
Company Culture Quotes

There are 472 quotes

"Pain and suffering inside our company with great glee, and I mean that in a happy way because you want to train, you want to refine the character of your company."
"Business is an infinite game, and when you play with a finite mindset, lots of people suffer, including the companies that they themselves are trying to build."
"You want to find people not who are low ego... but rather who have a strong ego and a desire to supplement that completely into what it is that the company is doing."
"I love this company; I want to be here; I don't want to go anywhere else."
"Work hard and go home. It's part of the company ethos that people do their best work when they're fully focused, and then after work, they need time to be with their families, to do other things."
"The best companies want the best people; they will fight for them and, once hired, the company is looking to get the very best that person has to offer."
"Say what you think, be real, say the truth, be fair, set real fair guidelines, and run your company."
"Making people feel valued is clearly part of the studio's legacy."
"It's definitely worth spending some time learning about the company."
"Music has always been a part of Apple's DNA."
"Happy staff means better games, but more importantly, we can celebrate it because it's important to care about the well-being of the people who make the things that we love."
"There are so many good people here. They deserve better. They don't deserve to cry every day watching a company they love openly care so little about them."
"Tesla is always ensuring that that culture stays alive and well, the culture of we want the best of the best that are willing to work as hard as humanly possible to make stuff happen."
"We are redefining our priorities as people in the workforce and I think it's going to force companies to have to adapt to that."
"Your best bet is an older company that hasn't quite mastered remote work yet but will let you work from home."
"Always goofing with the software, that Google company, right there."
"Everybody was proud to work for Westinghouse in those days."
"Everything will work out in the end because we're Bioware."
"When someone says that a family member just got deported, I'm like Barack Obama was the Deporter in Chief."
"Bro Company can be summarized in one word: inclusive."
"Fail fast, fail often" — the mantra behind rapid iteration in companies, akin to SpaceX's approach.
"A well-run Chick-fil-A is a pretty positive, uplifting workplace."
"You wonder why they're leaving left and right again, arrogance precedes them."
"I still love my project, I love my co-workers, but my love and respect for Blizzard is diminished."
"People are your company, and they take care of the customer. The customer is always right no matter what, so what do we do so the customer is happier?"
"Leftist tears were literally flowing at Twitter headquarters on Monday. Gad cried during the meeting as she expressed concerns about how the company could change."
"Pure Sony at the height of their eccentricity."
"It's you guys, the fans, that have been the backbone for this whole company."
"Satoru Iwata embodied what Nintendo was all about."
"One of the secret sauce for Alibaba is that we have more than 48 per cent of the people in the company - they are women."
"I heard about this position because I am an admirer of your company and have followed you for several months."
"What do they value as an employee? You know what do you appreciate and what's going to make a company worth bragging about?"
"If we're just a software company, then we're a commodity. We need to build something bigger where people are part of this movement and feel like they belong."
"Here's a fact for you: Google has over 15 cafeterias on its main campus."
"The heart and soul of this company has been ripped apart, and we're experiencing Bioware 2.0 now."
"Great companies are made by people who make great sacrifices, period, full stop."
"Investing in people is what it is it's realizing identifying the good people the loyal people the decent people that are going to be an asset to your company"
"There is no place for abuse, harassment, or predatory practices in any company or any community."
"Lewis is most proud of the culture he created at Duolingo."
"Many who have worked at Naughty Dog over the years described it as a duality as a place that can be simultaneously the best and worst workplace in the world."
"If you don't deliver the growth, the market will make you pay."
"The sheer depth of the abuse at Ubisoft, how it's baked so inextricably into the company's culture."
"Lucasfilm employees stepping out and being like, 'Here's how things changed when Disney took over.'"
"Fit means how well of a match are you for the team, the department, and the company that you're applying for."
"We will nurture the essence of what has made Blizzard unique."
"I genuinely cannot believe how allergic to success these companies are."
"Guys working at Infinity Ward, they seem passionate man. I've never really seen that much passion from Infinity Ward in a long long time so it's a good sign."
"The more research you do on a company the better chance you have to get the job."
"If you can't go for the company, you can go for the people that operate the company."
"If you work for a company that does not live by their core values, then you're certainly in a toxic work environment."
"Purpose-driven companies like Sweetgreen and Airbnb tend to be very inspiring."
"Finding a company that you want to work for is the most important thing."
"So one of the big efforts that we've been making this year is just to improve our company communication to our staff and creating better systems for that."
"100-year anniversary of Disney, I think they'll get back to some of those core principles that made them special and magical."
"They're just gonna let insomniac be insomniac."
"Costco is a company that is run very much for the pleasure of its members, and its members are fiercely loyal."
"But let me say this, I'm glad that Amazon recognized that they could turn a negative into a positive as a company,"
"It's a bunch of hard to automate work, which is against the Valve ethos."
"We're very much a mission-driven company ahead of anything else."
"My position CEO is called chief Education Officer in the company so I build up the company more like a university."
"The way Tesla approaches problems seemed to me to be just completely different than any other company."
"It's like the Tesla has this Venn diagram of incredible passion and then incredible talent."
"Just seeing Blizzard be open about this is lovely."
"Even bosses need to be leaders at good companies."
"They need to loosen up on their corporate mentality."
"It's that kind of wily coyote stuff that I think makes SpaceX different."
"If we are not the type of company that you want to work for then we will give you a four to six month severance package."
"It's also a unit party, and I think that's become more and more clear to people this year."
"Jeff Kaplan quits Blizzard in April... most of their long-term employees, the faces of their games, are leaving..."
"Know why you want to work for Mac. If you're passionate about it, then you'll be able to see it."
"If you're not a cheerleader for your company or for your country no matter what happens it's not going to work."
"I've heard good things, yeah, we do it in a fun way here."
"If you join Ambit and you don't want to do it the right way, you won't last very long. It doesn't take Jere or I to find those people now. We have an army who love what we're doing and love our company, they'll police it."
"Elon doubts there's a harder working company of Tesla's size in the world."
"MLMs encourage people to put the company above everything else in their life."
"This is the best f**king company anyone can ask for."
"What you give, you get back. You know, Pret a Manger started as like, it became a kind of incredible family."
"The company mission is so strong and straightforward that everyone participates because they have that common belief."
"Your brand is the experience. There's a reason why when you go to Chick-fil-A, you feel a certain way."
"I have at least a few people because it builds resilience for your company."
"There's serious value in keeping your employees happy and making your employees feel that the company is not against them."
"Elon Musk tweeted this, you know, Tesla has diamond hands, credit to our master of coin Elon."
"Tesla is really all about people who care about the mission, are passionate, who are smart, who hustle, and I love that culture they've created."
"We're proud to be part of the Midas family and doing what we do side by side shoulder to shoulder."
"You're not going to build much of a career because you need to be around the people who are actually building the company."
"I always try to sound happy regardless of what I feel. Welcome to company!"
"Animation is definitely one of the hallmarks of our company."
"People become loyal when they are treated well... and smart young people can see that."
"That's Tesla's secret sauce is they know how to empower and trust those people to make the things for the company."
"Respect does not mean agreement, but it is fundamental to who we are as a company." - Jim Ryan
"These extras highlight just how customer-focused and watch-obsessed Vario is as a company."
"This recognition culture runs throughout the whole company."
"If these were helpful let me know... if you care at all about the quality of engineering at your company step up and think through your interview process."
"Working at Rooster Teeth has been one of the highlights of my career."
"An interview is a two-way street... you should be asking the interviewer questions about the company."
"The real hack in running a business is can you inspire people with a cult-like set of mission and values."
"Why ruin a bond over it? This bond was strong enough to get this company created, it's going to be that strong to [ __ ] kill it as well."
"The fact that my company goes out of their way to recognize this hard work, I can't even put it into words how appreciated I feel."
"It sounds like Amazon was a really fantastic place to work at."
"We are going to continue to try to limit proprietary things as much as we possibly can because that's what our culture is."
"I love companies that have the original OGs still at the helm."
"The Blizzard soul is practically dead at this point thanks to Activision."
"We should applaud successful people, a lot of people come to the company for opportunity and choice and success."
"May the fourth be stored in the balls and this is now the official company."
"We're just a different kind of company here."
"I love having a company where I believe that pretty much everyone here is excited to come to work every day."
"Here at Watch Westwork, we strive for continuous improvement."
"Lab Zero has so much baggage, we've rightfully ousted all the people we need to, but what remains is not the company that was founded initially."
"If you're doing good work and your boss doesn't rate you, maybe it's the wrong firm."
"We've got the best jobs in the best company."
"If you don't have a clear guiding Northstar of a metric you are trying to get to, lots of people can do work that they feel is good for your company, and they can all be right, but they're not all aligned."
"Blizzard isn't the company, it's the people."
"Blizzard isn't the company it was. It's the people."
"We're going to continue to expand our lineup... and just building great product and a great culture."
"Companies want to hire especially junior developers that sync with what they're trying to do and the types of solutions they're trying to build."
"Bad reviews don't kill companies, bad companies kill companies."
"It's special because of the depth of history and legacy of this company."
"Amazon as a company as a whole is just sort of architected to always be a day one company."
"I wanted to build a different kind of company, and in a sense build the kind of company that my father never got a chance to work for because he was not respected in the workplace. I wanted to create the dignity of work."
"the reason for that is not because we have special technology or some secret sauce it's because of the culture and values of the company and that is humanity"
"Evangelizing within the company it's everything when I start talking to a candidate I say hey my team's mission is expression meets connection our vision is this then they already their eyes like you can see the twinkle right."
"Culture is a product, period, and that every company builds two products: one is the product they build for their customers and the other is a product they build for their team."
"Everyone that joins your company is wondering what you care about."
"If there was one thing about this company that you could change, what would it be?"
"Companies should declare that they are a relational company and that it matters."
"But you get my point, framework is a small company with an even better philosophy."
"One of the values that we have as a company is integrity."
"There is a return on investment with those companies that understand a culture of care."
"Targeting company culture first and these more like DevOps-y buzzword things second is important."
"We're very committed to Open Standards, and that's a cultural DNA of the company."
"The great competitive advantage that a lot of companies are missing is the quality of the culture and the quality of your long-term strategy."
"Do you believe we have the best company in the world?"
"We should tell people the truth because we say we're a different kind of company we talk about authenticity right are we gonna be authentic part of that is truth."
"The goal of the HR discipline is actually not to make all these arbitrary decisions but actually to look at what is the model of a company, what is the actual state of a company, whatever moves that gets the actual State as close to the model as possible."
"We were already a great company but change it even more so that our employees truly felt they could bring their whole selves to work."
"The CEO selection is important because it determines what the character of the company is going to be."
"At Stripe, I learned that when you combine high energy, sound judgment, low ego, and small teams, you just get magic."
"Companies talk about being a happy family, everyone's in it together, except you aren't because you're still getting paid from the company and their interests are ultimately to them, not to you."
"The genius of Home Depot... our people. That's what separates a great company from a company that's not so great."
"Too many Founders apologize for how they want to run the company."
"If you over index both on giving a [ __ ] about your employees and focus on culture, retention of your employees always grows your business."
"Everyone has a mission statement today but only the great companies have people on a mission."
"I found a company that I can get behind. I don't feel like I'm working for sociopaths."
"This is a company that really wants the best people, and it wants to look after them to make sure their careers are interesting, fun, successful; and you could be one of them."
"If you're in an active job search, spend your time with companies that are going to value you, treat you properly, respect your time, and pay you properly."
"There's a real familial feeling with the entire company."
"I hate the term pillars. Anybody who's ride or die with this company is the pillar in my eyes."
"In conclusion, there are just too many problems aboard Arvia, and with P&O Cruises – and it does feel that the company is tone deaf to any feedback or criticism."
"The company is only as good as its people, and Rolls-Royce people are amongst the finest."
"What an awesome company culture MCI have."
"They work hard but they play hard."
"All happy companies are different. They're doing something unique. All unhappy companies are alike because they fail to escape the essential sameness of competition."
"The best customer experience programs are ones that truly impact company culture."
"Aggregate action is seeing greater themes within the company to understand what's going well and what might not be going well."
"Focus on why a role is good for a company, not just for your career growth."
"it needs to be clear to everyone in the company that for at least a three-month trial period ideally longer that everyone in the company is behind this idea"
"The sooner this is part of the DNA of the company, the better off you'll be."
"Executive sponsors have the greatest influence on the company culture and can actively communicate the value and benefits of new technology and business processes."
"Dodson is more than just a company sending boatloads of cars to America, it's people."
"If the company doesn't give a damn about their employees how are they going to expect their employees to give a damn?"
"Our principles are who we are as a company."
"When you play the tape back the previous four years, there was an executive at Tylenol who created an intensive whole company conversation around a simple question: What comes first?"
"This company is built on moments."
"The new policies brought about positive changes in the company."
"So whether you like it or not, you're not starting with a blank slate; you're already a prayers about the company."
"JP Morgan goes through a very intensive coffee chat process."
"It's one of those things where it's not the company, right? It's the people."
"So I have tried to cultivate all four of those things in my company."
"...how does a company transform to working like the best product companies... I don't want to pretend this is not easy... but it is doable."
"The most important assets of your company go home every night is what they do and the stuff that lives in their heads."
"People don't ask themselves enough what kind of company they want to work for because that makes a huge difference."
"Don't underestimate the importance of company culture. Culture will make or break your business."
"Good companies are product-focused companies."
"Apple is in its own little world."
"I believe that companies should be just honest and upfront as possible because the writers are such an intricate part of the company."
"Make sure you have questions prepared that focus on what you can do to help their company thrive."
"What I really appreciate is the transparency the company provides,"
"Everybody knows their role, right? Nobody begrudges anybody. There's no false expectations. Great company to work for because we prioritize the company, the team before like, I'm the last guy to eat this."
"The difference between how the best companies work and how most companies work is only getting bigger."
"It's not just about the quality of their product, it's about the quality of their people."
"When employees know what the brand stands for, employee satisfaction and retention go up."
"...this is if it's 500 people if it's whole departments that is a dramatic shift within the company."
"Building a team and managing a team and really creating a good culture, that's the third reason why most companies fail."
"You have great subordinates. Employees like them are what makes our company."
"The rumble matches are always fun because it's like a time capsule of what's going on in the company that time."
"The entire company has a genuinely family feel to it."
"...we're all gonna have hopefully just like a good future where people feel good about coming to work people feel good about working with our company people feel good about supporting us."
"The most important thing is that everything that is great about the company like all of the company's biggest strengths come from this."
"Be prepared to talk about your company culture, especially diversity."
"What's going to differentiate a good company from a great one to a industry shaking transformative organization won't be the amount of money they spend on tech; it'll be their internal cultural operating system that they've figured out."
"Curiosity is a core value at Warby Parker."
"Everything is culture. You as the business owner set the tone of your company."
"What's important to you in a company? Can you tell me what, to you, is going to be a measurement of that?"
"When I say 'leader,' I don't just mean the CIO. I mean every role in IT or the company. Everyone is a leader and it all starts with the tone at the top."
"The degree to which there is permission to fail is proportional to the amount of innovation in a company."
"Culture is our biggest challenge as a company. My definition of good culture is that you have engaged team members like that everybody there is engaged with their work."
"It's more important than ever that companies are staffed from the top down with people with strong personal ethics."
"Every evening I arranged for the company band consisting of two accordions a violin and a drum to give a concert which the whole company would attend."
"When someone leaves a company, they're leaving a boss, not a company."
"Life is good, you know. We can build a cool company with a great culture that takes care of employees."