
Historical Change Quotes

There are 504 quotes

"Things that seem eternal, such as the divine right of kings, turned out not to be so in the end."
"We're living at the greatest time of human transition in the history of civilization."
"Over the course of the 20th century, it's been fascinating to see how different societies have reacted to the massive changes that have come from the Industrial Revolution and the pain of the world wars."
"Most Christians, no matter how seriously they take their belief, don't try to convert people at sword point anymore."
"If you really want to change history, you have to be able to put everything you have on the line."
"The Meiji Restoration... was a time of pretty significant political, social, and economic change in Japan."
"We're into a paradigm shift, a big one, the biggest one that may have been around since the Industrial Revolution."
"Perhaps the most dramatic example was the crumbling of racial barriers in professional sports, exemplified by Jackie Robinson's becoming the first black Major League Baseball player in 1947."
"We're in the middle of one of the most fundamental changes in the character of war, in the history of mankind."
"There are very few human beings who have been in a high office for so many, many decades and seen such enormous change."
"There are decades where nothing happens, and then there are weeks where decades happen."
"Life will change drastically with the return of the king. Puritan repression was lifted almost at once, a new age of liberty and even debauchery took hold."
"The wonder at the beast refers to the shock, astonishment, amazement, and disturbed confusion people experienced over what has happened in Rome after Vatican II."
"The French revolutionaries declared themselves that this is the year one; we are beginning something new here."
"In the long reign of a single queen, Britain changed the world and was itself utterly transformed."
"A revolution in law and order set us on course for the freedoms we take for granted today."
"The Communist revolution taught Chinese women to dream big."
"Great changes are often heralded by the smallest of signs, unnoticed by many, but pivotal in the course of history."
"Perhaps the single most significant aspect of the modernisation process, though, was the separation of church and state in the new republic."
"Kiev has gone through different hands throughout its history, but 31 years ago, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine voted to become independent and Kiev has been the capital city ever since."
"If Donald Trump did turn out to be some prophesized world leader, people are desperate for some kind of great historical change."
"Chickens had accounted for only one percent of British meat consumption in 1950 but now its moment had arrived."
"The Roman papal power claims the authority to change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday."
"The world has changed more in the last 50 years than it has in the previous 50,000."
"The last time we made serious change around these issues, the whole country was on fire for a decade."
"Is it likely that the geography of the Andes and the Altiplano have tilted to such an extent in over just the last 1000 years?"
"If we had the Civil Rights Movement we made those changes."
"These ruins tell you that the world changed, that some enormous tide of history went out and left these military work stranded like whales above the water line." - Brian Davidson
"His rule had changed everything and defined an era coupled with the French Revolution that was among the most important ages in history."
"We're in unknown waters. History's in the making. Gun ownership in the US will be permanently altered."
"Feminism has transformed so dramatically that it would be absolutely unrecognizable to the original pioneers."
"The ruling class in this country, the oligarchy, is not going to give up its wealth any more than the slaveocracy did give up its slaves. It took a civil war. It took a revolution."
"The end of big wars bring big changes... we're gonna change the map."
"Taking down the CCP is the unfinished work of the 20th century and it's another dictatorship that's got to be kicked into the desperate of history."
"Changing not just politically and economically, but also moving away from Pagan superstitions into the modern era of technology, medicine, and science."
"Two centuries of isolation had finally come to an end."
"This is the biggest change in financial markets, the system of money and economics, and how economies are run in all of history in the fastest shortest time it's ever happened."
"It just starts upticking a little bit into the 2000s, and in the last decade, it just looks like a lot of rhythmic uptick."
"I think it's probably the biggest change we've faced since the Industrial Revolution."
"Can we change history and maintain the glory of Rome through many years to come?"
"The Europe that took up arms was a very different place."
"It was the beginning of the end for mob rule in Sin City."
"The likes of which we haven't seen probably since the 1960s."
"It was a victory for a monarch who had called the institution ‘repugnant’."
"Intellectual movements played a role, but what ended slavery was mobilization and conflict."
"For the first time, a wife and mother is in charge at number 10. All the fight for equality and to have a woman as prime minister, that's fantastic."
"Times of dramatic change form cornerstones in history."
"Protests and Free Press were no longer forbidden, and in 1987 martial law was finally lifted after almost four decades."
"India at this point took a truly massive change that would forever Define their civilization."
"By the time of the Magi Emperor's death, Japan will have transformed itself from a backwards feudal society into one of the world's great Powers."
"Mississippi removed their Confederate State flag."
"This time is different. It's really, really different."
"Nothing will ever be the same in 2020, nothing will ever be the same."
"Simply put, Eleanor changed the role of first lady forever."
"Liberation is not something happening every year, it's something in five generations."
"Life within the family radically shifted in the early months of 1969."
"They hadn’t restored the Ming dynasty perhaps, but the Manchus had been overthrown, and native Han rule had returned to China."
"We're at a critical historical juncture... do human beings have the capacity to come together, talk about ideas, and change things?"
"They say they're going to repeal Prohibition. Well, what'll you do then? I think I'll have a drink."
"The victorian era was a period of transition where old ways collided with new ways to produce a very interesting time."
"Julian leaves Constantinople... moves to Antioch... restores it to pagan worship."
"After 70 years, the experiment of Russia's communist rule has ended. The Cold War is Over. Mikhail Gorbachev, the man who survived the August Coup and changed the course of post-war history, was now a president without a union."
"The second half of the last century was completely defined by a technological revolution: the software revolution."
"Any great change that comes in the world over the last decades and hundreds of years didn't come quietly it came with noise. It came with blood."
"Gorbachev's reforms marked the beginning of an end the end of the Soviet Union the restructuring implemented by him did not lead to the success he envisioned."
"History is moving us towards racialization, a sense of a bigger family."
"This man could have died in his own bed and he decided, 'I am going to have the biggest public execution on the face of the planet just to flex on the world government and launch an era of piracy.' Absolute mad lad."
"This precedent-setting moment in history where we can finally...change or at least put pressure to reform or improve this system." - (No specific name mentioned)
"They changed the laws because they don't tell you in the 1960s there were over a thousand riots and uprisings."
"History being made right now as people challenge the system. That's what it's always been."
"Before the revolution, women ruled; the revolution dethroned them."
"Never before have the lives of so many changed so much so quickly as when the engines came to life for the very first time with a roar that echoed over continents."
"The Cultural Revolution was initiated in May 1966 with Mao urging the people, and students in particular, to act to purify the party ranks."
"Together we changed the course of this country forever."
"The end of an era, three thousand seven hundred years of contracts burnt and reduced to ash."
"The death of the HRE and birth of the Confederation of the Rhine laid the groundwork for Prussia to slowly unite the German states."
"In the end one way of life prevailed over another the ideals of one society gave way to the imagination of the other one system collapsed the other endured the Berlin wall at last was down and the people were reunited."
"A new era in Cuba was very clearly dawning, and it was evident that Fidel Castro was going to be the face of a new Cuba."
"This all ended in the early 1990s after a series of failed reforms by Mikhail Gorbachev."
"The armies of the world looked very different by 1918 when compared to 1914."
"The other major factor is the arrival of the printing press."
"The reason things changed was because folks voted. That's how the Voting Rights Act got passed, that's how the Civil Rights Act got passed, up and down the line."
"Female consent: the first sexual Revolution."
"The West's first sexual Revolution: female consent."
"We really do appreciate that, we have just moved from 1916 to 1966."
"If you could go back in time and change history, would you?"
"The hinge swings; a year of destiny dawns in 1933."
"This country has only ever changed for the better by groups of people that were willing to put everything on the line for a better future."
"Everything in our history has been torn down."
"I think Black Panther will be the one that maybe surprises people the most."
"The breaking of a lot of things that took 250 years to put together."
"They changed the course of history with this new ground."
"There was a before 9/11 and there was an after 9/11."
"The LPL has never won before, but that will change today."
"A flat tire leads them to a discovery that can change history."
"We now see ourselves as black under one banner, which we didn't before."
"Life used to be very rough in the old days, but now, not having to worry about food is amazing."
"Understanding that we're seeing history unfold in terms of the adoption of the cryptocurrency asset class."
"Paul was a Mystic and it appears that his very Jewish mysticism it changed the world forever."
"America was born, but it's alarming that you cannot really find anything that resembles America as we know it today."
"If you have severe acne, I'm begging you, don't try 50 different over-the-counter creams."
"Going forward, there's no going back to the Gilded Age."
"The weapons with which the bourgeoisie felled feudalism to the ground are now turned against the bourgeoisie itself."
"The Revolt did ultimately peter out thanks to a more lenient policy of a new Roman governor of Britain."
"Henry broke ties with Rome, removing the Catholic church's influence over the country."
"We are seeing the end of an era, the end of an Empire, and the birth of something new."
"Twenty-five years ago, there were no women on this committee."
"We demonstrate that the world is different since the 24th of February."
"The frightful veil of prejudice is torn to pieces and is so forever."
"That's the end of the Western Empire as it is now."
"We're in a time right now the reason why all is being revealed because this is the collapse of Babylon. So we got to see everything that they was hiding as the ship go down."
"It would be almost impossible to exaggerate the potential for fasting to change the course of history."
"As in the steps of asia 600 years of turkic dominance came to an end."
"London just became a healthier city to live in."
"It's fascinating that that's the same rock that now Islam has completely given a whole new narrative."
"2008 was a watershed moment... everything changed in 2008."
"Europe changed forever without the Napoleonic Wars."
"Henry's actions and the actions of his successors like Queen Elizabeth removed England from Catholicism..."
"He announced an end to the war to the death and soon declared that slavery would be abolished in the republic."
"The decommissioning of the arms of the IRA is now an accomplished fact. The IRA abandoned war and unionists agreed to share power with Catholics after thirty years of war in which more than three and a half thousand people died."
"This is a historic pivot point in the decline of U.S. Empire."
"To see a once mighty empire ripped apart with such ease, it's disheartening to say the least."
"It is a time of change that has not happened in the past seven decades, which is unprecedented and may honestly never happen again."
"Part of the reason the Oracle system died out was because the temple Chasm stopped emitting so many trans-inducing Vapors."
"Not a civil war, a revolution, a second revolution."
"The announcement could Herald the end of a long-standing era of conflict in the Middle East."
"What it suggests, I guess is that the Sahara hasn't always been so desolate."
"We're at an inflection point in world history."
"1969: the end of an era, the final split and spiritual possession of a generation."
"First class has changed a lot over the years."
"The Roman Republic was effectively dissolved... scary times man, scary times."
"By 1933, the country had changed and turned against prohibition."
"Human cooperation caused the Neolithic Revolution."
"This has made our country unrecognizable to our founding fathers."
"The ethics of CEOs may very well have gone down since the 1950s but they've gone down because there's not a fighting working class forcing CEOs to behave in a more ethical fashion."
"Where did they go? What happened to them? It's a fascinating mystery."
"It's taken some cataclysmic event to turn things around historically."
"Marking a pivotal change in American society by formally ending legal institution of slavery."
"The dissolution of the Soviet Union changed everything."
"Christianity is the reason we overcame slavery."
"Luther's message created a Groundswell of popular enthusiasm."
"We liberated women from their historical marital and reproductive obligations to men..."
"Empires fall, ideologies change, and it's because humans are fickle and quick to blame everyone else."
"A revolution that started with humble beginnings."
"It's just wild to see how these things change over time and the scope of their influence."
"Events that happened next changed the planet forever."
"New York City surpassed Philadelphia as the most populous city in the USA."
"Scientific and technological progress in human history. It started off as a slow crawl and now it is just sprinting down the line."
"Slavery for the elite is not essential like it was back in the days."
"What this has done, you know, it could be Kashi it could be mahakal... a different kind of Renaissance propelled by solid Hindu political leadership is happening in our own lifetime."
"People used to be able to 20, 25 years ago receive disability benefits and have a pretty darn good life."
"This could be a major turning point for the change of the ages."
"They want you to stick up under whatever flag we see ourselves, but see Garvey and the Unia create a flag that destroys the national boundaries."
"American ambition has been lost in the last 50 years."
"Sometimes you just have to wait for the ruler to die."
"Various groups sought to reform American society and economics into a more Equitable reality."
"Great revolutions don't come from revolutionaries, they come from guys like the American founders."
"With the downfall of anarchy and Bulgaria, a new civilization took over. The era of the Watchers has begun."
"Glaciers worldwide swelled to their biggest size in over 10,000 years."
"The French Revolution did not succeed until the women got involved."
"This evolution represented quite a shift in tactical doctrine and the musketry to support it."
"It's like the birth pangs begin, the water breaks, this age starts to go into convulsion in order to give birth to the next age of history."
"Over the decades, the Rockefeller Foundation has moved on, they no longer rely on war as a tool to make changes."
"Look at the difference in different time periods... changes are possible."
"In a stroke, Riedelin of ancient contracts, this new era for the forge would be sealed."
"It takes there are decades where nothing happens and then there are days or weeks when decades happen."
"The abolition of slavery was almost entirely the work of people who believed they were taking orders from something higher."
"Sometimes nothing happens for decades and sometimes decades happen in weeks."
"The coronavirus pandemic created a clear line between the before and after for the wider health care industry."
"Humans can change... maybe for centuries we were under a dictatorship, we can now try something else."
"Religions changed more in the last hundred years than it did in the previous thousand years."
"The way that things were done for 150 years in museums is not the way that things are done today."
"I think we actually have to end this guy's life because if we do that I believe slavery will come to an end."
"We're living at the end of an age and the beginning of a new age."
"The freedom dividend... is a critical first step in the right direction."
"This America cannot barely remember that America."
"Every flag had to be created and what's changed at some point in the last few hundred years."
"We are at a truly unique moment in history... a voluntary and involuntary reset of global demographics."
"Pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next."
"Because of electricity we were able to take the messages of the Gospel."
"Create has so much more to offer us... move away from water wheels or windmills."
"Imagine trying to get that past an ethics committee today."
"Education for women changed then what happened in the Middle East."
"The British Monarchy was going through changes and drama."
"The collapse of a civilization is not just the replacement of rulers or institutions with new rulers and new institutions. It is the destruction of a whole way of life and the painful and sometimes pathetic attempts of rebuilding amid the ruins."
"Britain at that point... said Empire is over and they did."
"I want to keep going with my channel right now, I've got a bit of momentum going and I'd like to keep that going."
"Our survival priorities have remained constant, but exactly how we have met them has changed throughout history."
"Sometimes listen, that's the only way history is made when you do something that's never been done."
"It's interesting cuz our notions of what a very strong man looks like have changed over time."
"No one can deny that Jesus Christ changed the world and changed how we think about life."
"It's a major, major period in history in which so, so many things societally and fashionably are changing."
"I think it's patently clear to all of us that the Quran has been changed."
"The Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones."
"The Scientific Revolution has bent our ego over a barrel, and good riddance anyhow."
"The emergence of interstate highways made it easier for serial killers to travel."
"History has gone into labor and we're going to give birth to the next age."
"Possibly more than any other invention, the printing press changed the world."
"The old world is dying and the new world is struggling to be born."
"Everything has changed, never been free before not for 400 years at least and everything has changed."