
Future Impact Quotes

There are 606 quotes

"Mindsets set the tone for the next moment, for the next hour, for the next day, very often for the rest of your life."
"All I can control is how my actions are going to influence the future, and that's it."
"Any case we can stop today... stops us from having hundreds and thousands of cases in the weeks and months ahead."
"Fantasies of the past determined by the needs of the present have a direct impact on the realities of the future."
"This is absolutely a moon landing. It will be something that, five years from now, ten years from now, this will be one for the history book."
"Whoa, that's a whole other world of what you're doing now. The footprints you leave after you are going to matter."
"The choices you make right now over the next 10, 15 years are going to drastically impact what your life looks like."
"Artificial intelligence is just so huge in its capability and the future impact."
"It's so important to support the sensitivities in our children. Because they're going to save the world."
"We need to get what happened on October the 7th right because it's being used as justification for this and it will reverberate for decades to come."
"I turned 'someday' into today, and I'm much more deliberate with the decisions I make today because I realize it impacts not just myself and others but the future self and others as well."
"You're hyper aware that literally every single decision you make right now... matters because all of this is carving your career for the rest of your 20s and 30s and all of it."
"Of all the endeavors that we do for space and in space, this is probably one of the ones that one day will be the most important thing that we've ever done."
"Five, 10, 15 years from now, we will be dealing with the impacts of what we did or didn't do in this moment."
"I'm sick and tired of families losing their college funds... You killed their futures."
"The magnitude of what's happening with AI and technology is so radical, it isn't like a small incremental change; it's fundamentally completely redefining how our lives will be impacted in the future."
"We want to help you decode what's going on and how it's going to affect your life and your family's lives in the future."
"The words of a parent has the power to determine a child's future."
"Be careful how you treat children... you never know who that child will be in the future."
"We have nothing else other than this world around us, and if we keep trashing it, we do not have a life or a future."
"India's pharmaceutical industry has a huge role to play in helping to address the world's health issues in the future."
"Holding onto grudges does not affect the future in a good way."
"In the tapestry of history, every thread counts; every decision weaves the future."
"But all of them including andrea have been denied of that future because mental illness still today even now fails to be taken seriously."
"I feel like this person has a lot to do with your success in the future."
"Don't think what you do today doesn't affect people coming behind you."
"If the salmon is lost, then we're not just losing our roots. We are losing our future."
"You cannot change the past; you only have power over the present and therefore to some extent the future."
"The decisions that we take now are going to have a major impact on decades to come."
"NFTs are just bad news for the future of gaming."
"Don't plant the seeds that will blossom into the next war."
"I really just don't like the idea of government getting involved...very concerned where that's going to lead."
"Maternal love is the love that's going to change the future of mankind."
"I want my kids to know they have moral authority, they have the ability to shape the future."
"What you're doing now is going to be an answer to another generation's prayer."
"The choices that you make today are going to have a profound influence on how your children and grandchildren live."
"At some point in the distant future, a lot of the work that I've put out now is going to have an impact."
"Our ability to foresee the future is a blessing, but we must take action now to minimize future suffering."
"The seeds of knowledge that you plant today have the potential to yield a great harvest in years to come."
"I'm proud of how you give a damn, but sometimes I wish you would have given yourself a break."
"The climate crisis we face today would be exacerbated tenfold."
"This is a very significant key because it's a civilization ender."
"What you do with it next is going to inform the life that you live going forward."
"What the [ __ ] you do now will determine your whole future."
"I want to pick up my phone... is this a negative contribution to My Future Self?"
"What we do between now and then... is gonna mean the difference between four more years of Trump or a more hopeful future."
"Be careful what goes past the tongue because that's going to determine your future."
"Thank you for aborting your kids, you're making the future better."
"Let's put it to a vote. After vote after vote. But are we being listened to by our home devices? No, they don't have the answer."
"Humanity's smartest minds are continuing to develop technology that will change the world forever."
"I really do see this as being the narrative for the 21st century and I think it's being unveiled to the public right now."
"The Cybertruck is going to change the entire landscape of the automotive world."
"If you control the perception of the past, you control the now and the future."
"AI is probably the single biggest item in the near term that's likely to affect humanity."
"Direct air capture involves extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere... one of the finest technical developments for the environment's future."
"Decisions that we take now are going to have a major impact on decades to come."
"What happens over the next week or two could shape our world for the coming decade."
"Each choice you make in this moment will of course affect your future, so be careful what you wish for."
"This is the future man, little did I know how much of the future it really was."
"Games are the force of good in this world, and nobody realizes it yet. But they will."
"August 15, 1971 will stand as an important event in economic history for many, many, uh, generations. In fact, you know, hundreds of years from now, people will look back to that day."
"The most important thing we have done today is we've ensured that in the future with Judge Barrett, the societal changes that people hope and dream about are not excluded."
"This movie will have repercussions on things that are coming afterwards."
"It is going to be I think paradigm shattering in so many ways."
"Advanced artificial intelligence will revolutionize our world, with laptops potentially having greater intelligence than humans."
"Tenchu: shaping the future of third-person action-adventure gaming."
"Omaha Nebraska could determine the future of the country."
"Think about your future. If you don't confess to what happened, everyone is going to see you as a monster."
"Having a conversation about editing our DNA could steer our future in a better direction."
"If you don't do this now, you're going to regret it later."
"Asking the right question can greatly impact your future."
"One of those things that I'm talking about that is going to redefine the game and we just aren't gonna understand it until we jump in."
"Most people have no idea how important the revelations could be to their future as a species."
"It's so crazy how the future Humanity is so dependent on so many people taking responsible career paths and doing like literally the [__] God's work."
"Everything that will be possible for our country tomorrow will be in large part thanks to what you do today."
"Your children are your wealth, your legacy. They're the only thing that you have that's gonna matter eventually." - Billy Graham
"The Republican party allows this to take place until we're going to have to deal with this for the next two years or beyond."
"This will change business as we know it forever."
"The decisions that you make today will define the lives of your children's tomorrow."
"I think that's going to change American politics forever."
"Startup also introduces us to a man who will judge or determine the future of startups."
"We are lucky and unlucky enough to be living in this moment that I think is gonna shape at least the next 50 years."
"I want the world to be a better place when I leave it than when I got here."
"This virus will pass but the decisions that we make today... will last."
"You are watching this generations Einstein, in 10 years he's literally gonna be in history books for being the smartest person on earth, just you watch."
"Stove God is going to be one of those artists we look back at in five years and say, 'Wow.'"
"Just small phrases or a word alone can actually impact your whole future."
"If we can realize this -- and we do need to realize it -- its impact will be so enormous that it will make the first software revolution pale in comparison."
"You can't hold a future hostage for party political gains."
"Something is coming that is going to change everything."
"This is something that could ultimately be beneficial."
"The 75 million great American patriots who voted for me... will have a giant voice long into the future."
"Your 40s: the fork in the road moment where you control what the next 20 to 30 years look like."
"Whichever of those fates it is to be, it's likely that we will look back at the decisions that were made this summer as having been decisive."
"A chance for us to learn from history and make the right choices."
"AI holds the potential for some of the biggest advances we're going to see."
"I seriously believe that the Screwtape Letters will be recognized as one of the great spiritual classics in literature for the next thousands of years."
"We have no choice but to change direction because our success or our failure is going to define the 21st century."
"You have no idea, but the act of cooking your food is creating a bright new future for your descendants."
"AI could be the greatest thing for Humanity in the sense of if we build it right will solve all these big issues"
"The effect going forward in the future is that it's going to protect babies."
"Every action, big or small, shapes the narrative of our collective future."
"Whatever I do next... have an impact on the country that's positive and not small."
"The financial assistance I received from the Actors Fund carries over to how I help others out in the future."
"The dawn of a brand new era for Humanity: AI is a technological breakthrough unlike anything we've ever seen or we'll see again in our lifetimes."
"Amy Coney Barrett will take the constitutional high road for decades to come."
"Space will be able to do once China builds an infrastructure in space will be more powerful than the invention of the internal combustion engine, the light bulb, and the airplane combined."
"Education is what we have to say to the future, and right now is a time for choosing."
"If fusion gets that to work, that changes the world forever."
"If we don't stand up now, if we don't weaponize our vote now, in 20 or 30 years, we will be a rarity."
"We are facing one of the turning points in history, what happens today may decide our lives for months, years, maybe decades."
"America is at an inflection point, one of those moments that determine the shape of everything that's to come."
"Teachers teach to the future they won't see."
"Climate change will force far harsher changes on our kids."
"I think that we will have a tremendous impact on them... within five to ten years."
"We are at an absolutely crucial juncture in terms of deciding how humanity does or doesn't progress from this point."
"Don't underestimate the seed. What you plant today may grow into something beyond your wildest dreams."
"Many lives depend on the quality of this report for the future as well as explaining the past."
"Educating daughters for a happier future: the transformative power of education."
"Music thing is Def going to be the future of medicine the future of therapy the future of Love Like Music is going to play such an important role in humanity in this realm in the near future."
"This is going to shape the next 10 years this will shape the next 15 years of video games."
"It's like the birth of the internet and we will not be living without blockchain in years to come."
"A change of concept of self automatically alters your future."
"Building out the metaverse, we were, you know, very early on the metaverse explained to people. Okay, what does this mean? What's it about and how's it gonna change everybody's world?"
"It is a war for the future of our country, and if you don't understand that maybe you just think politics is a fun little hobby or something."
"You may find that maybe in 2026... you see the real deep result of this chironic healing."
"By 2060 climate change could be just as deadly as Covid-19."
"There is a geopolitical power struggle right now that's not getting a lot of attention in the news but it's going to have an impact on you soon. It's a struggle over existing energy resources."
"Our past actions changed the past trajectory. Our present actions will determine the future trajectory. It is that clear. It is cause and effect."
"America is about to play a pivotal role in the direction that the entire world is going to take."
"I think cryptocurrencies and smart Contracting protocols like crypto assets broadly are going to be net good for the world..."
"The choice you make now will determine where you will stand in the aftermath."
"I think the next managerial appointment will determine how content I am with this window and the next 12 months."
"This is not a hashtag... This is really about what happened six weeks from now, six months from now, six years from now."
"If you truly feel within yourself that you're destined for something greater than what you're currently doing, not only do you owe it to yourself, your family, your friends, but you owe it to the people who are yet to come in contact with you."
"This is going to help someone at some point."
"You're one of the shakers and movers of where society is going to go in ways people dream."
"There is much more to our lives, our histories, and our individual influence upon our tomorrows than we have perhaps dared to imagine."
"Where you are a year from now is a reflection of the choices that you made today."
"Massive ramifications into the future of the MCU."
"These outside of your comfort zone steps can also impact your future."
"Polly Sign is about to change the world, I believe."
"Whatever world comes to exist in a distant future will be the product of a long chain of events stretching all the way back to the decisions that people like you and I make."
"What you do today can matter tomorrow. You can be rewarded for it."
"Every good thing you do now might not have a big effect right now, but it will have the biggest effect in the future."
"It was a battle that would decide the future of the British Isles."
"AI is going to be insanely faster than that, and then once AI can generate things by itself that have the adopt level of something like Angry Birds, we're gonna have world-changing things."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Even if we hear something that we don't consider significant now, it may affect society profoundly down the line."
"Revenge will not give anything good and greed will only bring destruction in the future."
"We'll see to what extent Ukraine changes that quotient. We'll see."
"How was this decision building the future and not taking it away from us?"
"The decisions we make today will resonate for generations to come."
"The only thing that matters is what you do during this life and what you leave behind in your legacy for the future."
"Like everything else in this list, it's often just a question of making smart decisions now so that you don't end up paying for them in the long run."
"Is this a net positive or should we be concerned about the effects this might have on the longer-term future?"
"AI is taking over, they can do anything now."
"What you do today will change your tomorrow."
"AI is happening. This is probably the largest thing that will occur in a long time."
"People will be talking about this stuff 100 plus years from now. It's an insane time to be around."
"If we lose this war, it will be generations before our conception of democracy can live again."
"The enemy uses spirits to disrupt children, knowing that disrupting the children means disrupting the future generations."
"The steps that you take now can really have an outsized impact on your future Prosperity level."
"To deprive the world of this vast knowledge... is an extreme loss and it's necessary for our future to keep us functional and participating."
"It plays a very major role in the future history and the future of our galaxy because of the Soul groups that are here, the knowledge and the wisdom of the Soul groups that chose to incarnate to help make this happen."
"My opinion is that this is going to change everything."
"Every choice you make changes a future, every choice."
"The choices you and I make today determine our tomorrows. That's why we have to be careful what kind of choices we make in life."
"The future of our world depends on young people willing to rise up in truth."
"So I can use this power to change the future. And that's exactly what I intend to do."
"Our history built this country, but it's also going to shape this country's future."
"The ultimate win is when they're talking about you in the future."
"I firmly believe that the next five or ten years are going to be the most formative and important years in the history of humanity."
"I believe my actions will become the future and the foundation of this world's hope."
"There may be something like premonitions of the future that could affect the activity or coalescence of a global consciousness."
"This is the decisive decade. This is a decade we must make decisions that will avoid the worst consequences of a climate crisis." - Joe Biden
"Crypto will change the world... but it's going to take time."
"There's something powerful and innovative that you're going to come up with that's going to help other people on a larger scale."
"Your 20s are the most important years of your life as they can shape your entire future."
"If inflation stays up eventually there will become a moment of reckoning."
"Even the tiniest act can snowball into an avalanche of trouble for the future."
"Your future actions will be forever changed by whatever lessons you're learning in this present moment."
"This is going to be very significant, life-changing indeed."
"Whatever holds your focus controls your future."
"You're building something, something that's gonna last."
"The UAP phenomena will trigger the greatest paradigm shift in the history of our kind."
"These unfolding developments signify a watershed moment reshaping The Narrative of the region and influencing the future course of action."
"The choices we made today determine the future."
"We are essentially on the verge of creating gods with near unlimited intelligence."
"Digital technology will be an important determinant of our sovereignty, leadership, competitiveness, and international relations in this century."
"The danger with AI at the moment is it will end up leaving lots of people without work."
"But me saying that now won't bring Mark back, but it might stop things happening in the future."
"Knives Out is going to change how we make movies far into the future."
"Because that decision will determine not only the kinds of people you'll become, but also the kinds of communities you'll live in, the kind of world we'll all share together."
"Our future depends entirely upon the way we think and act... in this life."
"Whoever creates artificial intelligence first will rule the world forever."
"Smallest decision can dramatically change the future."
"This is about the future of the world. It's my legacy."
"I think we're gonna wake up one day 10 years from now and realize how destructive all of these social media have been for truth and Trust in this country."
"Some changes that you guys are making right now are going to affect the next few years and some of this is investments."
"The excitement factor for what artificial intelligence can do for the world through Tesla is incredible, it's fascinating, it's going to be World altering."