace to our father."
"The Flash may have the most compelling arc in the film."
"From the man of sorrows and Our Lady of Sorrows to the risen Lord and the most joyful of all mothers."
"Hope you feel sorrow, you feel hope. The film, it takes you on a roller coaster."
"There's something so painful and heartbreaking but yet so hopeful like feeling the song kick in and get warmer the colors come back the magic returning."
"Enjoy the process - the crushing lows, the short-lived highs, the pictures that leave you speechless, and the ones that make you want to sell your telescope."
"Join me on this journey where these heartfelt and vulnerable conversations form the patchwork for the quilt that will envelop my future wife."
"It's been such a roller coaster of emotions, definitely more than I thought I was going to experience."
"It's a book that will simultaneously make you lose faith in humanity and then restore it again."
"I have some fighters... A lot of emotion went through my head. So many years of hard work and dedication and here I am, champion of the world."
"I sometimes get emotional about it because I remember starting how I never thought I would be at 500 subscribers and to be at 10,000 over 10,000 it's just amazing it's mind-blowing."
"This journey is long, it's hard, there's a lot of hours, there's a lot of tears, and there's a lot of great successes that are waiting for you."
"It's the heart that he has that always makes the journey just that much more special."
"He's fantastic and the other day was the first smile that we got out of him and it's been definitely a whirlwind of emotions from the birth to now."
"The universe is trying to make you stop, trying to make you reflect, trying to make you feel."
"It's good to have some haters, it makes you reassess what you're doing and put things into perspective."
"The soundtrack is more than just a collection of songs; it's an emotional journey."
"I think everyone has experienced disappointment in grief and the way you handle that differs from person to person there are a lot of people who get depressed and fall into despair and that's exactly what happens to Jaden on his journey."
"Maybe it would be the big emotional arc of the actual beauty of childbirth."
"A journey through terrors and sweet dreams, the floors we pace and the demons we face."
"It was an incredible ride, so many ups and downs for so many different players."
"We went to hell and back and had a roller coaster up and down. It was a struggle."
"It starts tough but it ends on a positive note, kind of intense emotionally, but on an active, not passive, not as well."
"Our heroes reach the destination they've long been chasing but it's not hope or relief they feel in this moment; it's exhaustion and despair."
"Thank yourself for still being here, for learning, for growing, for failing, for crying, for being weak, for being strong."
"Something is going to be shifted and that is naturally gonna put you on emotional spiritual quest."
"Learning how to reach the top is all part of the fantasy fun featuring terrible or fresh feelings and emotional trauma."
"Love can be scary, but it's also such a beautiful and rewarding experience."
"By the time he hugged his friends at the end, I was getting on board for this guy."
"Love does not come from the heart, it comes from there, down through the heart."
"In authentic forgiveness, you may never actually forgive, but you're simply going to allow yourself to let the process unwind and see how you feel as time goes on."
"Football's about dreaming, football's about experiencing the highs and lows."
"Man, on ESPN. Yeah, who would have thought, right? Like, losing that fight and just being so mad and depressed that fast forward a month and things are as good as I ever could have imagined."
"It's kind of cute looking back at it to be honest, a little emotional too, just thinking of the whole journey and how it's shaped up to be."
"To see the depth and ugliness of life and yet find beauty in it is part of what the Arts give you."
"Embark on an epic and heartfelt Journey as Kratos and Atreus struggle with holding on and letting go."
"For the people who were there, it was a rush, it was full of ups and downs. I'm glad to have taken the trip, but I'm also glad it's over."
"Gotta get sad to get happy. It's called therapy."
"You stay with it and walk with it, with the ups and with the downs."
"There are definitely a lot of emotional ups and downs for me... but at the same time, I feel like if I had waited to release it, I may just have lost personal momentum."
"It just touches on so many big emotions throughout its runtime that it is an amazing, amazing movie."
"It's a drama about a guy who hasn't figured himself out yet... until you get to the end of it and you're just crying tears at this family."
"We are going all over the place emotionally and I just appreciate it."
"The dismantling of the ego is involved in going from peak overconfidence to the valley of despair."
"Starting a startup is a very emotional thing... a lot of mental strength, the ability to adapt and be efficient."
"All you need is to bring fans along the journey of the ups and the downs and the in-betweens."
"After many months of deliberation and already five playthroughs worth of my time, I'm finally putting the controller down."
"A Deft and heartfelt journey through Nostalgia."
"Changing my sister's heart is the ultimate goal here."
"It feels like a full circle, that feels like closure."
"Are you gonna, I don't know, heartbreak is so real, but also healing is so real too."
"Transformation is change in love, you're going towards new love here."
"Grief is just such a difficult thing to navigate and it stays with us."
"It's been a great ride, good, bad, ugly. It's been a great ride."
"What happens after happily ever after? It's senior year, and Paige Hancock is finally living her best life. Emery Lord's award-winning storytelling shines in this heartfelt exploration of life's most important questions."
"What starts out as passionate can turn into the greatest emotional magnum opus of your life."
"Shazam is an emotional ride with great character development."
"Growth is often uncomfortable messy and full of feelings you are not expecting but it is necessary."
"You do not have to be in a place of joy because sadness is one of those twists and turns in the road that helps you appreciate where you're at."
"Unlocking Rescue is not just about the process, it's about the journey."
"Some new emotional beginnings, self-love, new love, the start of something new."
"Emotions and feelings are the causal point of our experience."
"The blend of mystery and solving, first love and horrible loss was just phenomenal."
"Bucky has had perhaps one of the most emotional journeys in the MCU."
"I've cried with you, cried about you, and cried against you, but at the end of the day, it was all for love."
"It's one man's journey but at the same time, he goes through the entire lifetime of emotions."
"We want to tell a very heartfelt and epic story as father and son go on a journey and they kind of struggle with holding on to stuff and letting go of things." - Eric
"You're on a quest for somebody that just fits with you, and it's such a struggle."
"Once your big baby face has gone through this thrilling chase of ups and downs chasing that world title, once he's won it, well, the only way to take the audience there is down."
"Despite of how emotional it may be to change and transform and start something new, go ahead and do it anyways because what's important is that you're doing what makes you happy."
"It's been such a roller coaster the past few weeks but I am ultimately so happy."
"Every piece of artwork, you always go through a period called the hate period."
"There's just nothing else like it. It's dark, it's Moody, it's theatrical Rock listening to it takes you on a heart-pounding Sonic Journey deep into the shadows and then back into the light."
"I was limited to pretending I was a grown-up and acting normal. But as soon as the door closed and emptiness began, I realized: freedom."
"Romance is complicated; it can either be full of love and happiness with the right lover or life can take everything that you made happy and chuck harsh reality right in the middle of it."
"So we just went through an amazingly difficult adventure to save your life. That was emotionally trying."
"You're going to be swept off your feet in this romance."
"The worst times in life make the best stories. Like when you go to a bar, you don't talk about how nice your relaxing day was, you talk about the time you broke your hand in a fist fight."
"Not only would happen to her but what she could do to the undying realm if she were to bring that pain within her to the undying realm. I thought that was really really compelling Galadriel's need for healing."
"Motherhood is such a journey... lots of highs, and lots of lows. It's just kind of a constant roller coaster."
"I want Cassie to find some happiness, I want her to stop crying finally."
"Expect to be triggered in the next few days up to the transformative and emotional New Moon. It is a blessing in disguise that will enable you to go deep with them feel and find your truth."
"Every trial leads to Triumph, every tear leads to joy unspeakable, every detour leads to a paved Highway."
"You're on an emotional journey right now and I'm really excited to see where this goes for you."
"You cry, you laugh, you cry again because Jesse gets, you know, abandoned in that box."
"I think it takes a level of like having to go through all of those brutal feelings and understand that like you know this is not always fun and games."
"The pathway grew narrower and taller as I got closer to the crying."
"I felt like I was in a car whipping past memories and fears."
"This isn't a movie about overcoming an enemy or standing up for the sake of good. This is a movie about finding family and overcoming trauma and personal pain to trust yourself and the people around you to connect."
"IMF agents dying is one thing; this Ethan quite literally goes through the first four or five stages of grief in three minutes."
"It sticks with you because they didn't just they didn't shy away from it they didn't make it quick like they made you feel it."
"It's worth all the ups and all the downs to ride this emotional roller coaster with my friends, my family, my fellow gorilla gang."
"You're moving towards something better, definitely somebody with a more emotional energy."
"I laughed, cried, growled with anger, and shouted with joy. But also during this entertaining ride of emotion, I came away with mental growth and new perspective on the human condition."
"It's a journey through vague, confusing adolescent feelings that leads to one undeniable truth: we can find ourselves."
"This feels like the energy of someone that let go before they were let go."
"A big change of fate and a lot of emotional fulfillment."
"We went through a lot to get the nightmare into a dream."
"A film I know I'm really going to care about I'm going to see in a theater in the dark, experience the world through that character's eyes and come out the other end better for it."
"I just feel like I've run a marathon, or come off a fairground ride or something, and I've been asleep at the same time. But it's amazing."
"You're going to be going through your own emotional stuff, and what's going to come out at the other end is what it feels like to be wrapped in a blanket of self-love."
"Healing doesn't happen in a straight line. It's not linear."
"What the answer is, is to feel our way through this."
"The ace of cups, new love. I think you're moving, you will be moving on to new love."
"Her heart would guide her in a future she has yet to see."
"This year has been weird, not only have I been on an emotional roller coaster... but also it's been weird for the release of music."
"Farewell to the love of my life. My heart was crumpled and in pain, but I felt a sense of accomplishment at the same time."
"Your doubts, your losing your faith, your anger, your hurt, is all part of it."
"The character is cheated on and put through the ringer but to me she's absolutely the best character in this series."
"Grief sends them to dark places, and in those places, there are often other things waiting."
"We went home smiling and crying. And the emotions were just volatile."
"It's important to feel it all, to have the motivation to change."
"Some had ended in tragedy, others ended in pleasant surprises, while others still brought me great hope!"
"When you're finding love, not everything is perfect. This one was a real journey, and I want to apologize because no one could ever be more sorry."
"In the end, Simon finally changes his mood... from the lowest to the highest..."
"It felt good to own this part of the journey it felt good too"
"I felt like I have been through so much more since that time in my life both positive and negative."
"Welcome to my story, my experience, and what I went through."
"He's still hitting those emotional highs, giving Riku a phenomenal bookend to his long journey battling against the darkness."
"I felt like that for years, I think I just had to work my way through it."
"That is really positive, I was afraid for a moment that it was the ticket to hell one, but this is a ticket to happiness, this is a destined connection."
"After sadness, happiness, and hope will return."
"A beautiful representation of BoJack's own journey."
"Love will arrive for you, you will find a pathway over the obstacles."
"You aren't alone, yeah I also, you know, for me it's um, there's so many, I don't know, it's just been up, this has been a very reflective time."
"This is what makes your story memorable: feeling like we've gone on a journey with these characters."
"Inside is all about making you feel the whole way through."
"Ultimately it's gonna be worth it to go through these few weeks of sadness."
"Year of restoration: emotional healing and deliverance."
"Like every person living on this Earth I've experienced my good days and I've experienced my bad days."
"I've definitely, um, increasingly got sadder as this went along. That happy feeling I wanted to send to my heart's feelings has gone, that happy, oh, there's hope in that."
"I can't wait to get you your copies; there is a link to the Kickstarter page in the description."
"Inside Out: follows the emotional inner workings of Riley as she adjusts to her new life in San Francisco."
"You've got to ride the pony with grief. It takes time."
"We lived, we laughed, we cried, we suffered, fell, and got back up again stronger than before."
"It's been a tale of two years. First six months, confused, anxious, nervous. Second six months, happy, rejuvenated, fulfilled."
"I'm gonna be fine, even if I have to cry through this every single step of the way, I've got me."
"Having more love and less loneliness in my life has not been an easy journey."
"I am going to give it a nine because it took me on a journey, like it won me over, and then I just couldn't get enough." - Link
"Sibling rivalry: a journey through the ups and downs of family dynamics."
"She found her true love and there really was emotionally no looking back for her."
"Shame is the first step on the road to penitence."
"This is actually her third book...very personal and she brings you along with her on her journey."
"This search for knowledge that a player undergoes is this emotional journey by which they achieve mastery mastery of a situation of a concept of a puzzle."
"Imagine uncovering layers of yourself like peeling an onion. Each layer might bring tears, but it also brings you closer to the core of your being."
"Become willing to dance to the great orchestrations of love."
"The experience would transition from being riddled with anxiety to pleasurable."
"The most emotional I've ever been was when I booked the part of Blanca in 'Pose.' That threw me for a loop and she's taken me a whole bunch of places, so thank you, Blanca."
"It's been full of motion, full of tears, full of shattered characters left and right, but here we are right now."
"The fastest way to get what you want is to take the emotional journey and just feel good."
"You've led me into beautiful inner landscapes that I've never seen or felt before."
"It was really awesome to see her go from such a low sad self-loathing place to making her first real friend."
"Pride in oneself, holding onto guilt, but seeking growth."
"This is honestly an emotional journey for me."
"I didn't know where I was at with everything, honestly. It was kind of a whirlwind of emotions, you know. I don't take a title opportunity lightly, you know, I put my whole life into this sport right here and put everything that I have to give."
"Embrace the journey of love and transformation with open arms."
"Hopper's mournful state and pitiful state, more than that, it's just a really disparate state that he's in to the point where he just feels cursed and then hopeful."
"Opening yourself up to all the good times, even when it does end in heartbreak, all those good times are what make it worth it."
"I actually want to see a protagonist go through and feel the lows of despair."
"Mary Queen of Scots, her story is full of tragedy, romance, betrayal, loss, and heartbreak."
"Grief is healing and healing isn't linear you know it has its its highs and lows and its peaks its valleys and some days it's steady and some days it's tragic"
"You have to feel nothing in order to feel nothing, you have to feel everything first."
"It takes you on a ride, like you're feeling it, you're feeling the nostalgia, but you're also feeling the tug at the heartstrings."
"Feelings are tunnels. We make our way through the darkness to get to the light at the end."
"For me, my journey started off really bad, like I was like, 'Oh my god, am I just never gonna find someone that's gonna really just do the job and remove the hair?'"
"A Little Life: 814 pages of pain. Beautiful, harrowing, gripping."
"Good thing Final Fantasy seven is a total roller coaster."
"Life is challenging enough... ups and downs."
"I want to take people on an emotional journey."
"A hallway filled with memories, like walking down memory lane."
"Celeste sets a new high bar for future indie games."
"An emotional journey that we weren't expecting to be handled so incredibly well."
"Freedom means something different to all of us... I feel like you're on this journey of finding something that you connect to emotionally but also an opportunity that kind of makes you feel free."
"This one was a big surprise for me, it's a pretty thick book and I remember reading it and it's like kind of binging the second half of it and just loving it."
"Venus is the opening and closing of the love, the heart's journey."
"It was more crying about the journey than the result."
"Each book blew my mind multiple times, it also broke my heart multiple times, and was just truly one of my favorite reading experiences ever."