
Internet Culture Quotes

There are 2661 quotes

"I'm gay according to the internet. That's my favorite one."
"When one thinks of an exemplary YouTuber, Jenna Marbles is a name that often comes to mind, which is why her leaving the platform indefinitely was so sad."
"BuzzFeed looked like it valued the creativity of young creators who knew the internet, allowing them to produce unconventional content."
"From online humiliation all the way to lives being ruined, these are the real world victims of internet trolls."
"If there's one thing I know, it's that the internet loves a good train wreck."
"Epic Rap Battles of History were very important. Their videos were super viral and super fun to watch."
"The medium of the internet is not currently incentivizing us to seek truth or understanding; it's profiting off polarization and mutual hatred."
"Anti-MLM has become a social movement; it has become a subculture on the internet."
"The internet is not society, and how people behave on the internet is not how we behave in our homes."
"The vocal minority has a very loud voice, but that's the whole problem with the internet as a whole."
"Tumblr is kind of a lawless wasteland, and I mean that in the best way possible."
"There definitely isn't at least a broad cultural problem of white people being oppressed or even bullied for drinking water out of milk jugs."
"Are you coming to bed? I can't, this is important. What? Someone is wrong on the internet."
"Our society has become much less accepting of average, so the only way most of these companies or any prominent voice on the internet can stand out and beat the competition is to be as polarizing, flashy, and controversial as possible."
"Behind the clicks and views of Internet drama, there's a story we're overlooking: millions of stories, in fact, that scream for immediate attention yet continue to be muffled by the cacophony of the latest drama or trend."
"Well, now that we know that internet arguments are basically a waste of time, we can focus on more productive lines of thought."
"The pursuit of happiness via emulating influencers and the concept of reclaiming one's own sexuality and promiscuity on the internet as a form of liberation at a young age contributes to the diminishing gap between childhood and adulthood."
"The internet is truly the ferocious cesspool of horror born of modern society, but even so, I have nowhere else to turn to because I have trouble getting out of bed in the morning."
"We are getting about a thousand views every single minute on this live."
"Being consistently profitable feels a whole lot better than clout on the internet."
"True old-school YouTube legends, perpetrators of one of the biggest hoaxes in the history of the site."
"In a world of Nigerian Princes, hybrid servers, Tinder phishing profiles, pre-orders, cash for gold, male enhancement pills, college loans, Destiny 2, and pyramid schemes, thank Christ for that."
"I'm glad that I had that journey because I can empathize a lot with how some people are on the internet."
"Once upon a time in the far-away land of Michigan, there was a group of university students who made a parody musical of Harry Potter, inventing the character in the process much like how Hatsune Miku invented Minecraft."
"Gatchaman Crowds covers everything from internet culture to the necessity of leadership, raising socially relevant questions in a contemporary context."
"On the internet, people have strong opinions."
"I recognized a carefully worded provocative troll post when I see one."
"Inspires innovation in the waning hours of February 17th, 2019, a YouTuber under the alias of Matt's What It Is uploaded a video that would send shockwaves across the entire site."
"This is the Internet Anomalies file. It's basically a chart that outlines many different abnormal and weird things from around the internet."
"Some of the stuff on here is pretty unsettling, some of the stuff on here is just kind of funny, and some of the stuff on here is deeply strange."
"We also are not owed anything by strangers on the internet."
"Reddit is the most like how the internet used to be where it's highly decentralized and personal spaces are extremely customizable."
"Reddit is the last vestige we have of the old internet... before everything got controlled by like four companies."
"That's the thing about the internet; you never know for sure if someone is being polite or if they really do want you to not die in a house fire."
"Slander is a term that is widely misused by the general population on the internet."
"It's just kids having fun on the internet and sharing the joy of something that they love."
"It's so easy to be a troll nowadays that there's not even an art form to it."
"The Internet takes so much focus on whether or not what you created is a masterpiece... but you still got together and you made something."
"Cancel culture is the immune system of the internet."
"I'm very much in favor of deplatforming hate speech and all that types of [expletive]. I just don't like it when people spread misinformation."
"The rise of cat videos was practically inevitable."
"If you have a cat or have ever spent much time on the Internet, you know that cats like to sit in boxes."
"I think me versus John Cena would break the internet."
"Don't Hug Me I'm Scared wouldn't exist if it didn't blow up on YouTube."
"If people really like this, and it gets bazillions and bazillions of views, look, see, they're more wealthy people rising out of the underworld to take away the houses from the... these starter homes from the poor."
"A lot of people disagree on the internet, but one thing we could all come together to say is Hell Divers 2 is a pretty good game."
"I've been on a hiatus. I recently left the internet for a month. I thought to myself, 'Hmm, maybe leaving the internet for a month, maybe things would improve.'"
"Taking a cute anime girl or guy and throwing on some cat, dog, or bunny ears is a pretty popular thing on the internet."
"The internet is not the streets. You're selling music to kids who look at you like a superhero."
"I'm no stranger to having people disagree with me, but the downright disrespect and tone I've seen in the little gathered communities on the internet is incredibly disheartening."
"He's realized that negativity sells on the internet... his content has gotten more critical over time because we, the internet, are giving the impression it's what we want."
"The internet is a crazy place. You'll get criticized for the most minuscule things."
"What good is the past if we don't learn from it? By appreciating what made that era of the internet so great in the first place, perhaps there could be another golden age in the future."
"The subscribe to PewDiePie movement would become a widespread meme amongst the YouTube community."
"Memes are such an integral part of the internet experience."
"I'm not usually one to get all bandwagony, but Slenderman is honestly one of the most inspiring and sinister things I've seen lately."
"The rise and fall of Slenderman is fascinating."
"Even though Slenderman himself is a relic of the past now, his influence can still be seen in so much of the internet horror that's popular today."
"Knowledge is free. We are anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us."
"The Internet culture has lasted so long, people are tired of the tough guys just saying they're tough; people now want proof."
"YouTubers are just regular people catapulted into fame and fortune by their fans who appreciate their personalities."
"Achieving widespread success online is difficult if you aren't willing to allow the public to peer into your personal life and develop a parasocial relationship with you."
"I've often made reference to how in the old web 1.0 days... browsing the internet was kind of like being on a raft in a vast ocean, bouncing between a bunch of weird little islands."
"A classic that spawned a lot of modern internet horror but some people don't even realize."
"They're super positive, it's the exact opposite of the internet."
"As the smoke clears and the dust settles, the weeaboos won. His lady's honor had been restored."
"Out here on YouTube, there lives a man feared by every single content creator who might have something to hide."
"Mr. Beast is a f**king guy...This guy's a weapon."
"Thank you for being the greatest community on the internet."
"The Internet is the place where people go to vent that inside part, the raving lunatic that lives inside every one of us."
"Every single content creator on the Internet is defined by their most egregious transgression and their most recent transgression."
"Whether you like it or not, we've always needed 4chan; we just didn't realize it."
"4chan is the world's greatest experiment in free speech."
"YouTube during the Leafy era was the Wild West."
"Five Nights at Freddy's...captured the internet audience."
"The internet is filled with people looking for the mysterious; they always want to uncover the next big thing."
"It's the perfect fodder for all of the spoiled rich white kids on the internet."
"Unfortunately, the internet has a way of making the minority look like the majority."
"If I was Dream, I would never show my face. I would do this for like maybe one or two more years, I would have a complete cash grab, put the whole thing into real estate and stocks, and then just quit the internet."
"I felt like they were listening, at least Jack was. This is the internet. If you even engage in a remotely decent conversation, someone gets 'destroyed'."
"Andrew Tate is the reason why the internet is slowly coming back and stepping away from the liberal blue hair fake wokeness."
"I think the internet is a very polarized place where everyone has to have an opinion, and it's almost shameful to admit that 'I'm not sure, I don't know.'"
"As for all the tabloid gossip and all the noise out there, I mean, the internet feeds itself. I don't feel the need to contribute. It's sufficiently well-nourished."
"Bell Delphine's return was legendary; her video simply titled 'I'm back' gained 20 million views within...it was almost as if she had never left in the first place."
"The idea that over time, people began to leave their stories behind and potentially even framed themselves as the main character of their stories thanks to a few upstanding connoisseurs of internet culture can't help but make you grin."
"Internet aesthetics are rapidly emerging as Gen Z's primary way of communicating what is valuable and beautiful to them."
"Calling on inspiration from reality television like Jackass, the inception of pranks on the internet would begin with a few integral creators."
"The harmless fun of these pranks propelled these channels to the forefront of internet virality."
"It's nice that there exists little corners of the internet where people can disagree or not even disagree as if minds are made up but just explore an idea in a collective way."
"Gen Z's relationship with the Internet isn't just about self-promotion or striving to be an influencer; it's also a key means of engaging with and understanding others."
"The internet demands progress, but the internet hates change."
"Candy corn is good. I don't know where this fucking internet discourse came where people are like, candy corn is garbage."
"Byron was brilliant. He was incredibly independent, fierce with his views, and an absolute hero of the internet."
"Everyone on the internet, in my opinion, is a hypocrite eventually, as long as you're on the internet for long enough."
"The world of Reddit is one filled with mystery and intrigue."
"I don't think it's gaming; I think it's internet culture."
"I think it's time to end the subscribe to PewDiePie movement or meme."
"Welcome to the BCP channel, the most inclusive channel on the internet. It does not matter the color of your skin, doesn't matter which of the two genders you are, if you bleed red, white, and blue, then you have found your family here on the internet."
"Hello Internet, welcome to Film Theory, the show where I'll never let go... of theories about movies."
"The internet's a fascinating place. We're a culture of memes and remixes, taking old ideas and making them new again."
"Too many times on the internet, they demonize each other, they call each other names, they're disrespectful. But to be able to have these conversations, to benefit men, is extremely powerful."
"One thing when it comes to internet culture that fascinates me are fandoms."
"A lot of people get drawn into seeing these larger-than-life characters on the internet. It's motivating to a lot of people."
"Welcome to the internet, a little bit of everything all of the time."
"Whatever you do from here on out, just try to keep on making your corner of the internet just a little bit more awesome."
"This is the internet; you're gone for a month, you don't exist anymore. That's just true."
"We grew up side by side on the internet, watching the world change before us and influencing the platform that you guys know today as YouTube."
"The Internet is a place where anyone can become famous. Let's try to keep it that way."
"It's the Internet; don't take things too seriously, kids."
"Our America, our Internet is not ancient Athens. It’s Rome. And your problem is you think you’re in the forum when you’re really in the circus."
"Smashing that like button is Urichi energy, and passing is scared Muzon energy."
"Choose wisely: smashing that like button is Urichi energy, and passing is scared Muzon energy."
"Breath is the life force, you just have to connect it with your consciousness."
"Tumblr was a place where weirdos could be together, find a sense of community, and share their interests and art in a seemingly safe environment."
"More than ever, we just have to keep sharing cool things that we like online."
"We get so used to getting messages from dudes on the internet that it's hard to remember that sometimes it's not that."
"The age-old mentality of 'don't feed the trolls' is a bit outdated."
"How is it okay that mothers have to see videos online of people gloating about their children being murdered?"
"TikTok has changed the internet; it's become the most popular app in the world."
"It's sad to see somebody that just leaves the internet and stops making content, especially if it's because of harassment."
"The SCP foundation, my favorite internet myth, is so great. I think so far there have been over 5,000 SCPs created."
"Seven Grandad to this day is one of the most baffling things that the internet has ever witnessed."
"Does this normalize selling younger and younger bodies yes does that set a horrible horrible precedent yes should the internet call her ass out for that absolutely."
"The internet is like a real-life version of the collective unconscious of humanity."
"Jacqueline Glenn has never truly been an intellectual but that she was pushed into that role by the forces of the YouTube market."
"But this is a great story of how one copyright troll, one copyright abuser whoever they may be, has absolutely failed in their mission to delete something off of the internet."
"Loneliness of the internet world will provoke a very extroverted and social response."
"Khaby's reactions united the internet over their hatred of these dumb lifehacks."
"This SCP then me when I'm on the fine setting great this meme is going places yeah I"
"People get pretty crazy online, it's a lot of fun, I'll tell you that much."
"Trolling does not equal success, power, and popularity. Authenticity, good music, success."
"Since nobody is allowed to have an opinion except for me on the internet, whatever I say has to be right and we must all agree with every opinion, okay thanks and enjoy."
"I want to give away [] stop [] scamming you [] [] and uh the second thing I like to say is stop getting these mayonnaise loving [] [] on these [__] e-dates on here please for once what what."
"These are true stories from the dark side of the internet."
"PewDiePie is a really fucking big figure, you know, a hundred million subscribers."
"I'm a simple man, I see the intervention, I click."
"I threw it up online, it went viral... Here I am today, pushed by the community to continue to persist."
"The Hollywood bailout plan is... showing my starfish off to the internet and collect my own money."
"Bullying, lying, doxing, and threats—unfortunately, I'm here to tell you that Illuminati has engaged in all of these behaviors."
"Apparently, the media literacy of the average internet user has been reduced to that of someone who still finds peekaboo entertaining."
"Chocolate Rain is one of the most iconic YouTube videos ever."
"Nicholas Cage's legacy is secure. He will continue to be immortal through the power of the meme."
"We as the internet love to complain about people but we never really try to find solutions."
"Everyone's a hater. Alright, so like I said, the story times takes place back when I was in middle school."
"The noodle king himself, Nicocado Avocado, has been really gaining some traction."
"Once something is out on the Internet, social media will latch on to it."
"Paul and Morgan, the Paul and Morgan show; These two are well-known characters in the Fundie-verse."
"Expressing one's opinion is a revolutionary idea for the internet."
"Adblock is destructive, it is and the idea that people like how can you be anti-adblock but Pro react content because Adblock actually deprives creators of Revenue."
"The internet has deemed the top definition of a girl boss on urban dictionary to be a verb to make something or someone appear as a feminist idol or inspiration for profit despite the numerous flaws of the person."
"This is one of the last heartwarming things that ever happened on the internet."
"The internet truly is a remarkable and unpredictable place."
"The power of memes and possibly getting banned by Fortnite."
"Now, by the laws of the Internet, I am legally obligated to do a theory about this very topic."
"The game has permeated every part of the internet and is still as relevant as ever."
"People believe whatever they see on Reddit; it drives me nuts."
"The internet has gone mainstream and virality, a sort of career choice."
"Crawford got bounc that's the dude who dunked on LeBron and he got wiped off the internet okay you can't play"
"The most popular video posted nine years ago is called 'Username666.'"
"Joe Rogan is the blueprint, the model, the OG on the internet."
"It's a super deep rabbit hole that deserves more attention."
"If I had any problems with him, the last thing I would do is take that [ __ ] to the internet, bro."
"Slender Man didn't really take off until Marble Hornets decided to run with its IP."
"Dumb Ways to Die... it really is an iconic part of internet history."
"Monica Lewinsky herself describes herself as Patient Zero for Internet shaming."
"The Internet has a fascination with cringe whether it's in the form of subreddits entirely devoted to discussing cringe-worthy videos or the countless cringe compilations on YouTube."
"YouTube is one of the bona fide Wonders of the World."
"Thankfully, even without its original context, the meme has been repurposed and remixed for other Friday-based events countless times."
"Internet users today revel in the idea of exploring such oddities just for the sake of being entertained."
"The Internet is just always going to find something to be mad at."
"The internet is the [__] wild, wild west, and that's why we like it."
"If no Nintendogs, we get no internet. We rise up among the regime of our oppressive Nintendo folk, for we shall become Nintendogs!"
"They may copyright strike our accounts, but they will NEVER KILL OUR MEMES!!"
"There are online communities for literally everything."
"Trolls are not necessarily bad, I think they're the loudest viewers somebody could possibly have."
"So a little bit of clicking and a lot of time later we have 930 billion cookies."
"This is CTI, it stands for Cruz the Internet... we put up relevant topics... and talk about how we the people can be the solution."
"Pikami was one of the first YouTubers I discovered when I found out what YouTubers were three years ago."
"I can't help but think that the tide wouldn't have shifted against scientology so severely had they simply not decided to pick a fight with the internet."
"There's so much negativity on the internet it's so refreshing to see so many positive comments..."
"Not everyone gets to choose whether or not they become a public figure or, if you like, famous, even in the decidedly fleeting and immaterial sense that is internet fame or e-celebrity."
"Everyone loves that moment, it's been memed to death."
"Women want to be able to walk around life and have their ass cheeks on the internet, do a bunch of [__], and they want to be taken serious."
"I really do think that, uh, memes will change the world one day and, uh, I'm glad that people engaged and made some fun. Look, this should be fun."
"Most likely at this point if you've been scrolling enough around the internet, you've probably come across this mysterious and creepy creature known as a skinwalker."
"The internet is full of weird stuff and is essentially a robot that just claims to know you."
"What did I say? What did I say? I knew that was gonna happen, guys! I was so excited for that! I'm not letting them get away with this, we're exposing this clickbaiter!"
"The SCP Foundation is very rarely mentioned outside of its little bubble... one of the internet's best-kept secrets."
"This concoction of nostalgia, gaming, and horror has led to one of the strangest internet phenomenons to blow up in recent times: the Gmod ARG."
"But regardless of these gripes within the community, the game was becoming a viral sensation, topping most popular website lists year after year, raking in millions and building one of the biggest brands in IPs around."
"The alt-right is a rapidly mutating virus, and the web is the perfect incubator."
"Better right, but the truth is, the bigger a YouTuber you are, it's almost like we're bored. Right comes more responsibilities, you know, great power comes great responsibility."
"Initially, the internet sentenced me to six years in prison, but because I made my YouTube apology video, they cut my sentence."
"Tai Lopez's 'Here in My Garage' video became a viral sensation and meme."
"There's a difference between trolling and bullying. We as a society have decided that bullying is bad and it should be stopped... but as for trolling, we decided that it's good clean fun no matter how many people get hurt."
"There's a reason that internet censorship is gaining more and more steam now. The normies want this because they don't want to deal with your [ __ ] [ __ ] and they're tired of hearing 'get off the internet if you can't take it.'"
"Criticism is becoming a bigger thing on the internet."
"If anybody on YouTube has been doing deep dark web videos, these deep dark web server freakin basically game masters have been hitting people up with clues and I think they're f**king with us."
"Why is that worthy of you getting kicked off the internet? That's crazy."
"I think everyone should cry on the internet to be honest."