
Testimony Quotes

There are 4144 quotes

"If I told you my rap sheet, you would be surprised that someone like me could be standing where I'm standing, but He broke the chain of what I've been anchored to."
"Dr. Curry, she was probably one of my favorite moments just because I really liked her testimony."
"I've got tens of thousands of letters from people... 'I was lost, aimless, depressed, nihilistic, anxious, drug-addicted, alcoholic, wasting my time... and now I'm better.'"
"For some...this became a scandal, but for those familiar with the stages of spiritual growth, what Mother Teresa went through was an extreme testimony to her holiness."
"I will testify before the Congress under oath about everything I have said and more."
"Jack Smith is not hesitating and just filed a motion to compel the testimony of former Vice President Mike Pence."
"I know he lives and though people might say it's unreasonable that such a being as Christ should exist, I know he lives. I know he is our Savior and our Redeemer."
"God has saved you in order to demonstrate to all creation how good He is."
"What I'm telling this jury is that I went down there and when I took that chicken from Bubba, I would have said something to Mags. I got back on that golf cart and I drove back to my house. After getting back to my house, I went inside, and in short order, I went to the couch. That's what I'm telling this jury."
"I invite you to gain a solid testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ."
"We're particularly mindful of the glorious resurrection of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ and pray that Thou bless us with our testimonies as vibrant and strong."
"The devil lost. Tell the people the devil lost in your life."
"Based on interviewing over 40 witnesses over four years... I believe that our government is in possession of UAPs."
"For me, the biggest thing you need to learn, and I think that witnesses need to do, is one, don't try and make the fish bigger than it was, stick to the facts, write it down, and don't speculate what you think it is."
"The weight of her testimony was striking, leaving an indelible impression on those present."
"Everything I loved is gone, and I am left with one purpose: to deliver a message, to testify to the truth."
"I'm not out here to glorify the Gang Lifestyle. I'm here to speak as a witness and as a survivor of the streets."
"Christianity becomes more than an accessory, more than a cross worn around our necks. It becomes about living to serve Jesus and to testify about all the wondrous things that He has done."
"If we just believe a random person on the street when they tell us where the train station is, why would we not believe all these women testifying to the same thing independently of each other?"
"It's heartbreaking to hear Kevin have to recount a lot of that because you feel the moments of when his relationship deteriorated."
"Hunter Biden flouts subpoena to closed-door testimony."
"I want to thank all of you for testifying today. You have truly performed an incredibly important public service."
"I testified in Washington to a very favorable array of senators, and they all were happy with the bill as it was."
"By the power of the Holy Spirit, you will live and testify of the goodness, the promises, and the glory of God upon your life."
"This testimony is going to give you a glimpse into what God can do in your life."
"The church of Jesus Christ right now is a bad testimony to the healing that needs to occur in our country and in our culture."
"Go home to your friends and tell them how great things the Lord has done for thee and has had compassion on thee."
"Watkins sobbed while testifying and showed remorse for his actions."
"I invite you to look at the Book of Mormon in a new light and consider the profound witness it bears of the reality of the Risen Christ."
"I'm a living testimony of that hard work pay off. I know what it takes."
"The boy said that he was killed by getting an axe to his head."
"Hanson testified once more before the U.S Senate...the warming signal of human-caused climate change was already here, he said."
"His voice will remain a voice to check revisionist historians and Holocaust deniers with an irrefutable account."
"It's extraordinary to get discovery in these matters, but the fact of taking live depositions or testimony from these folks under oath, it's remarkable."
"The message that the MPD was projecting from the witness stand."
"The prophets' number one goal is to testify of Jesus Christ and to get us to come unto Him."
"There's no one worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the servant and messenger of Allah."
"My God, what a stirring testimony that God has given to you."
"The power of Godly connections is beautifully illustrated in the testimonies of transformed lives."
"I think when Amber Heard was testifying, is when I kind of felt myself start to lean more towards Johnny Depp's side."
"My father saw a [__] all right. This is real."
"I testify of its truth I testify of the Salvation that comes through Jesus who is introduced to us first in the pages of the Old Testament."
"Whatever Jamarcus Johnson reveals in court may prove crucial in putting people behind bars and ending the bloodshed in Memphis."
"After 20 years if you have witnesses saying that they're unwilling to testify truthfully under oath it does make me think that they are fearful."
"You're their star witness, and you don't even know the person you're testifying about."
"When Jesus talks about suffering he talks about the purpose of it and he says as a testimony to them."
"I'm from New Orleans, I've lost cousins to gun violence."
"What better man to tell you that Jesus can make you walk than a man who has been laying on the bed for 38 years."
"We are the testimony... We are the descendants of those who were enslaved in this country."
"If the Congress allows them to, they will testify before the house."
"This trial is happening in April this trial is happening soon Donald Trump's going to be called to take the stand he testified in his deposition he's going to testify again."
"I had one of my greatest fights on cannabis, wow."
"Oliver Cowdery testified: 'I wrote with my own pen the entire Book of Mormon save a few pages as it fell from the lips of the Prophet Joseph Smith as he translated it by the gift and power of God. That book is true.'"
"I fully believe the woman who came out against Dom and said she was sitting by him, proud of you, bro."
"Ordained Apostles of Jesus Christ always testify of Him. They point the way as we make our way through the heart-wrenching maze of our mortal experiences."
"And folks wanna ask you how did that happen, and you're gonna tell them, 'This is the Lord's doing.'"
"Honestly, Miss Isaac favorite witness, he was a good dude."
"Many of our committee's witnesses showed selfless patriotism, and their words and courage will be remembered."
"Every word that woman has said is extremely credible."
"There can't be a higher point of credibility of a witness."
"That's the truth, and George Anthony was consistent with this."
"Mistaken witnesses can be convincing witnesses."
"Testimony is evidence. Testimony is absolutely evidence. People forget this."
"Our witness today, Ms. Cassidy Hutchinson, has embodied that courage."
"She is an awfully good witness. She appears to be telling the truth. She doesn't appear to be overplaying her hand in any way."
"It matters less if we are the first generation or the sixth generation in the church than that we are valiant in our testimony of Jesus Christ."
"I think it’s very smart to pick Taylor as their opening witness."
"I am a living, breathing walking testimony of God's faithfulness."
"I changed, and I'm going to tell you why. This is Islam."
"Now I want to share with you how I came to faith in Jesus Christ."
"When you love, it proves that Jesus is real to people who have never met him."
"There wasn't a dry eye in the house when they testified. It's that powerful."
"Perhaps it would be best if we added this to the witness's testimony. Would you please tell us what you recalled, Miss Sky?"
"I think her most believable evidence is Johnny would get drunk and high and get mad and then eventually he would hit her to the extent that she explains the brutality is unbelievable."
"This testimony is stunning, and we're likely to hear from the former president and his reaction to all of this."
"I want people to experience what I've experienced. I've been restored."
"Our actions can serve as powerful testimonies of our faith."
"Mr. Cohen's testimony is the beginning of the process, not the end."
"I think he might be the most damning witness of the that have taken please so far."
"There are hundreds of people throughout the United States who will testify at the drop of a hat to his accuracy."
"Oh, what, you thought that witnesses just showed up at trial having never practiced their testimony before? Oh, you sweet, sweet summer child."
"Once you've tasted of him, you can testify to the words of Paul the Apostle who said that he counted all things as rubbish in comparison to knowing him."
"No way out. Russian troops do not allow even for humanitarian help. Even children. Even women. Adults not allowed. They shoot with armed air and push to go back to Mariupol." - Deputy Mayor of Mariupol, Sergei Orlov
"We need people on camera coming forward in the Congressional setting, testifying under oath."
"Smith moves on there's a sidebar and we get a lot more sidebars here's another sidebar and here's let's we'll go on a little bit more says Smith is now eliciting that she interviewed Bertino."
"He's a transformed man by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"What Richard is doing now and giving us testimony witnessing is far greater than anything he ever did in the world."
"God uses the weirdest things about you God uses that big nose that you hate and that little habit that you have he uses that because when he delivers you from it you could be a testimony and he's gonna use that too."
"For him to have that many years in and still move as well and as quick and as sure as he does, it's a testament to his athleticism." - Paul White
"I would say it's probably the best thing financially has ever happened to me."
"Takashi is snitching on everybody in jail, man's gonna testify."
"If your lifestyle is not different from unbelievers, by what means will you prove that you are saved?"
"People are coming forward and sharing their stories, and we need them to."
"We have the opportunity to choose joy, to bear witness to joy."
"Grosskreutz testified he advanced on Rittenhouse."
"CBS News says 'Lone survivor shot by Rittenhouse at Kenosha protest testifies he thought he was going to die.'"
"All it takes is like a couple of testimonies from a few people to construct a narrative."
"Do you still stand by your testimony?" "Absolutely, I do."
"Their testimony deserves to be shared just as much as the words of someone who saw something more conventional."
"The unanimous testimony of the relevant historical sources from the first century after Jesus all testified to his crucifixion in Jerusalem under Pontius Pilate."
"May our lives be a testament to God's faithfulness and love."
"A Hawaii fire survivor and a first-hand witness spoke out, saying this was not a natural disaster."
"I know what happened to me. I'm here as a Survivor. I to my dying day will stand by every word of my testimony."
"But what do we also know about eyewitness testimony? It's some of the most unreliable."
"Unanimous agreement among a multitude of witnesses: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John."
"It is much more difficult to explain away the testimony of Jim Peniston and John Burroughs... they retired from the Air Force."
"Behold the fruits of the gospel right in front of you. Look at how unusual these young adults are... It's a testimony."
"You are looking at the real Witnesses, that's right, go ahead, because the Holy Ghost, go ahead, it makes us the witness, that's right, go ahead."
"I shall be above and not below, I will live to testify of your goodness."
"Faith is a belief in who God is and what he's done, not because we think he's done it, but because he's proven himself through history, through answered prayer, through promises."
"Preach the gospel at all times, but only use words when necessary. You are a living testimony."
"Your son will be a living breathing testimony of the goodness of God."
"With the grace of God, you're able to bounce back and let it be a testimony and a lesson."
"My testimony is based on information I've been given by individuals with a long-standing track record of legitimacy and service to this country."
"Thousands of people, credible respectable people with nothing to gain sometimes much to lose by coming forward and telling their stories of Sasquatch encounters."
"Touching the afterlife... Dominic has a powerful testimony."
"Scholars have testified to the Quran's inimitability."
"We learned yesterday that you had Trump's general who took the fifth when asked if he believed in peaceful transitions of power."
"Let him do something else. This referee makes specific findings that each and every witness that testified at this final hearing were credible Witnesses."
"So that everybody can know that there is a God in Israel."
"UFO witnesses don't get much more credible than that."
"To me, like the Karen McDougall testimony is going to be devastating..."
"If I never went through that I wouldn't have the testimony I have."
"To my dying day will stand by every word of my testimony."
"I am not the light, I came only as a witness to the light."
"There is supernatural power when we share our testimonies."
"For over 50 years, Tom's story has been consistent."
"It would be very hard to make up the things that they said happen to them."
"She's waving this yoga stick in her face, she's blowing pot smoke in her face, she's screaming at her, she's getting louder and louder and more aggressive."
"Every single witness retracting their testimony... yeah, that moment's over now."
"Barney and Betty Hill's testimony thus becomes the first of a alien abduction in human history but it will certainly not be the last."
"It just looks horrible right after she testifies she was such a lovable witness I just I don't love it."
"There's no doubt in my mind that she is way sincere and all the rest of these witnesses are."
"I just want you to see what God's healing looks like."
"Demonstration of God's power leads people to God."
"I think this is the most consequential testimony."
"The most loving thing you can do is just say, 'Here's what Jesus Christ has done for me.'"
"He's willing to come and testify about the bad things that he saw that day."
"They began to find cracks in Anders' testimony."
"Gentlemen of the jury, what you just heard criminal defendant Donald Trump just date is a confession."
"She was able to speak with investigators, identifying her brother Daniel as the culprit."
"We overcome This World by the blood of the lamb and the word of Our Testimony."
"Tradition abounds in testimonies in the favor of the doctrine."
"Once the testimony of all these other highly credible witnesses pointed in one direction Ambassador Sondland has now aligned himself with that really now undisputed version of what happened."
"The captain's lover: naturally she gave another confusing interview after leaving court. 'I want to say that today is the second time I die because the first time I die in the night of the crush with my psychological brain and what.'"
"Even Robert Mueller is concerned about the impact of having Donald Trump's testimony before him go public because it would so damage the United States' reputation across the board."
"We always say, 'Power changed our lives,' but it really did."
"The fact that the children were all of varying age, ethnicity, and social standing but were providing a near identical account was believed to be a clear indicator that the story could not have been made up."
"There are sufficient similarities in the witness testimonies which make them difficult to dismiss or debunk."
"You have freedom as a Believer, maintain a testimony of righteousness in this world."
"I have had many chances... to testify about Jesus and to tell what is the solution."
"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony."
"Enemy attestation: The story has been spread among the Jews to this day."
"If you're subpoenaed, you've got to show up and you've got to testify if his parents feel like they'd be any danger of incriminating themselves."
"When you share your story of faith in Christ, you are overcoming the enemy."
"The dragon is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and the word of the Saints' testimonies."
"There's not a single person who has submitted to the Lord's process of refinement that ever came out of it and says I wish I was still the Hellraiser I was."
"I saw the bodies... it was in a desert area, and I'm almost positive it was in 1953." - Pilot witness
"We were being incriminated by their own testimony."
"God is good, God is able, and God turned it around for us."
"If you got saved too, please leave in the comments, I'd love to hear it. God bless you, bye-bye."
"I can't explain it all I can say is God saved me."
"Somebody's breakthrough may start with hearing your testimony."
"But they only knew, he replied, well whether he is a sinner or not I don't know. One thing I do know, I was blind, and now I see."
"We have overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony."
"Your testimony is going to help you heal other people. Like your pain, you will be able to educate other people on how to avoid the things that you avoided."
"I'm a living witness, you can make it through."
"God has done extraordinary things in my life for many years now."
"It's a testament to the enduring nature of your love."
"The people around you will not always see the presence of God but they will hear your testimony."
"A place with no testimony is a place where God isn't. Testimonies are evidence of God's presence."
"The very heavens and planets do witness that there is a Supreme Creator."
"I feel very strongly in my spirit right now to encourage everybody... your testimony is nothing to be shameful for."
"We're overcome by the word of our testimony and the blood of the lamb."
"I believe that I am called to do that. I know that the enemy, that dragon, that serpent of old, is defeated by the blood of the Lamb, by the words of our testimony..."
"But these things are true the lady cannot make up the names of all the right people and the people who are still alive today and she cannot lie about these things."
"She saw what she saw, that's powerful stuff for the prosecution."
"We are overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony."
"As an Apostle of the Lord, Jesus Christ, I bear my sure witness of the divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I do so in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
"To those that know me, I've called you a friend. Act like one."
"There's something powerful about an everyday average person testifying about the Lord working in your life."
"Let your life be a living testimony of God's steadfast presence."
"The important thing that's now new here is that Fusion GPS is basically having to make itself known because of this testimony to Congress by the founder of Fusion GPS."
"We've not brought to you a theory about God but an experience with God."
"Many will gravitate to our ministry due to our love journey. They will witness a miraculous move of God through simply detailing our confirmation."
"I stand before you as living proof that Jesus Christ can do anything." - Roger Stone
"Thanks to the blood of the Lamb and the word of their witness."
"The American people want to hear from Hunter Biden. The American people want to see it in public."
"Allow this to be part of your testimony of something special moving forward."
"Church members across the globe he says will feel loved and will hear president Nelson testify of Christ."
"I'd like to bear my testimony that I know the church is not true."
"I know that he wasn't happy about my testimony, but I wasn't gonna lie."
"There is a God Who reigns, and the most important thing that you and I can do, is to just carry on and be a testimony to that fact."
"Please don't hoard the miracle. Come out of your seat, big or small, strange or common, whatever the healing is, come out of your seat, come testify."
"I believe her Witnesses and experts will be a huge game changer next week."
"Be ready to give an account for the hope that's in you."
"The reason they don't have a trial is because they know if Trump's experts and his partners and lenders showed up and testified under oath they'd say Trump did everything right and his businesses sound."
"Come near me, do not be grieved nor angry with yourself, for God sent me before you to preserve us."