
Spiritual Quotes

There are 3182 quotes

"Rejoice because your names are written in heaven."
"The animals and the natural world at large have been my greatest spiritual teaching."
"We are all Cleopatra, we were all Edgar Cayce, we were all you, we were all me. We are one."
"There are two factions of non-humans on Earth: one is on the path of service to others, here to help humanity spiritually liberate itself; the other is on the path of service to self, here to enslave humanity for their own selfish needs."
"In him, we find our strength; in him, we find our value."
"God has a plan for your life, and you're headed somewhere."
"Archangel Sandalphon: We angels bring you gifts from your creator. Open your arms to receive."
"I am totally adequate for all situations. I am one with the power and wisdom of the universe."
"All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made." - John 1:3
"In Jannah, it's just pure and pure and pure happiness for eternity."
"No eye has seen it, and no ear has heard it; it's never even come to the wildest imagination of a person."
"Every person in Jannah will have the beauty of Yusuf Al-Islam."
"In Jannah, you have marketplaces and these marketplaces have designer faces; you just look at them, you just desire that your face looks like that, and your face changes."
"Our hope is not in odds, our hope is in God."
"Without him, you cannot; but without you, he will not."
"Every second of every minute, every minute of every hour, every hour of every day will serve as a gracious reminder God honored my heart's desire by entrusting me with you."
"Seeing you is proof perfect that God truly sees me."
"You don't blend energy, you have to harmonize energy and the ultimate harmonization is when you're ready to balance those opposites equally, two halves make a whole."
"You are not alone, and your passed-on loved one really wants to let you know that."
"The moment you decide to let go and allow transformation to occur, you open up the doors to a vast temple where you can build something solid."
"When you have the favor of God on your life, some good things begin to happen."
"When I'm in alignment with the love of the universe, peace cannot be disrupted."
"You are not what you did; you are who God says you are."
"The anointing for divine intervention... I declare, days of divine intervention."
"Your angels and guides motion for you to enter through the golden door."
"No one else has the key, my beautiful beings of light."
"When you tell me that you've made a change in your life because of something I said, I consider that to be a very humbling gift from God."
"His kingdom is one that will not pass away, and his dominion will never be destroyed."
"Are you ready to receive a miracle? I hope so."
"Prosperity: As this tree grows so strong, so fine, so may I prosper from the universal divine."
"A good confession is better than an exorcism."
"Let our souls be delivered from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling."
"Using the home-selling platform Etsy, apparently some spiritually crafty people have started businesses where they can create for you a drawing of your future soulmate just by answering a few questions online."
"There's something about you doing a physical act of obedience that brings spiritual release, favor, and blessing. Look out, miracles will come, favor will come, blessing will come."
"Discernment is not that my belly feels good or my, you know, I or my the rest of my bowel system feels good. That's not discernment. Discernment is in your spirit."
"This person is connecting with you, maybe in dreams, but you have this higher dimensional connection as well."
"He said, 'If I were to take a close friend from amongst mankind, I would take Abu Bakr, but Allah has taken me as a Khalil, as His special and exclusive friend.'"
"The Earth really is alive and there is so much loving energy that the Earth just wants to give you all the time."
"No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed."
"The peace that goes beyond all understanding comes from Jesus."
"I stand before you tonight in the spirit of this musical number: 'I Need Thee Every Hour,' and hope and pray and desire that I may be given utterance by the power of the Spirit."
"In the end, meditation is actually not even a practice you're doing; it's something you're ceasing to do."
"You're so high vibrational, you're such a great healer, you're so exalted spiritually, all you have to do is show up to the party."
"It really is an inauguration that just sort of kicks off what it is that God wants to do in your heart, what he wants to do in your mind, how he wants to revolutionize your life."
"This animal was brought to you by God to be your supporter and companion on this journey here on Earth."
"Greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world."
"You are the royal blood of heaven flowing in your veins."
"I guarantee you there will come a time somebody will ask you to sponsor them that you can't stand, and you have a spiritual responsibility to take care of him anyway."
"Your adversary, the devil, is roaming around like a lion looking for someone to devour."
"I decree and declare that it is well with my soul, it is well within me."
"So much about your journey recently has been about bridging the spiritual with the material and specifically being honest with yourself about what your human self needs."
"There's evil and there's darkness in the world, but there's also a lot of good in the world, and good and light and love will win in the end."
"Being gentle has immense benefits, it is one of the paths to paradise." - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
"Thank You, Father, I'm in Your presence. Thank You, You know what You're doing and You know why You're letting this happen."
"The power of the Heavenly Iron Will is impenetrable."
"Black woman, you're the mother of God, you are the mother of the black nation."
"Shakti is not all love and grace. Shakti can transform, break boundaries."
"I love that 'thy sins are forgiven.' What beautiful and gentle words."
"There's more to your destiny, isn't there? I've seen it."
"We always deliver, there'll be a lot to feed your soul."
"It just felt like perfect love, the love of the Holy Spirit came and like dropped on me."
"Give me one year of your life and God will change it."
"Sleep, rest, and just quoting some scripture."
"You gotta be careful who you're telling people your plans because... it's all spiritual."
"If we speak the name of Jesus, there's going to be reconciliation."
"They have something to tell you, and it's really burning a hole in their throat chakra."
"This is part of the skit Creator first and putting the Creator above everything making sure that we are fighting for the Creator day in and day out."
"Death and life is in the power of your tongue."
"God promised to pour out his spirit upon all flesh."
"The faith that comes when we hear the word is not passive but active."
"They feel this connection is extremely deep, it's very profound, it's very awakening."
"Gratitude works a lot. The universe loves gratitude."
"Forgive each other as the Lord has forgiven you."
"It was a time of spiritual awakening, a time of revolution and great change."
"The Lord was pleased to strengthen us, and to remove all fear from us, and disposed our hearts to be as useful as possible."
"There's definitely karma in your connection."
"Rejection is God's protection in redirection to something better."
"Wherever that light is reflected, Darkness has to dissolve."
"We are troubled on every side yet not distressed, persecuted but not forsaken, cast down but not destroyed."
"He first sets us free so we can set others free."
"A fountain shall come forth of the house of Yahweh."
"My soul felt incredible, it felt loved like unconditionally or divinely loved like it was bathed in a sea of love."
"God forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me."
"Something is going to come to an end... but it's up to you when you're gonna take the spiritual scissors and just cut it out of your life."
"One word from God can change your whole life."
"The concept of avatar means one who comes from a higher level down to a lower level."
"Joining together in mass meditation gives us the opportunity to unite our hearts and minds."
"They see you as a very, very pure spirit. You're like no other. They see you as like a goddess or a god, definitely, definitely like an angel."
"May the Lord touch you and may your life shift."
"To behold your son on the cross and triumphantly risen from the dead pleases. It's truly beautiful."
"The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes."
"Sometimes God gets you out of suffering, most of the time God gets you through suffering."
"It is rare indeed when a person has the good fortune to meet a saint."
"Cosmic awakening in waves, starting in May 2024."
"Let the breath of God breathe upon you, live right now."
"The ultimate result is to steal, kill, and destroy."
"The Book of Revelation was given to John by the Lord's Angel."
"Light workers have the ability to change a negative situation into a positive one."
"You guys are natural healers, here to help people uplift and raise their vibes."
"Embrace the light and believe that everything is going to be okay."
"Become your own sovereign, own your divine powers, step into your power."
"Understanding not only what but why everything happens for our own Soul's Evolution."
"Spirit does want to talk to you today and share those messages and give you the clarity and the support that you need."
"When you heal past lives, you'll reach a sense of freedom like you've never felt before."
"Breathe in deeply feeling the love filling the lungs the cells of the body the light."
"Joy profound awaits him who was able even in a small degree to respond faithfully to this call."
"The only thing that combats fear is prayer. You've got to raise it up."
"The Quran serves as a means of cure for a lot of things that a lot of us are suffering from."
"The Quran serves as a means of protection from all forms of evil."
"Blessings are waiting to come into your life."
"You welcome me in, and now I am with you, filling your essence."
"This connection is deeply rooted in your soul."
"Part of the hadith scholars and indeed the jurist's task is to try and recreate something of the unique spiritual immediacy of the early days of the ummah."
"Ability to build institutions...praying up to the bigger forces."
"People throw you away but God is not through."
"Your light creates awakening, they feel your aura is so bright."
"God is going to use you to make this global."
"I always feel like I'm reading the bible or something with this intro, just a holy intro so inspirational."
"Allah is the one who put the love in our hearts for one another."
"All things work together for the greater good."
"He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it."
"May the Lord bless each of us to try even try a little harder to be a little better."
"Your ancestors are strongly present around you."
"God is going to pour out his anointing on you."
"I'm Yours in that moment I passed from Death To Life."
"This new moon is about letting go of the past, clearing the past."
"I hear the lord say that i have heard you and i heard you from the first day you called but your praise is causing me to stand up your praise is causing me to start walking."
"This is like a really beautiful soul connection. This is a gift."
"May the Lord bless you and keep you, may he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you, may he lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."
"The universe understands where you've come from, the universe understands where you're going."
"The Age of Aquarius is rewards, but mostly it's freedom."
"It is so rare that anybody has a complete and other almost like a religious transformation."
"The Quiet Ones invites you to revere in the power from the song of our source. Together we will attain true control."
"Listen to your intuitive downloads, they're going to guide you."
"Your restoration has begun tonight. It's not 'you will recover all,' but it's 'you are recovering all as of this night.'"
"I just saw someone who was watching, sharp pains going down your back. You'll be healed right now. I rebuke that sharpness out of your life."
"The blessing of the Lord comes with responsibility and a price."
"Everything you've built already is being protected by the Angels."
"The devil is simply a lower frequency lovers card."
"This is not just a tidal wave, this is a rolling of my glory, a tsunami of miracles."
"I'm feeling him like just surround me with this love and this comfort in this moment."
"This calling is your Soul's way of signaling that it's time to shed the old, to release what no longer serves you, and to embrace the unknown with open arms."
"When God removes a man from your life, he's blessing you with something bigger."
"Be bold, be strong, be courageous, walk with ahaya."
"One word from God can turn your life around."
"If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."
"It feels like a break, it feels like a huge unburdening of your soul because of this knowledge that is coming through for you."
"May divine sovereignty reach your heart this month and this year and set you free..."
"Nrf2 turns on God's plan that he had for you when you were a child."
"The healing of America comes from the forgiveness of the sin of the church."
"Guard your mind by casting down imaginations and every high thing."
"Thank you, Lord, that by your grace, I'm saved. Thank you, Lord, by your grace, I'm righteous. Oh my goodness, you become so grateful."
"You're free from this thing, in Jesus' name."
"Do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body and what you will put on it."
"May God give you all you need to be the happiest for the past three decades you made us dream."
"There is a greater light and a greater miracle."
"Real freedom is the only way we can have real love between ourselves and our source."
"You hold a cherished place in my plan, my wish is for you to be healed."
"I promise not to let you face more than you can endure. Whenever you call on me, you'll instantly feel my embrace."
"My love for you is constant, feel my embrace. I am here to bless you, cherish you, and shield you."
"I'm bestowing upon you a spirit of love, self-discipline, bravery, and truth."
"For I go to prepare a place for you... I will come again and receive you to myself, that where I am, there you may be also."
"Believe in yourself, you are a wonder of creation, wash away all fear and discover you are a shining star, allow all around you to just be, let go of trying to control life for the light of your soul will always guide you always towards love."
"Purging is a very natural part of the ayahuasca experience."
"Transformation is the very essence and definition of salvation."
"It captures Jesus's heart for children so beautifully."
"It was like my father's Spirit was visiting me on the way from his body to wherever he was going."
"Love is chosen and if it's protected and nurtured it grows. Love is sacrifice, love is effort, love is Everything Saint Paul describes in First Corinthians."
"Your ancestors have your back, blocking their return."
"The first sound that controls the victory of the believer is the sound of prayer."
"God's trying to show him I'm a barrier breaker."
"Floating on water looking at the sun, best spiritual experience I've had."
"My conscience is my daily communion with God, and if I follow my conscience, I won't do wrong." - George Galloway
"How to listen to this energy and try to give the right information that the energy needs to be provided."
"There's definitely a strong connection here, a spiritual connection."
"You guys deserve to be truly protected, and the kind of protection that you want only comes from somebody who's spiritual, who knows how to fight these battles."
"Your body is a temple and your shadow self is trying to remind you that your internal can be a part of your external as well."
"God is shifting everything according to purpose because we are a purpose people, we're harvesters."
"Time for the new. The new is opening up. Spirit is even presenting it to you."
"Love them unconditionally, just like God would love."
"You feel genuinely so happy, so happy that you will just think to yourself, 'Hallelujah.'"
"We have tamed nature, but actually we need to keep the god of nature on side."
"You guys have a spirit guide that watches over you both, this guide is going to ensure that you guys fulfill those contracts because you're meant to."
"The real power isn't in gaining psychic abilities."
"As you are having this shift, it's elevating you up to the star."
"Pray for the devil, for devils have no reason."
"Listen to your body to unlock free-flowing positivity and spiritual power within you."
"The temple Bell: creating harmony, calmness, and concentration."
"As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
"Peace comes from remembering Only Love is Real."
"As conquerors, we're called to have an eternal perspective, to see beyond the here and now to the glorious future that God has prepared for those who love Him."
"Sending your brightest blessings, peace, healing, love, and light to every single one of you."
"You are not beholden to their energy. Hear the sound of that glass breaking as you break through any of those old karmic ties."
"An act of compassion that will send her spirit to rest at last."
"The gift of tongues is mysteries being spoken aloud; your spirit is praying."
"The light is within you, you light your own light."
"Your collective wants to reconnect you to your heart space and show you where you've become hardened and jaded."
"We release tonight light. We release light to doors, and those doors are starting to crack, those doors are crumbling by the light."
"He didn't come to condemn the world but to help us."
"It's not the morality that gets you a meeting with the King, it's the oil of the Holy Spirit."