
Filmmaking Quotes

There are 8131 quotes

"Comedians aren't that good at making movies, it seems like, unless they're Jordan Peele."
"Embraces the unpredictability of filmmaking, that unknowingness, that discovery that only exists in the moment in the throws of a shot."
"What true filmmakers have in common can be summed up in four words: passion, focus, commitment, and resiliency."
"Terminator director James Cameron was actually consulted for this movie to discuss time travel and string theory."
"The best movies are where you can feel the hand of the filmmaker."
"The werewolf transformation scene in An American Werewolf in London is a master class in practical special effects."
"Instead of waiting to be cast in other people's films, hey, uh, idea, why don't I just make my own movie, huh?"
"And guess what? She does it. Hedy decides she's going to make a movie called 'The Loves of Three Queens.'"
"Scott Pilgrim vs. the World... the filmmaking style of this movie is really unparalleled."
"Being a director...you just have to know what you want and what your vision is."
"I'm directing a movie, and that's the exact thing that I want to showcase."
"Create films that tell stories of people to inspire others, as I was inspired watching Pursuit of Happyness."
"I was really focused on becoming a filmmaker, doing writing and directing."
"You got a phone. You got a laptop. Make your film."
"The answer is to write better stories and make better films."
"Jackson’s adaptation is an undeniable triumph: both a lushly realized, cohesive vision of the text, and a masterpiece of savvy fandom marketing."
"The moment that you set an actor for a part, you've just handed ownership of that character to somebody else."
"Editing is the one part of the process that I find is antientropic."
"If you can't cry at your own movie, how do you expect millions of people to cry in that moment?"
"This movie absolutely reeks of passion and you can tell everyone involved wanted to make it the best project it could possibly be."
"Making beautiful films or films that appeal to the hearts and essences of people is not a winners and losers game...when people have to vote, they have to kind of vote with their heart and their intuition."
"Each film was divided into like 500 different parts; there was just audio, then just visual, then both, and each employee only got clips to translate of each movie, so they had no idea what was going on ever."
"For years, they went back and forth from Eastern Europe to North Korea, and they just kept making movies; they didn't even make movies for Kim; they did it for the North Korean people."
"If we reached out to get fake snow, Kim would fly the entire crew to Mount Paektu where it was still snowing."
"Stephen King sold Darabont the rights to the script for one dollar, as King had a policy for selling the rights to his stories to new and upcoming filmmakers for hardly any money."
"It never felt like we were making a movie; it was basically an exaggerated version of what we were already doing."
"Realworld advice and Essential Knowledge for filmmakers interested in premiering their works at Sundance or anywhere else on the film festival circuit."
"Filmmaking is all about translating an emotion."
"Every film is a construction... but films are art."
"Filmmaking takes an enormous amount of work. People underestimate that. It's extremely complicated to have something be successful because it has so many elements of luck involved and reception and so forth."
"The consumer wins. They get to see this Scorsese movie that couldn't have been made otherwise."
"It's never been a better time for content and for filmmakers, and storytelling."
"The only sin for a film, to me, is to be boring."
"There's no reason we shouldn't be making more films. The technology has made filmmaking 98% cheaper than it was in 2000."
"The key is always the writing. A good exploitation movie has a good story, good structure, good acting, just with an exploitable element."
"Lombardo Bava has long since surpassed the whole 'being Mario Bava's son' thing. In his own right, he's put out plenty of classic exploitation films and giallo films and just straight-up gore fests."
"Let's write our favorite movie, the movie that we want to see and no one else is making."
"It looks like a painting, this long line of real red-coated men instead of CGI effects."
"It was a completely incidental shot, an angle that may not have ended up in the film at all."
"Every cinematic element - from lighting to coloring to production design to cinematography to music cues - was carefully chosen in order to serve the higher themes at work."
"Fewer filmmakers develop a style that's so intrinsically them, so intrinsically unique, that their name rings beyond the realm of cinema to permeate art and everything surrounding it."
"It's a huge milestone, kind of accomplishment, in filmmaking, just like an epic, the scale of it, and the intensity."
"If you are looking for a compact 6K filmmaking camera within a reasonable budget, then the Panasonic Lumix s1h is a great choice."
"The Sony FX9 is a total game changer in the world of filmmaking cameras."
"Canon C500 Mark II is a state-of-the-art professional filmmaking video camera that provides the best quality video shooting experience."
"There's a difference between making a movie that treats its subject matter with nuance, sensitivity, and respect...and then on the other hand making straight-up propaganda."
"One of the great privileges of working at History Here and making films together with our team at Timeline is the access we get to extraordinary historical locations like this one, Stonehenge."
"Most heist movies are about a highly trained team of people, each with their own special skill, working together with clockwork precision to execute one big elaborate plan. That is exactly what making a movie is."
"I've spent all this time talking about making movies as a one-man crew... but heist movies are also about collaboration."
"DIY filmmaking is still alive and well; in fact, it's better than ever."
"Filmmaking is something I'm never going to stop talking about. It's so important to me."
"When I filmed a project with William Shatner, I literally taped a microphone to a broom pole, and he seemed impressed by my thriftiness."
"If you make a film you believe in, it's an art form."
"Metacinema, when done right, can be extremely subversive, questioning the form, function and morality of filmmaking in general."
"Editing is much more about feeling than what tool you use to cut and mix your footage."
"Filmmaking is very much a collaborative process."
"Don't cut just for the sake of cutting; it has to feel right."
"They hired real gangsters. That's why they were so convincing."
"Even what could be the simplest scene like this is given a 12-second tracking shot with care and attention and is always pleasing to look at."
"Hybrid filmmaking is how I've made award-winning feature films, ambitious shorts starring friends and Hollywood actors, and propelled passion projects I could have only dreamed of making."
"In this book, the author and the filmmakers only have to supply an anecdote for each scene, which is much more manageable and so it feels like a much better dissection of the movie."
"Every so often, there'll be a page called 'Notes from the set' which capture these sort of candid fly on the wall particular moments in time."
"Every individual filmmaker amounts to more than the number of awards they've won or the amount of money their pictures make."
"It was a kid's movie after all, but it took its audience seriously, which is why both child and adult could watch and enjoy this film."
"The original Balto film is perfect, exceptionally well made, and deserves praise."
"Christopher Nolan is a filmmaker of a generation."
"Nolan has the ability to connect audiences with characters."
"Nolan's ultimate goal is to entertain and inform viewers."
"Nolan's dedicated work and attention to detail have reshaped the world of blockbusters."
"Clooney loves her; would always email her like, you know, the only person in the industry that still cares about filmmaking."
"When I watch Ready Player One, not only do I see this amazing movie that's unlike any movie I've ever seen in my entire life, but I got to help make that movie."
"The Oscars are a fantastic opportunity to spark a discussion about the artistry of filmmaking."
"I don't make movies about the elite. I make movies that celebrate our humanity."
"Photographers and filmmakers are always trying to capture something that hasn't been shot before."
"Everyone making this knew what they were making; it was a deliberate style of the time."
"Study the successes... most people don't make it. We need to be able to have at least nine filmmakers fail for every person who succeeds."
"The real area is filmmaking where his talent truly shines is in how Tarantino create suspense and holds that suspense over the course of a long scene."
"It's super cool that this evolution is happening with male audiences, male filmmakers... it represents a genuine shift in how men see the world."
"I wanted to make an unapologetic film on the subject matter that didn’t give any false sense of empathy for the character, but that instead was an analysis of man gone awry."
"Let's make this film a triumph of love and comedy."
"In 2004, a low-budget science-fiction film took Sundance by storm. Primer is quite possibly the most complex time-travel film ever made."
"It's almost like it's a film that you or I would make as history nerds."
"Kubrick said, 'It has always seemed to me that really artistic, truthful ambiguity—if we can use such a paradoxical phrase—is the most perfect form of expression, for a number of reasons.'"
"I want to make movies that people will watch and then make them want to make movies."
"As far as an artist who surrounds himself with people that really make him consider every single choice he makes in his films, David Lynch is a powerhouse of meaningful choices."
"The Matrix Resurrections is a labor of love first, and a movie second."
"If you are going to spend two hundred million dollars on a movie, this is the way to do it."
"We made a movie. It's not mine; it's everyone's."
"We made this movie, we poured blood, sweat, tears, and puke to make this a reality."
"The original film was amazing. It's this micro-budget claustrophobic thriller about a group of people stuck inside a cube full of traps."
"Drone cameras have changed the way television shows and movies are made, and overhead footage can be captured like never before."
"Jordan Peele's 'Get Out' is more than a horror movie."
"Peele intends his movie to be like this flash, not hypnotic entertainment that lulls us into submission but a jolt that wakes us up to reality."
"I also just love, like, Ridley Scott, his visual imagery is just top-notch."
"Into my late 20s and early 30s, I realized the filmmaking bug was never going to go away. I always had ideas for films, I always wanted to make movies."
"If I have this platform and I'm going to be making movies, I feel like I have this great resource at my fingertips to be able to support filmmakers."
"The success of 'Sound of Freedom' is going to inspire a lot of indie filmmaking to get good messages out there. It's going to inspire a lot of bravery, it's going to inspire investment, it's going to inspire better filmmakers to make the leap from the traditional system."
"The beauty about video and making your clips look cinematic and grading them is that you can really give a mood, any mood you want to that clip."
"Making movies is hard. If your movie's good, it's always partly miraculous."
"I don't think anybody sets out to make a bad movie; sometimes it just happens."
"Director Greta Gerwig managed to bring her voice to Barbie in a way few indie filmmakers can do in blockbuster film, delivering a movie that has a clear vision."
"It's a testament to the skill of a filmmaker to be able to find that depth of darkness in blistering sunlight."
"It's a testament to James Cameron and co-writer Bill Wisher's vision that the other sequels had struggled to truly invent new iterations of the Terminator."
"No one's gonna give you any fucking money except me, and the only way I'm gonna do that is if your movie's shit."
"Once again Brad Bird makes a movie that is just jampacked with energy, creativity, world building and just creating an atmosphere that's fun to be in."
"For me this movie takes everything I loved about the original film, all the fun, all the world building, an amazing score and adds to it a story that I resonated with a little bit more than the original film."
"The first 10 minutes of this movie is some of the best visual storytelling ever brought to the screen."
"Isn't it amazing how Hollywood can spend millions of dollars making a movie, but not bother to proofread their script?"
"What do we talk about when we talk about Christopher Nolan movies? His obsession with time and non-linear storytelling structures."
"Doing both characters in one film and being the filmmaker who gets to answer the age-old question of who had win, I couldn't resist." - Adam Wingard
"Filmmaking is war, a great battle between business and aesthetics."
"There's awesome sequences, really great sound design."
"Every single film is like I have those moments of just like, I have to pinch myself."
"It's about encouraging innovative filmmaking."
"Parasite is the one that hit every single element of filmmaking."
"It's so rare to be able to juggle all those different genres and tones and to nail it, and he did it masterfully."
"He's a real connection with his actors he's an actor's director he loves acting he loves the art of it and he really showcases that on screen."
"It could have been a great movie if it only allowed itself to let the actual characters within it be characters."
"This is the difference between emphasizing your characters to the point where plot holes like this happen or having a decent movie."
"The movie wants to have its cake and eat it too."
"Sets a gleeful romp through Del Toro's infatuation with strange things."
"We shot the film in 57 days, so the prep was so important. But when you have somebody like Christopher Nolan directing the movie, it's just a different level."
"What is this, a video game? Sam Hargrave directed everything!"
"James Cameron is one of those people who is full of surprises... we're glad he did because we're not sure we want to live in a world without Jack and Rose." - James Cameron
"It's shot in a way that is as if it's an indie film."
"No matter the outside talent you bring in to change your broken movie down the line, there are some things a simple superficial band-aid just won't fix."
"Incredible to be working with more female directors."
"There's more that goes into it than just turning on a camera."
"An entire movie can rest on something as subtle as this."
"Film is really a director's medium. We're there to serve the director's vision."
"Some of the most memorable moments in cinema were actually the result of mistakes."
"We have kind of the complete package that producers need when they come to film here."
"I didn't create Sprouting Orchids to teach or entertain, I created it so I would feel worthy enough to call myself a filmmaker."
"My desire to finish the movie, the desire to finish it at all costs."
"Some people make films to provide answers. But the way I make films is more like posing questions."
"Fan films are the purest form of love for Star Trek."
"Wiseau then literally doubled his filming budget."
"It's like a dance man like the choreography of the camera is like where's the camera going to be what am I going to be doing how can we do something interesting here."
"Good films are where great storytelling and beautiful visuals meet."
"It's incredibly refreshing to see filmmakers using the medium of film to their best advantage."
"This is a movie where it's clear that everyone respects the material and takes it seriously."
"They use so much energy that the fusion only lasted a couple minutes."
"It's not Ridley Scott's baby, it's not Ridley Scott's baby at all."
"The script for the movie was kept so secret that executive producers personally shredded every script after a voicing session."
"Homer's hired by Mel Gibson to rework his film."
"Your job is to make a movie honestly and tell a story that you really connect to and you're confident with."
"It's not just because I have a connection to it, but also because I wanted it to feel like anywhere, anytime America."
"Make something that people would fall in love with even if they were watching it on a crappy old tape."
"It's not just distribution, but they also fund movies. They seem to give a lot of creative control to the director, which is really nice and refreshing to see."
"I don’t make movies that bring people together. I make movies that split people apart."
"Juan's knack for building tension and breaking it with terrifying scares is a testament to his horror movie experience."
"The Coen brothers got to do a director's cut of Blood Simple."
"There's a way that I was taught to do movies at home that I still feel; it's my DNA."
"Production design demands nothing less than the creation of worlds."
"Coppola's filmography is an adventure. No, wait, it's a saga."
"It wasn't until I had a camera in my hands and I was just out there making stupid videos with friends that I really started to become my own person."
"Rian wanted the sacrifice, he wanted the WW2 bombers, he wanted the tension."
"One of the great things before I forget is that this film kept raising the stakes."
"Yeah it was pretty grueling, but it's a dream to be making a film with someone like Danny Boyle. If you get a few bumps and bruises, that's nothing to complain about." - Cillian Murphy
"This is what Marvel Studios has needed - not just fan service, not just Easter eggs, interconnectivity, winks to the broader Marvel Universe, good filmmaking."
"When it comes to blowing up, no director is my equal."
"They might consider working on a follow-up film."
"It's as if scene to scene a different person was directing and they never hammered out what type of movie they wanted to make."
"HyperSmooth is absolutely amazing, it means that we don't need gimbals."
"It's the first film that I've seen in a long time where I actually felt like the filmmaker's only motive was to entertain."
"It's about as perfect as a film can get. Everything has been thought out and planned to the point where you're just watching this guy's vision perfectly unfold."
"Imagine the future implications of drones in filmmaking, following actors seamlessly for dynamic shots."
"To me, this is a new frontier, not only for me as a filmmaker, but I just feel like for audiences."
"Child prodigy stories offer an opportunity for filmmakers to explore deeper inquiries of what genius really is and how it comes into being."
"I think it's really good when whoever cuts a trailer... can work in conjunction with the director."
"I would destroy the movie. I would set it on fire before I would use a single frame that I did not photograph."
"He used really dramatic music... there's so much to see that your brain can't process all of it at the same time."
"The narrative impact is the same, but one version took this guy days to do, whereas if we shot it, we could have that effect in about 20 minutes."
"Make some movies where like an older established star teams up with a younger one... Anything Could Happen."
"The idea of sound being part of the subjective and emotional experience happens right from the beginning."
"Adam Wingard made zero decisions based on how he thought American audiences would perceive them and made every decision based on the movie he wanted to make."
"Nolan loves Cinema. No way around it. He loves making movies."
"Webber also does plenty of work behind the camera, working on some of films in multiple capacities: he wrote, directed, and starred in movies like 2014's The Ever After and 2017's Flesh and Blood."
"It's such an honor for me to get the opportunity to create this film."
"All in all, it's a fantastic movie, one which made it clear that eco Hado was nowhere close to running out of ideas."
"Stanley Kubrick is what we call a complete filmmaker."
"Each one of his films is different from the last, but there's no mistaking a Stanley Kubrick movie."
"Only a handful of filmmakers have succeeded to make nudity appear artistic than vulgar."
"I think filmmaking in cinema is illusion right and to me visual effects is sort of the ultimate expression of that particular artistic idea."
"That sequence... one amazing piece of filmmaking."
"The easiest thing you do as a filmmaker making movies is just a big, coherent, good story. This was not at all in any way, shape, or form."
"Every film, no matter whether a comedy, action, or drama, is ultimately the responsibility of one person: the director."
"A great director is unafraid to share their vision with the world."
"It's a filmic, you know, first. I just want to make a story."
"Could you film it maybe so we can see that? Because all we are getting is the guy on TikTok saying he likes chocolate chip cookies."
"Tone is everything in a film... It's how you calibrate tone that can determine its success."
"The ways movie builds an effective sense of intimate emotion despite being a massive marvel movie..."
"The ship model is only a few feet away from the camera, so whatever rig is supporting and moving it, extends in front of the building."
"Christopher Nolan made the exact movie he wants to make and that's why he's bringing you along."
"The best spectacle in movies is when the person executing it knows exactly where the limitations are."
"There's really somebody there behind there on the camera doing a thing, and they're really in there."
"What made the Night Stalker so fantastic... was a Confluence of genre Legends coming together."
"I basically make movies because I like the world... I'm more often than not inspired by just the world in general."
"Every film is going to have bias because it's going to be told from a certain perspective."
"Even in the innocuous scenes, there's still a layer of tension throughout the entire movie."