
Personal Abilities Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Empowerment really is just recognition of your own inner power, your own abilities."
"One thing I believe in is big boy faith. I believe in having faith in my own abilities and knowing who I am and who I was created by."
"She was said to be the type of person that was just kind of naturally gifted at all things."
"With every gift that you have there comes an equivalent risk."
"They're going to unlock your skill set, your power of intuition."
"I do think some people have that gift, absolutely."
"I tend to come down on the side that suggests if you are great overall that's better."
"People definitely have talent, skills, abilities, or other incredible aspects that never get recognized."
"You are a unique individual with special abilities and qualities."
"You might be someone who is skilled at many different languages."
"Daniel was one of those people that was just naturally gifted at everything he did."
"Availability is... the greatest ability... you have to acknowledge that."
"God expects and intends for the circle of your impact to go as far and wide as the abilities, skills, talents, and gifts and opportunities He gives you."
"We do possess hidden abilities... whether lost through lack of use or intentionally suppressed."
"They are allowing these abilities to come back, the psychic abilities to return and become amplified."
"She must be looking out for you... I'm counting on your abilities."
"Your provision of resources is your most valuable skill."
"You are not going crazy or bonkers, you have these innate abilities within you."
"Unbelievable, we owe it to our abilities and luck."
"He was like, 'How do you make all that music with them tiny ass ears, bro?'"
"Be honest with yourself about your capabilities and desires."
"Psychic abilities are real, and you have these abilities."
"He's genetically blessed and he's getting away with all that stuff."
"You can't judge what is good or bad, efficient or effective, without the context of who you are, your skillset, and what you can do."
"Utilize your intuition and other sensory abilities."
"It just matters that you know I'm able to use the abilities that I have to help other people."
"Thanks for trying to prevent things from unraveling more... it's the best we can do right now."
"Charisma versus craft? It's not just charisma, the person who has charisma and craft, that's the person."
"Different gifts that we have and different abilities that we haven't."
"That's how I showcase everything that I can do at my fullest abilities."
"Power isn't always everything. It's more about being a tactician, having experience."
"Michael was smarter than a lot of us are led to believe. They try to make it seem like Michael was just some cat sitting around bleaching himself. No, Michael was a writer."
"It would not be justice for Gricelio if we merely remembered him for his ability with weapons."
"He was particularly talented in the fact that he had a good memory and a natural aptitude for languages."
"It's not about the powers you have, it's about how you use them."
"I can dance sober and I can fight sober, I'm great."
"You can be a genius and also be dyslexic."
"Any type of enhancement to your life, if you're able to do that, that's like a god-given gift."
"I'm confident in my ability and what I can do."
"I'm pretty confident in my abilities and my skills and just what I can offer the world."
"I speak Portuguese, Spanish, English, and a little bit Italian."
"You're full of gifts, talents, and abilities."
"What goes up but doesn't come down? Gas prices... my vertical!"
"God gave me a bad left eye and a good left arm."
"This could be some sort of hidden talent, gift, skill, or ability you have that could be making you very successful."
"Everyone is good at different things."