
Spiritual Liberation Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"God, I thank you for breaking chains, God, I thank you for seeing what I was anchored to even when I didn't see it myself."
"I am the light; in me is no darkness. Free me of the bondage of night."
"The distinction between knowing and doing is crucial; in spirituality, knowing your true self is the path to liberation."
"For as much as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetimes subject to bondage."
"How does the soul find liberty? The only way to escape from this slavery is to become a slave of Allah Subhanho Wa Ta'ala."
"The Word of God can break any bondage, no matter what it is."
"Jesus comes into the world to set the captives free."
"He whom the Son sets free shall be free indeed."
"For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace."
"The power of sin breaks off when you accept the grace of God."
"Look and live! One look will set the captive free."
"If the Son set you free, you will be free indeed."
"Meditate on John 8:36: 'If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.'"
"The lobby's influence, of course, is no secret. AIPAC was ranked the second most powerful lobby in Washington in a 2003 survey of congressmen and their staffs."
"We need resurrection power in our lives; Christ came with resurrection power to set you and I free."
"The Church's teachings are meant to set us free, to unshackle us from the chains of the world."
"It was such a powerful story, and one of the things that stuck with me though was about the prison of the material world and this moment of great release."
"Every yoke will be broken, every stronghold will come down."
"Every curse that a witch put on you is broken in Jesus' name."
"They are trying to release the bondages as they are questioning their own judgments."
"Liberate their minds in this moment from every addiction, from every anxiety."
"Moksha: freedom from suffering, within this life itself."
"We have the power, because of our faith, to step out of the vicious cycle of evil."
"Reaching jeevan mukti is becoming freed of reincarnation."
"Glory be to God, He set me free, He broke the bonds of prison for me."
"But then, like a flash of lightning, my soul returned to me. I was free."
"Freedom comes from Jesus Christ. If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed."
"Chains are breaking off for you right now in the name of Jesus."
"Christ arrived to release Satan's prisoners."
"The only thing that can free his mind, body, and heart is God. God, you can free yourself, that's right."
"Perhaps the single most nefarious way that a desperate publisher can try and entice you to play their game is to straight up lie about it."
"When God gets ready to deliver, he'll just make chains fall off you."
"Prayer takes authority over any negative spirit that is seeking to control or to manipulate your life. Prayer ushers in liberty, it shepherds the peace of God into an otherwise confused and chaotic situation."
"So, this is more than just about America. This is about setting the spiritually oppressed people of the earth free."
"The myth must be destroyed in order for the body of Christ to be free."
"If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed."
"We have the power through our faith to protect ourselves from evil."
"If the son sets you free you'll be free indeed."
"Let that curse be broken right now in the name of Jesus."
"God's love and forgiveness is the ultimate liberation."
"It's for Freedom that Christ has made us free."
"Every generational curse is broken, every soul tie is broken, every stronghold is demolished in the mighty name of Jesus."
"It's freedom from that sin, freedom from that addiction that will bring you actual liberty."
"Books are empathy machines; they let you see through someone else's eyes."
"Deliver me in thy righteousness and cause me to escape. Escape what? The plantation, because that's what we on, brothers and sisters."
"Break every curse off of you, you have a destiny."
"God sets people free, and we believe there will be more areas that need to be set free."
"To be nothing is fantastic because it's utter liberation from self."
"It's almost like we are leaving a straight jacket behind when we slip out of our body. It's almost as if you leave a really heavy garment behind and now for the first time we see our potential."
"Prayer can shatter the shackles of misery and habits that enslave you."
"God wants you free today. That's why you tuned in to give them heaven."
"No matter what happens to me, I will still be more free than the jailer because I have been set free from the greatest oppressor of all, and it is sin."
"Do you believe in the power of God? Do you believe in the finished work of the cross? Do you believe that the King of Kings has come to give you liberty because you're oppressed?"
"Freedom really is beyond the mind. It is freedom from the mind."
"Jesus Christ is the greatest, he came to set the captives free."
"Why fill my mind with things Jesus paid a price to do away with?"
"We don't have to be slaves to our flesh anymore. We don't have to be trapped and caught up in a cycle of sin."
"True deliverance, true freedom. Any chains holding you down are destroyed. So break that cycle, choose God."
"The fast according to Isaiah 58:6 is to break bonds of wickedness, set captives free, and release people spiritually."
"There's a generation coming that is going to have to know how to set people free."
"Every curse is broken. Every anti-marriage curse on our bloodline is completely broken in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Jesus stole our stains. He stole them. The Bible tells us that He defeated death, hell, and the grave."
"That just gives me joy to know that somebody has been liberated by truth. Amen."
"May the Lord set you free from that spirit trying to hold you back."
"I want you to suffer like I did. It's not too late. I can free your spirit like I did the others."
"God wants to liberate you right now. Listen, Jesus Christ going to all shame. We have authority." - SL
"Jesus said He came to set the captives free."
"I hear the chains breaking I see somebody coming out of the prison right now the prison of generational curses these chains are being broken right now."
"The only way the monkey can escape the thrashing of samsara is for the monkey to become a monk that means to let go to let go if you don't let go that's the problem."
"Their trophies at work and these people need to be set free through Christ Jesus."
"There is power in the name of Jesus to Break Every Chain right now."
"Liberation: when we achieve it, our soul soars like an eagle with the intoxication of divine love."
"So glad I saw this tonight. I got free of something. I'm so glad you saw it as well."
"He has translated us, he has taken us out of the cage, he has freed us from the power of Satan."
"The Lord said he wants to deliver you because the moment these things fall from you, the doors will open."
"I came to set you free from the power of sin and death and to destroy the works of the devil."
"Jesus has set us free from the power of Satan."
"There is things that have been with you for years that God is saying this is the last day that you're wearing that garment."
"Get out of here with that, come on, get out of that body."
"Our liberation and transcendence truly happens through revelation."
"This is what Freedom looks like. This is how you praise God when you know your soul is free."
"Free her from the snares of Satan which until now have helped her open to her Lord the gate of Your mercy. For that, receive the souls." - A profound call for liberation from spiritual bondage.
"Jesus said you'll know the truth and the truth will set you free and most people are still bound by lies."
"If you want liberation, you must want it more than anything else."
"Chains are going to be broken, strongholds are going to come down."
"Changes in man's disposition signify that man has freed himself from Satan's bondage and has truly become a model and specimen of God's work."
"Those who enter into rest will all have broken free of Satan's influence and been obtained by God."
"The meaning of life is the escape this existence that we're in with our soul."
"God did not create you to live in depression, fear, addiction, or confusion."
"God is not mad at you. He wants you to be set free."
"Sixteen salvations today... Jesus is setting the captives free."
"Jesus is coming to his church saying, 'I've come to set religious captives free.'"
"Trust Jesus in what he did; he'll set you free."
"The gospel that brings about the freedom that is in Christ."
"Many of you could receive some spiritual Liberation Maka and Nirvana that is going to feel very light for your heart and very healing for your soul."
"Every day, their letters come into our office of people that want to be free. Every day, telephone calls from all over, crying out for a prayer of deliverance."
"When you run to Jesus, that's when the chains fall off."
"Jesus has set you free and cleansed you of all that. You just run after him."
"All heaviness and oppression lifts and leaves in the name of Jesus."
"Right now in the name of Jesus, I break and release myself from the curse of Jezebel, from the curse of Ahab, from the curse of witchcraft, from the curse of control, and I am free."
"In Christ, you are free from the power of sin. If you sin, it's not because you had to; it's because you chose to."
"But the Ascension life is entirely different. The Ascension Life, there's not a toil there."
"To be totally free from the sins that have made you spoil this world – for yourself, others and God."
"Only the word of God can set you free."
"It is continuously, effortlessly available to you forever after that. That is Moksha, that is nirvana, that is freedom here and hereafter."
"Thank you, Lord, for helping me. I thank you for breaking that bondage in my life."
"Get off the human hamster wheel my friend and let the water of the Living God flow over you."
"If the Lord has set you free from something, talk about it."
"He broke that chain, he broke that power and gives us all a chance to live for him."
"The moment you run to Him, every bit of bondage in your life starts to fall off."
"Liberalization from the inherent suffering of worldly existence."
"Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness, and loneliness."
"If you practice the Arion Eightfold Path fully, you will completely destroy suffering."
"The sacrament of reconciliation and penance is meant to be truly transformative, not just liberating."
"Voodoo was always seen as something that could threaten because it was demonstrating the possibility of freedom, spiritual freedom, and indeed political freedom."
"He set me free, He broke the bonds of prison for me, hallelujah."
"God went to the slave market of sin, he bought you, he took you home, and he adopted you."
"You're not under bondage any longer."
"Thy Word is truth, and it's the truth that sets you free."
"He came to heal the brokenhearted, to set the captives free."
"My heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed Thee."
"So that we will know the truth and be completely set free and live in the liberty, the freedom that you desire for us."
"When you find your rest in Him, everything that binds you and holds you and keeps you, it's all going to come tumbling down."
"Pure devotees who constantly hear about Rama, they overcome envy and at the same time living in this world they become free from all karmic reactions."
"My purpose is to truly free souls from the cycle of birth and rebirth and make them extremely powerful."
"I'm set free through His anointing, set free through His joy, I'm set free, I am His love."
"The divine qualities bestow liberation; they are that powerful. They hold you in God."
"The Spirit of the Lord mightily came upon Samson, and the cords that were upon his arms became as flax that was burnt with fire, and his bands were loosed."
"There is a fountain that frees the soul from sin."
"The truth will set you free, that truth will liberate you and take you out of the domain of darkness into the kingdom of the dear Son, Jesus."
"The Word of God set people free during Reformation times; people who were in spiritual slavery, spiritual bondage."
"I am your God who for your sake have become your son. I order you, O sleeper, to awake. I did not create you to be a prisoner in hell. Rise from the dead, for I am the life of the dead."
"The mission of spiritual science in the age of the consciousness soul is to set us free."
"The direct recognition of this truth brings upon what they call liberation."
"We declare that you are set free, we declare complete deliverance."
"As long as there is a single soul imprisoned in the veil of illusion, I refuse to enter the gates of Nirvana."
"Once a person has become an Arahant, the suffering that remains is so little, like the soil on a fingernail, compared to the whole world."
"In the name of Jesus, we declare that souls are liberated."
"The anointing breaks the yoke, so the yoke of public opinion can be broken today."
"To be free of the conceit 'I am', to be free of asmi-māna, that is the greatest happiness."
"For whom the Son sets free is free all the way."
"For the liberation of those who want spiritual enlightenment, the Mandukya alone is sufficient."
"If the Son make you free, you shall be free indeed."
"Truth is the only thing that can liberate people from the bondage of sin and give them eternal life."
"If you are in Christ, any curse from the past has been broken."
"It was for this freedom that Christ set us free, completely liberating us; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery."
"Oh pray, dear friends, that... God the blessed Spirit may bless them to the unfastening of the bars of iron, that gates of brass may be opened, and captive ones brought forth to liberty."
"The Lord set me free and helped me break down the mental strongholds."
"Liberation, God is causing the ground to give up that root."
"Liberated by living is the goal, and in that case, this whole course has to be completed."
"You are Jivan Mukta, liberated while living."
"Moksha is not to be sought in heavens, on earth, or in the nether regions; it is synonymous with self-realization."
"If people look in faith... that look of faith would free them from the venom."
"Christ hath blotted out the handwriting of ordinances against us... nailing it to his cross."
"Jesus breaks the chain and He breaks the curse."
"The cessation of suffering comes from the cessation of clinging."
"For he whom the Son sets free is free indeed."
"There's healing in my brokenness, there's freedom though you captured me."
"The good news of Zion's liberation restoration, that's the gospel."
"God's grace has been given to us that it might set us free, not keep us enslaved."
"For freedom's sake, Christ set you free."
"The blood of Christ shed on the cross breaks every single generational curse."
"Whom the son hath set free is free indeed."
"God has freed you, thank you, Jesus."
"This burden shall be taken from your shoulder, and this yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil."
"Learn all paths to stay, learn to be kind, your soul you'll unbind."
"We no longer are slaves to sin because through Jesus Christ you've been set free."
"If the Son sets you free, you're truly free."