
Talents Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"Our life purpose always involves our passions, our hobbies, and our natural talents."
"Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them."
"A man's gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men."
"Invest in yourself, invest in your gifts, your talents."
"Now is like one of the best times that you have ever to really monetize from your gifts, your talents, your hobbies, things that you like."
"You were born an individual, a person with very specific unique talents, abilities, and qualities that can't be found in any other person in this world."
"Discovering your true talents and passions can profoundly impact your life."
"What happens in a community is people who have talents and strengths come out."
"You were born with natural talents... you were born with so many different talents that sometimes you get confused over which talent you should follow."
"Each one of us have to give an account to God for the gifts and talents that He has given us. How did we use them to further His kingdom in the earth?"
"Appreciate yourself; you have so many skills and talents."
"Autistic people are not just gifted in maths, music, and trains but also may be very passionate about things like performing arts and painting."
"When you've been given a gift of any kind, you should really operate in that gift and do it with confidence."
"The only thing that I am good at... is picking the right people."
"You possess different gifts too; you just have to tap into those gifts and really appreciate them."
"Sunny, we're heroes. I think they're cheering us on for our new Elemental talents!"
"God has a plan for every person in this room. He gives you talents, he gives you gifts."
"I found I realized that I'm not a [ __ ] musical instrument only, you know. I have other hobbies, like other talents that I can develop."
"I have a gift and I was given that gift so I can monetize it."
"Your hidden talents are meant to be shown to the world, meant to be shared with the world."
"Greatness is really leaning into the gifts that you were given."
"Your gift will get you there, but your obedience will keep you there."
"He did give me something exactly this dirt he gave us all something right he gave us all with us one three or five talents"
"Everybody has their own gift and thing to offer in different places."
"Don't shy away from the spotlight because you were born to be known for your gifts and talents."
"Lean into your natural gifts; see them develop in exciting ways."
"Ariel and Hercules are cousins, so the hair color and excellent vocal skills of both characters are no coincidence."
"God wants to shape you to serve Him, using your unique talents and experiences."
"Skills and talents are meant to be developed."
"You're being recognized for your talents and skills."
"Reset your value systems, how you utilize your natural talents or maybe your resources."
"Investing into what you love, what you enjoy, investing into a gift of yours, investing into a talent of yours."
"Jump in and do it; it's time to share your talents with the world."
"Every kid has a very unique gift to bring to whatever they do."
"Breathing new life into old talents or gifts."
"Let's not forget that Scorpio rules buried treasure - the gifts, talents, and quirks we've suppressed."
"We're just beautiful people with incredible unique talents."
"You have talents and gifts that God has given us to build loving relationships."
"Don't bury your talents; use them to serve others faithfully."
"Your gifting is not loaned; it's in you, and you don't just give it back."
"Once you tap into some sort of gift, you're not going to be able to close it back up."
"Happiness comes from working in the service of one's talents and one's world."
"It's the beginning of something great when it comes to using our gifts to shine a light on the negatives and the evils."
"Though you leave your comfort zone, you don't leave your gift zone."
"What people consider flaws are actually talents they have yet to find a proper use for."
"Your identity is who you are: jubilant, joyful, happy, with potential, with skills, with talents, with a smile that lights up the room."
"You're not the only one with gifts."
"God gave you a gift to do television, to do stand-up comedy, to be a fighter, to be an athlete."
"Each of us has gifts or talents or interests or passions that are unique in this world."
"Ikigai... is about finding the sweet spot where your passions and talents meet the needs of the world."
"Success is someone who has fathomed their talents, reconciled with their weaknesses, and made the most out of their strengths."
"You're here to figure out who you are, your talents, your skills, and to carry it out to the world."
"Recognizing your strengths, talents, and skills that have led to your success."
"They're very proud of your talents, abilities, and how you utilize them. You radiate abundance on every level."
"They can have two of everything, multi-talented and have many interests."
"We're here to enhance and reveal ourselves, the talents and the characteristics of successful living exist inside of us. We have it inside of us."
"You’re always worthy of love, regardless of what your talents are."
"She embraced a diverse set of talents, working as a department store file clerk and radio show tabulator."
"Because no two people are exactly the same. You are a one-of-a-kind combination of strengths, gifts, and talents. Things that no one else has."
"Read broadly in many different subject areas and then try to find something where there's an overlap of your talents and what you're interested in."
"God birthed you with natural gifts that can earn you a living until the day you die and then still continue to earn a living for those you left behind you better get with it now."
"God has placed gifts and talents in all of us. What you do is valuable."
"Maybe the key to you securing your future is within your gifts, your own natural born talents and skills and abilities."
"On the positive side, an effective team makes good use of the talents and skills of each member."
"The Lord specifically gave you and your children and your spouse different talents and gifts to use."
"You're really tapping into your natural gifts, talents, and abilities."
"Gifts are where you start, but callings are where the gifts take you."
"Your gift will make room for you and bring you before greatness."
"The mysterious link between near-death experiences and extraordinary talents."
"The key to happiness is finding what your gifts are and using them."
"Your gifts are as the same, your abilities are the same, your talents are the same."
"And at a time when we face enormous global challenges -- from the environment and climate change to empowering women, to income inequality and small business development -- we have to have your talents and we have to have your skills."
"Eventually, you kind of figure out what you might be good at."
"Thank you for the worship, thank you for the prayer, and uh thank you for your gifts, talents, and ability."
"Everyone has their own area where their skills shine."
"We're each given unique talents, skills, and gifts, and it's like a shame if we don't actually pursue those."
"What's trying to be born through what gifts, talents, and capacities are trying to emerge through me right now?"
"We've been given talents, and if we're not utilizing them, we're making a mistake. It's not just about the money, it's about being productive and contributing in a way that's unique."
"God asks us to share our blessings and our talents with others freely and abundantly."
"You have many skills, and I mean like many skills. You got so many gifts within your soul that are helping you get through this energy."
"The very best thing that we can do to be beautiful is to be alive in the personality and with the gifts and talents that God gave us."
"Each of us has something to trade with and to multiply; we have to recognize and utilize our gifts and resources."
"Trines feel like a toolbox full of skills and gifts."
"The more skills you acquire, the more you develop your talents, and the more you grow your reserves of knowledge, the more valuable you are to any organization."
"God never works with nothing. He has to find something. There is a treasure. Some of us, we can write. Some of us, we're beautiful. You can model. There are people who model just their nails."
"I think the insecurities of you think less of your abilities and talents than you actually have and that holds you back."
"One guy said, 'Hey, Tom, love the Oz video. You two were great together. You were both into effects as well. It'd be incredible if you recorded something and both utilized your strengths in compositions and gear, too. You're both so good in many different facets."
"You have to be proud of who you are... God gave me a reason to be on this earth and gave me certain talents that can make a difference."
"Every one of you have at least one gift given to you by Heaven."
"So when you think about the gift that you have, you should treasure that gift."
"You've got talents that haven't even been brought forth yet."
"Maybe you aren't good at math or you aren't athletic or you're dyslexic but you're very good at something more niche like cooking or making jokes or overthinking books written for children and putting your thoughts on the internet."
"I am discovering talents I did not know I had."
"This is you unleashing and unlocking all your love, all your wisdom, all your talents, all your abilities, all your happiness, all your compassion, all your power of what you really are instead of being locked into these little programs of identifications and attachments."
"It's a good time for you to take a moment to recognize your life purpose and utilize your talents correctly. It's time for you to take action."
"God's given you God-given gifts, and it's for us to use them and multiply them."
"You have many different talents and abilities."
"You have a lot of creative opportunities, you're multi-talented."
"Use whatever gift you have to be a blessing for society."
"There are lots of different gifts, not just the ones listed in Ephesians 4:11."
"Your gifts shall make room for you."
"I think that we all have our unique gifts."
"Spiritual gifts are not the same as natural talents... spiritual gifts are a result of the new birth."
"This person could be into like banking, farming, or something to do with planting, or they could be a singer or some kind of musician."
"Talents are calculated to make one effective and efficient."
"We need to all be immersed in and involved in where we're gifted where we're graced by God if it's business if it's education you know medicine whatever it might be."
"They are actual people who have like these great gifts to bring."
"Make your work an extension of your natural talents and inclinations."
"I'm like I'm good at nothing else. People are like, 'It's not fair that you're good at music and art.' I'm like, 'Yeah, but that's it.'"
"Not everybody is an elite athlete. Some people are great students and they play the piano, and so there are different concerns and different needs."
"Parents, we all want to know that we've loved on you enough, expressed your talents enough to help you hone your skills."
"You play to your strengths, your resources, your talents, you're gonna be able to do something that does this or way better."
"We all have gifts, talents, and abilities given to us by God."
"No, I can't sing, I can't dance, couldn't hold a note, I can't do artwork. I don't have any hidden talents sadly and I and I I do appreciate them when I see people can sing or dance those people are just so talented they're gifted and they are."
"Identifying what your strengths are, what your interests are, what your resources are."
"I'm going to point you towards your ministry by your abilities and your talents."
"You have natural talents gifts and abilities waiting to be discovered... some of y'all might deny it, yeah 'cause she got the end of the most comfortable period of your life."
"Everyone has their own gifts, as long as you're open-minded you can usually open some kind of gifts up."
"Are you honoring Jesus with the gifts that he's given you?"
"Honor Jesus with the gifts He's given you."
"God gives us gifts, talents, skills, right, and we are called out and we are to, in other words, monetize our gifts and get paid abundantly for it."
"Sometimes we overlook our god-given talents and wish we had somebody else's talents, skills, color, abilities because they seemed to be better than ours."
"Find out what your true gifts and talents are first."
"You're not supposed to compare talents, you're supposed to enjoy talents because they're all from God."
"We all have our giftings and talents and we all should use those to the betterment of our community."
"You guys probably have so many talents and gifts that you're not using and if you can tap into some of that, how beautiful would that be."
"Make a list of the things that you are naturally good at, things that you enjoy."
"Discover who God made you. Discover what gifts you have."
"There are talents and spiritual gifts you have been given but not using."
"Purpose says, 'Here are my talents, here are my gifts, and this is what the world needs.'"
"Time to love, leverage your gifts and talents."
"You have been blessed by your heavenly Father with talents of love and compassion."
"We all have divine talents and gifts that we can share with others."
"Your hands are holding this new path for you on this journey for you to open up and share your gifts."
"People have got to figure out what they can do, like what their talents and their interests are."
"You're not only basketball players, you know, we got other talents and other dreams and aspirations."
"It's not all about you, but it's about using your talents and your skill sets to give back and add value to the world."
"Start to embrace your imperfections and your different talents that might not be the norm and look at those from a different standpoint."
"Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others."
"We all have our gifts, we all have our talents, we all have our abilities."
"Explore and go all in on your unique superpowers because that's exactly what they are."
"What matters is whether or not you see any value in yourself, in your own gifts and talents, your own qualities and characteristics, your abilities and so on."
"When we exclude people that God specifically tells us to include, we miss out on the gifts and talents that they bring."
"Help you identify your gifts and your talents and your skills so you can be great."
"When are you going to share your gifts and what you know?"
"Maximize your gifts, your talents."
"We are stewards of what talents, time, treasure, and opportunities."
"Sansa could sew and dance and sing. She wrote poetry, she knew how to dress, she played the high harp and the bells."
"We think that we know all about our favorite YouTubers, but only their biggest fans know about the crazy things they can do and their special talents."
"I encourage you to walk into your gifts."
"Use the gifts that God gave me to reach others."
"People who are fast, people who sing well, people who are book smart, people who are good at talking, and people who can use psychic powers - you can't put one over the other."
"I swear I can do cooler things like draw and write and design stories."
"We all have talents, and we just have to work on ourselves and use them, share them with the world."
"Children's strengths don't lie in the academic but they lie in the applied things such as sailing, we have fantastic sailors, fantastic musicians, incredible artists and designers."
"Don't forget your unique talents and essence because definitely you are a special being contributing to the perspective of source through your special and unique existence."
"No bad parts, they're all valuable, they have wonderful talents and resources to lend us in our life."
"God made us and gave us our special gifts and talents so we could do good works for others."
"I gave you gifts and talents for a reason."
"Just remember all the things you are good at."
"By using all the talents all the opportunities that God has blessed you with to serve God by serving people."
"A coach helps you to connect the dots between your god-given talents, the resources at your disposal, the skills, experiences, and qualifications you've acquired."
"All of you have gifts, all of you are talented, all of you have spiritual inclinations, and we need them all."
"God gave me other things that I feel very confident about, and that's why I stand before you."
"We are supposed to use our gifts in the physical world, hence why we're here."
"Thank you for the gifts and talents that you place into every single one of us."
"Your gifts are for your assignment."
"Seven enemies with extraordinary talents."
"It's less about just being well-liked and having everything be pretty; in this lifetime, you can appreciate those abilities you have but putting them towards your north node purpose."
"Exercising our gifts and knowing what our gifts are."
"A spiritual gift is different than a natural talent."
"Everyone can use their talents to be an awesome mom in a certain way."
"It does no service for you to hide your gifts."
"We have all been given specific skills and gifts by God."
"Every pony has unique talents and gifts, and when we share them with each other, that's how we..."
"Each person has his own strengths and weaknesses, each person has his own talents."
"You started appreciating your strengths, things that you were good at, things that you enjoy, things that you love doing."
"We all got gifts and talents, but you got to figure out what yours is."
"Be grateful for what the Most High God gave you; take some time with yourself and figure out what it is that you got, because we all got gifts and talents."
"...be productive and active in the master's service... work with what you have been given... accept that we all receive different talents."
"All gifts are important in the big scheme of things and not everyone has the same gifts."
"Understand one another's gifts and support them; let them use their gifts in that marriage."
"Discovering and developing your strengths positions you to do what you do best every day."
"God gave us all gifts, use them all."
"I feel like my superpower is knitting and reading."
"You're tapping into your inner gifts, the riches inside of you."
"Certain people have gifts in certain areas."
"We all have different gifts; some can teach, some can preach."
"Everyone has something they're good at; if you haven't found yours, just keep looking."
"Enjoy talents that you didn't get to express before, maybe new talents talents you hadn't discovered."
"You are on your path to rediscovering hidden talents and how they can be used for your own benefit and to assist others."
"You are precious and you are a chosen one with special abilities and gifts."
"Every one of us has our own unique god-given gifts."
"You don't take your strengths and your talents and hide them away; you invest them in the world because you have a responsibility to do just that."
"There are some hidden talents that you possess that you haven't discovered."
"Continue to help others using your natural abilities, talents, and interests to their utmost."
"You're blessed with different skills and talents to help the collective."
"Your ability to develop depends on how you conquer a lot of your fears around your gifts."
"Your value should be tied to the unique gifts and skills you have."
"Don't question your healing abilities, don't question your talents and your gifts."