
Policing Quotes

There are 401 quotes

"I'm not going to be up here celebrating like, 'Oh, there's a black cop committed suicide.' That's not the purpose or the point of this particular broadcast."
"This show has a single purpose: holding the politically powerful institution of policing accountable."
"The fact that they're on many police officers and in almost every pocket has a profound impact on protesting and policing."
"The viciousness of the police, as well as the tensions between black Americans and Koreans, was put further in the national spotlight."
"Policing in America contributes to a Culture of Fear."
"Why do we need the police involved in mental health intervention?"
"We have to hold police officers accountable because we have police officers in this country who literally engaged in serial killing."
"What has happened to the old on the side of the New York City Cop car, protect and serve? Seems like a pretty simple, straightforward idea for policing."
"Bad policing can literally spiral out of control to the extent that it changes the psychology of an entire community."
"It's not the time to defund police departments... Now is the time to provide them and hold them accountable."
"Police, like everybody else, hold implicit biases."
"Police forces are now trying out sci-fi-like algorithms that can predict when and where a crime is likely to happen before it does."
"I'm fighting to make sure that we have the resources to keep our communities safe and our police departments well-funded and well-trained."
"If we could just get response to non-criminal calls done mostly by social workers, we could cut down on the amount of police time responding to calls by nearly a third."
"Adams was very open about wanting to refund the police."
"This is a pretty ringing rejection of the defund the police strategy."
"Defunding the police was a bait and switch; it's refund the police. We're going to give them more money so they're better cops on the ground."
"The humanity of everyone involved includes the humanity of community members and includes the humanity of police officers."
"It's almost like it should have been renamed because defunding police does not sound anything like there's been money reallocated to different areas of handling some police exercises."
"I still got a shine on it, and so do theirs. He's appealing to a vision of higher ideals with the idea of policing, which is why generally the police in the Western world are far less corrupt than police in other countries."
"All of the electronic methods that police would usually use to track down suspects were not available. They had to do this the old-fashioned way."
"We need better mental health support besides involving the policing system."
"We live peacefully here. Our police here are older adults. We respect them so much."
"We see a lot less use of force and we see many fewer tragedies, thank God."
"Broken windows theory by James Q. Wilson, which suggested that policing of low-level crimes prevents the commission of larger level crimes, and that is true."
"Policing is a problem. If you really want to stop violent criminal behavior, you want to protect, not police."
"To see the unintended consequences of drug laws firsthand on the frontline from an ex-police officer's perspective... such a valuable viewpoint."
"Investing in policing instead of the people is emphasizing chaos over community."
"De-escalation is about common sense ways of reducing the trauma and stress of an encounter with the police."
"So ultimately, we get to the stupidest point that you could possibly make, which is how many officers do you need before crime is eliminated altogether."
"When they say defund the police, what are they saying? They're saying we want fundamental basic change when it comes to policing."
"It's just parity and equality with every other public employee. There's nothing punitive to police."
"Policing is deeply racist, but if you even want to complexify the data and look at it by other metrics not just race alone, you would reveal a huge nationwide class problem with policing."
"Stop picking up the slack for them. You don't need their support and you don't need the police to protect yourself."
"George did not need warrior policing that day, what he needed was help."
"We need great people in our police departments and we have mostly great people. I would say that with certainty."
"Policing should be colorblind, that's exactly what it should be."
"Invest more in social programs; we won't need as many police."
"I think we need more funding for police, I think 'defund' is the wrong thing."
"There will always be a need for some form of policing."
"Responsible for themselves and then they brought in policing I think we face a very serious problem as a civilization especially one with classically liberal..."
"The police are so inept and crap at their [__] job, they are being pushed to police people's feelings."
"I think the problem we have with the current dialogue on this subject is that you basically have two poles everything the cops do is right everyone the cops shoot the cop needs to go to prison neither one of those are true."
"Filming the police helps exonerate good cops, expose bad ones, and catch the bad guys."
"Policing is most effective when it's a collaborative effort between the police and the individuals that they serve"
"Community policing works the best. Let the regions deal with the problems themselves first."
"We've created a system of over policing over incarceration, over surveillance and disinvestment in the things that we actually need as communities and families to be healthy and well and safe."
"Our budgets really reveal our values, and we care more about policing people, brutalizing people, taking away their freedom than we do about making sure that they can thrive."
"I hold the badge dear and close to my heart."
"The safest and strongest communities don't have more police officers, they have better access to resources."
"I think this notion of a drone as first responder has the potential to really transform policing for the better."
"The interaction with cops varies based on where you live."
"I believe there are good people, who happen to be police officers, but I believe policing is built on racism and prejudice, and so officers are bad."
"We see signs of a game-changing police intervention compared to simple takedowns."
"No one hates a bad cop more than the good cops."
"A vast majority of good police work is just knowing your area, knowing your players, and doing good intel."
"That's reality for cops. That's [__] reality is that there's so many people out there that would put a bullet in you just because you're wearing a badge."
"You can want the police to stop crime in your neighborhood and also want them to stop using excessive force. You can want them to hunt down a killer on your streets and also want them to stop using racial profiling."
"We can do better especially when we're spending so much and especially when there's no relationship really between that and the so-called crime that the police are supposed to deal with."
"That would be dope, doing pits from inside the car or not pits but spike strips from inside the car."
"We don't just focus on the bad behavior of individual cops; instead, we examine the system that makes bad policing possible."
"Cops exist to protect the profit and the capital of the ruling class."
"Bias whether unconscious or conscious has no place in modern policing."
"Focus on the why... allocate resources from police officers to reinvest in our communities."
"Good cops have a high crime detection rate but the best cops have time to make kids' lives a little better."
"The imperative of policing was able to overwhelm and bury the basic constitutional rights of the people."
"It's making policing in America more dangerous by the rhetoric that they're spewing, which is false."
"We need to reimagine how we do policing... but people living on the ground need proper policing."
"These are not protests. This cop is not a riot cop. He was just some cop who was pulling someone over... It's not perfect... but sometimes they pull someone over who might be drunk, someone who could seriously injure someone."
"It's just an important thing to reiterate. Anytime you get, because that was such an important topic of discussion for three years, my defunding the police is like a solution. I think you can already see the effects of defunding the police."
"The mere concept of defunding the police should never again be stated or even heard. It is so ridiculous and so dangerous."
"Our police officers are heroes, performing a great public service at great personal risk. Rare mistakes are made, but we cannot allow every isolated policing mistake to be turned into a national crisis."
"Defunding the police means shrinking the scope of police responsibilities."
"I made an oath when I joined the police... I will always maintain the highest ethical standards."
"Policing is not an institution that can be reformed, it must be deconstructed."
"It's amazing to think that these people who apply to be a cop are given a gun and sometimes a tin badge, and it almost makes them think that the badge itself is their license to freely kill or violate anyone's rights."
"Police officers are the most under-trained professionals in America. There is no field of professional endeavor that I know of where people are asked to do more with less training and preparation than when you ask a police officer."
"Policing is law enforcement, isn't it? It's not service."
"The entire system of policing is based on white supremacist violence."
"The police should be public servants again and not carry great racks of equipment around with them."
"It's not because the extent of crime and disorder... once you've stopped being on preventive patrol."
"It's impossible... stop trying to police speech."
"The structure of policing is built on white supremacy."
"Maybe we need to approach policing in a solution-oriented manner as opposed to a punitive-oriented manner."
"You're not a loving, peace-loving, tolerant society when you literally call the cops because you see people who are too close to each other outside."
"I believe that the majority of police are good... I will not believe a claim until it is substantiated."
"If we are not successful in this, you're going to have a huge threat to policing here in the United States of America."
"I think you need to completely think again about how communities are policed."
"Officials touted it as a way to improve community policing."
"Being exposed to information about over-policing vicariously is perhaps an even more potent variable in the perception of discrimination than is actual exposure to police discrimination."
"White people who live in areas with more policing tend to be more distrustful of criminal justice."
"How did you notice that?" "I lack the arrogance to ignore details. I’m not the police."
"Closing that gap has to be the top priority for every Police Department."
"We've got to look at the history of policing in this country and what I like to call earned animosity."
"We need to talk about institutional change to how we envision policing."
"This is policing 101: keep your finger off the trigger."
"Our job should not be to escalate, our job needs to be to de-escalate."
"Every young officer, I don't care who they are, is gonna make a mistake."
"I carry this with me every shift that I work."
"Having an officer like Dion Joseph has made us feel much safer here at Union Rescue Mission."
"Mainly because it's quite possible that the people rejecting the idea of defunding the police might also have a less-than-perfect understanding of what that concept means."
"You're not entitled to a perfect harmless existence because you're a cop. You signed up for that job, and I appreciate that you're serving the community, but you could have gone and worked in a cafe if you don't want to be in harm's way."
"The actions of the officer here was very professional given a unique situation."
"We're going to have to put... mayors because they do the hiring and the firing of the police department."
"Police need to be certified. They need to have hardcore training that they go through with a certification where if they [ __ ] up it gets revoked and they never work as a cop again period end of story."
"Has that ever happened in the United States ever? That is the definition of police state behavior."
"I feel like police and policing's got a lot better in the last 10 years 20 years than it was for the Boomers."
"Mass Effect's revival reminds us it's time to abolish the space police."
"End for-profit policing that's another no-brainer."
"I believe and still believe that we did an excellent job remaining peaceful, advocating for the police, advocating for respecting the police."
"These police officers exercising a tremendous amount of restraint."
"It is up to us to police these people ourselves, we have to gather intel on these white supremacists within law enforcement."
"The truth is that policing should have been on trial in that case."
"We want to take care of our police. We want to actually fund our police, not defund them. And we're not going to abolish our police."
"Right now the vote is in and it's for abolishing the police."
"This case didn't come down to litigating whether we need more or less police in our society."
"Policing is the number one area the voters want to see more spending in."
"Crime has waned down due to the end of the crack epidemic and more effective policing."
"People talk a lot of [__] about police, but police are the number one people that deal with all the crazy people."
"Recidivism is bad because of the way we handle prisons...we do jail too many people...we do over police."
"People will be responsible, you know. I worked in policing and stuff and you'd be amazed at how selfish can people be."
"The best thing about being a police officer is for me was being helping people as well as locking them up."
"I think the thing that we're not talking about is the fact that black parents and the black community have as much vested interest in the police as the white community."
"The black community demanded action by the police."
"Black communities are under-policed and badly policed."
"The reason I want to speak about violence and the way in which violence is at the core of the notion of policing is controlling violence."
"This is precisely why we say that the institution of policing is broken."
"We have to start thinking about how we have less reliance on a police response and more of our reliance on a mental health response."
"Defund the police came from activists not politicians."
"Defunding the police doesn't mean what you think it means."
"No one talks about it but black women are being heavily policed by not only black men but by black women in the community."
"Cops should not be showing up to a lot of these things that they show up to."
"We don't need to defund the police. We need to fund them with resources and training."
"Policing have evolved but I don't know if the culture has."
"We shouldn't be accepting a reality which people are being killed by the police because they had a knife that doesn't happen in other countries it is not acceptable."
"Police don't wake up and think I'm going to kill n-word today or kill a white man. They're just trying to make it back home to their family in one piece." - Ali Jr.
"Interracial policing, right? As I mentioned, envy is understandable, jealousy is understandable. Even that policing, I get, and we have to actively work against our instincts to police."
"It's the same thing they always did going and policing poor black neighborhoods but now they just have data that tells them to do it."
"Reform or completely getting rid of police and figuring out what is the new way."
"If you're surrounded by a mob, even if they're armed with just fists, pulling out a gun is probably a bad call."
"There is a Rasmussen poll that came out recently that showed 64% of Americans are concerned about the growing criticism of America's police."
"You want to live in a country where there's rule of law, peace, and a police force."
"I know we started out with this idea of police policing space and the ideology of that and how that affects communities, but you see that communities have the tools to fight back."
"I do not hate police, and there's probably no city in America where being accommodating is more challenging than Chicago."
"Justice never trickles down. Working Class People... want to live in safe neighborhoods that are properly policed."
"Hopefully a lot more transparency and honesty hopefully coming from the police department."
"There's a lot of genuine people who are worried about things like police accountability."
"They want safe policing but they also don't want to have thuggish cops."
"Policing does two things: it protects private property and suppresses marginalized communities."
"The solution is not a hundred thousand more cops... we now cage black people at six times the rate of South Africa at the height of apartheid."
"The policing we have, which is routinely abused, is a feature not a bug."
"I just watch that video and I think cowards, what effing cowards the police are."
"You need police in urban areas; take them away, and the citizens suffer."
"The first rule of police work: make no assumptions until you've seen the evidence."
"If you're a law-abiding person in a black neighborhood and you have to interact with the police due to the fact that criminals are acting up in your neighborhood, that would get under your skin."
"A good police officer's worst enemy in this world is a bad cop."
"Freedom for everybody. We don't hate police; we just hate bad policing."
"I've seen more librarians do good policing than I have police officers."
"Queen Mary's drones are the first female police officers, and by 1918 almost a million women were employed in munitions work."
"Policing is a reflection of a tremendous disorder in our economic system."
"We do not need racist police policing us, killing us as they please."
"We don't dislike police officers; we dislike bad policing."
"We might be able to better prevent crime if we diverted money away from militarized police departments and used it to fund social programs."
"I don't dislike police; I dislike bad policing."
"I'm part of a bureau that licenses, monitors, and polices alien activity on the planet Earth."
"Those kids should never have to worry when they're getting on a school bus if the police drive by and they're in a bad mood."
"Have you been affected by bad policing in Townsend, Massachusetts? Leave a comment below and tell me about it."
"You can't police a community if you don't hold yourself to a higher standard than you expect of the people from the community."
"Society is going to beg for AI and robots to come in and start policing us."
"There is a legitimate grievance that some people have about an element of some policing in the United States."
"No one hates a bad cop more than a good cop."
"Good police officers will know their community and will be able to look at the rumors and get through the rumors to what is reality."
"We need to stop arming our police like their military."
"Anti-police rhetoric has caused depolicing which in turn has reduced arrests."
"The main hook of the series is that the police force make extensive use of the robotics whenever a crime needs to be solved."
"A good policeman must be a good listener."
"Good policing comes before the color of the policing for me."
"The answer is not to defund the police. It's to fund the police with resources and training."
"Yes, there are bad police and there are good police, there is systemic racism and there are people fighting against it."
"I think body cameras are one of the best things that cops can have."
"Gotham police mirrors the real life origins of problems with policing"
"Policing surprising no one with common sense has roots in British imperialism and colonialism"
"When the day one memo of Alvin Bragg changes the way resisting arrest is treated so people can resist arrest against law enforcement and not actually face a consequence for that, what does that do to the enterprise of policing?"
"The people they are pro police, they want more police, they want better trained police."
"Racism baked into the foundation of policing in America."
"They view policing as a zero-sum game, as the police versus the public or as Ava rightly points out in London anyway, the police versus black people."
"Police deviance isn't just a product of individual bad apples, it's a deep institutional flaw."
"We need to pour more money into police sensitivity and de-escalation training."
"Require that all alternatives to use of force be exhausted before an officer is permitted to escalate."
"We've replaced teachers and counselors with police officers."
"What makes a good police officer is being able to empathize with the people that you're dealing with."
"Policing as an institution was designed around asset extraction, protection of capital, protecting and serving the interests of the wealthy."
"Wow, Norway is really impressing me with its approach to policing."
"That's the problem. People think they don't need the police because they can handle [ __ ] themselves if they've got a gun in their pocket."
"Policing contributes to making communities safe and we want everybody to have a positive experience with the police."
"You now have some incredibly powerful powers. The actions of every single police officer on duty and off duty, anywhere in the country, reflects on all of us."
"There are countries that have police forces that are not armed."
"Canada has comparatively high levels of policing next to the United States but far, far lower incarceration rates despite that."
"I think there should be more of a police presence on the street whoever's prepared to put that out there I think a lot of londoners would vote for them because we need better policing."
"I believe in peacekeeping, not policing."