
Spiritual Purpose Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"I'm anchored in something that started in heaven and my one assignment, you want to know what your purpose is, your one purpose is to make sure that heaven touches the hazardous."
"Jesus is the focus of prophecy, Jesus is the centerpiece of prophetic declaration, Jesus is the purpose ultimately of the prophetic."
"To know, love, and worship God is the ultimate purpose we are created for."
"Intentionality and self-care is so freaking important for me because I know that God has put me in this position."
"You have a higher spiritual purpose on this earth."
"Remember, they only appear when God allows them, and if God is allowing them, it's going to be for a good reason."
"You are the God who gives, you are The God Who prospers his people, help us to never lose sight of the purpose of that prosperity for the sake of your kingdom."
"Father, you saved us with a purpose to glorify you and your love constrains us."
"The restoration is not about Joseph just like the Book of Mormon is not about the Book of Mormon; both Joseph and the Book of Mormon are means to the greater end, and the end is Jesus Christ."
"Your soul's incarnation is to bring deception into light."
"That is the particular mission of the Book of Mormon—to draw us near to God."
"You are meant to be here, you have spiritual work to accomplish."
"Part of your spiritual path and purpose might actually be to help other people."
"You are anointed for this. You are anointed for the season you're in."
"What is it God wants you to be doing to make a difference in the world in which you live?"
"All Christians must share in Christ's suffering in one way or another. Don't waste it; it's for the salvation of souls."
"It's not a quick fix, but when you fast with a purpose, it can be powerful."
"You were delivered, healed, saved so that you can bring your generation to Jesus Christ."
"God is calling you to witness, not just to be successful, but to be fishers of men."
"God's Redemption turns trials into triumphs, pain into purpose."
"The ultimate goal is that people would glorify God."
"I have seen, I have found that which I seek, I know peace in your purpose."
"No, that's why we're created. We're created to fellowship with him, to be in worship with him because it's in that place when you're in that place, it's the favor of God comes on your life."
"Bethel leaders network exists for you to belong, be empowered, and bring Heaven to Earth."
"I'm not here to please people, I'm here to please Him."
"We're not in the spiritual game just to feel good. We're in this so that we and other people feel good."
"You need to trust God to bring the right people into your life to help you fulfill your God-given purpose."
"Tell the story of Christ. There's a larger purpose."
"You have the power no matter what... collectively as we start focusing more and more on our inner worlds on our Divine Purpose."
"In the divine drama of destiny, God providentially leads us to people who are asking questions about eternity, waiting only to be gathered in."
"What if all of this is one massive distraction to keep you away from chasing God's purpose?"
"God has a purpose for us as humans, his first desire is for us to have a relationship with Himself through Jesus Christ."
"There are moments when a believer's life becomes more than just life; you become a benefit to the kingdom of God."
"Not every relationship's gonna end in marriage... but you can trust that people enter your life for spiritual divine reasons."
"Discover what God has called you to do, discover where God is already working and join him in his work."
"Stop doing things for the acceptance of others. Be who it is you know the Most High put you here to be."
"Your life is purposed by God to carry the weight of His glory into the world."
"I'm just trying to please God, to do what my gift is and then ultimately to use my talents at the highest level."
"Depression, anxiety, suicide, it will not solve itself. You have to get up to discover God has more purpose for you."
"This is not about us, we don't do this for ourselves, we do this on our own in private but we come here tonight to say God, we want you to use us."
"The church was left here to fulfill the plan."
"I pray that you succeed in doing what God wants you to do."
"The great pyramid served a spiritual religious purpose."
"The reason why everything in my entire life has ever happened is to know him and to make him known."
"We are all here for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus."
"If God is telling you to write a book, it's not about you."
"We're all called to do this and God will use what we have to give."
"The tragedy would be that if God does exist and you miss his purpose for your life because you think these are silly questions."
"If you are called according to his purpose... he will cause all things to work for you."
"It's not about going to church, it's about the reason why you're at church and what you want."
"Your personal purpose is an extension of the overall purpose of Jesus Christ."
"God didn't save you to put you on a shelf. He saved you for his purposes of good works." - Ephesians 2:8-10
"Seek God for your purpose... my purpose is to raise women's self-esteem."
"The Holy Spirit is not for a Christian service. He is for Christian service."
"Why me? Why not you? You are doing what God told you to do."
"For this purpose was the son of God revealed that he might destroy the works of the devil."
"The body of Christ serves His purpose now, but in eternity, He desires His bride."
"Unlike the brute beasts, we weren't made for things of this world; we were made for God."
"There's passion and there's purpose for why he came down here that you may have life in heaven in abundance."
"God will give you the power to accomplish the Great Commission because it's his purpose for your life."
"We're all put on this earth to do what a higher power has put us here to do."
"Even though I'm a vessel that God uses, it's because God wants to get something to you."
"God is more committed to his purpose and his plan for your life than you are."
"Being an earth angel means that you're called at the soul level to help others."
"That's why we do what we do: the salvation of souls."
"God's plan for my life was in place before God even constructed the foundation of the world to put the world on."
"We can make an eternal difference in people's lives just in the daily suffering that comes our way, offering it in reparation for sin and the conversions of sinners."
"Choose the path that brings you closer to your divine purpose, even if it means walking away from expectations."
"You're here for a soul mission, not just a physical mission."
"You came here for this, you are a light worker, you are a multi-dimensional being."
"I want you to pray today that God will use you as a light in dark places."
"You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense."
"God has a purpose, a plan, and a desire for your life."
"You are equipped to do and to become whatever God had in mind when he brought you into this world."
"Making disciples is definitely your purpose."
"You literally came here to be a blessing to others, even though you normally come hidden to people."
"Here is where God has purpose for you. Here is where you are going to get the fulfillment that you're looking for."
"You are a lightworker who has come to Earth to teach about love."
"We're only here for Jesus anyways on this planet."
"The Christian story is that we are called to participate in the divine."
"You are called into your calling, your mission, your divine purpose."
"We are the Pluto generation... we are here to help the collective ascend... do not forget your roots... you are very powerful."
"You are divinely placed here because the light serves the greatest benefit in the darkest spaces."
"You're meant to help protect innocence, whether that means you're working with children, light workers, or even animals."
"Fasting because we love Jesus, want to be like Him, and be used by Him."
"The first and foremost reason for you being in physical form is to collectively shift consciousness on the earth plane."
"God's wrath is not towards people, it's towards that which destroys his beautiful purpose."
"Your body is a holy place and it has a heavenly purpose."
"He didn't come for a piece of property."
"Make that your life goal, make that your life purpose that I'm going to help other people get to where God's trying to get them to be."
"Our purpose extends beyond the gate; it's to praise and magnify God."
"Live for God's glory, that's what we were created for."
"I came to seek and save those who are lost."
"The Lord's purpose, beloved, is for he and us, beloved, to be able to dwell together in harmony and friendship."
"Our purpose is to unite ourselves with God; that's the whole purpose, that's salvation."
"What if we as human beings are angels in human form, aspects of the divine here to heal and awaken the light in the world that we live in?"
"The purpose of spirit... would be wisdom, Transcendence."
"The power of the Spirit, the purpose of the power is for people."
"They come from God for the benefit of others, not for yourself."
"What's done is done; I have learned my lesson from that, and my purpose now is God realization."
"You providentially worked and caused all things to work together for good to those who love You and are called according to Your purpose."
"Your purpose for living can only be defined by Him."
"The main reason every one of us are here on this planet is to learn to love God first and one another next."
"It is the nature of the revelation of the Jewish people in the world about God and about the purpose of the world and about the human being."
"The Holy Spirit is not given for our own pleasure and our own enjoyment; it is given for service."
"God will work in me to will and to do His good pleasure."
"That you may be one; this is God's agenda."
"The gospel is primarily about redemption, and our personal redemption is not the be-all end-all of our creator's purpose."
"Conformity to the image of Christ, to be like Jesus, is the reason for marriage."
"We are here to serve His purpose."
"What if the dream God has for me isn't even about me?"
"The main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life."
"The spiritual purpose of family life is to expand one's consciousness through cultivation of purifying divine love and friendship."
"You are part of a spiritual team that is here to help transform mass consciousness."
"There is definitely a divine plan, a spiritual purpose for you."
"The whole purpose of the gospel is Jesus came to set us free."
"You are an earth angel, you're a light worker who's come to earth to teach about love."