
Rumors Quotes

There are 538 quotes

"I'm gay according to the internet. That's my favorite one."
"It's just so when these stories get back to me, and I don't know if they're true or not, there's frustration there. I'm pissed off."
"There's a rumor going around right now... it's got like a million hits on Twitter, it's going viral."
"The outflows were the result of malicious and false rumors about the bank's financial health spreading around on social media."
"Somehow or other it is the idle report that disturbs us most, for truth has its own definite boundaries."
"A string of unexpected deaths at a California hospital sparked rumors that one of the respiratory therapists had a magic syringe."
"The rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated."
"As traders though, our motto is to not give a hoot about whether or not rumors are true, but just to take advantage of the moves that come as a result of these rumors."
"Rumors spread, but verify in private, it's the wisest course."
"A next-gen console with just four teraflops of GPU power... Well, that's the rumor, isn't it?"
"A related rumor is that the queen has simply declared that she will skip Charles."
"This was debunked as soon as the Nintendo Fusion was shown to be a hoax."
"Rumors were starting to circulate everywhere among her friends, there were a ton of unconfirmed sightings in Victoria and surrounding areas."
"I have to say though, this has been a fun one to look into and a fun one to piece together due to all the rumors."
"Google's long-rumored smartwatch may soon be a reality."
"Piper's disappearance spread like wildfire, igniting speculation and worry."
"We don't establish the covenant, that's God who does that."
"Everybody and their mother said it came from there."
"This game 27 years ago brought with it a legacy of mysteries and rumors."
"Rumors have major social and political impact."
"Real security is somebody's talking [__] about you, you know that thing isn't true, so you don't respond to it."
"Now the rumor that's going around all around the internet right now and a lot of people's opinions is Carol Baskin allegedly for entertainment purposes only fed her ex-husband to her Tigers."
"It's not even, it's a rumor, it's that I'm dead, it's aren't they."
"Do you guys follow Robin on Instagram? You should. People say we're getting a divorce. Does this look like we're getting a divorce?"
"Rumors and leaks are either what keeps the excitement rolling or what kills it immediately."
"A very solid wave, especially for someone like me who would read a lot of comics in the '80s, early '90s."
"I remember when there was like this whole rumor spreading that that was fake. It was fun and he faked it."
"Elon Musk did not use human body parts to become a billionaire."
"Don't engage. Let the rumors and lies fly around. Let whoever wants to believe it, believe it."
"It's amazing the videos just recently emerged... but that would have traveled in wrestling circles."
"They're avoiding any drama possibly, or they're just trying to avoid gossip or rumors."
"Just real hard-hitting value and I'll talk about rumors occasionally if they're big enough to talk about."
"Fans aren't the only ones to feel her wrath...she was rumored to have bullied Selena Gomez as well."
"I wish all these rumors would stop and I wish you guys would just leave Welven alone, stop bullying him on these streets, just let him live the life that he wants to live."
"Innsmouth has a lot of nasty old rumors about it, including devil worship and some stuff about a very spooky reef in Innsmouth Harbor called Devil's Reef."
"The sheriff stressed how crucial it is for such tips to be sent to authorities while also cautioning against spreading social media rumors."
"The haunted mill: a deleted area with traces left behind in the game files, spawning ghostly rumors."
"Hype around Diamond and Pearl remakes intensifies with rumors."
"Don't sweat the small stuff is if you hear Through the Grapevine such and such said blah blah blah let it go because it's like the universe is going to bring somebody else in to put that person in their place."
"Before you make any further comments or judgments, I'm going to be using this video to address a lot of the rumors that are going on around about me."
"Guys did you see the leak Blizzard's being dissolved in six months?"
"Oh, and fun fact, right? The solo Black Widow movie, it's rumored Taskmaster is gonna be the villain, which is pretty cool."
"I remember reading something on the weekend that was very similar to that, that he had made some sort of satanic deal."
"Rumors and interference affected the connection."
"An abandoned house, the rumors are that there was a lot of weird stuff going on in here."
"Stop telling me that mjf is potentially showing up at Mania... Triple H is going nowhere."
"Mob ties don't run, I'm telling y'all that. Didn't cancel no show, I did not get counseled. Did I didn't even have a show."
"Rumor has it that the steaming exodus happened after a dodgy person moved to the town in the late 1980s others say that the town was never a town at all just a set of a movie which has been left to crumble."
"There are some rumors about Cristiano, so maybe Cristiano against Messi in the group stage, right?" - Anton Brenes
"Cannibal Holocaust is infamous for its controversial content... rumors of missing scenes persist."
"She lived large and was rumored to be one of the wild ones."
"So, what are your guys's thoughts on the Apple leaking world? Are you a fan of these leaks? Do you love to follow the rumors?"
"I'm not against Five Nights Freddy's being PG-13, I feel like you can pull it off here it just doesn't help when everybody keeps bringing up the rumor that there's an R-rated cut coming."
"Despite what you may have heard elsewhere, Hulk Hogan did not take time off after WrestleMania 5 to film No Holds Barred."
"Until the base's full history is finally revealed, there will always be speculation, rumors, and unfortunately hoaxers."
"Dean secret lovers included Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Judy Garland, Marlon Brando, Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, Rock Hudson, and Spencer Tracy."
"Every Marvel character ever has been rumored to be part of the MCU's version of the Illuminati at one point or another."
"I'm not gonna be surprised at all if we don't start hearing rumors of Robert Downey Jr. and Kevin Feige working out a new deal."
"Since the dawn of time, there have been rumblings that Disney is building a brand new theme park in the United States of America."
"There were whispers and there was he said she said about number 10 breaking rules during the covered lockdowns."
"When rumors began to spread in August, that Keurig and Keurig Dr Pepper, I guess one thing, was interested in buying Bang Energy for almost $3 billion, Jack quickly shut them down, saying 'he would never sell Bang Energy for that amount.'"
"I'm all for it, man. I hope that rumor's [expletive] true."
"Oftentimes reporters are the mosquitoes that carry the rumor from office to office in attempts to confirm it." - Ryan Grimm
"Someone might start a rumor. You feel an unbreakable bond between you and Yukari."
"Despite all the crazy rumors and the obviously fake stories people made up about him Raymond Robinson's story is a strong reminder to live life to the fullest no matter your circumstances."
"As ostentatious as he may be and as desensitized as we may become, I do believe there, whether it's smoke, there's fire."
"It wasn't chaotic, people just make [__] up and then they run with it."
"So why do people think that the Council Nicaea decided on the New Testament? Apparently, this rumor is very ancient."
"People often spread rumors and lies without any evidence to support their claim."
"Word travels fast: rumors preceding reputations."
"Does that mean that some part of you believes there could be some truth to the rumors? Oh, absolutely."
"Courage events tend to give rise to a variety of strange rumors and stories."
"Even as the mourning commenced, rumors began to circulate. What if Kurt Cobain did not kill himself? What if Kurt Cobain was murdered?"
"Have you seen the latest sales figures? We're up 300% since these rumors started."
"The last couple of months have been a lot of rumors, a lot of stress, and a lot of attention."
"Apple VR AR headset: Long-rumored but potentially launching in 2023."
"Rumors look like facts if you don't mind the gaps that won't survive in the crash."
"I have very, very high expectations because there's a lot of rumors going around."
"People were not taking what they would like to call rumors seriously."
"It's a rumor and a lot has to fall into place for that to happen but it's interesting." - Jake Baldino
"Rumors of Kim’s death are an accidental reminder of how bad things could be, and how much stability is worth."
"The issue is not with Diddy possibly being [gay]; it's the fact that there's been rumors for years that he uses his closeted [sexuality] to take advantage of young men and women in the industry."
"It's just one of those too good to be true rumors, you know?"
"The rumors and the actions of some of the central characters."
"Rumors swirl about Apple's potential acquisition of perplexity AI."
"People should chill learn how rumors and predictions work."
"I think it's very likely that we will actually because just because all the reports coming out about Southgate there's no smoke without fire."
"Kathleen Kennedy versus John Favreau, just this absolutely ridiculous stuff."
"People have always speculated and made accusations claiming that the island closed due to a deadly bacteria that contaminated the lake and that's just not true."
"Isn't it absolutely bizarre how somebody can wake up in the morning and manufacture one of the most outrageous rumors and plant that seed, start spreading it, and put that energy and effort towards doing that? It's pretty weird, isn't it?"
"It is what it is but I think it's funny that that's been such a thing for a long time but yeah that'll be revealed officially and the rumors can die at 10 mil."
"I don't know what they're up to but if it's true it's a shame."
"If something is being said about me and you hear it see it ask for evidence."
"Everyone just chill. I'm trying to finish the conjuring. Relax with the weirdo rumors. I'm making Aquaman. Just lay off."
"So yeah after months of hearing different rumors that they were going to be completely canceled never to release and some said that they were going to be pushed back well they are finally dropping."
"Rumors persisted for years that Icecap Zone was based on a Michael Jackson song."
"Rumors of a Gorillaz animated series being in the works."
"Please be careful of the rumors. This is a real case with a real child and real family members who are upset and distraught because it's been four days."
"You're cancelled, cancelled, you're on it's a rumor."
"Rumors are rumors and leaks are leaks and nothing is confirmed until lego reveals it."
"Sometimes rumors can make you a buttload of money."
"Rumors of his death, they were exaggerated. He has been down to 19 jumping reach for the last three and a half years but here he is back at 20. I feel warm and fuzzy inside."
"The rumor is done that's the only thing I thought there was a rumor earlier before the show."
"An identity to the Otsutsuki god that's been hinted to and rumored about for so long."
"The 12.9 in iPad Air is rumored to feature a mini LED display."
"Elizabeth had learned a valuable lesson about being careful with who she spent her time with and how dangerous rumors could be."
"The mixture of rumors and official orders had an impact."
"I had heard another story about this Jake recently."
"Something was unwise, whatever someone did when it comes to spreading lies about you."
"He tells her not to care about rumors and what other people think of him."
"Rumors flew around court that Queen Elizabeth was considering adopting Catherine as her heir."
"Rumors circulated that Ishii had traveled to the United States and Korea to give lectures on bioweapons, though these rumors were later denied by his daughter Harumi."
"The rumors alone were enough to fuel the myths linking him with the White Chapel killings."
"Rumors about Jerome were spreading faster than Britney Spears for the paparazzi."
"Everyone might think it's true. Too late, I've already told everyone about it."
"Rumors and fear of others' opinions may be affecting your crush's actions."
"Several rumors emerged about Faulk battling depression and struggling with addiction."
"It is Tails and gossip put the pressure on all."
"...if the rumors about him really are true he would like to learn from him if possible."
"Rumors began to circulate that the rapper found himself in the crosshairs of a police officer that night."
"She became the subject of whispers, rumors, and judgments that were as merciless as the bullying itself."
"I don't want rumors to be started."
"Rumors of what he was like had everyone either straight up avoiding him or walking on eggshells whenever he was around."
"Word in these YouTube streets, you guys, is that Miss Mulatto has been copying NBA young boy's baby mama Janilla Michelle."
"Rumors began around the city of a cursif fire that was difficult to find."
"Rumors are flying about skeletons in the closet and some shady sacrifices for fame, but what's the truth?"
"Rumors circulating around online about what truly caused the Divide between the two projects."
"There have been rumors that the late Duke of Edinburgh wasn't entirely faithful to the queen for decades."
"There's been Whispers for ages that their relationship was hanging on by a thread."
"All this [ __ ] they were calling this full prince spitting on him in jail."
"The incident allegedly involved members of the rock bands Led Zeppelin and Vanilla Fudge."
"In days, nearly the entire town knew the details of their sorted affair."
"...Nikki's past especially her stormy times with Meek Mill rumors are buzzing that this documentary is ready to lay out all the fake and secret stuff."
"Rumors of Hudson's sexual orientation were Rife, prompting Garlington to embark on a personal quest to unravel the Enigma."
"Jay-Z's got some skeletons in his closet that are about to come out. People are saying his shady past might be the reason behind their drifting apart, and let me tell you, it's got everyone talking."
"If her marriage is really as great as she says and as Justin says, she should be laughing in everybody's face whenever they're talking about divorce rumors."
"Rumors need to come with receipts, names, dates, times, time stamps, pictures, videos, surveillance footage. Before you come to me with 'I heard,' I'ma tell you to get the hell up out my damn face."
"Yes, there have been rumors that this guy is abusive and difficult to work with on set, and that he's had many arguments with many of his leading actors."
"Tony Blair quitting rumors are in the top five. He's set to make a fortune on the lecture circuit. Fair enough, he's got mouths to feed, one of which is enormous."
"I think people probably thought we were in a relationship at one point, you know?"
"I haven't seen them for 29 cents a pound for probably 10 years, but the rumor's going around that Walmart and Kroger are going to be lowering their prices on November 1st."
"I just think that people like making that up as a rumor. The only reason we even had to come public about it in the first place was because the Instagram sleuths literally figured it out and started posting rumors all over the Internet."
"The parks are still closed today but the damage was so minimal that they're already starting to rumor that they're going to try to open one or more of the parks today."
"Rumors of a sequel have been around for years."
"I've heard this trade night is booming and it looks like the rumors are indeed true."
"The exact nature of its abnormality was not known, though frightful and divergent rumors had purported to emanate from the doctor, nurses, and servants who had seen it."
"Gossiping is talking about someone you don't even know and never interacted with."
"And there's that rumor out there that they're gonna sell Hulu to get Hulk and Neymar back."
"It turns out jet was behind the whole romance rumor and Joe's publicist says that she has told the press that they are indeed a thing and they will be walking the red carpet together the next day."
"The mark 2 monreal allegedly the rumors say better than the Mark 1 monreal but not quite as good as the mark three."
"It's very common for journalists to harass Harris, to ask him about the rumors behind the project."
"Rumors of cult-like activity and users with nefarious intentions on Worlds.com would come to light on 4chan in the midst of the 2010s."
"Apparently despite their evident affection for each other JN and Moren managed the impossible and their alleged Affair is a secret only either of them can attest to."
"Rumors of their Affair persisted up until JN was married to his third wife parar pallet."
"I know that there was, like, he followed me and people were making up stuff like that."
"I've heard from very good sources slash witnesses that while on a brand trip Jeffrey allegedly threatened to ruin Nikki after their falling out which is probably why she's remained silent out of pure fear."
"Word on the Street, totally unconfirmed of course, is that over the next 12 months there may be the emergence of Brands Aon zika and Cherry in the EV space."
"Did Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion get into some kind of fight?"
"I heard that it would involve a third party other than his relationship."
"Such words have no truth, but they can spread like fire on dry ground."
"The family has received quite a few anonymous phone calls claiming that Brianna is tied to a tree or at the bottom of a lake or something."
"Rumors about the invasion of aliens in this area began massive spreading in the 1970s."
"Well, it sounds like she redirected to Clay, though, if the rumors are true. At least it wasn't like all the way."
"But then simultaneously I had also heard rumors that New York was trying to trade for the pick."
"Rumors have circulated about a special edition of the 1995 Washington quarter that could be worth a fortune."
"Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel: Despite its grandeur, rumors of paranormal encounters persist, especially in room 873."
"Rumors of this secret Pokemon helped increase the overall interest in the game and its popularity grew."
"I had to make a new account because I don't want these rumors to be linked to me."
"Rumors spread like light, no official announcement needed."
"It was Hollywood's first high-profile scandal and a cause for a lot of rumors and speculations."
"The murmurs among the crowd hinted at rumors of her exceptional skills, solidifying their belief that her recommendation signified her remarkable prowess."
"We really did live in the ‘Valley of the Ignorant’, this made it all the easier for rumors to blossom."
"Rumors are still going on... the cause of the conflict is the main character."
"Please report it. There's a lot of rumors about her case."
"Now I hear a lot of rumors going on here."
"Joel's very wealthy, isn't he? That's what they told me."
"Robbie Turner said that by the way Robbie Turner there was rumors that Robbie Turner would just say stuff like we all would compare stories and be like doesn't make sense."
"Rumors, gossip, and slander destroy people's lives and hurt their feelings."
"When enough people buy into a rumor, that just becomes the accepted narrative."
"The absence of evidence didn't quell the rumors, instead, it added an aura of mystery."
"Truth reto is Mega ho we've heard whole [__] about her but is she forcing people to do [__] you know I know I know this guy wants to be like oh yeah I was forced to watch Meg [__] no [__] you could got get out of the [__] car get out of here all right all right."
"Rumors of everything from drugs to botched scientific experiments taking place on board during her history."
"I mean she publicly says she cheats on you all the time and Will Smith's obviously in the closet gay which is fine just come out be free be open be gay be happy."
"Tara Strong has basically voiced every character in animation and Sophie might just be the only one she hasn't. It's rumored that she's actually narrating this video right now, but you didn't hear it from me."
"Last year with a 92.5% accuracy rating for all of our scoops and rumors"
"Nobody knew really, can say about Auschwitz and Treblinka. They were, of course, rumors all the time."
"Yeah, well, he's heard those creep stories."
"With this trade, social media was immediately floored with rumors of Gronk unretiring to join Brady in Tampa."
"Believe all the rumors you heard about me, believe it."
"Rumors can make you dislike innocent people. Don't judge people from what others are saying about them. Get to know them for yourself."
"I heard Rick drop talking something about a nose job, asmic got a side effect to jealousy"
"News soon starts spreading among the Superhuman individuals that a one-eyed boy is going around stealing their powers."
"Rumors for us to laugh at when we see it."
"Loose lips sink ships. You start a rumor, and you know one person tells two, and two tell four, and two tell eight, the next thing you know, the whole damn world is believing a bunch of [__] that's not even true."
"I'm a black American, and I'm proud of it. They once said I wanted a white kid to play me as a child, which was a rumor."
"The dark wasn't what was crawling into my skin though, it was the rumors associated with the road."
"You can't really dispel a rumor in high school, no matter where you address it. The more people believe it."
"Rumors have swirled for years that Heaven's Gate was partially financed by mob money."
"I was told she became pregnant to trap me but I dismissed it."
"One of them said we put babies in the cauldron... I'm not sitting here and have them say we put babies in the cauldron."