
Imitation Quotes

There are 1258 quotes

"You used to hear about how China is about imitation, now it's about innovation."
"Imitation is the greatest form of flattery that mediocrity can provide to greatness."
"They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
"It is going to look like wood when we're all done and it's going to look so cool and you basically made this for about a dollar."
"When somebody's that good-looking, you just, people try to be them without even knowing it."
"Their rituals often involve mimicking the behavior and practices of Westerners in the hope of attracting similar blessings from the gods."
"Satan can copy many things, but He cannot copy holiness. He cannot copy a transformed life."
"The most sincerest form of flattery is replication and copying someone."
"Steal like an artist, which is basically about how when you learn something, it helps to copy what you see experts do."
"And as I come to know you more, help me to become more like you. Let my words, my actions, and my desires come to imitate Yours."
"You may have Imposter Mech enter the battlefield as a copy of a creature an opponent controls except it's a vehicle artifact with crew 3 and it loses all other card types."
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness."
"Our instinct for admiration is the instinct for imitation."
"Imitation is humanity’s cultural zero point."
"I looked at what I liked to play, and then I copied it. That is my creative process."
"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them."
"And for the love of god, don't try to be Picasso."
"I'm just doing what I see on TV, every injury, every success, every failure."
"Star Wars changed the look of Cinema, and now all they do is copy other Cinema."
"It has never been more clear that we need Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House."
"Biden is copying Trump. Harris SVP is just Biden's lawful president move."
"Maybe this is the kind of imitatable behavior that should be encouraged."
"We need to revive our economy, copying successful strategies from other countries."
"Live up to your potential instead of imitating someone else's."
"Look at me, I'm Charlie Chaplin... People were trying to keep up something human."
"Copy early on, especially from people who are doing something well. It's one of the easiest ways to learn and get better."
"We are perfectly created to eat fruit... I would follow that monkey around and eat that monkey's food."
"There is exactly one known copycat Type 30, a crudely made clone chambered in eight millimeter Mauser."
"Ripping off zero punctuation is a growth industry."
"Jesus doesn't say follow me in the sense that he wants you to just kind of mimic him he's saying literally be with me be like me."
"If you want to compete with [successful companies], you can't try to compete with us. You've got to copy us."
"Even when I'm trying to avoid copying the Sidemen, I still copy the Sidemen."
"Do your own thing but don't copy them... you're never gonna be them ever."
"It's just that everyone saw the success of SAO and every other creator wanted to follow the trend."
"The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the father do, that he will do."
"Whatever interests or values you have, it's pretty easy to study you and then copy that."
"Hollywood often works on trends something proves to be popular and numerous studios jump on the bandwagon trying to make their own version that's."
"This guy has fake 12 gauge shotgun shells all around here like the real one. Definitely has a really cool look."
"All she does is imitate me... her imitations are an insult to her as well as to myself." - Marilyn Monroe
"Every now and again when two rival comic companies try and outpace each other creatively, sometimes it helps to just do what the other guy is doing."
"Somebody is doing your act, that's the highest compliment you could give."
"This TikTok star looks so much like the famous Marvel actor that he's even started calling himself the Spider-Man of TikTok." - Tom Holland
"Copying others might be the best way to build a following quickly in the modern social media era."
"May we be determined to imitate... letting our love never ever fail... all to Jehovah's glory."
"If the blueprint exists, you can imitate it. We have the Quran's blueprint, yet we can't reproduce it."
"Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery."
"If you go and blindly copy the world, you're just regurgitating something and you're not learning."
"Every day finds you a little more Christ-like."
"The movie is almost a real life pranks, huge Borat vibes."
"You only have to walk around a park these days to see kids pretending to be Jack Grealish or Erling Haaland."
"Ugly transitions to cool when off-brands copy the expensive styles."
"Nowadays you measure success by the amount of imitators you launch."
"The world needs more wisdom... and if you cannot be wise pretend to be someone who is wise and then just behave like they would."
"It's basically imitating what white people have been doing to us for centuries."
"The most iconic and identifiable of all Marvel characters and superheroes as a whole, Spider-Man is often imitated but never replicated."
"Jesus said, 'I know what the Word of my Father is on this situation, and I'm going to copy that. I will not conform to this world.'"
"That which you copy is that which you become."
"If someone more successful than you is doing something that you can easily copy and then make better, [expletive] do it."
"If people bigger than you copy, it's flattering. If people under you copy, it's trolling."
"We was trying to be banjo kazooie like almost to a fault well too much yeah yes a little too much the chatter chatterbox."
"Copy Tesla. It is a two-word plan: copy Tesla."
"That just goes to show that if a Rolex can be copied, then there must be a reason why they can't replicate these, and that must be down to the engineering, the screws, the details that they go through."
"GTA clones were shamelessly replicated, becoming the standard to compare everything to."
"Flight learn his shooting from from watching Shaquille O'Neal."
"Children imitate fiction. This is no nothing to hide."
"The tactics that we used... you see people using our tactics and using our strategy."
"How far would you go to look like your favorite celebrity?"
"The majority of the reason that you guys are not going viral right now... you guys aren't modeling yourselves after success."
"Everything Satan does is an imitation and an inferior version of what God does."
"One lives as an Orthodox Christian by doing as Christ instructed by denying themselves taking up their cross and following Christ."
"It's okay to draw inspiration from me but just don't do what I do to a T."
"It's like butter. Even though it's called 'I can't believe it's not butter.'"
"Copying is the best form of flattery, Chip, and I'd love to flatter you."
"Whoever or whatever was calling my name sounded exactly like my mother but I know it wasn't her."
"She got famous because she embraced getting big lips but imitating our women looks."
"We spend all our time trying to be somebody else."
"Look for people that are doing stuff better than you and then steal it. That is the best advice I've ever been given."
"If you copy someone, it's like the highest form of flattery."
"You copying things, or trying to model your videos specifically after somebody else is always going to keep you below them."
"Remember your leaders who spoke the Word of God to you; consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith."
"If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Elon Musk & SpaceX must be very pleased with the Chinese space program."
"Imitation may be the greatest form of flattery."
"Copying is a common occurrence in the world of weapons manufacturing."
"Unlike cheating on a test in school, copying a design for a piece of military technology is almost as difficult as coming up with the original innovation."
"I'm a huge component a huge advocate for just copying what works because that, you know that hasn't really I mean that just works it's already working why why reate the wheels you know."
"He brought James Brown back single-handedly by imitating him."
"You can't be bothered with copycats. If someone copies you, you're doing something right."
"It truly is, it's like that um like Amy said it's that Kardashian type accent that every statement ends with the question."
"The shambolic partially decaying parody of human form."
"To be Christian is to be Christ-like and we were made in the image of God."
"Wow, fall guys really copied this game and got away with it."
"Police authorities believe that the men modeled their life jackets and raft on these articles."
"I think those original flaws are starting to become problems... now you have people that are just referencing their work and then you just get kind of a weird imitation of it."
"I spent thousands of pounds trying to work on my voice and speak in this low register really yeah yeah so that you could sound like me yeah something like it yeah yeah to the untrained listener."
"If somebody decided to copy this design and market it, they'd probably find that there were plenty of buyers."
"Now that was a great roast, I gotta try this one out."
"Sanctification is the process of becoming like Jesus."
"Paul believed Christians are called to imitate Christ, implying they knew about Jesus's life and deeds."
"Just copy my homework but don't make it look like you did."
"You can watch people like CC and copy what they do."
"Every masterpiece has its cheap copy, and it looks like he purchased the same projector."
"They're trying to clone somebody else's purpose and occupation."
"Vader's infamous hallway scene with its imitators."
"This is the Red Lobster cheddar garlic biscuits knock off."
"Imitation has its limitations, but it's a beautiful way to work because it frees you."
"Here the desire to replicate, to imitate, to try and capture some of the meaning and significance of objects that were quite obviously deeply respected and precious."
"Some aquatic insects can swim; a swung wet fly could imitate a tiny bait fish or it might also imitate an aquatic insect rising to the surface to hatch."
"Artificial nymphs can imitate the larvae of mayflies, caddisflies, stone flies, midges, and also freshwater crustaceans like scuds, crayfish, and even aquatic worms."
"If you're going to be an original, get ready to be copied."
"Translators are not in the business of creating a perfect imitation of the original... but an exercise to point you towards what the original was pointing at beyond language."
"Impersonation is the highest form of flattery."
"I'm pretty impressed... they're really out here copying these high-end brands."
"Holy, they are fully out here copying these products."
"No matter how good a ripoff gets, it's always gonna be a rip off."
"These cakes are actually extremely dangerous. You do not want to take a risk, so don't copy what you see here on this channel."
"They'll never get it 100% right but it'll be damn close."
"In the end, merely imitating your heroes is not flattering them. Transforming their work into something of your own is how you flatter them."
"If your goal is to kind of pose as an Apple AirPods Max owner, then yes, I'd say they're a great value."
"First they laugh at you, then they copy you."
"It was extremely popular and because it was extremely popular everybody is trying to do the same type of thing."
"Just take what they do and do it, it's that simple."
"You know what dude say other people's lines dude he performed at the Kimo theater."
"Pokemon was a cultural revolution, and with any form of media that is culturally relevant, you can expect several knockoffs that try to imitate the formula."
"If anyone ever copies you, you've already won."
"A thousand times the original, this is just a pale imitation of one of the best animated films of all time."
"Imitation is the best form of flattery after all."
"Our boy has legit started to act like Zenitsu, who's always picking flowers for Nezuko."
"An entire generation of Shonen fans grew up trying to do their own version of the Kamehameha on the playground when they were young."
"No matter how hard they try to copy what you are doing, they will always be the second best you."
"And economics was completely destroyed by trying to imitate physics."
"Well done whoever mimicked this recipe."
"If a company sees another company's product succeeding, what are they gonna do? They're gonna try to replicate that success, right?"
"The build of the handbag will look the same as the original, the feel, the materials, the look, everything about the fake replica handbag would be almost exactly the same as the real one."
"Be imitators of God as beloved children."
"This thing is a little bit of an imitator, it's imitating a chopper bike but it's not a chopper, but it kind of is intimidating too in the way that it looks."
"Anything that is expensive, people will try and copy, people will try and mimic, or people will try and cheat."
"Elf has been out here just allegedly duping some of the most viral high-end products and doing it very well."
"Imitation is the greatest form of flattery."
"Media creates real life, life starts to imitate media."
"It's okay to copy when you admit it, then that's inspiration."
"We can't give them breath, we can make them parrot us in more complex ways that appear to be like us but they're not going to be us."
"Being plagiarized is the greatest compliment one can receive."
"You kill Reed in Philly? It's not happening; you really want to be just like me, stop acting."
"Kurt Angle was a complete natural when it came to imitating his peers."
"What made The Rock's imitation so great was that he didn't need to dress up to illustrate who he was mocking."
"It's called a copycat for a reason."
"It wasn't a canine growl; it sounded more like a person trying to imitate a growl."
"Y'all make your own Big Mac sliders that taste just like a Big Mac, probably even better."
"The resemblance of Adonis to Christ is therefore not at all accidental; it is the resemblance we expect to find between a counterfeit and the real thing, between a parody and the original, between imitation pearls and pearls."
"Follow the innovators, never the imitators."
"Grace is the enablement that allows us to do as Jesus does."
"The devil only counterfeits what God does, and he only counterfeits what God does powerfully."
"The spaceship copied the Enterprise."
"Predators are seen to be able to imitate noises they hear, such as human speech, much like some types of birds can."
"My first stages were rapping, just straight jacking your favorite rapper's verse."
"We like this whole look so we're going to dupe it"
"Wow, what? It's actually so cute, although it's fake."
"The originator of the shimmer brick, this has been copied over and over and over."
"Oh man, he's Will Smith-ing it right now."
"God is waiting for a people to replicate the character of Christ."
"If you're going to be a follower of Jesus, a follower does what the leader does, right?"
"The price for originality is imitation."
"I hope that you all can focus on developing your listening skills listen for the pauses listen for the ups and downs and once you start hearing it then you can start imitating it."
"Children don't hear us, they imitate us."
"Being a Christian is simply somebody who is trying to follow Jesus in this world and by following him I mean being like him in this world."
"The biggest error in Christianity is you are taught to follow after God, but you're not taught to imitate God."
"It's like a virus that caught on and everyone was copying each other."
"Imitation is the best form of humility."
"If you notice someone copying you it's a compliment there's probably no [ __ ] need to call them out on the internet make it about yourself and if you do you're a loser right no life what else you got cam what are the conclusions that we made."
"...one of the best clones out there..."
"The chicken is really good. I mean again, we didn't try to copy the Cane's chicken recipe, which they have got some online. I just thought it'd be easier just to buy this little pack."
"Like with anything on YouTube, when something is successful, it gets ripped off... sometimes very poorly, sometimes people give it their own spin, and sometimes people even make it better. It's how the game goes."
"You're not going to let me forget, but I'm going to continue to show you that I can dress up in your costume."
"She couldn’t truly make anything, she only had the ability to copy and distort things that already existed."
"Francisco, whoa, this is really realistic. Okay, I know it's supposed to look like what you were doing over there earlier. I tried to mimic that, like, get the energy from earlier, like you were sleeping."
"Is the reason that Bruce Springsteen did an entire week of Jimmy Fallon shows with you because he saw you doing Bruce Springsteen and he loved it so much?"
"You start looking like Denzel, you talk like Denzel, you look like him, and you start thinking like Denzel."
"Are those the industry plans someone that looks like Drake or sounds like Kendrick like because we know that works already so we're just trying to like mimic that."
"Every single time he screams in that Dad Glover impression voice, it is so hilarious!"
"Copying isn't supposed to be the biggest form of flattery."
"It's interesting, and then in that he also puts on what, like he puts on the fake western voice."
"No wonder they've gone viral; it's kind of funny how like the dupes go viral initially because they're dupes."
"How could we remain in him, to act like him, to serve one another, to love one another?"
"...her iconic hairstyle was also imitated by many."
"It fits so many things, it's such a great dupe that people often don't realize that it's a dupe."
"Jesus acknowledged the Pharisees' lawful authority, he just warned people not to imitate them."
"We want to speak like you, we want to do what you're doing, just as Jesus said 'I see I do whatever I see the father doing and I say whatever I hear my father saying.'"
"Asked if an army can be made to imitate the shuai-jan, I should answer, Yes."
"It seemed like something was actually trying to mimic the movie."
"They were using AI to imitate other artists like Rihanna, Drake, and Whitney Houston, and it sounds crazy accurate."
"Gender is an imitation for which there is no original."
"I often see an outfit I love, pinpoint what I like about it, and recreate it in my wardrobe."
"That's the thing is like everything on these on the fakes, of course they replicate it, so they don't replicate it to the tee."
"All acting is just recreating real life."
"imitation is just a serious form of flattery"
"I love it because it's totally the concept I feel like it's kind of stolen from that Japanese game show of like is this chocolate right yeah."
"When another YouTuber copies another YouTuber, that just means you did a great job."
"Do not imitate what is evil but what is good."
"Imitation can only be accomplished by hearing what took place and believing it."
"Odd does to us what we did historically in the face of a predator: we felt compelled to imitate the predator so that we could become ferocious enough to overcome the predator."