
International Comparison Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"Freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and so on are liberties that don't exist in other countries."
"There are fears that I have in the United States that I do not have in Germany... I do not have the fear of being shot, being homeless, or receiving large bills and being in huge sums of debt."
"Medical bankruptcies do not exist in other first-world countries."
"I would rather be a homeless person in the United States than the average working-class person in any other country."
"Britain has the NHS, Canada has a national Medicare system, almost every major Western country has something like that, but the US doesn't."
"Japanese culture was confronting darker, exciting themes in a way that the US and Europe seemed slower at adopting."
"It's not fatherless homes. There are fatherless homes in Canada, in the United Kingdom. Why aren't they killing as many people with guns?"
"In other countries, tax day is a breeze because the government just sends you a pre-populated form you can either approve or amend."
"The United States has got to join every other major country on earth and guarantee health care to all people as a right."
"Other rich countries around the world are spending half of what we do per capita on healthcare and seeing much better outcomes."
"Human rights abuses in Russia and China cannot remotely be compared to the annihilation of people."
"Our murder rate... we're very spoiled by having data on everything with regard to crime. Most countries don't have that type of breakdown."
"If you're looking here at all of Europe, the entire UK, Australia, Norway, you know, they don't have this type of drug gang problem."
"The American Rescue Plan was unique across the world in terms of fiscal responses to this pandemic crisis. The United States stepping in and having a more aggressive fiscal response than almost any country in the world."
"The value of life in the US seems to be much lower than in many other countries, especially Western civilized countries."
"But knowing that it's not I I I would like to look at countries that I don't want to be like and say what do they do and if they do that then maybe we don't do that."
"We have the highest rate of violent crime for any modern Western Country."
"Do you realize we have more people incarcerated than any other country, right?"
"In other countries there's extreme rhetoric just like this but they don't have mass shootings."
"China is trying to do in one generation what the Western world took two centuries to accomplish."
"Every country has kids with mental health disorders, but not every country has kids getting shot up."
"I know officers from countries that said look in my country you practically have to take a bullet before you can shoot somebody that's their standard and that's why they shoot fewer people."
"We have one of the lowest case fatalities in the world."
"Why should Americans pay $645 for the same inhaler... sold in the United Kingdom for $49?"
"Well, it turns out is, have you guys ever looked at what these other countries out here are doing?"
"China's lack of experience in medium thrust engine technology is widely recognized."
"Italians spend $3,000 for a system that covers everyone, while Americans pay $8,000."
"I do see mandelic acid a lot in Eastern skincare but not as much in the USA which I don't know why, we need to catch the (beep) up."
"Companies in China are subject to more regulations than in the US."
"Vietnam's recent development speed is 'surpassing that of China in its early years.'"
"Under this transformative order, Medicare will be required to purchase drugs at the same price as other countries pay."
"The United States has reduced CO2 more than the countries that are still in the Paris climate accord, but we've done it through innovation."
"America has the highest maternal mortality of any industrialized country."
"It won't surprise you to learn that the U.S is the only industrialized nation on the planet that does not mandate some amount of paid parental leave."
"Life expectancy in the US is three years less than the average OECD country."
"Australia and New Zealand got it right, the rest of the world basically got it wrong."
"China will have more stealth fighters on the front line than the US does by 2025."
"The GDP in the US is the highest of any G7 Nation American economy is growing faster than China."
"Every other developed civilized country in the world has universal health care. We're the only ones who don't."
"We have the highest chronic disease rate of any country."
"We pay much more than anybody, double or triple what people pay per capita in Europe or Canada, and our healthcare outcomes are 79th in the world."
"We need real Revival in this country... it's just Christianity in other countries and they don't have mass shootings."
"It's silly simple. It's also what other countries are already doing all of the damn time."
"We have to open our schools... Germany, Norway, so many countries right now, they're open."
"From the outside looking in, a place like America is incredibly transparent."
"Best case scenario if we don't change anything, India can reach the per capita income level of Iran or Malaysia in 20 years."
"China today has an economy which in purchasing power parity terms is actually bigger than the United States."
"South Korea and Japan massively increasing cases despite South Korea giving more doses of vaccine than anywhere else in the world."
"It's important to understand that the way people in Asian countries, especially Japan, view the supernatural isn't the same as Americans or Europeans view them."
"China has built 37,000 kilometers of High-Speed Rail in the last 10 years, while the United States has built zero."
"The U.S spends like x amount of trillion dollars a year and then it's like Russia China Japan France England like all of their military budgets combined is less than we spent on our military."
"Estonia ranks fifth on the list of countries with the best education, surpassing even Finland."
"I'm quite optimistic that the UK is going to carry on going down, less so optimistic the United States are going to carry on going down because I am concerned about the new variant."
"The Irish response to Ukrainian refugees really did put Britain to shame."
"American bridges and roads are falling into disrepair at the same time China is building feats of engineering once unimaginable."
"We have the greatest capacity in the world not even close."
"We have better testing than any country in the world."
"Most other countries go for a high-stakes knowledge-based test at the end of secondary school."
"China is leading the world in the fight against climate change."
"Cuba continues to produce doctors and provide its population with an education that's unparalleled even in the United States."
"You want free health care and college? That's not workable, even though it works in every other developed country perfectly."
"If that was in Russia or China what would we be saying?"
"China is prepared for this pandemic while the US is not."
"In all advanced countries, they've got roughly equal competence, we all have the same technology but we make very different choices."
"The UK ranks about fifth or sixth when compared with the EU in refugee intake."
"Business confidence is higher today in America than in any other G7 or EU country."
"The United States has more people in jail than Turkmenistan with its wild dictatorship or even North Korea."
"Free refills in American restaurants...you need to pay if you wanted extra drink in other countries."
"Maybe just maybe we might want to do what every other major country on earth does."
"India administered more COVID vaccine doses than all of the G7 nations put together in August."
"We have more cases because we have far more testing than any country in the world."
"Canada right across the border, you've got 39 percent fewer deaths for almost 40 percent."
"China's investments in clean energy infrastructure dwarf those of the United States and the European Union."
"Look at these successful countries, figure out what they're doing right."
"Every other developed nation in the world has Universal Health Care."
"As big a mess as China has to clean up, the United States is still the largest per capita polluter in the world."
"We're talking about this bill... essentially bringing about a lot of things over here that we've seen in another country over the last few years."
"In countries without the same freedoms, you don't even have the First Amendment, let alone the Second or Fifth."
"We wanted to find out all the differences between Wendy's in Japan and the US."
"At one point you did a great America good moment it was awesome yeah when I was talking about vaccination rates about how European countries are outpacing us because we got an initial spike but we have so much vaccine hesitancy in our country."
"Data is the new oil, so China is the new Saudi Arabia."
"Civilized countries like Britain, Australia, and others are far ahead of us on this issue."
"Isn't it just the communist countries and the dictatorships that are doing this? This should be rejected by both the left or the right."
"Comparing US weapons with Russian weapons would be like comparing a brand new Ford F-150 Raptor with a Lada Niva."
"I speak to people who work in supply chains in the U.S. and in China and guess what wages in China over the last 15 or 20 years they're up 500 percent or more for factored workers."
"And not for nothing, but the federal gasoline tax in European countries like Germany, the UK, and France just the tax is $2.80 a gallon!"
"China has done some remarkable things but they've done it in ways that are inconsistent with the developed world."
"Technology is primarily introduced as an aid for the teachers' presentations in American schools, but in Finland, the emphasis is much more on the students using the technology for their learning."
"Because it's like I mean in Sweden like and and do you just do you um I mean not only they probably have better leadership."
"We have far more ICU beds per capita than any other nation."
"It is so embarrassing and so tragic given the loss of life in the United States that countries in Western Europe or in East Asia all around the world are outperforming the United States in being able to control the transmission of COVID-19."
"If our kids can't compete for the kids from China Japan and Korea and the other European nations if we continue to score xx in language and and xxx and math God knows what we score in science and we're heading down we really are."
"What's happened in England now is we have fallen completely out of step with like Spain, Australia, the US, Canada, all these like international centers of trans health for this very unique approach."
"Preserving individual freedom is a very difficult task and some of these policies we see coming from China don't make it any easier."
"China saves its people as democracies slaughter theirs."
"Tyranny creates tyranny code... We saw what happened in Australia, we saw what happened in Canada where tyranny reigned."
"We're getting on with coming out of covid with the fastest economic recovery in the g7."
"America has the best [ __ ] drugs it's period okay we have the best drugs even in Amsterdam."
"Per capita, they were leading the one of the main leading countries of getting people vaccinated."
"Thailand actually has more 7-elevens than the US and is second only to Japan in this regard."
"America has one of the lowest unionization rates in the entire world."
"One American consumes as many resources as 32 Kenyans."
"Americans have quite different tastes when it comes to cargo and passenger vans than in the rest of the world."
"We're testing about 300,000, that's two times what other countries are doing."
"Canada's technology workforce outpaced the US' in growth rate in 2022."
"Wouldn't the judgment against China for this whole virus outbreak make the Treaty of Versailles look like the ten dollar check you get from your grandma on your birthday?"
"Chinese politicians are far more competent than most Western politicians."
"This is not a uniquely American thing. You can see that depressed areas in other Western countries also have turned to this kind of ugly, right-wing movements."
"There's a lot of cool and interesting things that go on... like their game atmospheres... that would be dope if that was here in the US."
"it's not easy to survive in America it's a good place to live compared to other countries but it's still difficult to live well"
"The true win is in the UK. What happened here in the U.S. was a travesty of justice."
"China and America both face challenges with large, influential companies - too big to fail or manage."
"Our case mortality rate is half to a third of many of the other countries."
"You cannot conduct a mass shooting with a weapon that you cannot find anymore and other countries have been able to get this done."
"What the government is proposing is quite out of step with lots of other European and North American countries."
"Congress must act big time to do what the European Union has done to do what Australia has done to do what New Zealand has done to do what Canada has done this is needed right now."
"We pay twice as much as every other developed nation for healthcare and every one of those countries has better healthcare by every metric than we do"
"The main difference between China and America is that the corporations work for the Chinese government."
"So America, if we're gonna insist on being a nation of gun nuts, we could at least try and Swiss things up."
"Americans have higher rates of violent crime as compared to our European counterparts, certain groups in the United States of America have higher rates of violent crime compared to other places that are notorious for high crime rates."
"The tools to be able to deliver more value to society are staggering and it's everywhere as a system that looked one way is changing into a new system so there's tons of opportunity."
"India will overtake the United States to become the world's second-largest economy by 2075."
"We have 34.7 ICU beds per 100,000 people, the best there is compared to other nations."
"If people knew what it was like during a revolution like in Cuba or what's been going on in Venezuela or what's happening right now in Nicaragua or in Mexico, this country, we just got a few radical weirdos that are in Washington, DC."
"Labor costs are way lower in Mexico than they are in China."
"When it comes to planting trees, China has definitely been kicking our butts."
"French people really rude?... Yes, they're rude from a North American perspective."
"The U.S. is the only OECD country that does not have a federal paid leave program."
"Mental health is astronomically expensive right now... I appreciate your Medicare for all bill because it does include mental health."
"Germany does prison right. This might be one of the best prisons I've ever seen."
"Canada's tech market has grown 15.7% since 2020, outpacing the U.S."
"American school lunches, while countries like France are feeding their kids stuff like scallops with a curry sauce."
"I was shocked at how well-behaved children are in America."
"Honestly, Europe has a lot going for it that I wish Americans would understand."
"We spend twice as much as other countries on healthcare, but our social outcomes are worse."
"US needs to use Australia's examples with gun control"
"We are almost twice the size of China's economy, and nobody knows that."
"We put more people in prison than any country on earth for no good reason."
"Failed states are not only in the global south... Russia, France, the UK, and even the U.S should be understood in similar terms."
"If This Were Russia or China we would automatically Define these companies as extensions of the government right..."
"California has a larger economy than three countries that have one and a half times the size of it."
"You need only look at different countries, right? Different countries have had wildly different outcomes."
"Having cancer in Canada is just the same as having it in the U.S. The healthcare you receive is top-notch, it's good if you get it."
"Chinese hydropower is roughly the same size as Germany's entire energy budget and greater than all but 10 countries' energy budgets around the world."
"One of the best parts of the whole experience is how cheap the beer is relative to finding it in the United States."
"America is the only rich country that doesn't have nationwide statutory paid parental leave."
"We work 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more than the British, and 499 more hours per year than the French."
"Most other advanced countries do it better, cheaper, and reach more people."
"We are the only country among the advanced countries that doesn't recognize access to health care as a basic human right."
"I think Americans are very friendly compared to the rest of the world."
"It costs way less to go to college in Korea than it does in the US."
"Canadian education is significantly more affordable than in the US."
"The U.S is one of just a few developed countries to have a minimum legal drinking age over 18."
"Real estate prices in India... you can buy a mansion in LA and for that amount of price you'd get an apartment in many parts of Delhi."
"You're able to succeed here and lead a very good quality of life compared to other countries all over the world."
"That's the difference. However, the doctors from other countries who worked with me, when we had a chance to talk, they earned $7,000 per month."
"We spend 50 percent more than Switzerland and we don't have cheaper health insurance and we don't necessarily have better outcomes."
"Why do other countries have such a better balance? Because many of them have laws that cap the length of the full-time work week."
"From McDonald's to Domino's, we wanted to find out all the biggest portion size differences between UK and US fast food."
"The breast cancer death rate in Sri Lanka was 1.6 per hundred thousand; in the U.S., it was 32.7 per hundred thousand."
"The prostate cancer risk was 0.2 per hundred thousand men in Sri Lanka; in the U.S., it was 23.5."
"We find almost no differences in upward mobility between Canada, Sweden, and the United States."
"The cost of living in Mexico is 53% lower than the cost in the United States."
"Rent in Mexico is 74% lower than in the United States."
"The cost of living in the United States is 111% higher than in Mexico, counting rent."